03x08 - Magnum on Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "m*rder, She Wrote". Aired: September 30, 1984 – May 19, 1996.*
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Mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica is a down-to-earth, middle-aged widow who ferrets out the criminals in idyllic Cabot Cove, Maine, which apparently is the m*rder capital of the United States.
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03x08 - Magnum on Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

- Sorry, lady.
- [Woman]
Tonight on m*rder, She Wrote.

He was shot in the back
by this drugstore cowboy.

Do you have a ballistics match?
Of course he doesn't.

Magnum's bail has been set
at $100,000.

I already kind of figured out
that your k*ller's the psychiatrist.

I have no idea
why Magnum shot him.

- [Gasps]
- Shh!

What do you mean, shush?
What are you doing here?

Enjoy your vacation.
Our climate doesn't agree with everyone.

Our negotiations are almost settled.
Why would he wanna k*ll me?

- Give me the jewels now.
- Wait! Don't come any closer.

Previously on Magnum P.I.

Jonathan Higgins had met
three ladies at the airport.

Joan Fulton,
her secretary, Amy Salyer...

and old friend of mine,
Pamela Bates.

- Somebody just tried to k*ll us!
- Miss Salyer.

A man followed Amy was spotted
by a private investigator, Thomas Magnum.

- I think Amy could be in real trouble.
- What a brilliant deduction.
That was the police.

The Ferrari has been found abandoned,
and there's no sign of Amy.

That was Pamela Bates
on the phone just now.
Her sister is missing.

Miss Salyer's told you that
she worked here, Mr. Magnum?

Now, come on, you must have
some idea who this guy is.
I told you I don't.

Joan's husband had died three months ago
and left her with a business to run.

Look, all you have to do
is keep an eye on me...

until Pamela's investigator gets here
and cleans up this mess.

- Until her what gets here?
- Higgins hasn't told you?

- She's here.
- [Jessica]
There'd been some misunderstanding.

Mr. Magnum, I could hardly ignore
a telegram from a dear, old friend...

saying that someone
was trying to k*ll her,

but I am certainly not here
to, uh, "work" on a case.

Oh, my God.
J. B. Fletcher.

I'd like to invite you all over to my place.
I'm having a little cocktail party.

I have a colorful past, Jessica.

With enemies who might
well deploy professional assassins
to take their vengeance on me.

- Look out! Get down!
- [g*nsh*t]

Guys like Mayfield only
look people up for one reason.

Mr. Magnum was convinced Mayfield
had a contract to k*ll one of the ladies.

Apparently, he was right.

Jessica, please.
Stay behind me.

We all heard two sh*ts.

But Mr. Mayfield was found
shot in the back...

and unarmed.

You're under arrest.

m*rder one?

Come on, Lieutenant.
He shot at me first.

With what, Magnum?
He was unarmed,

and he was shot in the back.

You think I did it?

I think you should stop
showing up at m*rder sites.

Anyway, what I think doesn't count.
This is not my case.

I've been here most of the night.
It's almost daybreak.

- Well, if it's not your case,
whose case is it?
- You don't wanna know.

It's all over, Magnum.
No more cutting corners.

No more pallsy-wallsy.
You stepped in this one real good,
and it's all over your shoes.

We're filing charges,
and I'm gonna handle it personally.

Captain, didn't you read my statement?
Mayfield fired at me; I fired back.

Excuse me, I, uh, don't want
to interrupt anything,

but l-I couldn't help
Who the hell are you, lady?

Jessica Fletcher. I was at the party.
I was just waiting to make my statement.

You see, Mr. Magnum
has this theory...

that Paul Mayfield was hired
to k*ll someone.

Some sort of a contract.
But someone got to him first.

Which means-
Mrs. Fletcher, thank you, but maybe
I'd better handle this myself. Captain-

Paul Mayfield checks out
to be a blue ribbon citizen.
He was a guest at the party.

He was unarmed and
he was shot in the back
by this drugstore cowboy.

Do you have a ballistics match?

Of course he doesn't.
And what about a motive?
Why would I?

The slug hit his spine and splattered.
But we do know that it was a.45.

Which is exactly what Magnum
was holding in his hot little hand.

And I was holding the g*n
because I'd been shot at.

Captain Browning, how much
do you know about Paul Mayfield?

He owned property,
he paid taxes,

and he was a guest at the party,
which is more than I can say
about some people.

- He was there to fulfill a contract.
- Oh, yes, some sort of hired k*ller, huh?

Who hired him?
Who was he supposed to k*ll?

Well, we're not quite sure
of all that yet.

Uh, Captain, let me give it to you
one more time.

Mayfield fired at me first
from beside the shed.

So how is it we could not find
Mayfield's g*n?

We went over the place
with metal detectors.

What we got was
two.45 caliber shells.

Same manufacturer
as in your clip.

And everybody heard two sh*ts.
That's a wrap.


Lock him up, now.

Ah, Mrs. Fletcher,
where's Higgins?

Look, I'm gonna need
someone to bail me out.
Oh, is that so?

Oh, don't hold your breath
waiting for the bail hearing.

Sometimes the paperwork
gets misplaced.

Sometimes we even lose prisoners.

Don't worry.
I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

Magnum isn't with you?

- He's being booked.
They're holding him.
- But surely they can't believe-

Captain Browning
apparently does.

I've noted the captain
seems to have...

some sort of personal animosity
toward Magnum.

Oh, I agree with you.
I mean, with Captain Browning,

it all seems to be very personal.

What is going on?

A change of plans.

There you are.
I packed your things for you.

Oh, yes, I know that I said
we'd be leaving this morning,
Pamela, but-

Well, since Robin isn't coming,
we're moving to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

There's more to do.
Mrs. Fulton phoned
and told me to pack.

- Oh, but do you think that's safe?
- Jessica, that man is dead.

Jonathan explained it all to me.

Amy, come on,
there are more hat boxes.

Just what did you explain,

That I'm still of the opinion
that I was Mr. Mayfield's target.

You do recall our conversation
about it, I trust.

Oh, yes. You intimated that
you'd sown a few dragon's teeth
in your day.

But why would he suddenly
pick now to settle old scores,

unless, of course,
you did something
recently to provoke him?

More likely,
he's simply a hired g*n.

Another may replace him.

The ladies will probably be safer
at the hotel.

And I need to devote
my attention to securing
Magnum's bail.

Oh, Jonathan, if I read
Captain Browning correctly,

I'm afraid that bail hearing
may be somewhat delayed.

Then he may need more help
than he realizes.

Mrs. Fletcher-Jessica.
Could you see your way clear
to help him?

I would consider it
a great personal favor.

Well, I don't know
what I could really do.

But you will try?
Oh, yes, of course.

But what's troubling me is
that I don't know what
this is all about.

I mean, what if one of
those ladies is still in danger?

Then we must consider,
however remotely,

the possibility that
Mayfield is not a specter
from my darker days.

What do you suggest?
Well, I think you should
get the ladies checked into the hotel.

And after I've washed
my face and changed,

would you kindly drop me
byJason Bryan's place?

If you'll wait here, Mrs. Fletcher.
Mr. Bryan is on the telephone.

I'll tell him that you're here.
Thank you.


Mmm, that's interesting.

Mrs. Fletcher.

Mr. Bryan. I was just admiring
your lovely tropical flowers.

Good morning, Mrs. Fletcher.
I'm sorry I wasn't able
to receive you immediately,

but this distressing business yesterday-
I'm afraid it's disrupted my schedule.

Is there something
I can do for you?

Actually, I was wondering
ifJoan might be here.

Mrs. Fulton?
No, I haven't seen her.

Mrs. Fulton?

I was under the impression
that you two were closer than that.

Not that I'm a prude about
these things, you understand.

I mean, where she spends
her nights...

is, uh, her own business.

Yes, I certainly agree.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. Fletcher,
butJoan and I are only friends.

Oh, yes, of course.
It was silly of me
to infer otherwise.

It was so thoughtful of you
to invite her to your party-

and her secretary-
and on such short notice.

- There's nothing unusual in that.
- Well, of course not.

Oh, it must have been
a terrible shock
when your other friend-

I think his name was
Paul Mayfield-was shot.

Mayfield was not a friend of mine.
I'd never even met him.

Oh, how strange to invite someone
that you didn't even know.

The police mentioned
that he was on your guest list.

You know, I am in public relations.

Arranging parties
is part of my business.

Oh, I see.

You arrange parties
for someone else.
A client, perhaps?

I've already told the police
I didn't know this Paul Mayfield.

I have no idea
why Magnum shot him.

Well, then you have nothing
to worry about, do you?

I don't know what you want,
Mrs. Fletcher, but I can't help you.

Oh, you already have,
Mr. Bryan.

Take a look at this, Captain.

It's a nine-millimeter shell case.
And I found it in the shed.

Mayfield was k*lled with a.45.

Yes, but it proves that
Mayfield shot at Magnum.


Did you find the other g*n?
Well, no, but-

Neither did we.
Because there was no other g*n.

Mayfield was unarmed.

Magnum fired twice,
once into Mayfield's back.

We found
the two.45 shell casings.

The same two sh*ts
that everybody else heard.

Mrs. Fletcher, keep your nose
out of police business.

I would like to talk to
Mr. Magnum.

No visitors.
That's policy.

Whose policy?

My policy.

Captain, I wouldn't dream
of asking you to bend your
personal policy for me.

But a friend of mine in Washington
asked me to call the governor
while I was here, just a friendly chat.

And I intend to compliment
the governor on
the personal attention...

that you give to
police department policy.

The name is Browning,
isn't it?

It's about time somebody
got here to... bail me out.

Uh, when they said
I had a visitor,

I thought it'd be Higgins
with the bail or an attorney,

but I guess it doesn't
really matter as long as
you're here to get me out.

You're not here to post bail?

Nobody can post bail
until there's a hearing.

Apparently there's some delay
with the paperwork.


While they're out
wasting time on paperwork,
I could be looking for evidence.

- I found it, Mr. Magnum.
- I mean, there must be some kind of-

Found what?
The shell casing...

from Mayfield's g*n, nine millimeter,
when he shot at you.

Really? That's, uh-

What a fantastic piece of luck.

Yes, it must have flown through
the window of the shed...

when it was ejected
from Mayfield's g*n.

What were you doing
in Jason Bryan's shed?

Well, you told me
that Mr. Mayfield...

was standing beside the shed
when he fired at you.

Um, it was a logical place to look.

Oh, yeah, that's logical.
I had a hunch it might be there myself.

Of course, the important thing is
that it proves...

that Mayfield fired the other shot.


Except the police found
two.45 shell casings.

But I did have a very interesting chat
with Jason Bryan.

He practically admitted
that he had arranged that party
at someone else's request.

Would you have any idea
who that might be?

Well, Amy went to
the offices of Paclsle.

That's where I first picked up
Mayfield tailing her.

But, ah, the interesting link
is Arthur Houston.

- I'm sure you've already
thought of that.
- Arthur Houston?

Yeah. He owns Paclsle.
Has his fingers in all kinds of things.

He was atJason's party.
You were talking to him.

Oh, yes, yes.
Of course, I remember.

Well, I'll have to have
a chat with him.

I'm not so sure that's a good idea.
We don't know anything about this guy.

He could be dangerous.
You could get hurt.

As a professional,
if you were out,
what would you do?

Well, I'd talk to Arthur Houston
and get some answers.

Well, Mr. Magnum,
since you can't, I will.

Okay. Oh, one more thing
before you leave.

Please tell Higgins to bail me out.

Yes, of course.

Well, Mrs. Fletcher, what did you want
to see me about that's so urgent?

Mr. Houston, I'm very worried
about a young friend of mine,
Amy Salyer.

Amy Salyer.

I'm afraid that she may be
in some kind of trouble.


I don't believe I know her.

I thought, perhaps,
she might be in your employ?

No, no Salyer works in
any of my companies.

She was seen leaving your offices.

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

That was the girl that the police
were making inquiries about.

I thought they found her.
Oh, yes, she turned up.

But when she left your office,
someone was following her.

Why have you come to me?
I've never met her.

Oh, but you do know her,
Mr. Houston.

She was at your party.

And the curious thing is,
that the man who was following her
was also on the guest list.

The man who was k*lled.

I'm afraid you're confused,
Mrs. Fletcher.

That was Jason Bryan's party.

Mr. Bryan gave me the impression...

that the party was arranged
at your request.

Well, if that's what he told you,
then Mr. Bryan is mistaken.

Then Paul Mayfield's name wouldn't be
on your list of employees either?

No, I didn't suppose
that it would be.

I'm afraid that I can't spare you
any more time, Mrs. Fletcher.

Enjoy your vacation.

But make it brief.

Our climate doesn't agree
with everyone.

Jessica. I've been looking for you.

- [Jessica] Is something wrong?
- Perhaps we should talk inside.

I've made a distressing discovery.

Mr. Masters's g*n cabinet
has been broken into and
a valuable w*apon is missing.

A handgun used for researching
his first novel.

A.45 a*t*matic?
How did you know?

Just an educated guess.

A sil*ncer is gone as well.

I've no idea when the theft occurred.

With the excitement of the past few days,
I'm afraid I've been remiss in
checking the cabinet.

Jonathan, another.45
with a sil*ncer...

could account for the fact
that only two sh*ts were heard
when Mayfield was k*lled.

Mayfield shot at Magnum.

The nine-millimeter shell case
that I found.

Magnum's shot.

And the shot that was fired
into Mayfield's back...

muffled with the sil*ncer.
Of course.

The second.45 shell casing
the police found.

Jonathan, you know what this means?

Surely, you're not suggesting
one of those charming ladies.

Who else was there?

Well, Jason Bryan, of course.


[Door Opens]

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize-

Well, if I'm interrupting anything.

Oh, my goodness, no.
Come on in.

Uh, was there something
that you wanted?

I was wondering if you'd seen Amy.

No, I haven't.
Have you seen her, Jonathan?

Her room is across the hall.

Perhaps she doesn't want to
be interrupted.

Well, I only wanted to return
her cookbook.

- Cookbook?
- Yes.

The one she bought
and wrapped so prettily
for her Aunt Grace.

She wanted me
to keep it for her, but l-

Oh, what pretty paper.

Oh, it's very light for a book.
Maybe it was for dieters.

And it rattles.

It's not a book.
It's some kind of case.


These appear to be
exceptionally finejewels.

If I'm not mistaken,
they are.

I'll thank you to return
my property, please.

Amy, dear.

I think you owe us
some kind of an explanation.

On the contrary,
I think you owe me one.

When I give you a package
to keep for me,

I don't expect you to open it.

Well, apparently secretaries
are paid a great deal more than
they were in my day.

Uh, I think I should
have a chat with her.

[Phone Rings]

North Hawaiian Hotel,
may I help you?

Yes, please hold.

[Woman On P.A.]
Telephone call forJoan Fulton.

Joan Fulton,
please go to a house phone.

You have a call forJoan Fulton?

Since you were kind enough
to answer the page,

perhaps we could conduct
our business in person,
Mrs. Fulton.

Thejewels are mine,
Mrs. Fletcher.

Well, then I advise you
to put them in the hotel safe.

They were left to me
by my grandmother when she died.

A man has been k*lled.

A man Magnum says
was following you.

Now, if you're in
some kind of trouble,
perhaps I can help.

All-All right, I suppose
I owe you an explanation.

I've run away from my husband.

I couldn't deal with it anymore,
and I had to get away.

Are you filing for a divorce?

Oh, Mrs. Fletcher,
you don't know Victor.

He's possessive
to the point of madness.

He threatened to k*ll me
if I ever left him.

That man who was k*lled, I thought
Victor had sent someone to find me
and to bring me back.

Why didn't you tell us?
I told Pamela.

She got me the job
as Joan's secretary.

But Pamela doesn't understand.
She thinks it's a lover's quarrel.

Poor Pamela.

I mean, she's only trying to help
and only making things worse.

But you didn't tell Pamela
about the jewels?

No, l- I thought they'd be safer
if no one knew.

They're all I've got to start over
and make a new life.

I'm curious about one other thing.

Why did you go to Paclsle?

Joan sent me there
to drop off an envelope.

For Arthur Houston?

But I didn't know what was in it.
It was sealed.

I mean, after all,
that's what she was paying me for.

But why didn't you tell this
to Mr. Magnum?

Joan said it was extremely confidential.
And I was to tell no one.

And then when I saw that man
following me,

l- l- I just panicked.

Mrs. Fletcher, I have some errands
I have to do forJoan.

Yes, of course.

Amy, there's someone here
to see you.


How could you do this to me?
How did you find-

Apparently she doesn't
want to see you just now.

Uh, I'm Jessica Fletcher.
You must be Amy's husband?

- Victor Salyer, Mrs. Fletcher.
- Oh.

Poor Amy, she must be more
embarrassed than upset.

I've been so worried.
But you see, she left without
a word, not even a note.

Then how did you know
that she was here?

A friend saw her, telephoned.

Look, I know that I'm not
the easiest person to live with,

but you see, I love her very much.

I just want her to know
that I'll forgive her anything...

if only she'll come back to me.

Love, honor and forgive.

They ought to change the vows.

I really must see her.
She's still my wife.

Mr. Salyer,
Amy is really very upset.

I suggest that you wait.
Call her tomorrow.

Maybe you're right.

Look, I wanna thank you
for being so kind to her.

You know,
if Amy doesn't want him-

I've, uh, just come
from the attorney's office.

- The good news is that
there's been a hearing.
- And the bad news?

Magnum's bail has been set
at $100,000.

Oh, dear.
Jonathan, I must talk to Magnum.

Joan, would you keep an eye on Amy?

Perhaps it's better
if she's not left alone.

You haven't talked to Robin yet?

I thought he was coming
from Greece straight to here.

Yes, so did I.
You can't reach him?

He's in hiding, isn't he?

He doesn't want to come home
and be bossed around by
his dear friend Pamela Bates.

I have left him a message
that she has left the estate
and that you are in dire need.

Well, that's settled.

Now we can get back
to the real problem.
Who k*lled Paul Mayfield?


The missing.45 and the sil*ncer
at least tell us how he was k*lled.

Which leaves us with
the who.

As I see it, Jason Bryan
had an opportunity in
all the confusion.

If Amy stole the diamonds,
that would explain why
Mayfield was following her.

- That was good work, Higgins.
- Actually, it was Jessica
who discovered the diamonds.


And I'm not sure that the diamonds
have got anything to do with it.

Amy told me that the diamonds
were left to her by her grandmother.

- And you believed her?
- Magnum.

Well, uh-

Come to think of it,
l-I can see how you might-

Uh, it's kind of like the plots of
one of your novels, right?
Uh, which one?

Was it, uh-
No, it's not that one.

Yeah, I remember.

Magnum, it's the only one I sent you.
Do you mean you actually read it?

Of course, I read it.
At least most of it.

- You didn't finish it?
- Oh, no, I'm going to finish it.

But, uh, I already kind of figured out
that your k*ller's the psychiatrist.

Actually, it was the lawyer.

There we go, ma'am.

Anything else you need,
just let us know.

Actually, there is something.

I was wondering if I could
arrange for a massage?
Sure, ma'am.

Just call the concierge desk
and they'll make an appointment
with a masseuse.

You seem to have strong,
sensitive hands.


Joan, I was just looking for Amy.

Thank you very much,
Don't mention it.

Towels. They never give you
enough towels.

[Door Closes]

I thought Amy might be
in here with you.

Well, I tried to find her,
but she's not in her room.

Joan, I think it's time that
you and I had a serious talk.

I know.
You're going to tell me...

I have to stop flirting
with every man on the island.

Jessica, when it comes to grieving,
I already gave.

Amy told me that she'd gone
to see Arthur Houston
at your request.

Hmm, she wasn't supposed to
tell anyone, but yes, that's true.


I don't know that
it's any of your business.

Look, Jessica, when my husband died,
he left me the business. Electronics.

We hold some valuable patents.

I'm negotiating with Arthur Houston
to sell the company.

- And Jason Bryan is the middleman?
- You are quick.

Would Arthur Houston have
any reason to want to k*ll you?

k*ll me?
I don't think so.

Our negotiations are almost settled.
Why would he want to k*ll me?

I don't know.
But I think that Paul Mayfield
worked for Arthur Houston.

But Mayfield is dead.
That's all over.

- Isn't it?
- No.

I'm afraid it's not finished yet.

[Police Radio Chatter]

Sorry, lady,
you can't go in there.

What are you doing here?

I was hoping to speak
to Mr. Houston.

Yeah, well, that is going to be
a problem.

Oh, my goodness.
In the back, like Mr. Mayfield.

Same M.O. Same.45.
Same k*ller.

You may very well be right,
Captain Browning, but it couldn't
have been Mr. Magnum,

since you've so thoughtfully
provided him with an alibi
by holding him in jail.

Magnum made bail
a couple of hours ago.

He couldn't have wasted
much time either.

'Cause we figure Houston's
only been dead about an hour.

Oh, no.
Captain Browning, l-
We've even got his cap.

Right next to his body.

Oh, how careless of him.
Or should I say,
how convenient for the k*ller.

Captain Browning,
a.45 a*t*matic with a sil*ncer...

was stolen from Robin Masters's
g*n cabinet.

Don't you see someone
is trying to frame Mr. Magnum?

Sure, I see.

The.45 that Magnum used to k*ll Mayfield,
we're holding down in our evidence room.

So it figures, he knew where
to find another one.

But we've got the slug this time.

When we find the piece,
we have a match.

Now, you never did tell me
what you wanted to see Houston about?

Well, you see,

I think that there may be a connection
between Arthur Houston and-

- And what?
- Nothing.

Anything I say, you'll just twist around
and use against Mr. Magnum too.

pick up Magnum again.

And give Mrs. Fletcher a ride
back to her hotel.

Mrs. Fletcher.

Oh, stubborn, impossible man!
[Water Running]

[Doors Opens]

- Who are you?
- [Door Closes]

- [Gasps]
- Shh!

What do you mean, shush?
What are you doing here?

Well, I thought we could talk.

Well, you could've knocked.
Well, I did.

- I guess you didn't hear me
with the water running.
- Oh, I see.

So you just let yourself in?

How do you propose to conduct
your little conference?
With me in the tub?

Well, no.
I would've waited.

But I couldn't just
stand around out in the hall.

Nice robe.


Well, I suppose we're even,
Mr. Magnum.

My friends call me Thomas.

And I'm Jessica.

I, uh, finished your book,

Now I would've thought
Dashiell Hammett was more my style,

but I really like the way
your mind works.

Well, I'll take that
as a compliment.

You know the police
are looking for you.

Well, they're not gonna find me,
not till I get some answers.
What've they got?

Mr. Houston was shot in the back.

Probably with that.45 that was taken
from Mr. Masters's g*n cabinet,

and someone thoughtfully placed
your baseball cap next to the body.

My Detroit Tigers cap?
How do they know it was mine?

When did you have it last?
Well, uh...

I was wearing it the day
that everybody arrived
at the estate.

Well, l- I haven't been able to
put all the pieces together yet,

but, Thomas, if someone
took your cap then...

before Mr. Mayfield was k*lled-

Then whoever that was,
was already planning
to k*ll Houston.

And pinning it on you.

Somebody's real mad at me.
Or using you.

First things first though.

Where were you
when Mr. Houston was k*lled?
When was he k*lled?

Captain Browning said
it was an hour after you made bail.

Oh, great.

I went to the estate to see Higgins,
but nobody was there.

Unless the dogs can vouch for me.

Look, Mrs. Fletcher-
Uh, Jessica,

I appreciate all you've done for me,
but this is gettin'dangerous.

Yes, I've noticed that.

But I can't just sit by when one of
these ladies may be still in danger.

I don't suppose I could talk you
into leaving this to me?

- No, I didn't think so.
- [Water Running]

Well, don't let me keep you
from your bath.


Oh, uh, Jessica.

C- Comejoin us.

Hello, Mr. Bryan.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

I just bumped intoJason.
It's nothing private.

We were just talking
about the news.
It's quite a shock.

Oh, yes, it must have been
a terrible shock for you,
Mr. Bryan.

I presume there was
a commission involved
if the deal had gone through?

I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about,
Mrs. Fletcher.

Oh, dear, now I am confused.

Joan had told me that
you were the middleman...

in Mr. Houston's offer
for her company.

So she told you.

She didn't make it
very easy for me,
I can tell you.

She thinks she's a very tough
But she blew it.

I would have had this
all wrapped up weeks ago
without her even coming over...

if she hadn't kept raising
her price.

Well, perhaps she was shrewder
than you gave her credit for.

If you ladies will excuse me,
I have an appointment.

I had no idea.
I thought he and Joan-

Well, you know.

I guess I'm just
a hopeless romantic.

I never seem to get it right.

Take Amy and her husband-

You never mentioned
that you'd known them.

Oh, l-I didn't.

But you must
have known them, Pamela.

Amy told me that you helped her...

to obtain the job
as Joan's traveling secretary.

Well, I only knew them casually.

I mean, Amy told me that
she was having a difficult patch
with her husband,

and she wanted to get away
for awhile.

But then she seemed so unhappy
when she got here.

I just picked up the phone-

Well, l- I suppose I really
shouldn't have interfered.

Oh, Jessica,
I was only trying to help.


[Cheering, Whistling]

Is anyone here?

What are you doing?
Oh, Amy, you startled me.

I noticed that the door had been forced.
And I was calling security, but the phone
has been yanked out of the wall.

He's been here.
Yes, I can see that.

No, I had them with me.

Oh, Amy,
that's not very wise.
Mrs. Fletcher's right, Amy.

Not very wise at all.

You know it's very dangerous
carrying around something
that valuable.

Why don't you just let me
keep them for you?

Victor, you can have
everything else.

I'm afraid there isn't anything else.
I've had a bit of bad luck lately.

- So, you see, I really must have them.
- Mr. Salyer.

I advise you to stay out
of this little domestic squabble,
Mrs. Fletcher.

So often it's the innocent bystander
who gets hurt.

- Amy?
- No. They're mine.

This was very effective
in opening the door.

I'll bet it's just as good
at opening a head.

Give me thejewels now.
Wait! Don't come any closer.

Ah-There's somebody
behind you.

Please, Mrs. Fletcher,
not that old turkey.

Make another move
at your own peril, Salyer.



are you all right?
Just a flesh wound.

Oh, you were magnificent!


Heaven knows what would have
happened if you hadn't turned up
when you did, Jonathan.

Hold still.

Fortunately, I was following Amy
at Magnum's request.

Following me?

Well, perhaps Mr. Magnum
thought you might need
some protection,

considering what
you were carrying around.

I'm ever so grateful,
Mr. Higgins.

I was a fool not to take your advice,
Mrs. Fletcher, about, uh,
putting the jewels in the vault.

I've learned my lesson.

Would you please do it for me?
Put them in the vault?

L-I hate to impose, but I, I think
they'd be safer if you carried them.

Oh, yes, of course.
I'm flattered by your trust.

Well, I'm going across to my room
and pack my things.

I'm not gonna stay here a moment longer.
And then we'll go down together.

She's really quite charming.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her
why I was really following her.

Magnum thought she might
attempt to sell the jewels.

Uh, speaking ofThomas-
Mr. Magnum,

you weren't able to reach
Mr. Masters about the bail,
were you?

No, it wasn't necessary.
Joan posted the bail.

I didn't even know she'd done it.

I suspect she had hopes
that Magnum would find some
suitable way of showing his gratitude.

Perhaps her infatuation will ease
when she learns that he's a fugitive.
And the bail has been revoked.

I'm afraid the whole island
knows by now.


Well, I'd best keep a lookout
for Victor Salyer.


We might still catch her in the lobby.
Coming, Jessica?

Ah, no, no, no.
You go ahead.

Oh, miss, I wonder
if you could help me.

I seem to have locked my key
in my room.

Actually, I'm working
my way through college.

Every little bit helps.
Most people don't even
tip the maid.

Oh, yes,
and thank you.
Let me help you look.

No, no, that's all right.
No, no, no, that-that's quite all right.

Oh, no trouble.
No, no, please don't.

I just remembered.
I think I must have left it down
on the beach somewhere.

I'll get you another one.
Oh, no.
Please, please don't.

I will stop by the desk
on my way down.
Thank you so much.

Gee, thanks.


Oh, Mrs. Fulton.

Your key, Mrs. Fulton.

- The maid just called
and said you'd lost yours.
- Thank you.

Oh, Joan, you startled me.
I, uh-

l- I couldn't find my aspirin.

Pamela must have mislaid them
when she was packing for me.

I just came over
to borrow yours.

The maid was here.
L- I didn't think you'd mind.

Apparently the maid had
the impression that you were me...

which accounts
for the mix-up about the key.

Oh, my goodness,
you're all packed.
You're leaving?

In a couple of hours.

I had one small detail
to dispose of before I leave.

Yes, you'd have to dispose
of a g*n and a sil*ncer...

before going through
airport security.

Jessica, what a fanciful
imagination you have.

Not really, Joan.
It had to be you.

According to the newspapers,
it was Magnum who k*lled them both.

Yes, and you even left his cap
next to Mr. Houston's body.

That was effective,
but it was a mistake.
How a mistake?

I mean, assuming for a moment,
that your little fantasies
about me are true.

You took Magnum's cap
before Mayfield was k*lled,

which means that you intended
to k*ll Arthur Houston
from the very beginning...

and pin it on Magnum.

That's a very inventive theory.

I had to ask myself.

Why would you want to pin it on Magnum
when he was in jail with an alibi?

I mean, that wouldn't work.

So you made sure that he was out
by posting his bail.

It was you Mr. Mayfield
wanted to k*ll at the party.

And why would Mayfield
want to k*ll me?

Possibly because you wouldn't sell
your business to Arthur Houston.

Jason Bryan said that
you were particularly difficult
in the negotiations.

I built that company,
even more than my husband.

And now that he's gone,
I have a chance in my own right...

to take it public,
to make something of it.

I told Houston I didn't want to sell.
He thought I was negotiating.

And then the subtle threats.

I came here to settle it,
once and for all.

And then that car
nearly ran us off the road.

And that is when you realized
that Arthur Houston was behind it.

I couldn't be sure,
but I was frightened.

And then Magnum got
a line on Mayfield.

My God.

Houston had put out a contract on me.

- If I wouldn't sell,
he'd buy from my executors.
- You must have been frantic.


I was angry, really angry.

I realized there's only one way
to deal with a man like that.

You could have gone to the police.
What could they have done?

Even if they believed me.

One day, there'd be another accident,
and Houston would have won.

No, I wasn't gonna let Houston
or anybody else have what
I've spent my life building.

It was deceptively easy.

Men always underestimate me.
The secret of my success.

So you took the.45
from the g*n cabinet at the estate.

My husband insisted that
I learn to handle firearms,

part of our executive
security training.

And with a sil*ncer,

sh**ting in the back,

I suppose it's not too difficult
if you've got the stomach for it.

If I hadn't gotten Houston,

he would have sent someone else.

Call it self-preservation.

It's one of those economic principles
they don't teach you at business school.

I'm really sorry
it all had to land on Magnum.

It was nothing personal,
strictly business.

And now you've become
a dangerous liability.

I'm afraid I'm going to
have to write you off...

and debit Mr. Magnum's
account again.

Put it down, Joan.

- Do you always make
such dramatic entrances?
- Well, I would've used the front door.

But thanks toJoan,
my picture seems to be
circulating all over town.

That was pretty smart,
leaving me a message from Higgins
to go to the estate,

so I wouldn't have an alibi
while you were taking care of Houston.

Put the g*n down, Joan.
It's over.

Since you don't seem to have
yours with you, I don't think I will.

I'd have thought that
a professional P.I. Would
at least bring a g*n.

It's private investigator.

And you know-

[Trigger Clicks]
The police have my g*n.

But I called 'em.
They're gonna be here any minute.

Why would you call the police
when it's you they're looking for?

That's exactly why I called them.
Because they're looking for me.

I don't believe you.
You're bluffing.

Open up! Police!

Freeze, sucker!

Captain, wait!

Will you cut it out?
He said freeze.

- Captain, this isn't the way it looks.
- I think I can explain everything.

No, I think I better explain.

Well, Thomas, in a way,
you did call the police.

I mean, I'm gonna keep this
as a souvenir.

I guess while I was hanging
around the balcony,

somebody recognized me
and turned me in.

But, uh, I want you to know that
if Browning hadn't shown up-

Well, l- I still had everything
under control.

Oh, yes.

I wanna thank you for straightening
things out with Browning
and gettin' my license reinstated.

Do you really know
the governor personally?

Well, he's a friend of a friend.

I have to admit,

I did kind of get a kick out
of watching Browning
bulldoze over Victor Salyer.

Yes, and it turned out
the jewels did belong to Amy.

With Victor arrested,
she's finally free of him.

Uh, Higgins?

I guess I forgot to tell you
I already offered to takeJessica
to the airport.

Don't be ridiculous.
I'm taking Jessica to the airport,
and that's the end of it.

Well, I don't mind.

- Well, couldn't we all go?
- Unless...

you needed to discuss
something with her-

Well, actually,
I was hoping to discuss, uh-

I mean, that is to say,

l-l-I was considering
taking my annual holiday
in New England this year.

And I, uh-
I thought that...

- perhaps you could recommend
some restaurants.
- Oh.

I'll put the bags in the car.

So, Jessica,

what do you say we make a deal?

If you don't take out
a private investigator's license-

I won't buy a typewriter.

[Both Laughing]
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