04x05 - Retrieve Everyone's Minds!! The Ultra Holy Water Resting in the Temple

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x05 - Retrieve Everyone's Minds!! The Ultra Holy Water Resting in the Temple

Post by bunniefuu »

"Retrieve Everyone's Minds!


The Ultra Holy Water Resting in the Temple" Piccolo-san.


Piccolo-san That sure looks like fun.

That contemptible Piccolo!

ls he trying to k*ll us too?

How truly delightful!

The pupil who he trained as his own apprentice is now being destroyed by his own hand!

This is so characteristic of a Demon Clansman!

Kami, you should watch this too.

The moment your own alter ego crosses over to the glorious Demon side!


That's enough.

Leave the rest up to us.

This is for Tard and Zald!

Brace yourself, kid!

That creep!

ls he planning to keep us out of this?

From the start, Piccolo and Son Goku were bitter adversaries.

Perhaps when he entered the Demon Clan, some dormant hatred within him was released.

Pic colo-san Now!

You asinine fool!

Did you really think you could take this away from me just like that!


Can you take it now?

Come on, what's the matter?

Hurry up and take it!

Now go to hell!

Kuri rin san Loathsome trash!

Say your prayers.


Piccolo-san Look out, Gohan!


Please stop, Piccolo-san!

Kuririn-san Here you go.

l did it!

That's 22 wins in a row.

Hey, you!

You can read minds, Can'tcha?

Why don'tcha use that?

You hush!

l was reading her mind and still lost.


This girl doesn't think anything.

That'd explain it.

l'll take this, then.

So this bell is required to get to the Heavenly Realm.

Okay then, what do you bet next?


lt is another instrument necessary to get to the Heavenly Realm.

This is the Nyoi Bo, and can also be used as a w*apon.


Ain't this somehow wrong?

You be quiet!

How can you he satisfied with her shutting us out?

Kurin-chan's friends are so much fun, every single one of them!

Well, Let's play!

Let's play, let's play!

l won't lose this time!

Take your time, take your time!

Remember what's riding on this!


Please, come out of it, Kuririn-san!

Kuririn-san Very well.

You shall become our newest member.

Piccolo-san You'll have to thank Piccolo.

You get to see the bottle of Ultra Holy Water before you die.

That's it?

Whoa, the way ahead is a restricted area!



Kuririn-san, don't tell me you too Didn't you know, kid?

lf bitten by a member of the Demon Clan, once their saliva, flows through your body, it's the same as if you had breathed in the Aquamist-- you become a Demon Clansman!

Give it up, kid.

You're all by yourself!

Garlic Jr.

-sama, we request that we be allowed to finish this one off!

Of course, we will save the final blow for yourself , Garlic Jr.



How can you?


Didn't l say l would strike the finishing blow?

So you did.



You- how!


You really expected me to do as you wanted?

Yeah, but you could have pulled your punches a little.

l mean, poor Gohan!

He's trained hard enough that our level of att*ck wouldn't have worn him out.

Why, you!

How dare you deceive me so!

Piccolo and the others at last manage to save Kami-sama and Mister Popo.

However, the time when the Ultra Holy Water will lose it's effect is steadily drawing nearer!
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