04x12 - Earth-Shattering Event at 11th Squad! The Shinigami Who Rises Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x12 - Earth-Shattering Event at 11th Squad! The Shinigami Who Rises Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

It's all right

You don't have to watch me. I won't go--!

What's this?!

Who is it?!


I've come for you.

I won't go!

You have no choice. Kariya is waiting.

I refuse!

Try to take me if you can.

Zeige dih, Goethe!

Zeige dih, Dalk!

This is

What is it? Do you need my help?


What a hopeless person

But it's okay. I love to fight

I feel like chasing you even more if you run away.

Goethe, do it!

Do it?

Wonderful I'm getting excited



Are you all right? There're stairs over there!

Now's our chance!

Oh I'm hot

She can still move?

I'm falling in love with you.


Oh my Where are you going?

What should I do with these feelings?

Who will accept them?

Look out!


I'm so happy! You came back!

Accept my feelings!


No You disappeared


How rude I know. You want me to hurry.

But it's not good to be hasty.

I want to take my time and enjoy this.

Don't harm the Quincy.

Which means that

I can do what I like to the woman.

Oh no!

That was close.

What are you doing?

Now's not the time to be protecting me

I didn't protect you


I just decided I wouldn't run away.

I no longer want to be a burden nor will I be made a key person!

Oh, how wonderful! I'm delighted!

What a nice manly thing to say!

You make me want to hug you!

There's no mistake!

It's already disappeared, but there was a sign of two Bounts!

That's fine, but try not to be seen by people

What do you mean by that?! How rude!

That's not what I mean.

It's strange for four stuffed animals to be walking around

Stop calling me strange!

I'm serious!

I didn't choose this look to begin with.

I'm putting up with this because I can't get out of it

Fine, fine! Is that so


It's here!

Oh ho. This is definitely suspicious!

Hm? There are traces of Ishida's Spiritual Pressure!


You're right!



There's no mistake. Ishida was brought here

There's fire. Which means it's that woman and

The other one is someone we don't know.

It looks like they were fighting over the Quincy

I think so, too.

They were fighting for Ishida

This set up

is it a “Princess Uryu Ishida Story†?!

No! How disgusting!

No It kind of matches

Hot! I'm burning!

That was hot

Noba You can suck in flames?

Isn't it hot?

Not a problem.



Ishida's bandages

Can someone follow Ishida's Spirit Ribbon?

It's no good

Ishida's Spiritual Pressure is very weak and he's suppressing it.

That bastard

He won't even let us know if he's been caught by Bounts!

It's all right!

That's right. It's all right.

In this situation, we may be able to follow the Bounts' reishi residue!


Yes, but I'm frustrated

My powers would be better if I was in a gigai!

We mod-souls' real bodies are small pills

We can't walk or even speak unless someone puts us in a gigai

Say, I've always thought it was strange, but

If that's the case,

then why don't you put each other into your gigai?

Wh-What's up with that?! He didn't have to tell me.

I knew that! I knew, but I just acted like I didn't!

Well, how could I have missed that!

This is definitely an example of people not being aware

of their surroundings, or a Copernican revolution!

I knew!

I knew, but I was acting dumb on purpose! Of course, I was!

At any rate, let's go after the Bounts!


What?! What about me?! I'm the only stuffed animal?!

Wait for me!

Tenth Squad Captain Hitsugaya, and Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto.

Eleventh Squad Captain Zaraki, and Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi.

– Entering. – Entering.

Sorry to keep you waiting!

What were you doing at a time like this?!

If you were regular squad members

you would be my pet food because you were incompetent!

Captain Ukitake, what did you want to talk to us about?

I'm the one who wanted to talk!

I summoned everyone here because

General Captain Yamamoto is not here today.

Now then. Twelfth Squad Captain Kurotsuchi will explain the details

There are no details!

It's my databank!

Someone has been breaking in and looking at it!

Looking at it? Looking at what?

Would it surprise you if I said Bounts?

Furthermore, the enemy planted a trap!

It would destroy all the data if it was removed!

Do you know what this means?!

Do you?!

This is both a challenge and a great insult towards me,

the head of the Department of Research and Development.

If someone here is involved with the culprit,

give me your name immediately!

I'll pickle you in a pool of acid!

Stop picking a fight, Kurotsuchi

We're high-ranking officials of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

Have you already forgotten that just recently

we were betrayed by that so-called high-ranking official?

This is a dangerous problem which involves all of Soul Society.

We shouldn't act hastily

Humph! How unreliable!

Well fine

But if anyone does anything else to make me look foolish

be prepared, because I have a plan!

I have a bad feeling about this

Huh? What about?

This Kurotsuchi incident and the fact that we found Ichinose.

What?! Why?

I don't know

You are worried about Maki, after all.

It not that.

It just all seems fishy

I've figured it out!

There's a mansion that fits the description a little further down from here.


There seems to be an incredibly rich man who lives there,

but no one has ever seen him

Kariya won't forgive you anymore.

If you think I'm lying,

then come out of this room and meet Kariya.

It seems you can't even get up.

You shouldn't try anything stupid like using your doll in that condition.

You'll be att*cked.

So this is it

What a huge garden I can't see the house

There's no mistake!

This is it!

All right! Let's split up and search for him!

Come in.

Excuse me.

Would you like to see the Quincy?

Koga caught him, huh?

Yes. He's in the hall right now.

He's our valuable trump card

I'll greet him.

Shall I advance our plans?


Why are you holding back?

I don't understand.

We've lived for a long time

In that time, all of our memories have become coated in gray

For the first time in a while, I can see the world in color.

Is it wrong if I wish to enjoy this a little longer?

I understand, however


Udagawa, you don't understand!

That's it

What's wrong, Rukia?

The Bounts' Spiritual Pressure.

Being this close I can clearly tell; even without the mod-souls

There are five, six, seven

eight of them


Since we don't know their plan, we can't waste time!

Let's go!

What's wrong? Are you afraid?

So you're Ishida?

It's natural to be cautious.

We've given you quite a rough invitation.

Who are you?

Jin Kariya

I wish to borrow your Quincy powers.

In order to gain the power of Hueco Mundo?

There's no changing the fact

that we are both rejected beings due to our unique abilities.

Unique abilities

That's right. I have a proposition.

Can we live cooperatively together, instead of acting like enemies?

Bounts can protect you.

No, we may be able to revive your lost power.

Don't you think that's a good proposition?

You know I have no powers, so why?

I told you. We're the same.

Do you think I'll believe you?

It's understandable to be suspicious.

But we have time.

I can wait until you understand.

Forever in fact

You can make yourself at home.

Do you plan on confining me here?

You're an important guest.

Dalk, that's enough.

Oh, too bad.

I see This is my prison.

Kariya is a kind, but terrifying person.

I'm warning you.

Thank you for your consideration.

You'll understand soon


We headed straight towards the mansion, didn't we?


Hmm I wonder which way it is?

I haven't been able to get a hold of my sense of direction

Me too.

Hey! Woah!

Ow! Wait for me!

Darn! This is also the wrong way?!

This mansion has too many extensions!

No, that's not the only thing


Something is messing up our senses

Could it be mineral veins or the effects of a strong magnetic force?!

We've been discovered!

What's this?!

You bastard!

Red Flame Cannon!

What is this?

Who knows But this is bad!



At any rate, let's run away!


Oh no!

Damn! I don't want to make a big fuss, but



Oh ho?! Could those things coming behind you be ?!

Noba! Erase them!

You saved us

Why are you here?

We had no choice!

The house was filled with those strange eyeball dolls!

Noba erased them, but they just kept creeping out.

There was no end to it!

That's why we went outside

But we didn't expect them to be outside as well

I'm tired

It seems they won't let us rest!

Oh here they come.

Why you!

I can't take this any more!

Let's go!

Where are we?

Oh That's a pretty impressive tapestry.

This depicts witch hunting

Yes that's right

Who are you?!


Soul Reaper Substitutes.

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

Lirin, where did you hide your gigai?

Under your bed.

What if someone finds it?!

It's all right.

I hid it with a doll set and made it look as if it was a secret hobby of yours.

What if someone finds it?!

A secret hobby

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


I must endure! I can't show my shame!

Where is it?!

Hm?! Tetsuzaemon, what's wrong?

Captain! Nothing I just have a bit of a stomach-ache

The toilet is right there.

Thank you. Excuse me!


What's wrong?

Tune in again!
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