04x06 - Bount! The Ones Who Hunt Souls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x06 - Bount! The Ones Who Hunt Souls

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.





This reishi is probably from a Bount

So what's a Bount?

When I was in the Department of Research and Development,

I saw residue that looked a lot like this.

It's a mysterious reishi that reacts with special components of human souls

Upon investigation, I found a tribe called the Bount.

A tribe?

They are few in number,

but the Bount are humans who have special powers

like the Quincy.

Quincies, having the power to destroy Hollows,

brought disaster upon themselves, but

Bounts absorb human souls as nourishment.

Also, Quincies are born human and die human, but

By absorbing human souls, Bounts can live forever.

That's all I found out,

but I have never been able to see one myself.

Live forever--?


Bounts gain eternal life by absorbing human souls for food.

That's the kind of tribe they are.

It seems that depending on the era and place,

they were also called vampires

The way Bounts usually do things is to come and steal

the soul of a human who died while konso is being performed on it

But this time

Don't stop a man and a woman from having a good time together.

You were trying to suck out his soul.

Who are you?!

You'll find out in time!

The Bount I saw was trying to absorb the soul of a living person

What happens to people if their souls are sucked out?

The same thing as when their lives are taken.

The result is, in other words


Death ?

We're still not sure if it's a Bount.

Do you suppose that it could be a subspecies of Bount?

Well, who knows

Why are you crossing your arms and thinking so hard!

At this rate, there may be more victims!

All right! Just as I expected of you, Kurosaki!

You sure have a strong sense of justice!

Cut the sarcasm

So anyway

– Lirin. – Huh?

Go to Kurosaki's place.

What? No way!

Huh? What are you talking about?

Kurosaki, Inoue, and Sado will act as support.


These three mod souls have reishi sensor functions attached.


They can detect reishi waves.

In other words, the enemy is targeting living humans.

All of you have exceptionally high abilities for humans.

You would be tempting prey for them.

We're not sure if they'll notice you.

We have to find the location of the enemy quickly.

Hmm I see

What? Huh? Then what about me?

Oh It's as I just said

You don't have any abilities!

That's right isn't it?

Now then

So Kurodo will go to Inoue's place.

Well, I guess it can't be helped

You're leering. You're leering

It can't be helped

Noba, go to Sado's place.

What's the point in closing your mask?

Well, I guess it can't be helped.

But don't give me too much trouble!

Wh-What did you say?! You're causing me trouble!

Oh? I forget, who couldn't defend against my attack?

Come on, say it.

You never shut up!

Also, you may already know,

I want you to hide yourselves in stuffed animals.

Stuffed animals?

Are you serious?

Then take care!

Detect reishi waves huh--?

When did you add that sort of search function?

Oh, that--?

You know what they say, “A stitch in time saves nine!â€

You act as if you knew that the Bounts would come

You're just thinking too hard.

Seireitei Library

Captain! Captain Kyoraku!

There is a message from Captain Ukitake saying

that he wants you to hurry to the Central Library.

Captain?! You're awake, aren't you?!

Why do you speak in such an unrefined voice

It's a waste of your beauty.

Were you listening to what I was saying?

I was listening

It's probably some crude work, isn't it?

It seems that the material concerning the item we're investigating has been lost.


Why are you both so quiet?!

Someone might think it's some sort of broadcasting accident!

Don't look at me like you've seen something unusual!

The three of us are here, so shall we form a trio? Huh?

Did something happen?

Will you listen?

Kurosaki Clinic

No way!

No, no, no!

Even if you say so

The only stuffed animals remaining in this house are the really old ones

that Yuzu and Karin had when they were really young

– No! – Oww!

What are you doing, you !

At any rate, I can't believe that

you're trying to force me into these ratty and ugly things!

I'm going to tell Kisuke if you don't take this seriously!

All right Then what kind of stuffed animal would you like?

Tell me. If I know what it is, I'll look for one


Definitely something that's smart and moves quickly

Something that reveals a glimpse of cuteness within its beauty

A bit gothic, but

– not too formal – This is a pain!

– yet not too cheap – This is good enough!


What is this--?!

What is it? Probably a bird

Hold on! What are you doing?!

I can't change bodies once I've gone into one!

– Is that so? How nice. – I'll be like this all my life!

Huh? Who is this?

What? Could it be, Lirin?

You've been making fun of me,

but that's just the sad nature of being a mod soul!

You're a talking stuffed animal like me!

Watch how you talk

I'm in a really bad mood right now!


Since then, she's gotten carried away and bosses me around

Isn't it horrible--? I'm still sort of her elder!

Here you go


Seniority is important, isn't it?!

I'm an elder of mod souls!

There's a proper order for things!

But I wanted to go to Inoue's place if anything

I want to be held in that large chest

But that damned old man! I'm so jealous!

Having such a stuffy old man pushed on to her probably upset Inoue!

Say, say, don't you think

we should see what the situation is at Inoue's house?

No not particu--

Right?! Inoue is definitely troubled! We're not men if we don't go!

What was that voice?!

Could it be Could it be that Inoue is in

This kind of

or that kind of

situation, is she?!

What is it?!

Peeping isn't good.

I'm not peeping! I'm just keeping watch to protect Inoue!

Oh dear!

Oh, I can't leave this alone!

Here I go!


It's as I thought! You're really cute!

Well, it can be cute depending on how you look at it.

It is cute. I'm not saying anything about your aesthetics.

But I'm the one inside of this, so

I think you match it very well, Mr. Kurodo

It's what would you call it? Mismatched? Like that?



Did you feel that?!

What's with this serious atmosphere?!

A Bount.


They've come!

A Bount?

It's all right. They're far from here.

That's a good girl

What are you doing?

A Soul Reaper?

I'm just a substitute

What business does a Soul Reaper Substitute have with me--?

I can't let you eat the souls of living people!

Please, don't interfere!

I can't do that!

Where is she?!

Over there, you slow poke!


It's all right. She's just unconscious.


She's not as vicious as we expected.

But you shouldn't let your guard down.

I know.

What is this? How far do you plan on going?

We're almost there. We're getting closer.

Turn right at the next corner.

Tell me what you're planning

My plan?

There's no way that your mind would be able to comprehend

even if I told you

What a bothersome kid.

Even if it is a bother,

I'm not letting you go until I'm satisfied!

I don't want to fight

Zeig dih! Goethe!


Be careful! That's no ordinary fire!

What is he?

How do you like my doll?


Yoshino Did you call me?

Goethe, please help me. He's being persistent.

He's being persistent, huh?!


I know!

– Don't let go! – Okay!

He turned back to normal!

That's right.

He'll turn back to normal no matter how many times you cut him.

You have no chance of winning.

There's a Bount here?

Be careful! He should be nearby!

I-I want to go home already.



There's a person

It seems we were too late

I never thought a person could disappear without a trace like this

I've failed to greet you

Pleased to meet you.

Is this your doing?!

My doing--?

Oh, I just finished a bit of a meal.

A meal--?! Stop joking!

Joking--? Me--?

I wouldn't do something rude like that.

I'm always deeply grateful to my food and pay my respects.


You all seem very delicious

Too bad I'm already full for today.

So maybe some time later


Who is he?

The Bount Yoruichi saw was a woman

It means that it was a different one.

Damn it Where should I cut?

It's useless to cut anywhere.

That can't be true!

There's got to be away I can cut him!

Why you--!

She told you it's useless

What about it? Do you have a better idea?

Did you forget what Kisuke told you?

Stay calm in battle

Observe your opponent and find a weakness!

Stay calm

That's right

Observe well

Find a weakness


Huh?! Hold on

All right!

His weak spot was his heart!

I did it, Lirin! Look!

In front of you! Look in front of you!

I told you

Goethe, finish him!

Finish him? I understand.


Are you all right? Can you move?!

Yeah! I'm fine!

There's no need for that! Look!


Huh? Whoa! What the--?!

What are you doing?!

I can't get out.

You idiot!

What are you doing, fool?!


Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

I'm Rukia Kuchiki, the transfer student.

Let's get back to our school life with spirit once more!

Rukia, what are you doing?

The Karakura High School arc starts from the next episode of Bleach!

Tune in to our bittersweet youth-filled heartfelt story!

That not what it's about!

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

– Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers! – Golden!

Captain Hitsugaya, I'm sorry it was a waste of time

even though you came out of your way to help me.

There's no need to worry

This may be linked to that bastard, Aizen.

As a token of my apology

how about an assortment of snacks?


They're a bit out of season, but look!

Hey Why do you always give this stuff to me--?

Because we're both “Shiros†!

Huh? Is that all?

JyuSHIRO Ukitake ToSHIRO Hitsugaya

Do you need more?

Tune in again!
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