02x11 - d*ck Jokes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x11 - d*ck Jokes

Post by bunniefuu »


Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

So I said to her, "hey, mom,
your birthday was last month.

Hoist it up yourself."


I don't get it. What
are they laughing at?

Anyway. I'm not saying
my mom is overweight,

But she's got that
flabby skin under her arm.

You know what I'm talking about.

Well, the other day,
this wind picks up.

This stuff starts jiggling.

Out dropped the
tricycle I lost when I was 7.


Excuse me. Young man.

Perhaps you can help me out.

Those things you said
about your mother.

I don't understand why
they're considered funny.

Well... Um... Is it because

The toned arms that
once cradled you securely

Now have large deposits of
cellulite hanging from them?

Is aging funny?

If you think
about it... And you!

Is it all the alcohol
you're consuming

That makes it ok to laugh at
the expense of your loved ones?

He's right! I love my fat mama.

And you're a bad man!

Dr. Albright...

Have you ever lost a
tricycle in your mother?

Please, d*ck. I am
in a cruddy mood.

This fund-raiser's turning
out to be a nightmare.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Well... Why are you laughing?

You just said you
were in a cruddy mood.

Oh... It's these jokes ben
littmeyer gave me at lunch.

Ben littmeyer from the
sociology department?

Yes. Oh, he has the
best sense of humor.

I finally convinced him
to host the fund-raiser.

Why didn't you ask me to do it?

I have a wonderful
sense of humor. Uh...

Nina, come in here!

I have a wonderful
sense of humor, don't i?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



Oh... d*ck, you know,

This is an important
fund-raiser for pendleton.

And ben can get those fat
cats to cough up some cash.

Well, I can make
a fat cat cough.

I can even make him vomit.

Thanks, d*ck, but
ben already said yes.

You don't think I'm funny?

Oh, d*ck, you're... You're...

Loving and intelligent
and sexy and...

And funny?

Oh! I have a class!

I am funny!

I am funny!

I am!


What happened to your coat?

I don't know what
happened to it.

So mrs. Dubcek let
me borrow this one.

Sweet woman.

Oh, so you lost your
coat. Tough break.

I lost more than a coat, tommy!

I lost a friend...

A buddy...

A companion who kept
me warm when it was cold

And warmer when it was
really sort of too hot

To be wearing clothes.


You're the information officer.

What do you know
about this thing

They call a sense of humor?

All I know is, that's not it.

Lieutenant, I need your help.

I need you to find
out what's funny.

Oh, I can't. I gotta build
a shelf for the closet.

I ran out of room for my shoes.

This is more
important! It's about me!

How am I supposed
to know what's funny?

What's so important about
a sense of humor, anyway?

Oh, come on, tommy.
Having a sense of humor

Is having the power

To transform...
Someone's mood...

To lift his spirit.

You give it to someone you
love when she really needs it.

And I just found out today

That mary's been getting
it from another man.

d*ck, I think this whole being
funny thing is just... Innate.

Well, what do you
think, lieutenant?

What do I think? Uh...

I think either you
got it or you don't.

Look what you just did!



What's wrong with you guys?

Come on! Wake up, you two!

Come on! Come on!

How am I ever gonna
find out what's funny?

No, I don't get it. Give me
an example of what's funny.

Ok, let's see. Um...

I thought the movie
emma was really funny.

What was funny about it?

Didn't you get it?
It was full of irony.

Ok. So irony's funny.

Sure, because
someone says something

And the opposite
is actually true.

Oh, ok, li-like when you told me

Emma was gonna be
a really great movie,

When actually it
sucked out loud?

Well, apparently, irony is a
little too sophisticated for you.

Either that, or you don't
know what's funny, either.


Don't know what's funny?

I'll have you know,

At camp I was
voted "miss whimsy."

Why? Was "miss irony"
k*lled in a canoe accident?

Hi, d*ck.

Oh, uh, mary.

Just doing some reading.

Some... Physics
reading. You know.

That's nice.

Uh, say, um...

An amusing joke,
uh, just came to me.

Uh, you know, out of the blue.


Knock knock.


Who's there?


Um... Uh...

"Who's there," you say?



Uh... Um...

Uh, nina.

Nina who?

Our nina!

Uh, she's right here!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

She... Ha ha! Please let
me host that fund-raiser!


Ben littmeyer just called. He's
gonna be a few minutes late for lunch.

Oh. Another lunch with ben.

I see.

How funny for you.

Well, would you like to join
us? We could make it a threesome.

I don't go that way, mary.


And last but not
least... Garlic gum.

Uh... Oh, uh, uh, harry,

How'd you like a nice piece

Of perfectly ordinary gum? Ok.

Mmm! Garlicky.

[Thumping on stairs]

I had a great day.

I haven't learned a
thing about comedy,

And august and I
had a huge fight.

How'd you like a nice
doughnut from this bag,

Uh, labeled, um, "donuts"?

Ohhh! You touched doggy doodie!


Since when is doggy
doodie made in taiwan?

Well... They have
dogs in taiwan.

Big ones!

Funny, right?

I don't know. You know...

I don't think I'm ever
gonna see my coat again.

Oh... Uh, harry... Why
don't you sit down?

You'll feel a lot better.

Right here.

[Farting sound]

Excuse me.



You know... I mean, at
least I can take comfort

In knowing that I
treated my coat well.

Such as yesterday.
It was hot on the bus,

And I took it off
and folded it neatly

And placed it under
the shade of my feet.


You left it on the bus.


They have a lost
and found, harry.

Oh, you mean I might
see my coat again!

Oh, I am so happy...

Down! Aah! Aah!

d*ck. I've been thinking
about this humor thing.

Why don't you try what
those guys on tv do?

Everybody says they're funny.

Oh, yeah! Those guys!
Oh, yeah, yeah. Right.

You know...

Ha ha!

Ooh! Nyah, nyah, nyah!


Whoo whoo! Whoo whoo!

The mclaughlin group? No.

They're not funny at all.

Oh, hello, d*ck.

Hello, ben.

I'm waiting for mary.

I'm sleeping with mary.


O... K.

So from what I've heard,

You're quite the
professor funnypants.

Well, i...

It seem that you have mary

Wrapped around
your little funny bone.

But I can assure you,

I'm a far tougher...

Bone wrapperer.

I think I'll wait outside.

Make me laugh, funnyman.

Well, I'm not a comedian.

It's just that funny things
just seem to happen to me.

Oh, really? Like what?

Last week I was at a bus stop,

And it suddenly
started raining. Pouring!

And I look over, and I see
this gorgeous grad student,

And she's looking at me

Like a kid with braces
looking at a candy apple.

No. Not funny.

Well, I'm about to say hello

When I suddenly realize that
my hair has flipped forward.

Well, there I am,
standing in the rain

With my very own awning.


Finally, the bus arrived,

And... And the door opened,

The... The compressor kicked in,

And this... This
european weave of mine

Got sucked right into the bus!

Ho ho ho.

There I was, in front
of this beautiful girl,

And there I'm chasing that bus

And chasing my hair!

Up and down... Chasing...

Ha ha ha ha! And I
couldn't... I just... Aah!



This is... Not good.

Yes! Yes, it is!

The bus stole
your hair! Ha ha ha!

Go... Call... 911!

[Calling] 911!

Ha ha ha ha!

Mary was so right
about you, ben!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What's going on? Ben: ohhh...

Ben's been telling me the funniest
story about the bus and the girl

And the rain... Oh!

Oh! Call 911!

You've heard this one
before! Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I... I'm telling you, ben's
heart stopping temporarily

Was the best thing that
ever happened to me.

He's getting some
much-needed bed rest,

And I'm emceeing the fund
raiser tomorrow night.

How'd you manage that?
I promised dr. Albright

That I would stick
to ben's script.

Are you gonna? No.

All right. Next up
on open mic night,

Very funny man. Put your
hands together for d*ck solomon.

[Shouting] thank you! Thank you!

Thanks a lot! Thank you so much!


I'm gonna tell you some jokes.

Joke one.

I went fishing last week.

My permit said I
could only catch 5.

Oh, I caught 5,
all right, as in 35.


[Softly] haaaaa...

Was that funny?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Ha ha ha. But you know...

Ha ha ha ha. Pot stickers.
What are they all about?



O-ok. Joke number 2.

Some termites...

I... I mean, huge termites...

Ate my house last night.

Uh, it's gone.

It's completely gone.

That's it. That's the joke.

You still suck. Yeah, really.

Hey, where you going?

Hey. Wait. Wait.
Where are you going?

Uh... Hey! Look! A bald guy!

Am I right?



So. Who do you think's
funny in our class?


Alan gimbel.

Alan gimbel? Why?

'Cause he's 20. Ha ha ha.

Oh, so... So you think
dumb people are funny?

If they're that dumb, yeah.

You know who I think
is funny? David barrish.

Oh, yeah. He's hysterical.

He is so clever.

Oh, I meant just 'cause
he looks like a big dork.


All right, let's
install this baby.

Did you measure
the shelves? Yes.

Did you measure the closet? Yes.

Did you measure the door? Damn!

If it's storage you're after,

You can put it in the
hall closet downstairs.

Let me... Let me get
the door for you.

All right. All right.
Harry, keep it sideways.

[Telephone rings]

Oh, sh**t. Uh,
dubcek, hold this.

Ja. I... I got it.

I got it. No problem. [Ring]

I got it. Ok. No problem.


Yeah, just a second.
Harry. For you.


Wrong number.

Hmm. She took it down herself.

Ahh, it's all right.

You... You had the
guts to get up there.

You know? It takes time.

I have to be funny
by tomorrow night!

You're not gonna make it.

I don't know what to do!

Well... Don't
overthink it. You know?

Just talk about things
you know. That's what I do.

Yeah? You make fun of your
poor mother's flabby arms.

Hey, those flabby arm jokes
made her the most popular senior

In fort myers, florida.

You... You mean she
doesn't hate you for it?

Hate me? No.

She loves me for it.

[Deliberately] it's a joke.

You mean...

Tricycles don't really
fall out of her arms?

Uh, no.

Oh, my god! Of
course they don't!

I mean... Just think how flabby
her arms would have to be

For a tricycle to be up there.

And... And for so many years!

And she didn't notice it, not
even when she took a shower.

That's hysterical.

I get it.

I get the joke!


Ok. Thank you.

Thank you so much! All right.

This should be fun.

Um... I'd like to welcome
you all here tonight.

Before we go any further,

I think that we should
all acknowledge

The sensational job that
my esteemed colleague

Dr. Mary albright has done

In organizing this truly
worthwhile event. Bravo.

Don't you love
dr. Albright? I know I do.

Now... I know many
of you are wondering,

Um... What's with
her long sleeves?

Well, I'll tell you.

It's to cover up
her flabby arms.

She shook them the other day,

And the dead sea
scrolls fell out...

As she's, uh...

She's quite old also, you see.

But, you know, as sweet
and... And wonderful

As... As dr. Albright is,

She can also be somewhat
domineering, power-hungry, and hostile,

And I think I've finally
figured out why.

Dr. Albright, while you may
not have a man's genitalia,

At least you have
his razor stubble.

Oh, oh, oh, oh! And...
And there's nina!

Nina is dr. Albright's
assistant. Nina,

Stand up. Stand up.
Come on, stand up.

Show everybody how you
put the "ass" in "assistant."

Ha ha ha ha!

I left my coat on the bus.

Can you describe it?

Yes. It had 8 wheels,
hard plastic seats,

And when it
stopped, it went ssss!

Harry, he means the coat.

Oh! Oh. Well, um, it kinda
looked like this one,

Only it was furry
and... Don't have it. Next.

Man: night, eddie.

See you monday.

He's got my coat.


Be a man.

Hey, mister.

That's my coat.

No, it isn't.

Yeah. That's his coat.

If it's his coat, how
come I'm wearing it?

Good point.


Hey, babes.

Good morning,
d*ck. Good morning.

Did you sleep well?

Once the adrenaline
wore off, like a baby.

You know, when you've been
riding the b*llet train to yuk-ville,

It's kinda hard to slow down.

I've been up all night
faxing jokes to leno.

What have we here?

11 Banana cream pies...

One for every letter
in my name. Am I right?

Right. Right.

Aw, girls...

You shouldn't have.

Oh... We had to.


You were so funny last night.

I was wondering if
you could help us out.

Oh, I'd be delighted to
share my comedic expertise.

We who are clowns are
known for our generosity.

Maybe you could help us settle
an argument we were having.


What's funnier...


Or this?


Is 2 at once funny?

How about...


Is this funny?

I think...

This is funny.

You are just so...

Funny. Hee hee hee!

Ha ha ha ha ha! That is funny!

Thank you so much
for helping us.

I'm glad I could be of service.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

I... Have a class to teach.

You know, it's a
remarkable feeling

To be able to make
someone else laugh.

It's almost as if
you have the power

To get inside their
brain and... And tickle it.

Pssh. I could do
that with a chopstick.

Imagine how
different w*r would be

If instead of trying
to k*ll each other,

People just showed
up armed with jokes.

But you could still
have g*ns, right?

Because, you know,

Eventually you'd stop laughing

And want to get
on with the k*lling.

You know what I found
out. Humor is subjective.

What do you mean?

I thought the fact that
no one was laughing at you

At the comedy
club was hysterical.

I loved that.

No. No, that wasn't funny. See?

Which is also ironic.

You were at a comedy club,
and noooo one was laughing.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Shut up, all of you!

I think I'm gonna take my
furry little friend for a walk.

He's been locked in the
basement all week. You know...

Why do they call it
a "fur coat," anyway?

It's not made of fur,
and it's not a coat.

Uh... Actually, harry,
it's both those things.

It was a joke.

Oh. Ha ha! Oh. Ha ha! Oh. Ha ha!
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