04x22 - The Walking Dead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x22 - The Walking Dead

Post by bunniefuu »

[Salvatore’s House]

(Elena and Stefan are training)

Stefan: And?

Elena: That did nothing for me. How was it for you?

Stefan: Again. Good. Now, focus on letting it go

Elena: Or we could skip the sublimating part and you can tell me where she is so that I can rip her head off

Stefan: I don't know where Katherine is and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you

Elena: Stefan, you're the one who told me to channel all of my emotions into one single feeling.

Stefan: I realize that. I just figured it would be love, or hope, or compassion. Not unwavering hatred for a ruthless vampire that's 500 years older than you. Give me 50 pull-ups

Elena: You wanted to k*ll Klaus when you got your emotions back

Stefan: I know and I couldn’t

Elena: You don't think I can k*ll Katherine?

Stefan: I don't think you really want to

Elena: Maybe you're right. Maybe I just want to feel the warmth of her chest cavity as I rip out her heart and watch her face as she realizes I took it from her. Nah, I just want to k*ll her. It's that simple. I'm gonna go shower

[Mystic Grill]

(Rebekah is at the bar with Matt)

Rebekah: So, let me get this straight. You send out a notice of your impending graduation, and people feel obliged to give you money?

Matt: Pretty much

Rebekah: Sounds brilliant. Why aren't you participating?

Matt: I don't have a whole lot of family

Rebekah: Well, that makes two of us. Besides, I don't think it was my mother's dream to see me in a cap and gown. How about your mom?

Matt: Let's just say I'm not holding my breath for a graduation check

(Caroline and Elena are sitting on a table outside)

Caroline: Stamp, please. Thank you

Elena: You don't have to pretend to be nice to me, Caroline. I know this is just a ploy to keep me distracted

Caroline: You're done? I'm only on my second batch

Elena: We have family friends in Denver. Other than that, no one cares that I'm graduating. And to be honest, neither do I

Caroline: You know, that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase...

Elena: Wait. Do you know where Katherine is?

Caroline: No. Why would I know where she is?

Elena: Yeah, but Caroline, if you did, you would tell me, right?

Caroline: Elena, you're obsessing

Elena: Caroline, listen to me. If you know where Katherine is, you have to tell me

Caroline: I don't. Elena... Chill.

[The Woods]

(Bonnie and Katherine are in the woods)

Katherine: Hello! Could you be any creepier? Why are we here?

Bonnie: You want me to make you truly immortal so that nothing can k*ll you. To do that, I need to talk to Qetsiyah, which means I need to lower the veil to the other side

Katherine: That still doesn't explain why you made me trudge through mud in $500 boots

Bonnie: A few miles that way, 12 hybrids were k*lled at the Lockwood cellar. And a few Miles that way, 12 humans died at the Young farm. And this is the site where 12 witches were k*lled

Katherine: 13 if you don't get to the point

Bonnie: It's the expression triangle. I need to charge all 3 points and channel the mystical energy from Silas's tombstone. Once that happens, I can drop the veil inside the 3 points and just long enough to get what I need

Katherine: And what exactly do you need?

Bonnie: Silas has done nothing but torment my friends. Now he wants to unleash hell on earth. He's evil. In 2,000 years, only one person has been able to put him down

Katherine: Let me guess. Qetsiyah

Bonnie: If I can contact her, I can ask her how to do it. Now hand me the rock

Katherine: You're gonna flood Mystic Falls with dead, supernatural creatures so that you can ask a 2,000-year-old witch not one but two favors? Ha! I think I'll take my business elsewhere

(She can’t leave)

Katherine: What the hell?

Bonnie: I linked us. Which means you're stuck with me for the day. Silas can be anyone. If he gets in your head and figures out I don't need a full moon to do the spell, it's over. Now, about that tombstone

[Mystic Falls’ Hospital]

(Stefan rejoins Damon)

Damon: You just missed the donuts

Stefan: Yeah, I was with Elena burning off a few thousand hate-filled calories. What happened to you helping me?

Damon: Help? Yes. Prolonging the inevitable, waste of my time

Stefan: Hmm. You're avoiding. How unexpected

Damon: I'm not avoiding. Elena's only goal is to end Katherine's life, and that's not gonna just magically disappear with Pilates and a juice cleanse

(Liz rejoins them)

Liz: Hey, guys. Thanks for coming

Damon: Hey. Why were we invited?

Liz: Well, the hospital has kept the blood banks empty ever since they were raided last month. We thought at the very least, it would help keep the vampire population away

Stefan: And it didn't?

Liz: See for yourself

(They go to a room)

Liz: There were 4 other victims in this wing. Each one almost completely drained of blood. You think it's Silas?

Damon: Or a doctor with some very questionable bedside manner

Liz: But 5 victims? It's a lot of blood and it's not like he can take it with him

Stefan: Unless he's fueling up for something big

Liz: Big? Any details would be helpful, considering I'm dealing with 5 grieving families out there and a psychic k*ller on the loose

Damon: Silas wants Bonnie to do a spell to drop the veil from the other side

Liz: I have no idea what that means

Damon: It's an invisible wall that separates our plane from the plane of all dead supernatural creatures. Now, Silas wants that to go away so he can take the cure, die, and not have to spend an eternity in a supernatural purgatory

Liz: And when do you suppose Silas plans on doing this?

Damon: Next full moon. Tomorrow night

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Bonnie and Katherine arrive)

Katherine: Ugh. That old Lockwood cellar reeks of wet dog. I'll be staying up here

Bonnie: You obviously don't know how this works

(They enter)

Katherine: You realize I'm not just some wandering child in a supermarket, right? I’m a vampire that can k*ll you

Bonnie: Whatever happens to me happens to you. Do you really think I want you here?

Katherine: And what is here? Oh. Right. 12 dead hybrids. This should be good

[Mystic Grill]

(Caroline, Rebekah and Matt are at the bar)

Caroline: Is it supposed to rain tonight?

Rebekah: Do I look like a meteorologist?

(They look at Elena)

Caroline: Someone needs to do something, before she explodes

Rebekah: I got this

(She rejoins Elena)

Rebekah: Drink. You're putting everyone on edge. So. What's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation

Elena: It's not complicated. See that dart board? All I can picture is Katherine's face

Rebekah: So, your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage

Elena: Look, Rebekah, I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off, but let me make one thing clear... We're not friends

(Caroline rejoins them)

Caroline: What about us? Are we still friends? All those things you said when your humanity was off, is that how you really feel?

Elena: Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane

Caroline: Well, what about when you said, and I quote, "you're a repulsive, blood-sucking, control freak monster"? Did you really mean those things?

Elena: If you're waiting for an apology, you're not gonna get one. I can't let myself feel bad, because if I feel bad, then I feel everything, and... We've all seen how well I handle that

(The power’s out. They go outside)

Rebekah: The power's completely out

Caroline: I’ll call my mom! Maybe she knows what's going on

[The Young Farm]

Bonnie: 12 humans burned to death here. They died in vain for Silas

Katherine: What did you do?

Bonnie: I linked the final hot spot. It's time to drop the veil

[Mystic Falls’ Hospital]

(Damon, Liz and Stefan are looking at a map)

Liz: The power outages originated at 3 different places in town... the Young farm, the Lockwood estate, and a blown transformer off old Miller Road

Stefan: These are the locations of the Silas massacres. It's the expression triangnle. Bonnie must be doing the spell

Damon: So much for needing a full moon

Liz: I know something else. One of the power company guys has a daughter who goes to school with Bonnie. He saw her leaving the Young farm an hour ago with Elena

Stefan: But Caroline's with Elena

Damon: Looks like Bonnie Bennett has a new doppelganger friend

Liz: So, how do we find them?

Stefan: Well, they must be somewhere in the triangle. My guess is right in the middle

Damon: And where exactly might that be?

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Damon and Stefan arrive. Elena rejoins them)

Stefan: Where's Caroline?

Elena: Inside looking for Bonnie. I think we should split up. Damon and I can look outside while you and Caroline look inside

Stefan: All right. Let me know if you find anything

(He leaves)

Damon: Someone's an eager beaver

Elena: Where's Katherine?

Damon: Now I get it. One brother sh**t you down, you ask the other one. Great

Elena: You know, don't you?

Damon: Do you not notice all the end of the world crap going on right now?

Elena: Tell me that you don't want her dead. After everything that she did to you. Stringing you along for hundreds of years

Damon: Elena, we don't need to list all the reasons that I hate Katherine. What we need to do is find Bonnie. Come on

Elena: I don't care about Bonnie. I care about k*lling Katherine

Damon: They're together. Ok? So maybe you should do a little less threatening and a little more looking. Come on

(Stefan rejoins Caroline in the cafeteria)

Stefan: Hey. There you are. Any luck?

Caroline: I searched the whole school. She should be here

(They hear a noise)

Caroline: What was that?

(They go in the cold room)

Stefan: Hmm. Ice is melting

Caroline: It just doesn't make any sense. This is the center of the triangle. If she's gonna do the spell, she has to do it here. This is where they should be

Stefan: Actually, I think we're in the right place. Just the wrong elevation

(Bonnie and Katherine are in the caves below the school)

Bonnie: Ok. This is the center of the triangle. I'm ready. Now give me the tombstone

Katherine: The fact that this spell hinges on some crappy hunk of blood-rock does little to inspire my confidence

Bonnie: It's filled with the calcified blood of Qetsiyah, one of the strongest witches in the world

(Damon is on the phone with Stefan)

Damon: If I remember correctly, I think there's an entrance in the basement

Stefan: Where's the basement?

Elena: Off the boiler room

Damon: You hear that? I'll meet you there

(He hangs up and looks at Elena)

Damon: You're gonna have to stay here

Elena: Are you kidding me?

Damon: We really need to stop Bonnie from doing this spell, and if you get all murderous and screw it up...

Elena: Is that really the reason?

Damon: As self-righteous as Stefan is, he has a point. Behind your rage, there is a tidal wave of feelings. All of your guilt, all your grief. Every emotion you've ever put off. And k*lling Katherine's gonna let it all in, and if you can't handle it, then we're back to square one

Elena: And if I can? What if k*lling Katherine takes away all that grief and guilt? What if k*lling Katherine finally lets me feel all the good things that I've lost? Damon, help me. As soon as I get over this hurdle, I'll be me. I'll be able to think clearly. I'll be myself and everything will go back to normal

Damon: She's strong. And crafty. And you'll die

Elena: Then at least I'll die trying

(Bonnie is doing the spell)

Katherine: What is happening?

Bonnie: I'm channeling the expression triangle. It's done. The veil is down

(Damon Is lying on the ground. Alaric appears)

Alaric: Need a hand?

Damon: So, this is either really good or really bad

Alaric: It's good to see you, too, Damon

Damon: I'd say the feeling was mutual, except a lot of people aren't exactly who they say they are around here

Alaric: You think I'm Silas? Are you kidding me?

Damon: Uhh. See, this puts us in a bit of a pickle, ‘cause that is exactly what Silas would say

Alaric: Now, would Silas know about locker 42?

(Damon embraces him)

Damon: Hang on. If I can see you, and I can touch you that means the little witch did it. She dropped the veil

Alaric: Well, not completely. It's only down inside the expression triangle. If I step outside of it, it's back to ghost world

Damon: Where's everybody? I figure with the veil down, it'd be like ghost-a-palooza

Alaric: Not every ghost has a reason to come back to Mystic Falls. Just the ones like me, looking out for their idiot best friends

Damon: I'm more worried about the ones looking out for their enemies

[Mystic Grill]

(Matt and Rebekah are alone)

Matt: This wind is weird. One minute it was blowing like a hurricane. Now nothing, not even a breeze

Rebekah: Looks like something wicked finally came

Matt: You know, you don't have to be here. I mean, technically, one of us is getting paid

Rebekah: But it's fun. And kind of cozy. With the storm outside and the candlelight. And us

(Someone enters)

Rebekah: Oh, my God. Kol

Kol: Greetings from the dead. So, who fancies a drink?

Rebekah: I thought I'd never see you again

Kol: Spare me the waterworks, sister. I've already watched you grieve. Lasted a full 24 hours, remember?

Matt: I'm assuming this means Bonnie dropped the veil

Kol: Not completely, and not for long. But who am I to give up an opportunity for revenge? My k*ller's already dead, but his sister's just as culpable. So maybe you could help me find her

Matt: If you hurt Elena...

Kol: Oh… I’m going to. But please, continue. I'm curious as to where you're going with this

Rebekah: You've made your point, Kol. Leave

Kol: First tell me where I can find Elena

Rebekah: She left here hours ago. We don't know where she is. Now get out

Kol: I see you finally got the quarterback to pay attention to you. How's the throwing arm, champ?

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Katherine and Bonnie are still in the caves)

Katherine: Tick tock, Bonnie

Bonnie: Stop talking. I can't reach out to Qetsiyah with you breaking my concentration every 5 seconds

Katherine: Bonnie. Did you hear that? Someone's coming

Bonnie: Will you be quiet?

Katherine: I have vampire hearing, Bonnie, and there's someone here. Unlink me so that I can go stall them while we wait for Qetsiyah to show up

Bonnie: I'm not letting you go

Katherine: Then at least give me some slack

Bonnie: Fine. Go. Stop them

(Katherine is in the tunnels)

Katherine: Silas? Come and get me

(Elena arrives)

Elena: Hello, Katherine

Katherine: I let you out of your cage and this is how you thank me?

Elena: No. This is how I thank you

(Bonnie is screaming. Stefan and Caroline enter)

Stefan: Bonnie. Bonnie, what happened?

Bonnie: Katherine. Find Katherine. We're linked

Caroline: Then unlink her. You go. I'll stay with Bonnie

(Elena is still fighting with Katherine)

Elena: You have done nothing but suck the happiness out of my life. Uhh. Well, now I get to k*ll you

Katherine: No, wait, please

Elena: Good-bye, Katherine

(Stefan intervenes)

Elena: Stefan!

Katherine: Thanks for the save, handsome

Stefan: Get the hell out of here before I k*ll you myself

Katherine: Really? I’m your biggest problem right now?
[Mystic Grill]

(Rebekah is taking care of Matt)

Rebekah: You know, I could just cure this for you easily, right?

Matt: I’ll be fine

Rebekah: Why won't you ever let me help you?

Matt: It's not you, it's... Look, people in this town have a bad habit of turning into vampires and I'd like to graduate High School as a human. I think there's a first aid kit in the back

Rebekah: Ok

(She goes in the back and finds Caroline)

Rebekah: Caroline, how are you still here... Oh my god

Caroline: I have to keep cutting

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Caroline is with Bonnie)

Caroline: Bonnie, are you ok?

Bonnie: Yeah, now that I unlinked her

Caroline: What are you doing down here?

Bonnie: Waiting for Qetsiyah

Caroline: You might be waiting a while. Qetsiyah's not coming, Bonnie

Bonnie: But... I saw Caroline. How? I thought you couldn't get inside my head

Silas: That's what I wanted you to think. I can make you see whatever I want you to see. Am I a d*sfigured monster? Of course not. A monster is what I wanted you to see. That's the beauty of all this. You have no idea who I am. Or what I look like. Or how deep I am inside of your head. You thought that you were more powerful than me? I'm stronger than you can imagine. I defeated the hunter's curse in minutes. You thought that you could betray me. You can't. I will always be one step ahead

(Stefan is still with Elena)

Elena: How could you save her? She was as good as dead

Stefan: Yeah, and so was Bonnie. Bonnie used a spell to link herself to Katherine, so if you k*lled her, Bonnie would be dead, too

Elena: How do you know that?

Stefan: Because I saw her, Elena. You almost k*lled your best friend

Elena: I don’t believe you

Stefan: Really?

Elena: You never wanted me to k*ll Katherine. Why are you protecting her, Stefan?

Stefan: Listen to yourself. Your rage is making you crazy

Elena: Do you still have feelings for her?

Stefan: This isn't even about Katherine. This is about Jeremy. What, you think that k*lling her will take all that pain away? It won’t

Elena: Oh, but beating up cinder blocks will?

Stefan: No. It's a distraction. Just like k*lling Katherine, just like turning your emotions off. The truth is, there are no shortcuts. You are a vampire, Elena. Loss is part of the deal. Look, I've been alive for 163 years. I have lost more loved ones than I can count and it hurts me every single time

Elena: So, there's no hope. You're saying I'm hopeless

Stefan: No. I'm saying you have to face your grief. But you don't have to do it alone. I can help you

Elena: Oh, of course you can. God, Stefan, always trying to help and your concern for me is just like...

Stefan: You're transferring some rage on me. That's good

Elena: I don't need to transfer anything. I can hate two people just fine

Stefan: Elena…

Elena: Just like the cinder block. Nothing

[Mystic Grill]

(Rebekah is trying to help Caroline)

Rebekah: Caroline, hey. Snap out of it

Caroline: I need to bleed. Silas wants me to bleed

Rebekah: Stop it. You're hallucinating

Caroline: Just let me do this. I need to do this

Rebekah: You’re going to cut your hand’s off

(Matt is on the phone with Damon)

Matt: She's been here the whole time. That means Silas is with you

Damon: Perfect

Matt: Yeah, it gets worse. The veil's down. Kol came by looking for Elena. Seemed a little pissed

Damon: Do you have any good news for me, Donovan?

Matt: We’ll handle this. .Just watch your back

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Damon is with Alaric)

Damon: Call Stefan. Tell him about Caroline. Tell him to keep an eye on Elena. God knows he'll do a better job than me

Alaric: Stefan? Isn't she your girlfriend?

Damon: Who knows? I know she was sired to me. I know her emotions were off. I know she's so full of rage she wants to rip Katherine's head off...

Alaric: But you have no idea how she feels about you and now you're freaking out

Damon: Call Stefan

[Mystic Grill]

Matt: Have you tried compelling her?

Rebekah: I can't. She's on vervain

Caroline: Let me go!

Rebekah: Look, Caroline, you're graduating and Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary really want you to graduate with both your hands

Caroline: I need to keep cutting. I need to keep cutting. I need to keep cutting

Rebekah: Stop!

Caroline: Bitch!

Rebekah: That is the Caroline I know and loathe

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

Bonnie: Stay away from me

Caroline/Silas: Gladly. Once you finish the spell. Then when the veil is dropped completely, I can take the cure. I just want to pass on, Bonnie. I'll even let you k*ll me. I'll be out of your life for good

Bonnie: But every dead supernatural creature will be roaming the earth

Caroline/Silas: Well, if you don't help me, I'll be roaming the earth

Bonnie: I was never gonna drop the veil

Caroline/Silas: I'm curious. What was your plan? Pow-wow with Qetsiyah? Brainstorm ways to put me down? Qetsiyah's not coming. She wants me on the other side with her. For eternity

Damon: Bonnie? Bonnie?

Caroline/Silas: That sounds familiar

(He takes Alaric’s appearance)

Alaric/Silas: Maybe Damon will convince you

Bonnie: I won't let you...

Caroline/Silas: You won't let me what? You feel that, Bonnie? The air. Thinning. Barely enough to breathe

[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]

(Elena goes to Jeremy’s grave)

Elena: '"Brother and friend"? What genius came up with that one? I give up, Jer. I really wanted to k*ll her for you, but... There's no point. Stefan's right. It's just a distraction. And... I can't. I can't do this. I can't... I can't move on, and I don't want to. If that makes me weak, then fine, I'm weak. But I can't handle you... I can't handle you being gone... And I can't handle feeling like this anymore

(Kol arrives)

Kol: Hello, old friend. Pity about your brother. Guess it's just me against you now

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Bonnie can’t barely breathe. Sheila appears)

Sheila: Bonnie. This isn't real, Bonnie. Feel the air in your lungs. Break through

Bonnie: Silas?

Sheila: Would Silas try and save your life? Now, breathe, child. There

Bonnie: I was so worried about you

Sheila: I know but I’m okay. I've been watching over you

Bonnie: I messed up. I’m sorry

Sheila: You can still stop Silas

Bonnie: No, I can't. Qetsiyah was able to immobilize him so he couldn't feed and get into people's heads. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to put him down

Sheila: You can do that. Expression is the manifestation of your will. You can do anything. I don't like it, but sometimes, there are no choices. But you are strong enough. You can do this

(Damon is in the caves and stumbles upon Alaric)

Alaric: Whoa. It's just me. I called Stefan. He's heading for Elena. Did you find Silas?

Damon: Yup

Alaric: Oh! Damon, it's me!

Damon: No, you're not. I've spent more time in these tunnels than I care to admit and there's no way you just came from the school. Your mind games don't work on me, Silas

(Bonnie arrives)

Bonnie: I may not be able to k*ll you, but I will stop you. I will make the blood clot in your veins. I will make every bone, muscle, and joint in your body turn to stone

Damon: What the hell is happening?

Bonnie: He can't hide behind his mind control anymore. He's becoming his true self

Damon: Who exactly might his true self be?

Bonnie: I guess we'll never know

[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]

(Kol and Elena are fighting)

Kol: Now, this is what I've missed. Two people connecting. It's lonely on the other side. I swear, being invisible will drive you mad. The way you couldn't see me standing in front of you, or feel my breath on your cheek as I whispered all the ways that I wished for you to suffer. But at least, now you can

Elena: Go ahead, Kol. k*ll me. You'll be doing me a favor

Kol: As you wish, darling

(Jeremy appears)

Jeremy: How many times do I need to k*ll you?

Kol: Jeremy Gilbert. You’re back. Now, what's the saying? k*ll me once, shame on you, k*ll me twice, shame on...

(Stefan intervenes and breaks his neck)

Stefan: Let's leave it at that, shall we?

(Jeremy rushes toward Elena)

Jeremy: Elena?! Elena?

Elena: Jeremy

[The Woods]

(Damon and Stefan are with Bonnie)

Bonnie: You need to get rid of Silas's body

Damon: Well, there's a slight problem, Medusa. Even though you turned him into stone, if he gets one more drop of blood, he's back to his old mind tricks

Stefan: All right. So, let's do what we should've done to Klaus. Let's drop his body in the middle of the ocean

(Elena and Jeremy rejoin them)

Elena: Bonnie... I don't know what to say

Bonnie: You don't have to say anything

Elena: I was so horrible to you

Bonnie: You weren't you. I know what that's like. I wasn't me for a long time. We can talk about that later. You got some catching up to do

Jeremy: thank you Bonnie

Bonnie: I'll give you guys as much time as I can... But I have to go put the veil back up

Stefan: I should make sure Kol’s body is somewhere safe until the veil goes back up

Elena: Stefan…

Stefan: Welcome back

(He leaves. She looks at Damon)

Elena: There isn't enough time

Damon: It'll never be enough time

Elena: Damon, I'm sorry

Damon: Stop. The most important thing right now is Jeremy. And saying good-bye

[Mystic Grill]

(Stefan enters. Caroline’s here)

Caroline: Good. You're here. We need to celebrate

Stefan: Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to... celebrate

Caroline: What's wrong with you? Silas is dead, or whatever, and you're just sitting here like a bump on a log

Stefan: There was someone that I thought I would see today, and... I didn't. That's all

(Lexi enters)

Lexi: You better mean me

Stefan: You've got to be kidding me

(She looks at Caroline)

Lexi: Thank you for keeping an eye on this one

[The Woods]

(Damon puts Silas in the trunk)

Damon: Calcified Silas is a heavy son of a bitch

Alaric: Can't think of a more appropriate way to spent my last moments as a semi-living person

Damon: Oh, I'm sorry. You have someplace better to be?

Alaric: Guess not

Damon: Thought you were cutting back

Alaric: Yeah, well... I thought you were gonna take care of the children

Damon: You heard that? That's not creepy

Alaric: I... Found this in the dead guy's pocket. Thought it might do more use here than, say, 3 miles below sea level

Damon: What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

Alaric: Get the girl

[A street]

(Stefan and Lexi are walking)

Lexi: She punched you in the face?

Stefan: Yep

Lexi: Ha ha ha! Take a hint

Stefan: So, you've been back what, 5 minutes, and you're already laughing at me?

Lexi: No. I've been laughing at you for a while. You just haven't been able to see me

Stefan: Do you have any idea how much I missed you?

Lexi: Trust me. I do. Although I see I've been replaced by another blonde

Stefan: What'd you give me that look for?

Lexi: She's cute

Stefan: Do not start

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Bonnie is back in the cave with Sheila)

Sheila: You have to put up the veil

Bonnie: Not yet

Sheila: What are you doing, Bonnie?

Bonnie: I can bring Jeremy back. I can keep him here

Sheila: No, you can’t

Bonnie: Elena needs him. This was always the plan. Jeremy wasn't supposed to die

Sheila: It was the will of nature. There is no magic in this world that is strong enough to challenge it

Bonnie: I have every magic. I have the spirits

(She casts a spell)

Sheila: stop it!

Bonnie: I have expression

Sheila: Stop it, Bonnie

Bonnie: And I have the darkness

Sheila: Bonnie, stop

(Bonnie continues to cast the spell)

[Mystic Grill]

(Matt and Rebekah are outside)

Matt: In case Caroline didn't thank you for pulling her out of that hallucination earlier... Thanks

Rebekah: I'm just glad I got a chance to knock her upside the face

(She sees someone)

Rebekah: Oh, my god

Matt: Who the hell is that?

Rebekah: That is my ex-boyfriend Alexander. He's a vampire hunter. Thank God. The power's coming back. Maybe that means the veil's almost up and he'll disappear again

Matt: Or not

Rebekah: We should get out of here

(They turn themselves. Connor and Vaughn are here)

Connor: You should

Vaughn: Too bad you can't

[Mystic Falls’ High School]

(Bonnie wakes up. Sheila is here)

Sheila: I'm sorry, Bonnie. The spell. It was just too much

Bonnie: Oh, my God. I’m dead

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