03x14 - The Strongest Shinigami! Ultimate Confrontation Between Teacher and Students

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x14 - The Strongest Shinigami! Ultimate Confrontation Between Teacher and Students

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me, my whole world has changed.

I'm the Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength to protect my precious friends! You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only, now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us, but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.

TIME NOTICE THA YOU SHOULD NOTICE THA NOTICE THAT THERE'S NO OTHER Take her! Don't just stand there! Get out of here! That's your job! Protect her with your life! Renji! A-Abarai.

Don't just stand there, you fools! After them! All lieutenants, go! Yes, sir.

Go ahead.

Rush out! Itegumo! Pierce! Gonryomaru! Smash 'em! Gegetsuburi! Impossible! He's not even using his Zanpakuto I told you, I could see your moves Byakuya Kuchiki! Why? Why do you insist on trying to save Rukia over and over again? Let me ask you instead.

Aren't you Rukia's brother? Why won't you try to rescue Rukia? Such a foolish question Even if I answered it, someone like you wouldn't understand.

There's nothing to discuss.

Are you ready? Only one path lies open for me.

Ichigo Kurosaki I Will k*ll you.

And once again, I will capture Rukia and execute her myself this time.

I won't let that happen.

That's why I'm here.

Let me go! Please let me go, Renji! I must help Ichigo! Will you just shut up?! We're running away so stay quiet! What if someone hears us, damn it?! But you're voice is louder than mine.

That guy Ichigo said he owed you a favor.

Me? A favor? Yeah Rukia saved my life.

Rukia changed my destiny.

I became a Soul Reaper after meeting Rukia.

That's why I'm able to protect everyone and fight like this.

Because of me, Ichigo's fate has been changed and I hurt him terribly.

Nothing I do can make amends for that.

You always think too much.

You've always been like that.

You're not as bad as you think.

So stop blaming yourself for everything.

You're not strong enough to carry it all on your shoulders.

Share it.

Put some of your burden on my shoulders, and Ichigo's shoulders.

Divide it up a little and stand up slowly.

That's the reason why we became strong.

Have faith in him, Rukia.

I'm sorry, Renji.


Don't apologize.

Thank you.


Don't thank me either.

Big Sister Big Sister! Wait Kiyone, hey! Huh?! Hold it, Soi Fon! Do not move! Sir Genryusai! It was a Lieutenant that took off with the prisoner.

We can always find a replacement.

We can take our time capturing him.

However I cannot forgive you two! As captains, you have done something you must not have done.

I'm sure you both understand what that is.

Captain Ukitake Captain, you're in danger! Stay back, Kiyone! Well, we have no choice! Guess we should make a run for it, Ukitake! Wha--?! Shunsui! Wait, Kyoraku! My subordinates are still-! Calm down! If we fought Old Man Yama up there, everyone would get dragged into it and die! Those two will be fine.

Can't you feel it? There's an ally approaching.

Prepare yourself! The ground's coming up on us! Captain! Can't stand just being a bystander Lowly scum! What you did was contemptible.

You've dishonored the 13 Court Guard Squads! But rest assured I will k*ll you so that you will not disgrace yourself further.

Let go of me! Who are you?! Don't make such a fuss.

I see your temperament hasn't improved.

You're--?! You're Yoruichi! Long time no see, Soi Fon.

Have you regained consciousness, Isane? Captain Unohana! I Quiet.

It seems you received the lightest blow, but still you should not move around too much.

Let's descend, Minazuki.

Are you hurt, Captain Unohana? Lieutenant Kotetsu! No.

Let everyone out and return, Minazuki.

Their wounds are not serious.

Being in Minazuki's stomach should have helped them recover.

Lay them down in the Relief Station until they wake up.


Such Spiritual Pressure.

Is someone still there? Captain Kuchiki is still battling the Ryoka.

The other captains have gone elsewhere to fight.

We will not be able to stop them ourselves.

Follow me, Isane.

There's somewhere I want to go.

This should be far enough.


No one else will get hurt if we're out here.

Nanao you're last! You're both too fast.

I must say, you're early.

No brat has ever been successful escaping from me.

Now come, you rascals.

You won't get let off with just a thrashing.

Head Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto of the 13 Court Guard Squads.

His Spiritual Pressure is enormous.

Even two captains together might not be enough to win.

There's only one thing I can do Leave! I haven't the patience to teach a mere infant like you how to breathe.

It's all right, Nanao.

Get yourself together.


I shouldn't have brought you with me.

I can't believe it.

How could he do this much, just by looking into my eyes? "Even two captains together might not be enough to win"? No, I was so naive.

This is not good.

Captain Kyoraku Your Flash Step is magnificent.

Now you're able to cover so much ground.


Looking back, the two of you were always in a class of your own.

You had a weakness for girls and behaved scandalously But you were thoughtful and your ability to see the truth far outshone the others, Shunsui.

And you, Jushiro, though you were frail, you were daring and popular.

Everyone looked up to you.

And when it came time to battle, you were both transcendent.

No one could hold a candle to either one of you.

You were both strong-willed.

You never let up on training and honed your strength.

You were the first captains to come out of the academy that I founded.

You were my pride and joy, as if you were my own sons.

I believed in you! That although we had different thoughts, we walked the same path.

Such a pity.

Master Genryusai Not another word.

Words have no use any longer.

Draw your swords! What are you two thinking? Do you think you can fight me without releasing your Zanpakuto? Do we really have to fight, Old Man Yama? Silence! I thought I taught you, that I never forgive anyone who defies justice.

But you're the one who also taught us to fight for our own sense of justice, Old Man Yama.

You also taught us to become strong just for that reason, Master! Nonsense! Personal justice does not take precedence over the world's justice.

Then what is the justice of the world? Master Genryusai! Did you not hear me? As I said There's nothing to discuss! All things Of this world, turn to ashes! Ryujinjakka! All the days gone by have made me what I am Life's not easy; that's why I can go on.

To the people hurrying by, "Have your dreams come true?" I'm still struggling Forget returning to my youth; I want to live today well.

I was born timid.

Out where the sun shines I fisted my hand tight.

Break out of that place, that time, and I can change my life But I could never express everything deep in my heart All the days gone by have made me what I am Master Genryusai, what would I have to do to maintain a muscular body like yours? It is truly magnificent.

Well, you have to train each and every day.

But you weren't able to maintain your hair.

I'm deeply regretful! UP NEXT, ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SOUL REAPERS, GOLDEN! - Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers - Golden! Take this! Golden Cannonball! Jinta Homerun! Let's go! Karakura King! When did you--?! Karin-Style Death Shot! Not again! Go-Go-Golden! Mission complete! We did it! Perfect! Stare What're you looking at?! Hey, I thought this was the Guide to Soul Reapers.

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