03x10 - Morning of the Sentence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x10 - Morning of the Sentence

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday I feel horrible.

I drank too much Damn it.

Idiot! It wasn't the booze, it was all that tobacco you smoked.

Huh? Shut up! Don't try to pick a fight with me just because you lost yesterday, old man! You wanna die? What?! Bring it on! Draw your sword! I'll sweep you up before I sweep the streets! "Sweep me up?" Who the hell talks like that anymore?! Die old man! Huh? What-? What is that noise? - Good morning, Captain Zaraki! - Good morning, Captain Zaraki! Thank you for giving us the honor of sweeping the streets If you two are gonna goof off try not to be so obvious about it, idiots! If you leave even one speck of dust, I'll k*ll you.

Gentlemen! Do your best! Why's that bastard Aramaki accompanying the Captain? More importantly, weren't there two people riding on the Captain's back? So Which way now, girl? Um Probably It's this way! That hurt! What was that for, Yachiru?! That wasn't very nice.

You think it's this way too.

Right, Kenny? Maybe you should leave it up to Orihime.

The Lieutenant's sense of direction kinda stinks Shut up, you pinball! I'll k*ll her Come on, keep your cool Anyway, you were kind of asking for that one.

Oh, whatever I'm just going to go with my instincts.

All right! You go, Kenny! Oh A white butterfly just flew in.

How cute Heh-heh I wonder if it's spring here.

He sees a butterfly and talks to himself.

He's cracked You can go chase after it, if you want, Uryu.

D-Don't tease me! Who chases butterflies, anyways! Anyway, I wish you wouldn't call me by my first name.

I don't remember being on such friendly terms with you! What?! I don't remember being On friendly terms with you, either! In that case, don't use my first name.

Anyway, you're acting too friendly.

Being friendly is part of the Shiba clan legacy.

- You got a problem? Stupid fool! - I've never heard of such legacy! Shh! - What? - What's wrong? Can't you hear that? Now that you mention it What are you doing?! He's gone mad! Gone mad! Don't you think they're steadily headed this way? It reminds me of a scene out of a typical samurai drama It's stop--! W-What? What? What's going on?! What is this?! Y-You're?! Za-Za-Za-Za-Za-Za-! Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Squad 11! Oh? You! You're the weird bowl-cut narcissist! And you are? I'm sorry, but I don't remember ugly faces.

What did you say?! Let me tell you, after I got bandaged up, everyone tells me I've gotten more handsome! And besides how could you recognize me with my face covered?! Idiot! So, he doesn't deny being ugly Miss Inoue?! Ishida! Sado! Ganju! You're all safe?! I'm so glad! Yachiru! Please stop that! Fall! Fall down! Master Byakuya It is time.

Please get ready to leave for the Sokyoku.

All right I'll be going, Hisana This is awful! I beg your pardon, Captain! I, Tetsuzaemon Iba fell asleep sitting on the toilet! I shall k*ll myself to atone You need not.

I'm ready.

Don't try to be responsible for everything, Tetsuzaemon.

Uh? N-No.


It didn't mean Don't lie.

You're worried, aren't you? That I might still have doubts about this execution And that's why you have been trying to buy some time, so that I can think it through until I'm convinced, right? So you knew Don't worry.

I have no such doubts.

The only thing that motivates me is my debt of gratitude to Master Genryusai.

Because of my appearance, I was shunned But he took me in.

He was the only one who believed in me.

I would spend the whole of my spirit to repay that debt to him.

I have no doubts.

If he approves of it, even death is right! What about you? Tosen? Of course, I am the same as always.

These sightless eyes see only the paths least dyed red with blood I believe that you and I walk the same path, Komamura.

What a pain! What a pain! It's bad enough that we have trouble with the Ryoka sneaking in, and then some kind of a m*rder happening Now we've got some people arguing whether the execution is right or not! It's the decision of the superiors, so there's no sense in arguing it! Are they idiots, or what?! Don't you think so, Captain? Ridiculous Huh? I have no interest in right and wrong nor good and bad.

All I have are the pride as a captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads and the missions to accomplish.

I k*ll enemies That's all there is.

Oh? Is that right? You too, Omaeda Don't misread where you stand.

Don't forget If you cross me you too are my enemy.

Yeah I'll remember that Captain! I was looking all over for you? Don't just lie there.

You must hurry and prepare yourself! Nanao I have a little problem Will you hear me out? What is it? You see, I put this blade of grass in my mouth thinking it'd make me look cool but I guess it was poisonous or something.

The inside of my mouth is burning Spit it out! Nanao What do you think I should do? Why are you asking me? No matter what I say you always do just as you please.

Don't worry.

I'll walk a few steps behind you so I don't get caught up in the trouble.

Oh, dear Then I'll be the only one again who gets scolded by Old Man Yama.

Huh? What? Uh well How should I put it? I guess finding the right street takes luck Sure, you could run into dead-ends ten or twenty times before finding your way, right? See? Didn't I tell you? That's why I said I didn't want the Lieutenant to lead us! Ouch! Hey, Lieutenant! Whoa! She's biting! She's really biting me! Captain Yeah Sneaking around like that you should be ashamed.

Show yourselves.

Captains shouldn't go around disguising their Spiritual Pressure like that.

You've got some nerve talking like that.

Are you aware of what you are doing? Where were you running off to with the Ryoka? Did you lose your honor when you were defeated, Zaraki? C-Captains Komamura and Tosen Lieutenants Iba and Hisagi! Don't lose your head, Aramaki! We still outnumber them.

I-It's not a matter of numbers! Quit whining.

Who said I'd let you fight? Four to one.

That's not really enough to test my sword on.

Four to one, you say? Are you saying you'll take on the four of us yourself? I know how good you are.

But, I think you're being a little too sure of yourself, Kenpachi Zaraki! You talk too much.

Just hurry up and fight already! I'd rather have all four of you at once Maybe if you attack me from all four sides then one of you might actually chance of cutting me! Uh Captain Zaraki What should we do? You'll just get in my way.

Get lost! He didn't have to put it that way Come on, Mustachio Kenny looks so happy.

You mustn't get in his way! "Mustachio?" You changed my nickname.

Kenny! We'll go On ahead for search for Icchi, okay?! Yeah I'll be right there.

Okay Chubby Chest, Muscles, Gorilla, Pencil Neck! Let's get going! Oh, but Pencil Neck? Is she talking about me? - Never mind just hurry up! - O-Ouch, Yachiru! - You're going to pull my arm out! - Running is awesome! "I’ll be right there," huh? Are you trying to provoke us? Or do you really believe it? Either way, it looks like you've lost not only your honor, but your sanity, too, Zaraki.

Sanity? Sorry, but I've never had such a bothersome thing from the start! Yachiru, wait! Yachiru! Huh? Are you sure it was okay to leave Mr.

Zaraki by himself? Of course! No matter who his opponent is, there's no way Kenny would lose! Yachiru Man! She fears nothing calling the Lieutenant by her first name? Right? What do you think of that, Third Seat Madarame? Huh? Captain, in this situation Please allow us to go first.

Stupid I told you four to come at me together, didn't I? I knew it! Underestimating us! In that case, there's no choice but for us two to go, right, Captain? Wait a minute! Why aren't you on your way with the rest of the group? Listen up, you there! Don't you dare expect that you mere Lieutenants can go up against our Captain! I should be enough for someone like you, damn it! Right, Captain?! In other words you two want in on the fight Oh, well I'll give them to you, so take the fight elsewhere.

If you get in my way, I'll k*ll you two first.

- Roger! - Roger! Well, well Fight, don't fight Take us on, don't take us on In the short time I haven't seen you, you've gotten arrogant, Ikkaku! A coward who transferred to another squad just because he couldn't become a Lieutenant in ours has no right to lecture me about how to talk, Mr.

Iba! Ikkaku Anyway, save it for later.

We're changing locations.

You see, I don't want my Captain to k*ll me.

Same here.

I'm getting out of here too.

You don't mind do you? Do whatever you want.

It won't matter.

Well, now We can finally get down to business, though there's only half as many of you now But I guess it's probably good enough to wake me up at least.

You still talk.

That's why I say you're just too arrogant! Here I come! Take two steps back, Komamura.

I will break all his limbs.

Suzumushi Nishiki Benihiko.

It's over.

Not even Kenpachi Zaraki could survive that.

There won't be any trace.

What? Is that all you've got? N-No way! How can he still be standing after being hit by my Tenken and Tosen's Benihiko? Good grief I take back what I just said.

This won't even wake me up.

Well, I guess I'll be going.

Yeah Hey, Miss Yoruichi Will he really be okay? We're out of time Can he really attain Bankai today? Are you ready, Ichigo? One more time! Let me warn you I won't hold back just because time is running out.

Of course not! I don't intend to let you do that either! - Renji - Huh? Do you remember the first time you stood up and walked? Huh? Of course not? How could I remember? If you don't remember it, it just means you're not conscious about it.

If that's the case, what made you stand up? Huh? Human beings are born knowing how to stand up.

All birds know how to fly.

And fish know how to swim.

That's instinct.

Because it is a natural instinct, they all attempt to obtain that power without hesitation.

That is what I am reminded of.

He probably knows instinctively that he has that power.

That is why I believe that he can master Bankai! Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime! I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People Hey! How's everybody doing? It's your idol, Kon! This is the last installment of the Soul Reaper Guide Book! Last on the list is that legendary man! The new Soul Reaper's Golden Dictionary will begin right after the next episode! So be sure to keep your eyes peeled for it! You mean there's going to be more?! Senior Chief Ambassador of the entire 13 Court Guard Squads, Sir Kon! February 2017
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