01x14 - The Dicks They Are A-Changin'

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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01x14 - The Dicks They Are A-Changin'

Post by bunniefuu »

These deodorants are a ripoff.

They always run out by
the time I get to my feet.

d*ck, the mail's here.

Ooh! My package from
the carousel cd club.

You infiltrated a club?

Good work, harry!

I got 10 cds for one penny.

All I've got to do
is buy eight more

At regular club prices,

Which are often at or
below retail store prices.

Way to go.

Like taking candy from a baby.

Such primitive technology.

I wonder if the people on
this planet will ever discover

The superior sound of vinyl.

So what kind of
music did you get?

I just told them to surprise me.

Well, this is surprising.

♪ Hey ♪

Uh, why am I doing this?

♪ Now in the street
there is v*olence ♪

The same reason I'm
doing this, I suppose.

This is very powerful.

I'm feelin' funky.

This is not good.

I can't stop!

Nobody panic!

Let's get out of here!

♪ Electric avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll
take it higher ♪

♪ Oh, we got to
rock down to... ♪


As many intelligent people know,

Aliens are all around us.

This is the story of
four such explorers.

Captioning made possible by nbc
entertainment, the carsey-werner company,

And 1995 nci caption
club/ grantsmanship

Enriched wheat flour, butylated
hydroxyanisole, sodium acid pyrophosphate.

Needs more butylated

Isn't this interesting.

They opened up a hard
rock cafe in vietnam.

The world has changed, huh?

It sure has.

Once it was completely
covered with ice.

The administration
office called.

They contacted stanford about
transferring your graduate records.

They don't seem to have them.

Are you implying that
I don't have records?

All humans have
records, and I'm a human.

Therefore, I have records.

Stanford says they have
no record of you at all.

Oh! Those incompetents!

Do I have to fly out to denver

And straighten this out myself?

Stanford's in
california, not denver.

Well, that explains it.

They lost my
records in the move.

So you were at
stanford in the sixties.

Ah. Who wasn't?

I was at berkeley.

God. That takes me back.

I remember I was
at stanford once

To protest...

There's only two things
I know about the sixties...

I wasn't born yet,
and no one cares.


I guess you had to be there.

Apparently so.

It was fun, though, wasn't it?

Out of control, mind-numbing,
self-destructive fun.

Sounds like a cliché,

But I actually
remember burning my bra

In front of the
lincoln reflecting pool.

I hope you had the good sense

To jump in and put yourself out.

God! I was a rebel.

♪ How many roads ♪

♪ Must a... ♪

♪ Man walk down ♪

♪ Before they call ♪

♪ Him... A... ♪

♪ Man? ♪

You wouldn't believe
it to look at me now,

But back then I
was a wild woman.

If I wanted to do
something, I just did it.

Did you ever drop acid?

Oh, constantly.

A lot of tripping?

That's how I dropped the acid.

Seriously. I want to know.

Were you involved
in any movements?

This one...

Always one of my favorites.

Dr. Solomon...

Every time I ask you
about your past...

You change the subject.

You know who really
keeps changing the subject?

My students. One of
them is going to alaska.

So how's your brother?

d*ck, I'm here. Let's go.

You heard him. Got to go.

You call your father d*ck?

Yeah. When he was
younger, I called him peanut.

Yes, well, have to
run. See you tomorrow.

Have a wonderful night. Bye-bye!

Oh, god!

This is so sad!

Country singers have
really tough lives.


What's her complaint?

She lives in a trailer.

She could just roll
away somewhere,

And the cd club
would never find her.

What are you talking about?

You have any idea
what's involved with this?

The paperwork, the decisions.

Why didn't I go with the
cheese of the month club?

No guesswork.

Just cheese.

That was a fiasco!

You're the information officer!

How can you brief us
on american history

And leave out an entire decade?

I left out the sixties. So what?

Exactly how far back did
you establish our identities?

Five or six months.

Your assignment was to provide

Complete histories
for all of us!

Well, I had a book report due

On are you there,
god? It's me, margaret.


I'm not sure you understand
the importance of this.

Humans are creations
of their pasts.

Society, culture,
even biology demand

That they carry around
their pasts, like baggage,

And your lack of effort almost
exposed the entire operation!

Fine! So from now on,
my homework comes last.

Those are the
house rules, mister!

Hello! Hey, I found those
books on the sixties.

Oh, good, good.

Never mind the bourbon stains.

Oh, thank you, mrs. D.

The sixties... What a
lovely, lovely decade.

A lot of the stuff in this
apartment is from the sixties.

Classic things
never go out of style.

Those long-haired freaks
thought they were so cool.

Let me tell you one thing.

I was reading poetry
with jack kerouac

In a cage in 1956,

Both of us buck naked.

Yes, well, thank you for
that disturbing visual.

I didn't hear kerouac complain.

Aw, the electric
kool-aid acid test.

Getting nostalgic?

Ah, yes, those were
the days, my friend.

But you know, all this
uproar, all this rhetoric,

All this talk about
mass movements,

I mean, what's happening here?

History is made by the
individual, not by the masses.

Who said that?

I did.

No. Where's that from?

My mouth.

No! Somebody said that.


That was me.

This is so weird.

This is so weird.

Yeah. Yeah. Right on. Yeah.

You've been rinsed
and hung out to dry.

Think about it.

Dig it, babe.

It's what's happening.

History is made by the
individual, not by the masses.

Who said that?

I did.


Wow. Far our. Far out. Wow.


Wh-what's the matter?

I couldn't put it
together until now.

It finally clicked.

The evasiveness...

Inconsistencies in your past...

d*ck solomon is a
false identity, isn't it?

False identity?

Me? No.

You could've
trusted me, you know.

Well, i... I... I... I... I...

There are so many
people in the government

Who would love to
get their hands on you.

You can't let that happen!

They'd parade me
around like an animal!

Don't worry.

Your secret's
safe with me, manny.

Manny rosenberg.

But I'm not manny rosenber...

Of course not.

Because manny rosenberg...

Is still being
hunted by the fbi.

For food or sport?

♪ Wake me up before you go-go ♪

♪ Don't leave me
hangin' on like a yo-yo ♪

♪ Wake me up before you go-go ♪

This... So... Manny
rosenberg was...

♪ Wake me up... ♪


Manny rosenberg was an activ...


Excuse me.

O.k. Where was i?

"Manny rosenberg was an activist

Involved in inciting
a riot in 1971."

Is there anything else?

I'm looking...

All right. I found another
box in the basement.

What's "x-mas"?

I don't know, but it's got
to be something psychedelic.

Check this out.

This is heavy.

My mind is blown.

And who is this?

I think it's jerry garcia.

Here's a picture of
manny rosenberg.

He looks exactly like you!

Oh, damn!

I was supposed to get a
completely original body!

Those guys in research
can't do anything right!

What do you expect?
They're non-union.

This could really be trouble.

Tommy, how are our
histories coming along?

Oh, well, I have
them right here.

Legal documents, school records,

Doctored pictures, the works.

d*ck solomon, class nerd, held
back by a domineering mother,

Went to work for nasa in '74,

But was fired after a
minor procurement scandal...

Newspaper clippings
are enclosed...

Major burnout led to a string
of second-rate teaching jobs,

ending up here.

This is excellent.

What about me?

Sally, stockbroker
during the greedy eighties,

Made and lost several fortunes

Before psychological
problems and gender confusion

Led to a sex-change
operation in 1988.

I'm next.


Harry, you're adopted,

But we haven't told you yet.


That's gonna hurt.

Oh, dr. Albright,
I'm glad you're here.

Good morning, dr. Solomon.

Yes, well, I'd like to clear up

A few misunderstandings
about yesterday.

For some reason,
you mistakenly think

I'm this manny rosenberg fella.

Now I brought in this
documentation to prove...

Oh, don't even bother.

I told you you could trust me.

You probably don't remember,
but we've actually met before.

You spoke at my campus in '69.

Now, you see, that's impossible.

I was in the circus then.

The flying solomoskis.
There were six of us.

Two of us plunged to our deaths.

I don't expect you
to remember me,

With all the people you've met.

You're sitting on my desk.

You've never done that before.

Do you remember a
rally at berkeley?

Dr. Albright,
you're not listening.

I brought this in to prove...

The stories you must have.


You know, I'd be lying

If I said I found this
less than intriguing.

Well, all those years
underground, you do a lot of living.


You got another
package from the cd club.

I don't have time to
listen to the ones I have.

Those demons.

They're not human.

Neither are we.

Well, yeah, but
we have an excuse.


Well, I'm off to dr. Albright's.

She bought my phony profile?

I don't even need it.

She likes me much better

Now that she thinks I'm manny.

Oh, great! After
all I went through

Creating a background for you.

Do you realize I got you a weekend
in cancun with twin gymnasts?

All I got at the orphanage

Was a beating when I
asked for more gruel.

For you. Hello!

Oh, you shouldn't have.

I'm glad you came.

Oh, and to think all this time

I was just a desk
away from danger.

The thought of the fbi
watching us right now

Is such a turn-on.

And even if I wasn't manny,

It would be just as exciting.

Oh, don't be silly.


Are these magic brownies?

Pepperidge farm.

You know, I think
I have something.

I found it when I
moved eight years ago.

It's in the freezer.

It's a joint.

Ooh. A doobie.

Let's bogart that fat boy.

You know what I regret?

I never made it to woodstock.

Ah! Yes, woodstock.

The three-day concert held
on a farm in upstate new york

That included many of the
popular music bands of the time,

Felt to be the culmination of
the counterculture movement

Captured by the song
woodstock by joni mitchell.

Found it!

The song was popularized

By crosby, stills, and nash,

Which is ironic,

Since theirs was the
more commercial version,

Which is the antithesis of
the spirit of the festival.

Here we go.

♪ Go ask alice ♪

♪ I think she'll know ♪

♪ When logic and proportion... ♪

This isn't a joint.

It's a frozen french fry.

Oh, well.

I guess we'll just
settle for wine.

You're an inspiration
to a neo-trotskyite,

Anti-stalinist marxist.

You're pretty tuned in
for a bourgeois chick.

Meet me on the waterbed upstairs

In five minutes.

Oh, and, uh... Lose the pins.


Here's to...



Here's to...

Floor lamps.


Carousel cd club?

I'll call back later.

Don't hang up that phone.

You can do this, harry.

You can break free.

You can take your mind back.

Or at least what's left of it.

O.k., Sally, I will.

Listen to me, buster.

I'm not happy, and I
want my money back.

Very good!

I'm supposed to press 2 now.

Yes, hello?

We need to talk.

I'm at a place in my life

Where I'm just not ready
for this kind of commitment.

I think it's best
that we break free,

Go our separate ways.

You will?

Oh, thanks.


Well, yes...

I guess I do have a friend
who might be interested.

Her name is sally solomon.


Oh! I can't believe
we're doing this.

Your hands are so
small and delicate.

I'm not positive,

But I think I can fit your
entire foot in my mouth.


You are a superfreak!

The kind you don't
take home to mother!

Manny, manny, manny!

Now I'm feeling a moral dilemma.

I'm not sure I can
go through with this.

My bedroom's upstairs.

Race ya.

Oh, what the hell?

What the hell...

Don't be uptight, babe.

Leave your hang-ups in suburbia.

You're leaving?

You bet your bippy I am.


Oh, you miserable creep!

I don't understand!

Think about it!

It's like a purple
haze inside my brain.

Oh, give it a rest.

What did I do wrong?

You know what you did.

Come on, manny.




You're mad at manny.


Dr. Albright is mad at manny.

Oh, well, then...

It's o.k. Because I have
something to tell you

That'll straighten
this whole thing out.

I'm not manny.

Ha ha ha ha.

I mean, isn't that ironic?

Right. You're not manny.

You just look exactly like him,

Know everything about his past,

And have been carrying
on this ridiculous charade

For three days.

Oh, you know me so well.

Oh, boy.

I've been handed some
lame stories in my life,

But you take the cake!

I don't want the
cake. I want you.

Oh, my god.

You are d*ck solomon.

And you let me make a
complete fool of myself!

How could you do that?

I wanted to tell
you. I was going to.

What stopped you?

I thought you
might sleep with me.


Now I understand.

Oh, thank goodness.

Get out!

You selfish,


Opportunistic bastard!

You're right.

I guess I'll be going.

About inconsiderate...

I did bring brownies!


I'm sure glad we
won't be getting

Any more cds in the mail.


And even if we do,

There's no reason to think

That I had anything
to do with it.

'Cause I didn't.

d*ck, someone's here to see you.

I don't want to be seen.
Tell them I'm not here.

He's not here,
dr. Albright. Go away.



You've come back to me.

Because you've forgiven
me for what I've done

And... And because you
realize that my deceit,

Although sophomoric,

Was meant as a pure
gesture of affection.

Well, some of that.

Um, would you leave
us alone for a minute?


Remember every word,
we want all the details.

Will do.

Look, I may have overreacted
to this manny thing.

And I understand that
men have a tendency

To go overboard to impress me.

I understand that.

The only reason I
pretended to be manny

Is because you like
him more than me.

I wouldn't go that far.

Manny wasn't what he seemed.

But you are exactly
what you seem.

And I'll admit that, uh, your
lack of nuance is refreshing.

Oh, damn! I'm wearing
harry's underwear again.

Well, a little nuance
wouldn't hurt.

So we're still friends?

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