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03x08 - Lola Through the Looking Glass

Posted: 07/28/22 07:39
by bunniefuu
[Lola] Previously on All Rise.

[Lola] André Armstrong is in town.

He broke your heart.

A father never forgets
something like that.

You didn't get closure.

You need closure.

Lo, do you still have
feelings for André?

Your honor, Mr. Rivera repeatedly failed

to show up at meetings
with his probation officer.

A search of his home was ordered

where illegal narcotics
were found and seized.

Mr. Rivera, I must say I am
not pleased by this reunion.

A year ago you stood in this very spot

and were found guilty
of felony possession for sale.

With four years prison
suspended, your honor.

Yeah, I think the court knows
the record, Mr. Callan,

which includes this defendant
suffering a horrific injury

in a workplace accident

that made it impossible
for him to support his family.

I did not know that you were
representing the defendant, Ms. Lopez.

She's not.

Ms. Lopez has offered her services

in linking my client
to special programs.

That is all that she is doing.

I sentenced you to four years in prison.

But based on the circumstances
referenced by Ms. Lopez,

I suspended that prison term
and granted you probation,

which you violated.

I'm sorry. I tried to make
some meetings,

but there was something
going on with my son and I...

Following Mr. Rivera's accident,

he was prescribed oxycodone for pain.

He is suffering from addiction
and he needs treatment.

The court gave him that chance
already, your honor,

and now he's back. What's different?

Well, what's different is the
original program was not a good fit,

so he fell through cracks.

- Your honor, our office is overloaded.
- You mean my office?

[Scoffs] You've only been
a PD for a hot second.

[Lola] Okay, Ms. Lopez.

Please step back.

- Yeah.
- [Lola] Take a seat. Thank you.

Mr. Watkins,

reserve your arguments for the court.

- [Knocking]
- Come in.

You've got mail.

What is up with Emily and Luke?

[Sighing] Oh, gosh. There is so
much electricity between those two.

All I know is they need
to learn how to play

- on the same side of my courtroom.
- [Sherri sighs]

- [Knocking]
- [Door opens]

Do you have a moment?

Of course for you, Judge Marshall.

I saw that People v. Rivera
is back on the calendar.

I'm presuming that you imposed
your original sentence?

I have not made my ruling yet.

Our calendars are filled with
more cases than we can handle.

Repeat offenders need to be
dealt with expeditiously.

This man is facing years in prison.

My dad lost his leg in the Korean w*r.

Through determination he
was able to put food on the table

without committing any felonies.

Your father sounds like
a remarkable man.

I swear we need to put
a GPS tracker on that man!


But maybe Judge Marshall is right.

Just seeing defendants
back in my courtroom,

sometimes I wonder if I'm
really making a difference.

You've been invited to be on the
Law and Technology Panel at Stanford.

This is big deal.

- Silicon Valley General Counsel?
- [Sherri] Mmm-hmm!

Three ninth circuit justices?

And now the honorable
Judge Lola Carmichael.

- [Sherri squeals]
- Oh, they would put me up

- at the four seasons!
- I know!

[Singing] ♪ Well, we're moving on up ♪

♪ to the east side. ♪

[Lola] I should go, right?


[Lola] "Well," what?

You're not a cyber law specialist, Lo.

It seems like a bit of a coincidence

that André's firm is inviting you.

You're saying I wouldn't have
been invited if I didn't know André?

That what I do is of no impact?

[Whispering] Seems a bit tiny town.

I have done zoom trials
and virtual hearings.

Yeah, you're a regular Steve Jobs.

There is nothing going on
with Dré and me, okay?

I was just seeking
your professional advice.

My professional advice
is you should pass.

We both know Robin's
already managing a lot.

Okay, before you start
judging my relationship,

- how about you just focus on your own?
- What the hell does that mean?

Just because your fiancée has
you in some weird love triangle

- with her husband
- Whoa.

Doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong.

- Robin and I are fine.
- [Scoffs]

Hey, didn't you tell Rachel

that you didn't feel
comfortable with her dating Dré?

Wonder how she'd feel
about you going on that trip?

You know what?

I don't even know why I
came down here to talk to you.

- Fine.
- Fine.

- Truth hurts doesn't it, Lola?
- [Shouting] Shut up!

[Door slams]

Where are you? I thought you
were coming home early today?

This is the first Task Force
I've been on in two years, Lola.

I know. I'm sorry.

I didn't think my morning
hearing would spill over.

Here is the Rivera file,

and would you like me to réponde
"oui" ou "non"
to the Stanford conference?

[Mouthing] It's Robin.

- What Stanford conference?
- It is a legal conference at Stanford.

- [Mouthing] Sorry.
- [Robin] Oh, doesn't that look fun?

You will never guess
whose firm is sponsoring it.

André Armstrong.

Your ex's firm.

You're really considering going?

Oh, and let me guess,

you expect me to solo parent once
again while you and he hang out?

Okay. Dré and I
aren't gonna be hanging out.

Dré? Hmm.

You know, Bailey used a spoon
in her yogurt today.

All by herself, first time
ever, and you missed it.


[Somber instrumental music playing]

Good morning.
It's another beautiful day.

Good morning, Shea.

- [Children shouting]
- Boys, slow down. Bailey.

- [Children laughing]
- Good morning, Bailey.

Bye, Bailey.

- Thank you.
- [Children chattering]

Oh, perfect.

So, this morning you have the Zoom
meeting with the Edmonds Foundation,

- Mmm.
- Then the National Urban League,

and today is your Mink & Fox luncheon
in Edgartown for your announcement.

Don't forget to ask the nanny to pack
extra fruit waters and vegan sandwiches

for the kids for their sailing lesson

and, yes, my campaign begins today.

It's about time my gorgeous wife

works for National Chapter President.

- Hey.
- Hey, babe.

Maybe I should wear it up for Edgartown.

- It's a bit humid.
- Girl, no way.

- [Cell phone ringing]
- You're right.

Luke, how are you? What are you doing?

I am trying to finish up the nursery.

Maggie wants it done
before she's back from her trip.

Look at you. Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- Married

and about to have a kid.

Are you coming to the UCLA Law School
reunion this weekend?

I'm going as Mark's plus one

since Maggie's on her private babymoon.

I can't.

The Obamas are hosting
a huge event in the vineyard

and Michelle threatened to throw
me out of book club if I missed it.

It would really mean a lot to Mark.

Mark's not talking to me
so I find that odd.

I know he wants to clear the air
and apologize.

That boy never apologizes.

Oh, that's our surrogate buzzing in.

I'm taking her to the doctor today.

Please come to the reunion.
I have to go now.

[Cell phone beeping]

I overheard your call.

Your reunion sounds fun. Let's do it.

Let me guess. You have business in LA.

- It's perfect timing.
- [Exhales]

HOJ is hosting a reunion event.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Megan Fox-West

is having her annual thing.

- Mmm-hmm.
- I need to lock down votes.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Could get Shea

- to secure me a table.
- Mmm.

Mmm. Could make a vacation out of it.

- Mmm-hmm.
- My parents can watch the kids

and you and I can have some sexy time.

- Mmm. Fire up the jet, baby.
- [Chuckles]

[Queen of the Hill plays]

♪ See me calling ♪

♪ I'm the brand new queen of the hill ♪

♪ Holla if you see me coming ♪

♪ coming ♪

♪ I'm the brand new queen of the hill ♪


♪ I'm the brand new queen of the hill ♪

- Please continue, Miss Kansky.
- Thank you, your honor.

The defendant, Thomas Marshall,

is the next door neighbor of the victim,

and the two have been involved
in an ongoing property dispute

over the ownership
of a persea americana.

- A what?
- Yes, an avocado tree, your honor.

The defendant applied arsenic
to the tree's fruit,

knowing that Miss Johnson would
pick and consume the avocados.

He is charged with
attempted m*rder and pc ,

poisoning of food intended
for human consumption.

I use the avocados to make artisanal
guacamole for my LA smorgasbord stand.

People could have been poisoned.

[Scoffs] Your honor, the
public was never in any danger,

which negates the man's re... [Stuttering]
required for a... attempted m*rder charge.

- I object.
- There are two sides to every story.

Oh, the Venice canals have
less water than your guacamole.

You do not know who you're messing with.

- Okay, order in the court.
- [Indistinct shouting]

[Mark] Order.

[Knock on door]

[Clears throat]

Welcome to the HOJ, Miss Carmichael.

Thank you for having me, Judge Callan.

So, I take it the Judge gig
is going well?

Aside from a few clashes with some
of the other judges, living the dream.

Can't believe this is the first time

I've been in a judge's chambers.

I can, since you didn't show up for
my confirmation hearing four years ago.

- [Banging]
- [Woman] So sorry.

Oh, sorry. [Laughs]

Morning, sunshine.
Where should I set up?

Our appointment is tomorrow
and it's at my home.

Oh, Mark, I'm feeling
some really bad chi.

- Lay the f*ck off.
- Emily.

- Hey, guys. How was the ob-gyn?
- [Groans]

She told the doctor that
she is still drinking coffee.

Because it is f*cking fine
in moderation.

- My god, the baby is just fine.
- [Humming]

Luke, look who's here.

- You came.
- Yeah. Hi.

I am so sorry that you just saw that.

Let me just do some reiki
to rebalance your energy.

[Sighs] f*ck me.

Lola, this is Amy, my massage
therapist slash Luke and Maggie's doula,

and Emily, their surrogate.

Oh, my god, again.
I'm gonna need... stop.

I'm gonna need you to stop defining me.

Like I said, this pregnancy
thing is a side hustle.

I'm gonna be a vet, or work for NASA,

or, I don't know, maybe life coach.

- Ambitious.
- Wait, aren't you, what do you...

- [Whispering] What a bitch.
- Law school Lola, the rich bitch?

I need everyone to leave,
please, except for Lola.

I will see you later, Lola.
I need to go tame a shrew.

[Emily] That's really f*cking cute.

You know what? I'm gonna need
you to kiss my whole pregnant ass,

- [groans]
- Okay?

- Kiss it.
- If my baby comes out

- Kiss it. I really want you to kiss it.
- Cussing like a teamster...

- What are you gonna do if the baby comes out like me?
- See you. I'm sorry.

- Sorry. Oh.
- You should only be so lucky.

- Sorry.
- Emily.

[Indistinct shouting]

Luke's whole situation is interesting.

- Where were we?
- I figured you wanted to clear the air

- before the reunion.
- About what?

We've barely been in touch
since the blowout at my wedding.

I had a bit too much to drink,
said a few things.

You told me I was throwing
away my law degree

in front of everyone.

Nice reception speech.

You graduated summa
cum laude, order of the coif.

We were co-editors in chief
of the law review.

I am raising a family,

and utilizing my legal knowledge

with multiple international
charities and service organizations.

- You were brilliant.
- Were.

So you have been judging me.

You know, for your information,

based on the mad hatter's avocado
tea party, I'm not missing much.

Avocado gate is not a typical case.

Oh, I'm sure you put
plenty of people away.

All a part of our flawed justice
system, permeated by systemic racism,

that ends with judges like you
sitting helplessly on a bench

as generations of black and
brown people are incarcerated.

I have work to do, and I'm sure
you have tea and lunch to attend.



- Oh, my god.
- Wow.

Lola Carmichael from Crenshaw.

- ...Robbie robbo bass. Bass.
- [Laughs]

- Bang, bang, bang.
- [Both laugh]

- What are you doing here?
- I had a meeting with one of my clients,


- Wow. Big time music producer.
- Hey. How you been?

Are you home visiting? We
should go have a drink at the bar.

Oh, I am actually...

Meeting my husb... [stutters] husband...

- Oh.
- for lunch.

But how's your wife?

- That is a good question.
- What do you mean?

I'm leaving her.


[Clears throat]

- There she is. [Laughs]
- Hi. Look at you.

- Seriously...
- Mmm.

you did not have to pick me up.

It's the least that I can do after
what happened this morning.

- Oh, you should feel guilty.
- [Clears throat]

You set me up.
Mark had no clue I was coming.

I may have slightly stretched the
truth about Mark wanting you here,

- which he does inside.
- Mmm, deep, deep inside.

- Weren't you trying to butter me up?
- Yes.

- It's working.
- So, let's talk about the text.

How was it seeing Robin this morning?

- It was no big deal.
- [Scoffs] I believe you.


- Oh, we need to go.
- Mmm.

- Oh.
- Mmm?

- Rachel is going.
- Oh, your former bestie turned frenemy.

- Oh, shit, and she is married to...
- Yes and yes.

I'm a little wound up.

And if you elect me as your next
Mink & Fox national president

I will continue to use my
influence for important issues

- like improving...
- [Woman] Sorry, sorry.

Sorry, I'm so sorry. Court ran late.

Cornel West's federal action
against Harvard finally ended.

- We won. [Laughs]
- [All applauding]

But, Lola, keep going. [Mouthing] Sorry.

Thank you. Where was I?

For important causes

- like the much needed improvements...
- Hi, Pamela.

- in the infrastructure of our historically
- [Indistinct conversation]

Black colleges and universities.

- Georgina, who does your hair?
- I hope I have your vote and...

- Rachel.
- [Gasps] Yes?

Sounds like you have more
you want to share with us.

[Mouthing] Oh, no, no.

Oh, don't be so modest.

- Rachel Audubon, ladies. Okay?
- [All applauding]

Oh, shucks. [Giggles]

- Thank you, Lola.
- Of course.

- Yes.
- Mmm-hmm.

My family has stood with this
exclusive organization always.

My great-great-grandmother
was one of the first

Mink & Fox charter members
of New England.

- [Microphone feedback]
- Well, Mink & Fox is always looking

- for impassioned volunteers, right, ladies?
- Right.

- [Microphone feedback]
- Precisely.

So, after some soul searching

and heavy convincing from
all my influencer friends here,

I'm thrilled to announce that I'm
also running for national president.

- [Laughs]
- [All applauding]

Now, please, enjoy the
prosecco, courtesy of moi.

[Attendee] Excuse me, can
we get a photo of you two?

- Take a picture.
- Thank you.

What game are you playing, Audubon?

You know you don't give a damn
about being president of Mink & Fox.

I'm old money. These are my people.

You just married into it.

So, you're telling me you want

to run a major service organization?

I just got a federal court to enjoin
a voting rights suppression bill

in Alabama.

Apart from that eight carat
wedding ring Dré gave you,

what experience do you have

that makes you leadership
material for this elite organization?

I think I will have a glass
of champagne.

[Waiter] There you are.

- Thank you.
- [Waiter] Enjoy.

I know you saw Robin this morning.

So maybe the real question is

what game are you playing at
with my husband?

[André] Don't tell me Rachel
Audubon is getting to you.



- [Laughing]
- Just a little.

[Exclaims] When we first met,

I was clerking on the ninth circuit

and could've had any
legal position I wanted,

and now, I can barely
remember that person.

What happened?

When I look at our kids and see
how happy they are, I am in awe.

I know my baby's brilliant.

Rachel can't help herself,
you know how she is.


- [André] Mmm-hmm.
- Baby, we're going to be late.

[André] Okay.

Okay, maybe we can be a little late.

[Both laughing]

[Phone ringing]

Hold this for me.

- [André] Thank you.
- Thank you.





Please tell the congressman
I will be right down.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I know.

[Charles] And then I get
a call from the White House

that the President needs to see me asap,

but I know he just wants
my caucus to support...

What did I tell you about doing
that when we're conversing?

But I'm glad you're here.

I've been thinking about our plans

to get you onto the supreme court.

You mean your plan.

We've got rebuild your resume.
I'm setting up a meeting with Nancy...

Daddy, you don't have to
always be managing my life, okay?

Well, if it wasn't for me,
you might've ended up married

to that starving musician, Robin Taylor.

God, you sound like Mom.

You're lucky to be married
to such a powerful man.

Okay, daddy.

I have to go get ready for the reunion.

- Okay.
- All right, I love you.

- I love you.
- [Kisses]

- All right.
- Okay.

- See you later.
- [Lola] Bye, daddy.

♪ You know I'm gonna get it ♪

♪ 'cause I want it ♪

♪ You know I'm gonna have it ♪

♪ 'cause I need it ♪

Did I tell you how beautiful you look?


I could really use a drink.

- I'm on it.
- Okay.

[Sherri exclaims]

[Shouting] Lola Carmichael!

I thought I saw you in court today.

Um, what firm
are you running in New York?

Let me guess, Cravath?

I don't actively practice law.


Well, maybe you should
ask UCLA for your money back.

[Laughs] Just kidding.

Oh, god. I'm kidding.

[Both laugh]

It's her. It's her.


[Sighing] Thank you.

[Laughing] You're welcome.


Welcome my classmates!

Oh, yes, a super famous person
is hosting tonight. [Laughs]

As you know, I am Sarita del Castillo,

and who would have thought
way back in law school

that I would end up becoming

an international recording star

and a two time Las Vegas
entertainer of the year.


- Ah, I see my girl, Sherri Kansky.
- Oh, she knows my name.

- [Sara] Still loving those martinis girl.
- Yeah, I do.

Yes. All right,

let's get this party started!

[All cheering]

- [Robin] Here we are again.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- Hi.


- [Clearing throat]
- Lola, you are, uh, rocking that dress.

Oh, thanks.

It's the spanks.

[Laughing] I can tell.

You two were roommates at Harward, right?

You know we were.

- [Lola] Yeah.
- Yeah.

Back when I was dating Dré.

We were all just kids then, you know.

- [Rachel] Oh, yeah.
- [Laughs]

You know, I guess everything
happens for a reason.

I guess.

[André] You know what?
I think we're gonna go mingle.

- So let's go mingle.
- [Lola] Okay.

- Great idea.
- Yeah, mingle.

- Um, nice to see you.
- [Lola] Sorry.

- Yeah.
- Thank you

[Clears throat] We're going this way.

[Luke clears throat]

Are you replacing our weekly
run with a hot dog eating contest?

[Mark] I'm starving.

Sarita, uh, Mark Callan.

- We were in the same section together.
- Mmm.

I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are.

I meet so many people.

It's exhausting.

You don't ever repeat this story.

What! Emily, are you kidding me?

You're still tracking her on your phone?

Emily is driving downtown.
She promised to quit Uber.


Hey, Emily, call me back,

and I knew you just
sent me to voicemail.

You know, people hear tax law,
and they're like...

[Pretends to sleep]

You know what I mean, right?

So, uh, but listen, man.

The federal tax code, it's
like a fine wine, you know.

It's smooth, with depth and all this...

Interesting, I really need to get back...

Hey, hey, you said you were
in music or something right?

Have you ever considered transferring
your copyrights into your trust, I mean...

- No.
- Mmm.

Do you mind if I steal him away?

Oh, sure, yeah. Uh, I should probably
figure out who I'm going home with.

Yeah, no, yeah, I'm ready.

[Both laugh]

The walk.

Do you know him?

Not really.

He was always sun bathing
in front of Royce Hall,

I didn't complain.

So, pretty crazy, huh?

Us here?

Maybe you would've been serious
about us if it wasn't for your dad.

I'm kidding.

I'm kidding.


Are you happy?

Of... of course.

- Am I interrupting?
- Hey.


Not at all.

How are you crashing
my friend's reunion right now?

Crash is right.
Thanks to your rage text,

I almost rear ended
a smart car on Figueroa.

You are weeks, you should be at home,

not driving for Uber.

I switched to e-drive now.

Also, I know my f*cking
body, okay? Your baby is safe.

- All right? Your baby is safe.
- I don't mean to be bold, um...

...but I just can't take
my eyes off of you.

I mean, you are glowing.

You do realize
that I am f*cking pregnant?

Oh, do I ever.

Wait, what?

Oh, yes. Thank you so much.

You cannot eat seafood!

You are the worst surrogate ever.

Your child is gonna hate you.

[Lola] Okay, okay. What is with you two?

Take a deep breath, or someone's
gonna end up in contractions.

He judges everything I do.

I'm staying at the Ritz,
you wanna get out of here?

You know, we could grab a bite.

I could watch you eat for two.

Are you hitting on my surrogate?


[Laughing] I mean, look at her.

- [Luke exclaiming]
- Wanna come with me?

[Lola] Oh, oh, oh.

Luke's a vasovagal.

- The f*ck?
- He faints when under extreme stress.

He needs to get outside
and get some fresh air.

I got him. Come here.

God, you're a diva.

I think I found her.

Judge Benner?


Lola Carmichael.

I observed one of your trials
when I was in law school.

Wait! You're Mark's Lola?

Mmm, he talked about you all the time.


Mmm. I'm here to present Judge
Callan an Alumni Achievement Award.

He's getting an award?

I was Mark's mentor here at the HOJ.

What made you step down from the bench?


This place is a nest of vipers.

The best thing I ever did
was to show those cowards

my firm ass as I walked out the door.


Mmm. Oh, my stomach.

Oh. [Sniffs] Oh, no!

Are you okay?

Mmm. It's this damn shrimp!

What was I thinking eating event seafood?

[Sara over PA] If everyone could
please come to the stage area,

we're about to start the
Alumni Awards Presentation!

Okay, here are my notes.

Just remember to punch the
joke about him being cheap.

Wait, me?

No, you need to find someone else.

No, you present the award. No time!

I need to hit the bathroom fast!

[Emily] Just like that, okay.

- Better?
- [Luke] Yeah.

[Emily] Good.

I, um...

- I'm sorry for being on you all the time.
- Hmm.

Look, maybe I have been
a little active lately.

- [Luke] Mmm-hmm.
- So, you know,

your anxiety is understandable.

You can touch it.


You're gonna be
a really great dad, Luke.

Probably a helicopter parent.

[Emily] Definitely, but, like,
in the best way.

And you're obviously an amazing husband.

Shit, too bad you're married.

[Voiceover on TV] At UCLA,

Judge Callan served as co-editor
in chief of the law review...

[Lola] Benner got food poisoning,

- and asked me to step in...
- [Voiceover on TV] He was the youngest judge ever...

...unless you'd like me
to find someone else.

No. No, it's... that's fine.

He is the recipient of the medal...

Oh, my god. We were such dorks.

Did you pick that picture?

They had me send them a bunch of
photos from when we were in law school.

You were in most.

You were my ride or die, Lo.

We were gonna take on
the world together.

And then I left.

It was hard for me to accept

that you...

chose a different life.

[Sara] And now, ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to the stage,

the honorable Judge Mark Callan.

- [Audience applauds]
- [Woman] All right.

My old section two amigo, apparently.

- [Audience applauding]
- [Person] Woo hoo!

Now, to present the Alumni
Achievement Award this year,


[Whispers] Lola Carmichael.

...Lola king cola.

[Sherri cheers]

Lola, don't stop!

[Sherri cheers]

[Sara breathes in]

Here you are, dear.

It's a rental, so just be careful.

- [Woman] Lola!
- [Clears throat]

[Lola clears throat]

[Lola] Okay.

I am Lola Carmichael.

It seems like just yesterday,
Mark and I were first years

having secret study meetings in
the back staircase of the law library.

Two young dreamers plotting
our future legal conquests.

And for one of us, that dream came true.

[Softly] Lola.

I could not be more proud of my friend.

It's easy to point out all that's
wrong with our justice system.

But what's hard is staying in the fight,

showing up every day.

And you do that
with undivided commitment.


It is with great admiration
that I present this year's

Alumni Achievement Award
to the honorable

Judge Mark Callan.

[Audience applauds]

Nice speech.


Mark always deserved better than you.

Also, stay away from my husband.

I am happily married.

What is your problem with me?

You know, you should
drop out of the election

while you can still spare
yourself the humiliation.

I hail from four generations
of black society.

You'll always just be Lola
from Inglewood.

Little Miss Ghetto wears Prada.

Are threatened by me, Rachel?

Not in the least.

Then what is your problem?

It's been years. Get over it!

- You should have asked me.
- I did.

You said it was fine.

You had Robin.
You had to go after Dré too.

You two were broken up!

As my friend, as my line sister,
you should have known better

and checked in to see
if I was really okay with it.

I get it.

You're right. I'm sorry.

Wanna do a shot?

You know, I'm still gonna have
to whoop your ass in the election.

Right? Ms. Carmichael.

- So Tequila, straight up?
- Duh.

[Bartender] Coming right up.

[Whispers] Sarita. Sarita. Sarita.

- Oh, yes!
- [Sherri] Do you remember me?

- Yes, I do!
- Sherri Kansky.

- Yes, Sherri.
- I'm such a fan of yours.

- Oh... wait, what did you... Say it again!
- That I'm such a fan of yours.


- Do you think we can do a duet together?
- Oh!

- Just like one song.
- Oh. Sure, sister!

- [Sherri squeals excitedly]
- [Sara chuckles]

- Oh.
- Uh, "No More Tears." Key of C.

- Oh. All right.
- [Sherri] Thank you.

- [Chuckles]
- [Sherri] Excuse me.

- "No more tears."
- You'll be Donna.

- [Woman laughs]
- I'll be Barbara.

[Sara] Oh, um...

- I actually...
- [Humming]

- ...sing the Barbara part.
- [Sherri humming]

Um. [Clears throat]

- [Humming]
- [Sara chuckles]

[Singing "No More Tears"]

♪ It's raining ♪

♪ it's pouring ♪

♪ My love life is boring me to tears ♪

♪ After all these years ♪

♪ No sunshine no moonlight ♪

♪ No stardust no sign of romance ♪

Wow! [Chuckles]

♪ We don't stand a chance ♪

♪ I always ♪

- Aww, you're the best.
- [Chuckles]

- You're rocking that bump.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

♪ But he turned out ♪

♪ to be like every other man ♪

♪ Our love ♪

♪ Our love ♪

♪ Raining ♪

♪ Raining ♪

♪ Pouring ♪

♪ Pouring ♪

♪ There's nothing left for us here ♪

♪ Mmm hmm ♪

♪ And we won't waste ♪

♪ another ♪

[Woman] Sing it!

♪ Tear ♪

[Man] Yeah!

[Sara vocalizing]

[Sherri vocalizing]

♪ If you've had enough
don't put up with his stuff ♪

♪ Don't you do it ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ If you've had your fill ♪

♪ Get your check pay the bill ♪

♪ You can do it ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Tell him to just get out ♪

♪ Nothing left to talk about ♪

[Sara exclaims]

♪ Pack his raincoat, show him out ♪

♪ Just look him in the eye
and simply shout ♪


Holy shit. My water just broke.

She's having a baby!

Is there a doctor in the house?

There's a Doula in the house.


Doula! Doula! Doula!

How are you instantly here?

♪ No more ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Enough is enough is enough ♪

- [Mark] Breathe.
- [Medic] Make room! Make room!

[Mark] Breathe.

[Man] All right. It's okay.

♪ Enough is enough is enough ♪

- [Emily breathing heavily]
- It's crowning.

- [Emily breathes out]
- I need some hot, organic water.

- [Emily screams]
- [Mark] Breathe. You got this.

Emily, I need you
to set your intention to push.

I can cut the cord.

[All] Go away!

♪ I want him out ♪


[Baby cries]

♪ I want him out that door now ♪

[Baby cries]

[Softly exclaims]

An avocado?

What the...


Babe, you're not gonna believe...

Morning, babe.

Morning, babe.

Babe. Wake up, babe.

Oh, wait.

I'm not still sleeping, am I?


I called your mom
and asked her to watch Bailey.

So I could come apologize.

There was no excuse

for me to act like that.

I'm sorry, too.

I know...

That getting back
to work is important and...

I wasn't hearing you.


I'm taking you out.

- Our favorite Mexican spot.
- [Chuckles]

I've been having the craziest
craving for some fresh guacamole.


I recognize that compassion
and rehabilitation must be

balanced by the need to protect society

from repeat offenders.

Therefore, the court is revoking
Mr. Rivera's original probation.

Your honor!

I again request that you
consider the offer of resources

by Ms. Lopez and her organization.

[Lola] I have.

Which is why I'm ordering
a new term of probation

with the added condition that Mr. Rivera
works with free counsel initiative

and meet regularly.

Thank you, your honor.

Thank you.

[Mouthing] Are you okay?

- I never should have...
- I think I overstepped when I...

- I'm sorry.
- Me, too.

I'm sorry.

I know that I can...

- Be judgy.
- We both can be.


I had a dream

that you were the judge
and courtroom maitre d'.

- I hope I didn't sentence you to life without cabernet.
- No.

It was weird. Everyone was in it.

Emily was pregnant.

I don't wanna know who the father was.

- [Chuckles]
- What?


- Okay.
- There are many sides to every story.

And the road not taken does not always
guarantee the grass will be greener.

- Oh, okay, Yoda.
- [Chuckles]

Last time

- thoughts on Stanford.
- No.

No, no, no. Not touching it.

I respect that.

What should I do?

I don't know.

Life is complicated and messy.

You should do what feels right.

But if I were you, I wouldn't go.

Closure or no closure.

- Thanks, man.
- Yeah.

- All right. I gotta go.
- Okay.