02x20 - The Shinigami whom Ganju Met

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x20 - The Shinigami whom Ganju Met

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday I'm sorry, everyone What do you mean by, "Sorry, everyone"?
You won, you fool Thank you!
Thanks to you, Icchi, Kenny had fun fighting!
It's been so long since I've seen Kenny this happy!
Thank you so much!
Up We Icchi try not to die.

And if you can, come back and play with Kenny sometime.

Please The sounds have stopped.

Do you think Ichigo is all right?
We've come this far.

We have no choice but to believe in him.

That's true, but This is no time to get distracted.

It's our turn now.

We're going to jump across.

Are you ready, Hana?

Here we go!
I'm counting on you!
That was dangerous!
The sounds have stopped And the Spiritual Pressure is gone.

Both of them Which one of them died?
I can't tell.

The Sekkiseki blocks and diffuses Spiritual Pressure, the last traces of it are fading away.

Blood should not be shed for me, I don't deserve it.

Please tell me Lord Kaien There now That should do it!
It should be fine now.

- Ummm - Huh?
You tied up my arms, too.

Oh, sorry 'bout that.

Oh, it's too much trouble!
Hana, you can just fly along with it!
Hold it Stop it!
My arms are going to tear off!
This is impossible!
Sorry I'm late, Ichigo.

You took quite a beating.

But going up against Kenpachi Zaraki, that's to be expected.

Taking him out in the process was quite an achievement.

But, I must say, you fought well.

You endured well.

I am impressed.

Do not worry.

I will not let you die.

Where'd you come from, kid?
That's a sword.

Aren't you scared?
It's a tool for k*lling people.

Hey kid What's your name?
You don't have one?
I don 't, either.

Yachiru Hurray!
Kenny's awake!
What about that guy?
I called Miss Unohana.

She'll be here soon.

What about him?
I don't know.

I don't think he's dead.

That's good This way, I can pay him back.

There's nothing to pay him back for.

There is!
I lost.

You didn't lose, Kenny!
You idiot!
What's with that look on your face?
But you didn't lose!
Icchi said, "Zangetsu and I- the two of us--are fighting together.

" It was two against one!
You won, Kenny!
Don't laugh like that!
Fighting together with your Zanpakuto, huh?
Yachiru Hmm?
You remember that time I gave you your name?
Of course!
I even remember how many clouds there were in the sky!
Yeah Me, too.

Be quiet It's been a while since I thought about how painful it is, not having a name.

Other people were called by their name, but I didn't have that luxury.

That feeling It is read "Yachiru.

" It's the name of the one person I wish to be like.

I'm giving it to you.

Ya chiru I'm Kenpachi.

It's the title given to the strongest Soul Reaper in every generation.

That's going to be my name from now on.

I've kept you waiting for a long time.

You might be thinking, "Why now, after all these years?
" but do you think you could tell me now what your name is?
I knew it.

Not gonna happen, huh?
I want to get stronger.

I finally found someone to fight.

I know I can get stronger.

I want to fight!
I want to be stronger!
It's been a while since I've felt like this.

I want to be stronger!
I had neither name nor parents.

I was from Kusajishi, the 79th Division of the North Rukon District.

I have no memory of seeing anything there, other than the color of blood.

The people around me were more beast than human A baby like me could have been stomped to death at any time.

Then, you came along.

From the 80th Division of the North Rukon District, Zaraki.

From the depths of that darkness you hacked up my blood-soaked world and gave me a name.

If you hadn't shown up, I wouldn't be here today.

That's right, ever since that day, you've been my everything.

You can do it, Kenny You are the strongest, Kenny!
So, let's get stronger and stronger together!
Hey Kenny?
Kenny Kenny Kenny!
The Spiritual Pressure has finally died down.

Still, it sure was fierce.

What's wrong with you?
Your body is trembling.

How pathetic!
You're the one who's trembling!
What part of me?
What's this?
Bird droppings?
H-Hey, what's the matter?
There you are, damn you I won't let you get away!
Ganju, you overdid it.

That was mean.

Shut up!
What about you?
What was that medicine?
It's a kind of anesthetic called "Shinten.

" One drop of it on the skin of someone with low Spiritual Pressure will cause him to get dizzy and pass out.

Y-You've got some scary stuff there, kid.

You think so?
But anyway, let's hurry.

So the entrance is a shutter type.

Now the question is, how do we open it?
No problem.

What do you have this time?
I borrowed a spare key from the underground water channel storage room last night.

H-Hey Is it okay for you to do that?
It's probably not okay, but But I thought about it last night.


Ichigo is getting all battered up fighting while all I do is keep running away.

It looks pretty bad, I thought.

I want to save Miss Rukia, too.

So I decided I'd do all I could toward that end.

Even if it means I will be punished later.

Of course, stealing a key is about all I can do.

That's why I'm pretty useless.


I'd say you did more than your share.

What you've done Man, I tell you.

Everybody's desperate to save this person.

This Rukia must be quite a cutie Well, uh, it's not that You don't have to get embarrassed.

Let's see what she really looks like.

Hey, Rukia!
Who are you?
Are you Ichigo's comrade?
It's me, Miss Rukia!
I'm so glad!
You're all right, aren't you?
You're Hanataro!
Why are you here?
We can talk later.


Ganju, let's hurry and get away from here.

What's wrong, Mr.

The pattern on your clothes the tumbling current of the fallen heavens Are you a member of the Shiba clan?
Oh, do you know each other?

I know her.

How could I ever forget that face She's the Soul Reaper who k*lled my older brother!
W-What are you saying, Mr.

Rukia wouldn't My older brother's wounds were from a sword.

His neck was slashed, and he'd been stabbed in the chest.

If he'd fought with a Hollow, why did he die of sword wounds?
And at that time, she told me that she had k*lled him!

That-that can't be true!
It's all right, Hanataro.

He is correct.

A member of the Shiba clan No doubt, it was your elder brother.

I k*lled Kaien Shiba.

Do as you please.

If I die by your hand, I will have no complaints.

Please stop, Mr.

We didn't come here for that, did we?
Didn't we come hereto save her?
Please, Ganju!
Didn't Mr.

Ichigo entrust us with his determination?
Shut up!
W-What's with this Spiritual Pressure?
Aizen's been k*lled?
By whom?
- This morning, before dawn.

- This morning, before dawn.

- The m*rder*r and motives are, as yet - The m*rder*r and motives are, as yet - unknown!
- Unknown!
Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
I was concerned about your health, so I delayed the report.

Please punish me.

That's not fair, Kotsubaki!
Captain, please punish me, too.

Don't copy what I say, Kiyone!
I'm not copying you!
That's enough.

In any case I can't stay here like this.

That's Squad Six's Captain, Lord Byakuya Kuchiki!
Byakuya Kuchiki H-He's You know him?
Of course.

The Kuchiki clan is one of the four noble houses with the highest rank.

That guy's the current clan leader.

Out of the thirteen captains today, he's probably the most famous.

This is the worst thing that could happen Someone like him appearing at a time like this.

It's no good.

There's no way we could win.

Maybe we should just beg for our lives.

W-What are you saying, Mr.

Let's run away with Miss Rukia!
You idiot!
Do you see any way out?
This bridge is the only way!
Are you telling me to risk my life for her?
She k*lled my brother, you know!
For someone For someone like her?
I understand.

I guess it can't be helped.

There was never any reason for you to save Miss Rukia, to begin with.

It would be asking too much to force you to stay here.

So, at least when you escape from here, please take Miss Rukia with you.

I'll make a stand here, and hold him off.

W-What are you talking about?
I think I understand how you feel.

No one would give his life to save his enemy.

That's got nothing to do with it!
You felt that Spiritual Pressure, didn't you?
No way can we handle this.

I know that, too.

Still, I came this far because I wanted to save Miss Rukia.

I can't just leave without doing anything!
Thank you for everything you've done!
I'll be on my way.

Don't do it, Hanataro!
You can't What are you doing?
Let me through!
That fool!
What does he think he can do without a Zanpakuto?
He's trembling You're just a weakling.

Don't go acting so tough!
Damn it!
Stay back!

Ganju Not again!
Sorry, Big Brother.

Avenging you will have to wait.

If you're gonna blame anyone, blame Big Sis for not raising me to be a coward who would run out on his friends!
Here I come, "young master"!
You're fightin' me!
Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go!
Everybody stand up!
Everybody fight!
Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up!
To the Sky!
No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime!
I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!
With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!
You have to live!
Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People The story is finally reaching a climax.

Maybe it's time for me to reveal my secret.

Can you guess what my secret is?
You can speak human, but not cat!
You dye your fur black!
You're actually a dog!
Listen, you messing' with me?
Eighth Squad, 3rd Seat, Tatsufusa Enjoji!
February 2017
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