02x19 - The Immortal Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x19 - The Immortal Man

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday I told you not to let up on your Spiritual Pressure.

So it's over How boring.

Do you want to fight?
Do you want to win?
Or do you want to live?
Which is it?
I want to win.

I can't hear you.

There's no meaning in just fighting.

Just surviving has no meaning.

I want to win.

I want to win!

Then I'll take you there.

Where are we?
What are you doing?
B-But unless I do this, I'll fall again!
You don't need to worry about that.

Back then, your Hollowfication made this inner world lose its stability.

That's why it happened.

But it's different this time.

Take a look.

Even amidst the fierce fighting, your inner world doesn't even tremble.

Hold it hold it Are you saying that my mind is normally in this upside down-sideways state?
It seems you have grown a bit stronger.

Wow totally ignoring me, huh?
Stand, Ichigo!
Hey, that's dangerous!
Who'd throw an unsheathed sword like that?
Hang on to it.

It's your sword.

But this is you I mean Zangetsu Asauchi It's a nameless Zanpakuto wielded by low-ranking Soul Reapers, who were unable to join the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Yeah but my Zanpakuto is Zangetsu.

Zangetsu the one that was broken by your opponent earlier?
Are you talking about this one?
I cannot give this to you!
What are you doing?
Get outta the way!
Who are you?
Aw c'mon, you know me, partner.

From now, we will test whether you deserve to wield me.

If you wish to hold me once more, take me away with your own hand!
Your enemy is yourself.

Take it away, huh?
Sounds good.

Do it, partner!
That is if you can!
I can't counter him!
I didn't know Zangetsu was such an amazing sword!
The atmosphere's almost burning away from the Spiritual Pressure.

It's like a monster!
A plain Zanpakuto seems like a wooden stick compared to it!
What can I do with something like this?
Damn it!
What's the matter, partner?
If you just keep standing around, I'll k*ll you!
Aw, I missed He swings the Zangetsu with the cloth wrapping from the hilt What's up with that fighting style?
I never even thought of something like that!
You're pathetic!
You had an awesome sword like this, so how did you get so bloody?
I can't understand it.

Can you become a friend with someone you just met, simply by asking his name?
Because that's what you're doing!
You think you've mastered Zangetsu just by calling out its name.

You're so full of yourself You don't even try to draw out its full power or try to understand it!
You believe that as long as you train yourself, you'll get stronger!
He's right.

I didn't even try to understand old man Zangetsu.

The Zanpakuto isn't a tool Each one of them has a name, they're alive.

And yet My Zanpakuto doesn't have a name.

This is the true form of my Zanpakuto.

Oh yeah?
Well, that's a relief.

So that means your sword won't get any more powerful than it is now.

”That's a relief?
” What a joke!
Cut the crap!
I'm no different.

As it is, I'm no different from that bastard who didn't care about his Zanpakuto's name.

I want to know Let's wrap this up soon.

I'll show you what it means to master Zangetsu.

To you, who died never mastering it!
Will you show me, old man Zangetsu?
Just let me know a little about yourself I want to know about you, the source of my strength.

And, let me fight with you one more time!
You're giving me one more chance?
Thanks, old man.

He's gone.

Oh Well.

Was that good enough?
Yes, thanks for coming.

Don't mention it.

After all, he is the king of this world.

He has to win, or it would be bad Well, I'm done here, right?
Let me go back.

All right.

He's strong Zangetsu.

Nurture him well.

That power is going to be mine, eventually.

Ichigo I hate the rain.

And it rains in this world, too.

If your heart is troubled, the skies will become cloudy.

If you grieve, it will rain ever so easily.

I wonder if you understand The fear of being rained upon in this lonely world.

To stop that rain, I shall lend you any strength.

If you have faith in me, I will not allow any rain to fall upon this world.

Ichigo, trust me.

You are not fighting alone.

That kid's pulse had stopped, but And this Spiritual Pressure His bleeding has stopped!
I'm being pushed!
Sorry, but I don't have time to waste.

I'm gonna end this quickly.

End it quickly, huh?
Not gonna happen Because This is getting fun!
I can't get enough of this!
How were you revived?
How come you're suddenly much stronger?
I've got a bunch of questions.

But forget them for now!
Let's just have fun with this fight!
Damn it!
I'm the one charging!
So how come he won't go down?
This isn't right!
Somethings wrong with you!
You love fighting that much?
Aren't you afraid of being cut, Or dying?
Somethings wrong with me?
Somethings wrong with you!
You're so strong, why don't you love to fight?
Enjoy it!
Relish in death, in pain!
Isn't that the price we pay?
What's going on?
Wh-Who are you?
Are you Yumichika?
It's a b*mb!
Was it the expl*si*n?
The fireworks made it like that?
Don't laugh!
Fine, I'll put this on!
I was just thinking that the Captain seems to be having fun.

You're right.

Who's his opponent?
His strength is amazing.

It's Ichigo.

That kid has gotten stronger since the time we fought.

He's like a different person.

Is the Captain on the defensive?
This is bad.

Even the Captain might Idiot!
There's no way he'd lose!
This is the best!
It's an evenly matched fight!
No, it's very slight, but you're better.

I don't remember the last time I felt this euphoric!
How can he be so complacent?
I think, with you I can fight with all my power!
Lieutenant Kusajishi, I have an urgent message!
Okay, later But this is a top secret message signed by both Head Captain Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya of Squad 10.

Hmm Okay, later.

Lieutenant, please!
I was ordered to deliver this message to everyone immediately, sir!
Shut up!
Kenny's fighting right now.

So don't bother me!
What the hell?
The moment he removed his eye patch, his Spiritual Pressure increased!
That's dirty!
Bringing out a new trick this late in the game?
What are you hiding in that right eye?
In my right eye?
Like I'd stoop to such cheap tricks.

I had the Department of Research and Development make this for me, These monsters eat up Spirit Energy.

I can now use all the Spiritual Pressure they were consuming to k*ll you.

It's that simple Can you hear it, Ichigo?
The cries of his sword?
Yeah He cannot hear it.

When two who do not trust each other fight, they only destroy each other.

And one who only believes in himself cannot understand this.

Ichigo, can you trust me?
That goes without saying.

I'm putting all Of my strength in your hands.

Do what you will with it.

So lend me your strength!
All right.

Oh After all this time, your Spiritual Pressure still increases?
How fun.

Of course, it increases.

I'm borrowing Zangetsu's power and fighting with him.

I will never lose to someone like you who only fights alone!
Is that the name of that Zanpakuto?
Borrowing the power of your Zanpakuto and fighting with it?
Zanpakuto are mere tools for fighting.

That's something only a weakling would say one who has no confidence in his own strength, so he "borrows" the power of the Zanpakuto!
And that is not my line, Ichigo!
He's coming, Ichigo!
I'm nearing the limit of my ability to stop your bleeding.

We will finish this in one blow.

I'm sorry, everyone Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go!
Everybody stand up!
Everybody fight!
Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up!
To the Sky!
No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime!
I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!
With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!
You have to live!
Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People This is an announcement to recruit members for the Zaraki Squad!
All those who were moved by the Captain's fighting, gather round!
If you join now, the Lieutenant will give you a nickname!
Send your applications to Ikkaku Madarame, or Yumichika Ayasegawa!
We'll be waiting!
No soliciting allowed!
Lieutenant of Squad 9, Shuhei Hisagi!
What does the "69" mean?
February 2017
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