02x16 - Zaraki Kenpachi Approaches!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x16 - Zaraki Kenpachi Approaches!

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Damn it!
This sure is a long staircase!
How many steps are there anyway?
Just shut up!
All right, we made it!
No one's around!
Security's lax here, too.

Okay, let's head straight inside!
Captain You look awful.

Rangiku Have you calmed down a bit?
Umm I'm so sorry.

I've caused you trouble as well.

Oh Never mind me, I wasn't able to do anything.

Umm How are things outside?
It's chaotic.

Something like this occurring within the station It's unheard of.

There's still the situation with the Ryoka.

Everyone's doing their own thing, completely losing focus.

Then, what about arresting the perpetrator?
They still haven't finished investigating the crime scene.

We have no choice but to await the Head Captain's decision.

But But the one who k*lled the Captain Stop it!
Don't say such a reckless thing!
I know I just said that everything was chaotic.

But Squad 5 is the one suffering the most right now.

They've lost both their Captain and Lieutenant at the same time.

You know what that means.

It's not that I don't understand how you feel.

However At that time The time you found Captain Aizen, the actions you took Was there no other option, was that truly what had to be done?
Couldn't you at least consider that?
The title of Lieutenant shouldn't be taken so lightly.

I'm so sorry.

I I Here.

This was in Captain Aizen's room.

It's addressed to you.

Captain Aizen for me?
You're lucky it was our captain who found it.

If it were anyone else, it probably would have been submitted as evidence.

It may never have reached you.

I don't know what's written inside, but Having your captain leave his final words to you, that ought to be a happy thing for a Lieutenant.

Appreciate it as you read it.

Oh, thank you very much.

Hinamori, if you're reading this letter, then I must not have made it back.

Captain So he knew he was being targeted.

Last night, after I fell asleep he wrote this letter.

Captain I've caused you a lot of worry.

For that, all the words of apology would never suffice.

Until now, I have never spoken to you about the apprehension I have felt.

However, I want you to understand that it was only because I did not wish to get you involved in this.

Please, if possible, forgive me.

Even after all this, I still got you involved.

I am probably no longer alive.

Therefore, to you, in whom I have utmost trust, I leave this record of the truths which I have uncovered.

This is!
What is this, this outrageous Spiritual Pressure?
Let's run for it!
I don't know what's up, but I'm sure there's someone terrible around the corner!
Before the enemy finds us, we've got to run and get ahead!
Y-Yes Let's go!
He's finally here.

I was getting tired of waiting.

Let's see.

Something's wrong.

What's going on?
We've been running and running but I don't feel any distance opening up between us and the enemy.

My legs feel heavy.

Damn, I'm running, I know I'm running This Spiritual Pressure It's like I have a knife pressed against my throat this whole time Huh, hey!
What are you doing?
I-I'm sorry.

There's no strength in my body.

I swear you sure are a handful.

Are you all right?
Shut up!
Never mind, run!
Three of them, huh?
Which one is it?
Not that one Not that one Are you the one?
What's the matter?
How long are you going to keep looking over there?
W- What just happened?
What's the matter?
How long are you going to keep looking over there?
W- What just happened?
I'm sure I was just stabbed.

Is it bloodlust?
Can just plain bloodlust do that?
You're Ichigo Kurosaki, right?
How do you know my name?
Who are you?
Haven't you heard from Ikkaku?
"Heard from Ikkaku?
" Wait a minute Can I ask you something?
Who's the strongest in your group?
It's me, probably Is that so?
Then watch out for my captain.

My Captain has no interest in weak men.

If what you say is true, you're the one he'll be after!
He's strong?
Meet him, and you'll find out how strong he is.

That is, if you stay alive long enough to even comprehend just how powerful he is.

What's his name?
I'm Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Squad 11.

I'm here to fight you to the death.

I just felt Spiritual Pressure again.

To be able to feel it through the Sekkiseki walls of this tower What is going on outside?
Let me tell you about one unconfirmed report.

You know about the Ryoka that entered the Soul Society yesterday, right?
There were five.

Allegedly, one of them is an orange-haired Soul Reaper wielding a body-length sword.

Ichigo Is it really you?
If you're still alive I couldn't wish for anything more.

Run away.

Run and forget about me.

In this world, there are forces which defy the logic of the living world.

Run, run away.

So that you may live So it's him.

So this is Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Squad 11.

Should you encounter a captain, don't hesitate and get away!
The Spiritual Pressure I've been sensing until now was his.

How do I get away from that?
What's the matter?
I said, I'm here to fight you to the death.

Since you haven't replied, can I just start?
Are you okay You idiot, Ichigo!
Hanataro and I caught a bit of that Spiritual Pressure.

Don't worry.

Never mind us, you just face what's in front of you.

Or he'll take you out before you know it!
Look at all that drool!
He must have been really scared of Kenny, poor thing!
Oopsey He got mad at me.


It's your fault.

What is she?
Where'd she come from?
- How come she's totally unaffected?
- Stupid is as stupid says.

Is that so?
Hey, you little runt!
What the heck are you?
I'm Yachiru Kusajishi.

The Lieutenant of Squad 11.

Pleased to meet you!
She's the same rank as Renji?
But Just now, I didn’t even notice her until she landed on me.

She's no ordinary one either.

Take Hanataro and go on ahead!
I'll manage somehow.

Take care of Rukia!
- What are you say--?
- Ganju!
Please Damn it Oh, they went away.

Sorry, but I can't let you pass through here.

You don't get it, do you?
Don't make me repeat myself.

I've been waiting here just to fight with you.

Your friends or that Kuchiki what's-her-name Whether they die or not is no concern of mine Is that so?
Hey, not bad.

Though your stance is rigid and full of openings.

Your Spiritual Pressure is something else.

Your run-of-the-mill lieutenants would be no match.

No wonder Ikkaku lost.

But, you're still not on par with me.

How about it?
I'll give you a handicap.

I'll let you take the first swing.

You can cut me anywhere you like.

Wow Kenny, you're so generous!
Aren't I?
I'm literally a bleeding heart of generosity!
Stop messing with me!
What the hell are you saying?
You think I can attack someone who hasn't drawn their w*apon?
Are you messing with me?
I'm not mocking you.

It's just a freebie.

It's admirable that you don't want to attack someone who hasn't drawn, but you better save the niceties for another occasion.

Don't be so uptight.

Let's just have some fun.

To k*ll or to be k*lled It's just another way to k*ll some time.

So, come on.

You can go for my neck, my gut, my eyeball If you want, you can even k*ll me with this attack.

Quit being scared!
Ichigo No, Ichigo!
You're in danger, run!
Idiot, quit squirming!
Are you a moron?
It's dangerous to move all of a sudden!
W-Where are we?
Where's Ichigo?
We're on our way to the Shishinro.

Ichigo stayed behind with them.

Stayed behind?
By himself?
He can't!
He has to get away!
- I have to go back and help!
- Huh?
Hey Hana, calm down!
It's impossible!
There's no way he can defeat him Even Ichigo will be k*lled!
Hana, you know that spiky-headed guy?
He is He is the Squad 11 Captain, Kenpachi Zaraki.

The name "Kenpachi" is passed down through the generations to the one in the 13 Court Guard Squads who loves to fight the most and who loves to k*ll the most.

The name means, no matter how many times he's k*lled, he will never go down.

It's beyond the realm of being strong or weak.

He cannot die.

He's immortal!
If Ichigo fights him, he will surely be k*lled.

I see After hearing that, I'm even more sure we can't go back.

- Ganju!
- Listen up!
Ichigo asked us Ichigo asked us to take care of Rukia Kuchiki.

We all felt that Spiritual Pressure.

Ichigo and I both know that that wire-headed freak isn't normal.

So Ichigo made up his mind to stay back and fight, so that we can go ahead.

And that was because more than anything, Ichigo was determined to make saving this Kuchiki person the priority!
Do you understand, Hanataro?
We've been entrusted to carry out that determination!

Ganju We can't dawdle here!
- If you get it, then let's go!
- Y-Yes!
Ichigo After we've saved this Rukia, we'll come back for you And when we do, let's all go back to the Rukon District together.

I still have a ton of things to tell you.

So Ichigo, until then, don't you dare die!
You've got to be kidding I know I swung with all my strength How come there's not even a scratch on him?
Why's my hand's torn up instead?
This What the hell Is that it?
What a let down.

What was that?
What did he just do?
He touched the Zangetsu's blade with his bare hands!
That's crazy!
It's useless, Ichy!
You can't cut Kenny.

Because to Kenny, this thing is the same as not having a blade at all.

Want me to tell you?
Why your sword can't cut me?
It's nothing, really.

When two Spiritual Pressures collide, the one that's pushed down gets hurt.

That's all there is to it.

In essence compared to that sword you honed with your spirit pressure in order to slay your enemies the Spiritual Pressure that unconsciously oozes out of me is much stronger.

That's all there is to it.

Damn it I can't believe I spent days looking for a guy at this level.

Even as a joke, it's not very funny.

Now it's my turn.

At least, let me get the rust off of this thing, won't you?
I'm counting on you, Ryoka.

I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever Nanao!
It's finally our big turn.

- Nanao, where are you?
- Chad, are you gonna fight that old man?
- Hmm it seems so.

- Oh, where are you hiding?
- Is that old man okay?
- Aww, c'mon, Na-na-o!
Captain of Squad 1, Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto!
February 2017
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