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03x31 - Hats Off to Smurfs/The Noble Stag

Posted: 07/25/22 16:20
by bunniefuu

i made it myself oh it's really you

smurf that it really is why are you so

blue vanity is something wrong oh i'm

just bored smurfette really bore

maybe what you need is something new

that always works for me

what a smurfy idea thanks murphy

oh yes azrael i'll get those smurfs this


six warts from a sleeping toad six

scales from a snoozing snake six hairs

from a dozing pig a little goo and a

moldy thing

when i'm through making this magic cloth

those smurfs will come begging for my


and will i help them

yes at least long enough to capture

every one of their little blue eyes

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oh taylor you must help me i'm i'm

simply desperate for something new no

have i got no come in come in and i have

just your sides too anything you see

will fit you to a tee hmm now that i

have this magic cloth what shall i make

what shall i make

ah i've got it

i've got it i'm sure this will be

exactly what you have in mind


all of my garments are exclusively smurf

made no this isn't it either no way i

have just the thing and remember all my

garments are guaranteed guaranteed not

to shrink aha perhaps one of these will

be to your liking no this isn't it

either or this or this or this

what i really had in mind taylor is

something new maybe maybe something in

red like tupperware's or well just

something new and more distinguished

new more distinguished

smurf clothes are white traditional and

very distinguished

there must be at least one smurf who

won't be able to resist this little

yellow hat hmm

i'll put my little surprise in a place

where it won't be missed

oh yellow hat oh listen do one drop of

dew or wet on blue will turn a smurf

from blue to gold


let's smurf over here vanity i sure did

enjoy greedy's new muffins didn't you

vanity well actually i didn't have one i

oh yes oh my yes yes yes oh there it is

now this is new oh vanity we don't know

where that hat came from i don't think

you should smurf it but smurfette it's

adorable i can't resist i must see it on

oh family i wish you wouldn't it's a

perfect fit

what do you think smurfette i think it

does something for me

yes it is and isn't it wonderful

oh good old town what a nice surprise


well it's obviously vanity clumsy who

else could it be what i'd like to know

is where he got that ridiculous hat and

oh gosh family i didn't even know it was

you yup it's real different vanity don't

you just love it


good night papa smear good

better wash up for bed after all

cleanliness is next to smurfiness


my smurf what could it be



oh who's there

me hurry open the door

it's so late what is the vanity

look at what's happened to me oh my do

you have anything that'll make these

awful things go away oh i don't know if

this will help but it might cover it up

now tilt your head


there doesn't work i look

i look awful

it's not so bad really tomorrow use

plenty of soap and water


hmm smurfette said to use plenty of soap

and water

oh my smurf no water more water


open up i'm allergic to your face powder

oh why i can't imagine it's only

bluebell dust come on vanity please let

me see your face oh vanity don't be

smurfy how can i help you if i can't see

the problem

oh my

will i ever be my handsome self again

smurfette oh of course you will vanity

but i think we better see papa smurf

right away all right but smurf him to my


you must come out

how can i help you if i can't see you

papa smurf is right vanity you must come


did you lock the door yes vanity no one

will smurf you now remove that scarf


have you been eating foods that don't

agree with you vanity smurf no papa

smurf been feeling all right yes papa

smurf getting enough sleep yes papa

smurf i was my very handsome smurfy self

until last night

what's this

where did you get this yellow hat we

found it in the woods papa smurf hmm we

thought it was the sample from taylor's

new line

smurfette run and fetch taylor and smurf

him over here right away yes papa smurf

look israel they've taken the bait it

won't be long now and i'll be ready

this hat is not one of my hats i see

vanity remove the hat taylor and i must

examine it more closely remove the hat

why a smurf without a hat is not a smurf

at all vanity

all right papa smurf i'll do it

i i can't get it



yes why didn't i think of that


oh my



i hate me i hate me i hate me i never

want to see my face again


go away

sanity won't you please come out it's

been three days go away you have to eat

vanity please come out go away


my smurfs i have deduced the yellow hat

on vanity's head is made of magical


and at this point is the work of


now the only way we can help that is for

taylor to make a hat out of gargamel's

own cloth and place that hat on

gargamel's head

gargamel knows we will be coming so this

will be very dangerous

now that you all know what needs to be


i need volunteers to go to gargamels and

borrow his magical cloth

you you and you the papa smurf we don't

understand i'm making a hat for gargamel

for pure vanity there's a little vanity

in all of us smurfette and i guess his

gargamel will help us release vanity

from the curse if for no other reason

than to release

himself oh


i sure hope he's asleep papa smurf

i knew we'd be expected

this way

oh i'll


i'll get everyone at this matter



yo after them


well it's done

but how do we get it on his head hmm

i've got it

give the birds the hat taylor



oh yellow hat oh listen do one drop of

you will surely do to turn this wizard

into goo and blue

open up



oh no


i will help you if you help me

never sh**t yourself hey bubba smith

wait wait

if you promise to help me

and i'll help you

the cure must be made from the honey of

a hundred bees no problems the fuzz from

a peach wood tree no problem and an

ounce of smurf breast smurf berry juice

no problem ever do you promise to bring

me the cure you have my word on it


go away come out vanity i have what is

necessary to cure you


oh it's so good to be me again

go away

go away



seeing you again vanity smurfette it

sure is smurfy being seen i hate





soon we'll have enough nuts for the

winter and i just love nuts


here's the special enough just for you

greedy audrey thanks

very funny

what was that i don't know e-flat it

sounded like a horn


hmm that's hard what would humans be

doing in this part of the forest





did you see the size of

well i've that it now lads follow me


is every smurf all right papa smurf why

are those humans chasing that beautiful

stag i'm afraid they mean to k*ll it

smurfette k*ll it but why

yeah why they are hunters oh those

horrible humans just who do they think

they are well one of them was king

gerard's second cousin malcolm the mean

he is the greatest hunter in all the

realm oh that poor dear we've got to

save it papa smurf but how i've got an



smurf me up into the tree hefty what are

you gonna do harmony you'll see



but he'll never get away yeah yeah

it worked


faster you fools faster it mustn't

escape are you all right perfect i'm


great smurfs he's gone oh harmony

what'll we do now papa smurf we must

follow harmony and rescue him before

he's discovered i'll go me too yeah it

sounds like fun it may well be very

dangerous the rest of you gather up

these nuts and return to the village



we'll be back as soon as possible yeah

yeah goodbye

be careful

oh poor harmony i hope they can find him


that's no use these stupid dogs who

trained to blast the scent we'll have to

return to the castle and try again



yes you're malcolm


i tell you there is absolutely nothing

to worry about smurfette wherever they

are i'm certain papa smurf and the

others are just as safe as we ourselves

are right here in fact i wouldn't be

surprised if ah

what's that

oh there



oh it's you you frightened

are you all right

oh you've hurt yourself you poor thing

come with us to the village and maybe we

can help you it isn't far follow me


hey clumsy hurry up with those other

branches huh here i come handy yeah

hey look out



oh gosh are you all right baby

maybe i should lie down my color's not

too good oh gee i'm the same color as

you baby maybe i'll lie down too

are you feeling better

papa smurf's moss b*mb should help your

foot a lot

and these goodies will help you keep up

your strength greedy

deer do not eat smurf berry tarts they

are exclusively herbivorous which means

they can only digest a diet of leaves

twigs flowers or grass

no doubt about it

he likes it that's impossible

i just don't understand it you know

pretty i can't put my finger on it but

there's something kind of familiar about

this deer


i cannot believe these worthless dogs

let it get away but sir malcolm enough

tomorrow we capture that black stag or

by thunder it's the dungeon

yes sir

yes your grace oh oh begging your pardon

sir malcolm but have you heard any word

from king gerard

no mrs sowerberry i have not well i know

i shouldn't worry so but it's just not

like his majesty to have left so sudden

like without even saying goodbye

there was great urgency mrs sowerberry

affairs of state oh well you know i'm so

fond of his highness and that dear

little clockwork smurf that whenever

they're away i just naturally feel that

yes yes mrs sowerberry i quite

understand now i must retire madam the

hunt resumes early tomorrow oh sleep

well your lordship



she misses you dear cousin

they call me malcolm the mean you know

but what would they call me if they saw

my latest trophy

what a prize

but my greatest prize is yet to come the

black stag for when it is mine i shall

become king

is that not true dear cousin with my

magic amulet i've turned you into a deer

and now your loyal subjects are hunting

down their own king


poor king gerard after tomorrow's hunt

the throne will be mine so until



dear cousin pleasant dreams wherever you



it's no use i come to get help before

it's too late

just as i thought harmony's tracks lead

directly to king gerard's castle then

harmony must be in there

look there he is it's harmony up a smurf

papa smurf harmony are you all right oh

papa smurf i'm so glad i found you that

mean malcolm the mean has captured

clockwork smurf and he's he's going to

do away with king gerard what how do you

know he has a magic amulet and he turned

king gerard into a deer and he's going

to try to catch him tomorrow

the stag

this must not be

if we can get that magic amulet perhaps

we can break the spell

we'll smurf that amulet away from him

yeah you'll never know what smurfed him

won't that be kind of dangerous we must

try harmony it's king gerard's only hope

and clark works too i guess you're right

follow me


this way


come on


what a strange place i've never seen

anything like it the animals are so

still i'm afraid these are just stuffed

animals safety what do we do now papa

smurf first we'll try to revive

clockwork then we'll find malcolm's

amulet all right now every smurf lift on

the count of three one


three smurf


too bad

he'd know just what to do

perhaps if i turn this switch


let's see now


are you all right


yes we know all about malcolm's evil



we'll have to distract those dogs so

harmony and i can get the amulet leave

it to us






there it is papa smurf

i'll get you jarrod you puny little


let's go





what is going on here


not funny

not funny at all


what a surprise

it's a surprise

where's jokey


oh no


i hope you like it


well find him you idiots


poor jokey what'll we do


good idea clockwork

see if you can open the last 50. right

papa smurf


it's open

find that thing you worthless hounds


it's got to be here somewhere





hurry my little smurfs we must get this

amulet back to the village


what's that clockwork yo

great smurfs the amulet

after with my little smurfs quickly


here how is every smurf we're all right

papa smurf

you can always throw down us

look out

now look what you've done can any sperf

see it uh-uh it's too dark down there

what'll we do

if we had a light and some rope perhaps

we could fish it up

well what are we waiting for come on


that's the way




hold it

there it is


okay smurf away


let's hope we don't run into any more

unexpected surprises on the way home


this is sour betty

sir have you seen my amulets

oh no sir malcolm it's missing have the

servants search every room in the castle

immediately oh

yes sir malcolm

i must find that amulet without it i

could lose my power over gerard

well have you found it

we've searched the castle from top to

bottom sir malcolm and

your amulet is nowhere to be found

then we must find the black stag without


not escape me today


scissors now to see if the treatment was

a success



your leg is all better mr deer

now you can go back to the forest


whatever is he doing but he's drawing a

picture but it looks like a castle but

what does it mean what are you trying to

tell us



wait don't run away you're safe here

that's gratitude for you as i was saying

to papa smurf just the other day


and clockwork oh clockwork it's so good

to see you

tell me how are all your gears


oh that's fine fine

my little smurfs there is not a moment

to lose we must find the black stag and

bring it here to the village but papa

smurfy just left what that's right it

was hurt so we brought it here and took

care of it great smurfs that deer was

king gerard king's gerard

i knew there was something familiar

about that fear we must find the king

before the hunters do i'll stay here and

try to find a way to break the spell

leave no stone unturned my little smurfs

his life depends on it yes papa smith

king gerard


clumsy what are you doing

well uh pop smurf said to leave no stone

on turn


king gerard

king gerard hurry grouchy we've gotta

keep looking i hate looking where can he




come on


there he goes

he's getting tired




let's see cures for antler rush

mouth grazing neck

no that's not right


oh no he's trapped we're too late


the prize is my

steady now




ah here it is

go and hind and heart let the

transformation start now crew malcolm's

curse adjourn and then let king gerard



there he goes wait don't sh**t it is i

king gerard

your majesty but but the black stag


i want him captured alive yes




thank you dear friends once again i owe

you my life if not for your kindness and

the bravery of harmony and my dear

clockwork i might have been just another

prize for malcolm to hang on his wall

and what will become of malcolm now your

majesty i shall restore him to normal

only after he's captured perhaps my

cousin will have learned a lesson after

the dogs have snapped at his own heels

for a while let's hear it for king



now that's what i call cruelty to
