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03x30 - Good Neighbor Smurf/The Smurfstone Quest

Posted: 07/25/22 16:18
by bunniefuu
no no farmer you should plant your crops

in alphabetical order artichokes first

then asparagus then broccoli


that is not the way to wash windows your

water's not soapy enough your cloth's

not soft enough let me give you a few

hints i hate hints


thanks papa smurf i was just trying to

help everyone with their chores and

neglecting your own icy you do know

brainy it's your turn to fill the water

tanks on the fire truck oh yes papa

smurf i am happy to do my part to help

the village run smoothly like you always

say what i'm saying now brainy is fill

the water t*nk

be sure that rope is smurfed good and

tight handy everything's fine rainy just

go alright



uh looks like the rope's okay handy


nobody appreciates good neighbors


now what was it papa smurf told me to do

was it



close the shutters get the crane in the

storehouse hurry

i do believe it's easing up oh we are

lucky that lightning didn't hit anything


my house my house fire fire



rainy you didn't fill the tanks i knew i

forgot something quickly form a bucket


what am i going to do

don't worry brainy

we'll all help you repair your house

we'll smurf a new one it'll be fun

as long as you're at it could you make a

larger window over there for more sun

and how about an extra room in the back

and don't forget to


how's the construction coming brainy

okay i guess papa smurf but where am i

going to sleep until my house is

finished so you see brainy needs a place

to smurf for a few days will anyone


you can stay with me brainy gee thanks

andy you're welcome i think now this is

my latest invention a corn picking

machine for farmer wow how does it work

andy i'll explain later i'm going back

to work on your house now whatever you

do don't touch the corn picker

hmm not a bad job but it certainly could

stand some improvement i'll just smurf

this gear a little tighter


my corn kicker


brainy smurf looks like there was still

a few bugs in it handy


that's gratitude for you of course you

can stay with me brainy how do you like

my new portrait painted this one

especially for me brings out my subtle

charm don't you think i have to go plan

the color scheme for your house don't

touch anything leave everything alone


it certainly needs something

ah i know one final touch


might as well make a few other

improvements while i'm at it

oh i can hardly wait to sit down in

front of my favorite mirror in my

favorite chair and gaze upon my favorite


oh no

my beautiful home

how do you like it vanity oh no no no

that isn't supposed to be there

well the place has a more casual look



some smurfs just don't appreciate good


you have ruined my smurfberry pudding


still needs a little salt


my panting she's ruined


that's not funny brainy

you call that music

oh papa smurf what am i going to do

no smurf will let me stay with them

that's right we sure won't you're a

terrible houseguest brady smurf well

brady since you've nowhere else to stay

you can stay with me

papa smurf i knew i could count on you

how can i sleep with all that noise

hmm most interesting i wonder what papa

smurf is up to

oh i see of course

this is the last straw

raining it's time you and i had a very

long and very serious smurf to smurf

talk i think the other smurfs are all

too sensitive papa smurf that's not the


when you are a guest in another smurf's

home you must smurf by their rules even

if you don't agree with them but i was

simply trying to give them the benefit

of my superior knowledge of course you

were brainy but unless you change your


no smurf in the village will want you

for a guest

well i'll just go live by myself in the

woods and then they'll be sorry

this cave should do just fine



pardon me i didn't know this cave was

occupied you don't mind if i stay do you


good then i'll just make myself at home

i'm certain you'll be easier to live

with than some smurfs i know um yes i am

certainly certain of that imagine the

nerve of them throwing me out why all i

tried to do was improve their lives i

can't even believe that papa smurf took

their side

when i think of the times that i why am

i the only one who can take a little



this is one of the worst storms i've

ever seen

any signs of brady smith i'll

he must have made good on his promise to

leave brainy is out in that dreadful

storm my little smurfs we must form

search parties and find brainy

here i sit cold and alone while the

other smurfs are warm in their houses

why is that maybe i owe everyone an


oh well i guess it can wait till




well maybe i'll go right now

rainy's not down the river papa smurf

then we'd better check the caves

smurf prince follow me

it's clear that brainy is no longer here

come my little smurfs we better


is he all right i don't know give me a

hand we'll use this log

oh papa smurf please wake up

first i'll apologize to greedy oh greedy





papa smurf anyone home

the entire village is deserted rainy



moon i mean every smurf's been out

looking for you

oh hi brady where you been


where's papa smart he should have been

back by now his party went to search the

river and the cave the caves oh my

goodness if they went into the cave i

was in they're in terrible trouble

follow me

the log is breaking oh no oh no papa




we'll never uncover the entrance inside

i've got to find another way in a

groundhog hole

just maybe

if only this leads to the cave hurry

hurry there are so many passageways i'll

never find the right one

please my friends are in trouble you've

got to lead me to them

there's no hope


this way quickly let's get out of here


they are finished can't you smurfs lend

a hand instead of just standing around

guys they're safe


rainy your quick thinking saved us all

this time you really were brainy brainy

thank you smurfette my thoughts exactly

and as for myself i have learned a

profound lesson about being a guest in

somebody else's home

now that i am truly a hero however i

expect more consideration when as an

honored guest i visit your homes

furthermore i hope we have all learned

something from this experience as i was

saying to papa smurf just the other

what a shame they didn't learn a thing



blast this scout

it certainly is painful oh poor papa


here i hope these flowers will make you

feel a little better right

thank you smurfette

would you smurf down that face on the

bookshelf clumsy oh sure papa smurf

i'll have to get something to stand on

huh let's do a lot of do it


poor papa smurf his gout must be getting


no no no no i will not sit still one

moment longer

now gather around my little smurfs i

have a very big favor to ask you behind

a waterfall in the distant valley of

nodrog is a cave in that cave is a

remarkable stone called the smurf stone

according to my old book the smurfstone

has magical healing powers

it may be the only thing that can cure


gout oh

well then i'll just have to lead an

expedition to find the smurf stone after

all i'm obviously the smurf best suited

for the job you certainly are a brave

smurf brainy to volunteer to enter the

cave of the mullions

mammalians yes


my book says the malians are the

guardians of the smurf stone uh well

actually i was thinking that it uh might

not be such a good idea for me to go i

mean with papa smurf indisposed some

smurf will have to look after things in

the village right uh

you're right brady i don't think we can

spare you but because of the danger i

want three volunteers i'm the strongest

murph i'm the one who should lead this

expedition it's gonna take a little

muscle to take down those bullions well

i think it's gonna take some real

ingenuity to bring back this birthstone

and that i should leave the expedition


what if you can't lift the smurf stone

what are you gonna do then huh no no i'm

grateful to both of you for your

enthusiasm why don't you combine your

talents and both go well

all right papa smurf it's all right with

me too well then it's settled

now i need just one more volunteer



lazy ah i'm deeply smurfed

lazy is the third member of the team


what's going on


oh yes it's brave smurfs to do this for

papa smurf are you sure about sending

lazy with us papa smurf yeah he'll only

slow us down

you must use your strength to help your

fellow smurfs andy your talents will

surely be needed on this dangerous

mission use them wisely lazy



uh lazy your um

uh calmness in the face of danger will

be invaluable i have my doubts and now

my little smurf adventurers the village

thanks you i thank you and most


my poor foot thanks you hurry

goodbye good luck we'll miss you

this could be the most difficult job

i've done since i built smurf dam

you belt smurf damn i did all the heavy

work happiest thing you lifted was a

pencil can we stop and rest now

is this fog thick i can barely smurf my

hand in front of my face

hold up

hey swiff where you're going lazy

sorry this sure would be a lot easier if

we had a map

oh what a smurfy idea



do you hear that i don't hear anything


me either

that's just it there's no birds no

insects i never smurfed any place like

this before

look the waterfall and there's the cave

behind it


sure it's dark in here yeah sure is

doesn't look any different to me

of course my eyes are usually closed oh

well this ought to make things a little

easier come on let's smurf this way


is everybody all right i think so


looks like we can rest now

this doesn't look good if we don't find

a way out we'll run out of air don't

worry we're not finished yet


you can both thank your lucky smurfs

that i'm along on this trip yes i guess

it was a good idea


oh the air must be thin in here or this

backpack is getting heavier uh i think

you have some extra baggage hefty


oh i was having the smurfiest dream i

was riding this big old horse with

what help hell hold on handy i'll pull

you up

what happened

just slipped oh oh that was close well

maybe it's not very deep


we'll be across in a jiffy

you did it andy

i'll go first you just do what i do


you see nothing to it who's next

well i guess the worst that can happen



not very graceful but nothing to it come

on lazy you can do it

maybe i should get some rest first er

come on




that was fun



what's wrong candy

maybe he needs the rest




be dragons for sure


nutella we're smurfs plain ordinary

everyday smurfs yeah can't you see we're

not dragons

see what we see

of course you can't see you've got hair

all over your

gosh what tiny little eyes no wonder you

don't see very well

they guide me

leaders say smurf schmur he be dragons

for sure maybe feeling the heat of your

dragon breath forever

that be where your nest be

lying to my back

leader say we make sure sent for filler

feeler what's he gonna do

shake hands


they say

they don't smell like dragons well that

ought to convince you we told you we're

not but you guys will see them

leaders say he might not be dragons well

now you're smurfing so we find out what

she be

leader called for taster

you know what i smurf is it the same

thing i'm smurfing that's


we have two choices we can try to climb

this wall or we can turn and

fight hmm that would be a long climb a

lot of hard work and nowhere to rest

lazy this is no time to be lazy you know

i think it's a smurfy time to be lazy i

may not be a good climber but there's

one thing i do very well

lazy come back here lazy come back here

i sure know how to snore


dragons thousands of them

you did it lazy smurf you saved the day

how did you ever think of that

well it was easier than climbing we

better smurf out of here before they

change their minds

follow me i think i know the way out hey

this is where the mullion said the

dragon's nest was we'll have to take

that chance

how about taking a nap wait a minute it

might be dangerous i'll smurf a look

it's hot and there's bright light

not only that there's a giant egg

good i thought so come on


the smurfs stone

i thought it might be

it was when the mullions said they felt

the heat of the dragon's breath i simply

concluded that


it's great to be a smurf yep it sure is

smack hooray

lazy's the real hero yeah

lazy save the day

i'm very proud of you my little smurfs

you not only found the smurfstone you

also found the natural worthiness of

your fellow smurfs


let's see if that smurf stone does what

legend says it does

here you are pop smurf


it's cured my gout is cured


the only thing is

i think it broke my toe
