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03x26 - A Wolf in Peewit's Clothing/A Bell for Azrael

Posted: 07/25/22 16:12
by bunniefuu
your wannabe wave I still wanna be with

her ages and we're wandering heroes

never afraid

no one defeats tonight and this one

don't wanna be with they're on their way

yes this old book hold the key the spell

that'll make me magnificent once more

number one in wizardry sold my evil

powers and my castle will be restored

let's see oil of Snapdragon powder times

worm lizard scales three grams of

perspiration from a sperm SmartWatch

how am I supposed to get smashed wet I'm

not even sure Smurfs exist yet without

them all of this is worthless all

baquette I thought this shortcut would

get me back home before lunch but now it

looks like I'm gonna miss dinner too

unless I can get a bite to eat in that

old place but I'm hungry hello is

anybody here who's there

a hungry traveler sire who merely

desires a bit of food and drink to

quench my go away go away do you realize

who you're talking to

I'm peewee an extraordinary singer

Flair of tricks

is everything to your liking so I shall

return with more food now to find a

potion that will make that puny peewee

obey my commands oil up firewood no

mints toadstool no no I must have

something very special here we are

Oh gravy it only works during the moon

but I can't wait ah here's the rest of

the dinner I've been waiting for have

some craving sir peewee

delicious meal Lord Ratna but I insist

on pain no sir peewee you are my guest

yes master ah

the wolf Grady is working the fool will

obey now listen carefully you will go to

the Smurf Village on the full moon and

bring me back three Smurfs until then

you will forget you were ever here yes


and trouble sleeping lately peewee I

want you to read me a bedtime story

one bedtime story coming up your majesty

once upon a time all the animals in the

forest stopped to rest for a night under

a large oak tree because they were so

sleepy they could not keep peewee oh one

by one they dozed off and nothing the

wise old owl said could keep falling

asleep at least someone's getting some

sleep around here maybe a goblet of warm

milk will do the trick

I think I should be able to sleep now

the king is in danger

you've got away sire thank goodness I

was afraid I'd never get any sleep uh I

better turn in - leave it to peewee to

sleep through everything

hmm why do we have to be up so early


because early morning nest we'd only

blooms at dawn and besides Papa Smurf

always says boom hey peewee brainy

clumsy what are you doing here and what

am I doing here huh

maybe you walked in your slate I'd say

you must have run in your sleep you're

just a hop skip and a swerve from our

village maybe I haven't missed breakfast

I'm starving enough is enough peewee

rise and shine hmm

I've never known how each other's a man

he's gone I'm certain pee-wee's

disappearance has something to do with

that wolf creature last night Buster

bayaud peewee Navy in terrible danger

the wolf creatures tracks lead this way

nukkie there's a full moon tonight so I

can follow the trail good night peewee

Smith et the night Haley good night my

little Smurf friends if I sleepwalk just

wake me up

he must be under some sort of evil spell

really he's taken lady crumpets

come on easy let me get some things from

my lab first here's the trail my Smurfs

how much these tracks are fresh Doha are

you looking for peewee - yes and a wolf

creature have you seen either one I'm

afraid they are one in the same Johan

you have done well maybe bringing me

free real live Smurfs

oh very and I've a reward for you I must

let they are dressed Papa Smurf but I

promise we find Peavey and prevent him

from doing the Smurfs any harm I just

hope we can save you from harming

himself that sleepwalking is getting


the trail leads to this a ruiner I've

been here before

keep it also a once powerful wizard

playing rattler well he'll be getting a

surprise visit from us

if these vines hold soon I'll have

enough of your persuasion to complete

the spell moving peewee is in there all

right and he sounds like his new self

again peewee it's me

Johanna so much I was close Johann we're

not in yet there's a window I'm right

behind you Smurfs which way you look for

the other Smurfs

I'll handle peewee I hope I hope the

Smurfs are having better luck

Smurfs three drums and I'll have all my

evil powers back

you know Papa's not I'm not sure but we

don't have much time how's our church

verse 50 who are you

Johan friend of Pewee and the Smurfs and

your enemy since Radner has more than

one enemy redness a villain but we must

save him from peewee Papa Smurf there is

a way Johan if I can Smurf this garlic

into pee-wee's mouth leave that to me

just like the wolf he is is ticklish is

the normal one peewee

are you all right I would be if I could

stop sleeping I think your problems are

over my friend

thanks to the Smurfs maybe I should try

being a good wizard for a change

Smurf it 50 clumsy brainy players greedy

older here Papa Smurf all is smurfing

around made me hungry

but I

this Smurfs luscious gravy let's hope we

pass a garlic patch on the way home

fights Papa Smurf oh I need a glass okay

you're welcome greedy but now I better

start smurfing for some wild meat


he's gaining on us


hey granny can you hear me




that was close i'll say i thought we

were goners you know clumsy there must

be some way to stop azrael from always

sneaking up on us perhaps if i applied

my intellect to this problem i could

figure out a way to clumsy you're not

listening huh oh i'm sorry brainy i was

listening to the bells aren't they the

smurfiest bell spells

a bell

why not a bell that's it a bell clumsy

you've done it you've given me a

smurftastic idea my dad gosh i didn't

even know i had one

come on time and tide wait for no smurf


well you're too late for papa smurf he

and smurfette went out into the woods to

look for orchids gosh maybe we'd better

wait right wait this brilliant idea

cannot wait besides papa smurf has

always told us to act for ourselves

hasn't he

tell them about your idea brady tell

them about putting a bell on israel

so he won't be able to sneak up on us

anymore hmm

not a bad idea the only thing wrong with

it is it's brainy's idea and i've never

seen an idea of brainies work yet all

that remains between this brilliant idea

and its execution is finding the proper

bell a bell of such pure tone brainy a

bell with such a distinct ring a bell

randy yes handy we'll make the belt


yum how's it coming handy almost ready

to pour

now if handy had followed my advice this

entire project would have been completed

long ago but oh no

here they come is it ready it is

well this is certainly not the technique

i had in mind now if papa smurf for a

year i know he would certainly agree

with me



this must have been quite an education

for you baby smurf to witness firsthand

the age-old art of bell making

my fellow smurfs i give you

ezreal spell


now whenever asriel tries to sneak up on

a poor unsuspecting smurf that smurf

will hear him coming yay


somebody has to put the bell around

asriel's neck

who is going to have the honor of tying

the bell onto osriel who is going to be

that lucky smurf any volunteers hey wait

hey gosh everybody wait

well there's only one smurf who deserves

the honor of putting that bell on ezreal

and that's the smurf who the

whole thing up in the first place right

right and brainy gets my vote


no no it wouldn't be fair listen

naturally it is a great honor but really

i couldn't oh sure you could right well

you shush dear friends though i truly

appreciate your confidence i must insist

we all have an equal opportunity thus we

will draw


straws uh uh i'm best out of three

boy i sure admire your courage brady

well you wouldn't catch me going

anywhere there esreal let alone try to

bow around his neck boy you just ain't

scared of nothing i mean you don't even

care about azrael's clowns or them sharp

teeth or clumsy huh

that's just what i was about to say

there he is

that's mean old azrael all right now's

your chance um

well now i wonder if it's right to

bother the poor cat while he's sleeping

i mean we all need our rest


well good luck brainy watch out for them

teeth now










what's going on out here


well what have we here

a bell and no doubt put there by those

despicable smurfs serves you right you

stupid cat did they really expect this

simple-minded trick to work the fools

i'll show them a trick i'll show them a


oh bell of copper bell of tin make your

awful awesome din

when era smurfed a passy by with a hay

nunny knee and a spit in your eye

well it has to rhyme you know

now for the test and

look at real i'm a smart isn't it smurfy

i'm the smurfiest oh how smurfy

it works azrael it works

now whenever there's a smurf about this

bell will alert us like so

and no matter where they run or where

they hide this little bell will lead us

to the spot now to put the bell back on

come here you miserable beast

how dare you defy me you full cat yeah

now you can earn your keep let the smurf

hunt begin

oh papa smurf this is the most beautiful

orchid i've ever found it certainly is


what's that noise

i better take a look oh be careful papa


faster as well faster the bell senses

are swept good grief lead on little bell

lead on

what is it

car come out guard the mill gargamel and

azrael are headed right for us


they're heading upstream as well faster

smurfette they're gaining on us

i'm running as fast as i can

across the

we're bridge closer we can hide in those




they're trapped

back to us we'll double back to the

river hurry israel they're heading

they must have gone across to the other

side again

oh drat we lost them

and no matter where we hid that little

bell on azrael's tail seemed to lead

them right to us hey that sounds like

our bell your bell yeah we made it and

brady got to hang it on azrael since the

whole thing was his idea

aren't you proud of them papa smurf hmm

it seemed like a good idea at the time

and gargamel took your idea and used it

against us now instead of warning us the

bell is hunting us i told you it was a

dumb idea i hate ideas well it was a

good idea brainy and now we must come up

with another idea and i think i know

just what to do

this should do it they should do it very



my little smurfs we are going to find

azrael and take care of that bell

are you ready yes

the bell

hey guys that sounds like our bear that

is our bell that means that means they

found us we're getting close again as

real over there you know what to do

yes father

over there

we must be on to a whole flock of them


hey ezreal over here






there you are you lazy feline get up the

place is crawling with smurfs over there

up here

we're getting closer prepare for your


you wake big mouth he know why

now big mouth man


