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03x17 - Baby Smurf is Missing/The Smurfs' Time Capsule

Posted: 07/25/22 15:22
by bunniefuu

look back


not the last


baby you see it's a piece of cake well i

bet even clumsy can do it


what's that boom boom boom

i know it goes boom boom boom but what's

making that boom boom boom it's thunder

taylor everyone knows that when the cold

air currents of the north smurf with it

then how come the sun is shining mr

britney smurf

well obviously you know nothing about

physics physics physics when you got no

clouds you got no thunder i hate thunder


baby smurf where are you



well it is certainly obvious that baby

is definitely not in his chair

baby baby where are you i hate this



well we only turned our heads for a

minute before i disappeared

i can't make out a word who's gone who's

vanished baby papa smurf baby smurf has


disappeared this is terrible


well what have we here

well we got a big mama rabbit and we got

a little blue baby rabbit too

this isn't a little blue rabbit stupid

it's not furry it hasn't got big floppy


what we have here is a leprechaun

and maybe a pot of gold this

leprechaun's worth more than a whole

wagon full of rabbits


all right my little smurfs baby smurf is

out in that forest somewhere alone we

must begin a search immediately


baby smurf where are you hey look what i

found baby's toy i found something too

taylor smurf

now now what's the matter little fellow


what vultures

his mother and baby smurf have been

caught by poachers oh no

so that's what it was bunny says the

sound you heard was the drum the

poachers use to run the rabbits toward

the traps we've got to rescue baby smurf

oh poor baby


in you go rabbit your new home

at least for a while

all right leprechaun tell me where's the

potter gourd


master that sounds like baby talk to me

well of course it would sound like baby

talk to you what do you know about

speaking leprechaunies he just told me

that wild horses couldn't get the secret

of the pot of gold out of them

come leon it's time to check the other



all right clumsy you and greedy take

baby bunny back to the rabbit warren yes

papa smurf


the rest of you go back to the village

and organize all the sperfs if the

furrier will not free baby we may have

to fight meet me at the furrier's camp

yes mama smurf

oh my

my fellow smurfs you have probably all

wondered where i have been

well where have you been i have been

with papa smurfs searching for baby

smurf we have discovered baby has been

kidnapped by the furrier

oh no

farmer smurf yes fb you get the

smurfberry pies from greedy i think 200

pies should be enough but you do the

trick cafe andy you make sure the

catapult is in working order smurfette

will help you come on smurfette


we all feel the same ways murphy


we're coming baby smurf we're coming



i can't understand it every single trap

has been open not a single catch it must

have been a couple of poachers shh don't

say that janine we're the poachers this

is king gerard's forest

it's a lucky thing we got that little

blue leprechaun because we don't have

enough fur to outfit an elf


what's that leon i said we still have

three traps to check right you do it

while i make sure my little pot of gold

hurry my friend there is no time to lose


the master will be happy to have two of

them even if this one is a little old

and run down the master will be double

rich now instead of one pot of gold

he'll have two

but why should he have all the gold just

because he talks leprechaunies why

shouldn't i be rich too i'll just tell

the master we didn't catch nothing and

come back for you later then i'll have a

pot of gold too



looks like we did catch something



it's all right you can come out now

i would like to stay and thank you

properly my dear friend but i've no time

to lose i must get to the furriers baby

smurf is in grave danger


there can't be that many pops of gold


strange i've never heard anything like

that before


well at least i'm


oh free

we demand that you set mother rabbit and

baby smurf free


never they belong to me

we'll see about that culture i warn you


you warn me

why you old leprechaun i'm gonna catch

you all i'm gonna be a rich man you're a

bad man

if you do not give up mother rabbit and

baby smurf i will not be responsible for

the consequences

oh feathers hurry a terrible man as baby



look there they are











i'm sorry papa smurf this never would

have happened if we had taken proper

care of baby but we'll be more careful

next time

well this shows you that not smurfing

attention to matters at hand can cause a

lot of trouble but the important thing

is baby is safe and sound

do you think the poachers will ever come

back to our forest papa smurf i rather

doubt it's perfect but

they're back run for your smurfs it

sounds like it's coming from behind

hefty's house




it should happen at sunrise if it

happens at all

yeah and he looks worried he's been

sneaking off like that every morning for

a week papa smurf doesn't sneak brainy

but let's follow him anyway yeah maybe

we can help

this must be the day it has to be the


come on he went this way and we'll find

out any second now won't we palador

looks like he's talking to that big

boulder oh gosh he is nothing papa smurf

does should seem strange to any smurf i

once heard him tell a weeping willow to

cheer up


that rock it's turning into a master

look out papa smurf look out

now now my little smurfs don't jump to

conclusions this is the face of palador

a long lost friend of mine

ages ago he taught me much of the magic

i know

now he's come back to give me an

important message

lo and beware my wise old friend

important you answer this little license

the druids return with the moon rise

this night dig for the riddle at the

altar of light

see i've seen papa smurf talk to rocks

before but this is the first time they

ever talked back what does it mean papa

smurf i'm not sure handy what's it do

dad papa smurf that's druid clumsy

druids were evil wizards who once long

long ago lived on a mountain overlooking

the forest it was the druids across

and all of his people to vanish he

mentioned altar of light yeah he said we

should dig for the riddle there

must be that old stone altar in hemlock

hollow handy you and hefty get some

shovels we'll meet you there and hurry

my little smurfs remember we must solve

this mystery before moonrise tonight


be patient my brothers tonight we shall

all be free free from the cursed spell

of palador free to regain our powers

tonight the druids reclaim their domain


just what are we looking for

papa smurf i'm not sure hefty well in my

opinion any magic that old is surely

powerless by now and

i predict we're all doing this hard work

for nothing i found something then again

i have been wrong before only once or

twice but well this would make three

times actually




this magic could keep us in the bark of

that old tree forever

and just because i locked him in stone

he had no sense of humor but i

outsmarted him

here on our sacred mountaintop i've

hidden the secret to our escape and woe

be unto any creatures who try to stop us

it's a time capsule all right


that's good my little smurfs now let's

get the capsule open this should smurf

the trick


here handy let me try


i must be stronger than i thought hmm

perhaps since palador was a wizard his

capsule can only be opened by magic you

must take it back to the village i need

my books chambers of stone

give way



there it is the moon rock amulet means

to end the palador spell over my people


i have it my brothers the moon rock

amulet tonight when the moon rises over

druid mountain our amulet will amplify

the rays of the moon and palador's spell

will be broken we shall be free my


free to regain our powers

free to walk the land by this time

tomorrow the forest will be mine


i mean the forest will be ours of course


papa smurf says it's a time capsule

ancient people place things inside so

that the future that's us would know

what it was like in the olden days oh

what do you suppose is inside if you ask

me anything at all couldn't possibly be

worth anything

excuse me

this time capsule is younger than i am

oh uh uh sorry papa smurf now let's see

if i can open it closed are thee but

open says me

hmm that's not it

here's hoping it opens it opens it wide

open it opens and lets us inside


oh no that's not it

palador must have made the capsule

impenetrable to magic so the druid's

magic could never open but he wanted you

to get it open papa smurf that's true

he says so right here

open this capsule papa smurf to stop the

coming of the druid curse no foolin is

this the symbol for papa smurf why yes

clumsy i

find where clumsy you did it i did

oh i mean i did

and oh look what's inside

it's an ancient mirror well it makes me

look ancient look an old stone axe

not just old it's positively primitive

and look papa smurf

it's an ancient

stone tablet yes and with pallador's

riddle carved on it oh what does it say

papa smurf it says

oh gee hella door sure right's funny

it's baby talk the riddle seems to be

written in baby talk amazing


of course palador didn't want the druids

to be able to read it even if they

managed to open the capsule but how will

we read it

i have a hunch baby smurf can help

you must solve this riddle papa smurf to

stop the druids from walking the earth

gosh you were right papa smurf rock

between rock between rock stops the

release of the flock a twig by itself is

too weak it's twigs in a bundle you see


come we must study my books on the

druids i have a smurfy idea what's that

smurfette we should build our own time

capsule for future smurfs to discover oh

no why didn't i think of that i could

build in a couple of hours and we can

all put something in it what an

absolutely smurfy idea we can show the

future how smart i am um how smart we

are it's a great idea so let's get to it

and do it

rock between rock between rock stops the

release of the flock ah here it is

judging from the riddle we are looking

for three rocks i'm certain one of the

rocks mentioned is the obelisk high on

druid mountain

the second rock must be the legendary

moon rock amulet a magical stone created

by the druids but what could the third

rock be the one that stops the spell gee

papa smurf them dude that sure was

something what'd they look like anyway

yes i knew i'd be sorry i asked that

question nevertheless that's what we're

up against what do we do first papa

smurf remember it's twigs in a bundle i

see so wouldn't clumsy go gather a

bundle of twigs meanwhile i'll try to

figure out what the third rock is we're

on our way papa smurf oh yeah

yes baby this is certainly the most

difficult challenge i've ever faced

palador purposely made this riddle

extremely difficult so that the druids

could never solve it i hope he didn't

make it so difficult even i cancel

if i fail there's no telling what

disaster awaits us


smurf tight cats will be so

messy yeah and it'll stay smurfy for 10

000 years i'm gonna put in a complete

set of tools so the future can see how i

built such a wonderful capsule i am

going to put in my master face love

moment so the future can see how

creative we are well i was going to put

in a mirror but unfortunately the future

will only see its face in it the future

will never know how handsome i am

i have an idea vanity my friend i shall

put in a panting by me over you mwah the

thought of it gives me goosebumps come

on i mean we must begin immediately

oh but painter i look such a sigh don't

worry my friend i will make you look



i had better rest for this evening my



all druids are night people aren't we my

brothers gosh it's a new dad

but when the rising moon strikes our

magic amulet the flock shall be set free

once the moon rock amulet breaks

palador's spell the druids shall create

eternal darkness

daylight is so depressing anyway

but after tonight there will be no

tomorrow only eternal darkness


what fun it will be

oh yes what


oh gosh we better tell papa smurf right


clumsy you gotta learn to show

initiative i do all right uh uh what's

that mean initiative we'll grab that

moon rock and take it to papa smurf oh i

was afraid it meant something like that

come on

one two three


come on

oh i'm too excited to sleep

well it won't be long soon the moon will

rise the magic amulet will focus the

power and release my what

it's gone huh the thieves have left a

trail my magic walking stick can follow

them wherever they go whoever took my

moon rock shall pay and hey dearly

i'm going to put in one of my spare

trumpets good idea putting in all your

trumpets would be a better idea um


right lazy move along i'm putting in my

favorite poem somehow i knew you would

your poem looks a little long poet

critics every smurf's a critic it's not

that poet we just have limited room in

the capsule you just have to cut it down

a little oh very well but it won't make

any rhyme or reason that way

i tell you vanity it is the perfect loch


no it's not my nose is too big my eyes

aren't the right color and worst of all

it's not my good side


i still have the most important part of

my masterpiece my signature


hold on just one second brainy smurf i'm

afraid there's barely room left for one

of your books that settles it everything

has to come out to make room for my


as every smurf knows the complete works

of brainy smurf are by far the best

examples of smurf culture


my art is by far the best example of

smurf cartoon no no poetry is surely a

better way to tell the future about us


please please my little smurfs please i

can't hear myself think with all this

arguing sorry papa spur

papa smurf hmm there seems to be an echo

in the village today

well it's clumsy and hefty

we found the new dad and took his magic

moon rock

he was sleeping against a tree

it was so heavy

i never thought we'd make it i'm very

proud of both of you hmm i think i

figured out part of the riddle you have

did you get that bundle of tweaks i

wanted huh we sure did papa smurf here

here happy can you break this one little

twig why sure papa smurf easy


now try to break the whole bundle at



see papa smurf i can't break it that's

what the riddle meant by a twig by

itself is too weak it's twigs in a

bundle we seek like these twigs by

working together we can defeat any enemy

and solve any problem it's called unity

my little smurfs we're all twigs in one

bundle i love it when he talks like that

only by unity can the sperf survive


and we can start right now because here

comes the druid


i might have known pallador's old friend

papa smurf had a part in stealing my

moon rock now you all shall pay

quick my little smurfs


hefty put the amulet in the cattle but

papa smart quick

it's our only chance fire

very well mama smith i must go and find

the amulet

of you to know my powers are linked to

it but i shall return before the full

moon is one hour old phew that was close

gee papa smurf why'd you give it back to

him because he can't help us only the

third rock in the riddle can help us the

one that stops the rest of the druids

from escaping papa smurf this mirror

rock palador left in his capsule doesn't

work well at all it makes me look like a

goldfish hmm

perhaps it's not a mirror at all

all the things in palador's time capsule

were primitive as though they were left

for palador just like he left them for


good wizards must have battled the druid

since the beginning of time so you think

the mirror rock is the one that stops

the druid's curse that would seem to be

the case there's not much time left

before sundown i must conjure up some

spells farmer peter smurfette gather

some vines to use as ropes handy find

something to cut them with pallador's

axe should do the job good captain

clumsy you lead us to the druid's oak

tree brainy take care of baby yes papa

take care of baby i was about to offer

my intellect but oh no

all is ready my brothers we shall be

free as surely as the moon shall rise

this night

with palador and his people still locked

in stone we shall rule the forest

there's our pitiful little blue wizard

trying to stop us but he will be dealt

with you all know what to do wait until

i have his full attention

take care of baby oh how absurd how can

papa smurf hope to defeat the biggest

threat ever to smurf them without

spurfdom's biggest brain

prepare evil druid what i challenge you

to a battle of magic

it'll be my pleasure papa smurf and your




oh no i can't look prepare for your doom

papa smith




where are you you little blue beast

hurry the moon is rising


and the moon






what's going on

oh no

my smurfness the mirror rock wasn't the

third rock after all

nice try papa smurf but i'm afraid it

will be your last

oh i should have known better than to

hide behind a dogwood bush run papa

smurf run your little blue tail off

this bark is worse than his bite


good dog here you go boy

wanna chase mistake


boys so you've outwitted me again papa

smith but this grows tiresome this time

i shall huh

where did he go


i was so certain palador left the third

magic rock in his time capsule the stone

in the engine axe that's the magic rock

that stops the spell









well we've won my little smurfs

the druids are gone thanks murph this

only happens every 500 years or so i

don't know how we did it we did it by

working together handy unity is what

saved the day every smurf did his part


my sentiments exactly baby smurf

let's go home