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03x11 - How to Smurf a Rainbow/Smurfette for a Day

Posted: 07/25/22 15:08
by bunniefuu



decorating the Great Oak for rainbow day

was a wonderful idea thanks perfect


well it's certainly made baby happy

the first to wish you happy rainbow day

well if it doesn't rain today there

won't be a rainbow now it stands to

reason Papa Smurf that if it doesn't

rain there cannot be a rainbow and if

there is no rainbow there cannot be a

rainbow day that's true Brittany we've

never had a rainbow day without a

Rainbow Papa Smurf that's true brainy

gosh or baby Smurf first rainbow day and

no rainbow it is truly a tragic

situation I'm sure baby Will Survive



oh gosh I'm helpful sorry Pop Smurf I

know you are clumsy just clean it up now

let's see ah here we are rain rain band

rain cats Rain Dogs rainbow a rainbow an

ark in the sky containing the colors of

the spectrum and consecutive bands

formed by the reflection reflection and

dispersion oh ridiculous everybody knows

Rainbows are created by Mother Nature

just so those sniveling Smurfs can have

an excuse for a party well they'll not

celebrate this rainbow day and a cloud

in the sky oh well at least I can finish

my muscle person

we just must have a rainbow I'm afraid

the weather is entirely up to Mother

Nature Smurfette oh do you think she

forgot she's very old sorry Papa Smurf

that's quite all right perfect


father time I've never seen the season

like it ice melting in the North Pole

snowing in the desert and all those

volcanoes and had no type at all for

local matters emoji

no I'm running out of time oh father

time with his silly thing for you to say

while you have all the time in the world

you come back soon


yeah I ran into brick on yesterday he

was complaining yes I know no rainbow no

work and the poor Smurfs today is

Rainbow day I hate to disappoint them

but there's a volcano I must attend to

oh oh dizzy busy

what in the world

Lazy Smurf whatever are they doing it's

the rain dance Papa Smurf they're trying

to make it rain


it is said by some that at the end of a

rainbow is a pot of gold hmm

placed there by a Wandering leprechaun


hmm I wonder where they get all that



hello Papa Smith hello

good to see you thank you mother nature

and good it is to see you at the risk of

sounding presumptuous Mother Nature I

was wondering well I thought perhaps

I know how busy you are I thought

perhaps we might be able to help you why

snitted of you oh my oh my yes indeed

you can help yes hasrael it's going to

rain I can feel it in my bones and I'll

do already leprechaun and your gold here




I'm sure you have no trouble at all Papa

Smurf just follow the recipe exactly

exactly oh well now Papa Smurf you know

and I know that no recipe is exactly

true well I really must be going give me

for me of course


and mother nature was kind enough to

loan me her rainbow book yeah

yay I know we cannot match her power her

ingredients her experience or her

Secrets but with Greeley's help with all

your help rainbow day May yet come to


oh baby I'm so happy for you Andy Smurf

Yes Papa Smurf these are plans for a

very special project follow them exactly

yes Papa's birth it's perfect I need a

dozen wildfires Yes Papa Smurf greedy

get out the great pudding pop and make

sure it is very clean make your help


one can of violet paint and one dozen

wild violets and one can of blue paint

and one dozen bluebells and one has a

free paint and one doesn't burn in one

can of yellow paint and one dozen


um 11 Buttercup cookies and one dozen

buttercups what sorry Papa Smurf no

yellow plane silly pepper Smurf I used

up all the yellow pants on my latest

Master face I suggested he scrape it off

Papa Smurf but oh no that would be a


oh no art before life oh no rainy Yes

Papa Smurf enough

why 11 cookies well I I only made a

dozen but oh well yeah I know I gave

once a baby hmm hmm where no recipes

exactly it's working



a master Pacer yes

so lovely

a cloud a cloud

special project ready Andy Yes Papa

Smurf fire


it's raining


it's raining it's pouring the leprechaun

is snoring when he hides his pots of

gold my dear I take it away in the



one minute my little Smurfs one minute

when the rain stops asriel by my

calculations the rainbow should be right

over there

ten seconds five seconds

there it is there it


isn't it beautiful


what is it don't you see see there is no

yellow in the rainbow

no yellow well Papa's perfect is obvious

to me rainbow day will have to be

canceled unfortunately


it can be glory Papa Smurf that baby

cries loud enough to Wake the Dead tell

me now have you all gone daft I've seen

many a rainbow but never a one with no

yellow sorry Michael but baby ate one of

the Buttercup cookies did he know and

what does that have to do with the price

of bread well you see Mother Nature was

so busy and

I didn't follow the recipe exactly ah so

that's it surely I can't put me pot of

gold at the end of an incomplete rainbow

gosh that was Mark isn't this just about

the prettiest yellow you ever seen

that's it surely I could pick up me gold

at the other end we'll do it

yay gold gold think of it asriel a pot

of gold


easy no lies whatever you do don't spill

a grain of gold oh handy I hope this

works that's right jokey carefully



what in the world is that




I hope you'll join us for the party

Michael thank you no Papa Smurf who

thinks I'll just be taking a little nap

don't you know then be moving on to pick

up be gold




it who are you hey give me back my gold

you little right you'll find no gold


no gold uh you've made quite an error in

your navigations this isn't the end of

the rainbow it's the beginning the end

of the rainbow is way over there curses


come along asriel there may yet be time


hurry before it's




well there's gonna be a sliding board a

seesaw swings and a merry-go-round

gosh all those smurfy rides i can't wait

i didn't know you like playground rides

hefty i mean i can't wait for baby to

ride them


let's see where the merry-go-round is

going to be move to the right clumsy

now back to the lab

good now back up one teensy weensy step

huh okay smurfette

oh dear

oh he's done it again

oh i hope clumsy is all right what

happened clumsy fell down the hole

farmer was digging

oh no

i didn't think i dug it that deep

see what's the big idea

who are you

it looks the name i'm what's known as a

gnome huh a gnome gee

hey get off of my head


sure mr pitt lake uh right away


if i hadn't known it was gonna be that

much trouble i'd let you stay up there

what sort of creatures be y'all anyway

why we be we're smurfs as anyone can see

not me i don't see too well up here in

the daylight you're nothing but a little

blue blurs to me oh you mean you live

underground yep i'm a miner i was coming

up to get some real food and a bath

wouldn't hurt ran out of real food years

ago been eating worms and bugs ever

since worms and bugs yeah oh we'll be

glad to give you some food mr piglet hey

what sort of creature are you why i'm a

smurf too

you don't sound the same

you smell different too

you certainly do have poor eyesight mr

pet lick yeah she's the most smurfy

smurf that's ever smurfed

oh handy you say the smurfiest things

she's a smurf at mr pitlick a smurfette

he will i'll be i never seen a smurf hit


why don't you come to our village mr

pipley greedy will make you something to


he may say he's a gnome but he eats like

an ogre

oh greedy this poor gnome has been

eating nothing but worms and bugs for

years worms and bugs

the thought of it makes my taste buds

hurt just what are you looking for

underground mr piglet

well it's the greatest treasure on earth

or at least under it

a treasure it's called the cavern of

gems there's emeralds biggest groundhogs

rubies the size of your head and

diamonds why there's more diamonds down

there than anybody's ever seen in one


guess you'll want to get back to work

right away


no i think i'll stay a spell

now that i met sweet little smurfette

that is

oh mr piglet hey you sweet


uh a thing

thoughtful of you mr pitlik no one's

ever given me a bouquet of weeds before

your life's gonna be plenty different

from now on oh

sure we're gonna spend the rest of our

natural lives together looking for the

cavern of gems you mean underground of

course you see

you and me are getting married that's uh

very flattering mr picnic but i'm afraid

i well i could never leave smurf village

sure you can love conquers all you know

how's about a little kiss

please mr fiddler hey stop that we think

it's time you were on your way pitlik so

that's it huh well you hasn't seen the

last of me

are you all right smurfette i do

appreciate your concern but i am quite

capable of taking care of myself thank


gosh what's wrong with her

these boulders from baby's playground

will be perfect for my garden wall hefty

oh my look out smurfette ouch it's him


i loves a woman that plays hard to get


i don't think he's ever gonna give up i

know you mean well hefty but you're

still going to have to stop protecting

me but smurfette i was just

well he tried to grab her again

pit lake too bad papa smurfs at mother

nature's for spring planning ah papa

smurf would know what to do we have to

stall that pushy gnome until papa gets

back but smurfette doesn't like us

protecting her

like it or not the first thing we have

to do is get her out of the village huh

how we gonna do that handy

we'll tell her papa smurf needs her help

at mother nature's

then we'll make a fake smurfette to fool

pit lick picnic doesn't see very well

but he's not stupid i know that's why

one of us will have to dress up like

smurfette well i'd better be getting

back to the crops well uh i'll help you

farmer gee i've got a ton of weights to

lift that gnome is a pretty tough old

fellow hefty whoever poses a smurfette

will have to be the strongest and

bravest smurf of all now wait just a

smurf berry picking minute

well i've done the best i can he might

fall a nearsighted gnome but he sure

wouldn't fool mother

nature well smurfette is safely away on

her dangerous mission her dangerous

mission what about mine it's not easy

being a girl i know especially for a big

tough guy like you

just try not to let it embarrass you

hefty it's not that it's these shoes

that they're k*lling my feet



my little grub worm run hip hop i mean

smurfette run

run in these shoes

your voice sounds terrible does my

little smurfette have a cold



yes i do mr picnic be careful you don't

catch it


this time you're coming with me i won't

take no for an answer no


hey i mean hey

i sure hope pitlik has a sense of humor

oh my

all the diamonds rubies and emeralds and

gnome could ever want but it's boring

nothing exciting ever happens down here


looks like you made a wrong turn

somewhere pit lake you couldn't be more

wrong my little lodestone


there's something you want to know

we found the cavern of gems

get your gym grubbing hands off my gems

i am guardian a guardian of the cavern

of gems


just but i needed something to do in my

spare time

let's see shall i turn you into diamonds

rubies or emeralds either way you're

never leaving guardiana's cavern or gems

come on clumsy you promised to ride the

seesaw with me

i'll be there quicker than you can say


smurfs smurfs that gnome piglet he has

hefty ah my disguise worked it worked

too well he's taking hefty underground

we better go after him clumsy you and

greedy take baby back to the village

farmer and taylor follow me

do whatever he wants to me guardiana but

please don't harm my girlfriend here

girlfriend you mean one of you is a

female she's the most wonderful female i

ever met

she's the only female i ever met i might

keep you alive having another female to

talk to would be pleasant you see i

never have anyone to talk to oh guardian

i'd love to sit and talk we have so

much in common i'll keep her busy while

you dig your way out of here this is the

hole they went down andy smirk i want to

talk to you you made up that mission to

mother nature just to protect me from

that gnome that wasn't a very smurfy

thing to do

that gnome was dangerous papa smurf sure

was now he's got hefty hefty what would

he want with hefty well you see hefty

was dressed up like you uh me you mean

hefty's in danger because of me oh we

have to save him papa smurf smurf that's

right my little smurfs follow me damn

what is mr pitlik really like oh you

have no idea my dear there's something


earthy about him

he's a gem all right

time to rescue my little woman

hefty where are you

you hefty

here dear try on these beautiful


it's your loving gnome to the rescue

well love is blind thank goodness


my little ground mold

my gym

there's a light up ahead just a few more


that last step was a beauty smurfette

it's about time you smurfs got here is


is everything all right sure picnics

decided to marry the gnome that's

guarding this cavern oh i'm so glad he

found someone oh me too that is good

news and that's not all they asked me to

be their best man

this man



la la
