01x08 - June 17, Memories in the Rain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x08 - June 17, Memories in the Rain

Post by bunniefuu »



I shall go.



Boy, we're never going
to get to the top.

Speak for yourself.
This hill's no problem.

And please, don't let
Dad hear you say that.

You can do it, Yuzu!
Hang in there!

You see, Dad's on your side!

Now you did it.

Just ignore him, or
else he'll never stop.

Giving guys like him attention
only encourages them.

You're wrong about that.

I'm automatically encouraged,
even if you ignore me!

Look out, Yuzu!


Father slide attack says,
this way to the top!

And daughter says,
go back to the bottom!



Now we can walk
in peace for a while.

Man, it's hot.

Even for the middle of June,
this heat's a little unusual.

That day
was also June 17th.

But that day was
completely different.

Someone's up there already.

Wow, she had to climb
up there pretty early

to beat us to the top.

Uh-huh. Although...


Isn't she awfully happy for
someone visiting a grave?

She's waving like
she knows you.

Ah-ah, no way.
Nope, nope.

Nope, never seen her before.

There is something
familiar about her.

I wonder if I've seen
her somewhere before.

No! Don't say that!

Hey, I just remembered,
I think I do know her.

In fact, she's a girl from my
class back in middle school.

Maybe I should go talk to
her or something, you know?

I'll go and have
a little chat with her,

and you two go on ahead to
Mom's grave without me, okay?




And what is that
supposed to mean, Karin?

What it means is,
our little Ichigo has finally

grown up and become a man.

What are you doing
following me here, Rukia?

Isn't it obvious?

I'm here in case
a Hollow shows up.

You certainly can't
handle it yourself.

Hey, way to keep a low
profile in front of my family.

Why were you waving
at me like that?

I suppose I could have
been more discreet.

I just didn't
think of it.

That's okay.

So what are you upset about?

Actually, I'm not
upset about anything.

Listen, about your
mother, I heard

you mention that
someone k*lled her.

I didn't say that.

But you never said
who k*lled her.

Listen, just drop it, okay?

When I first met you,

you said you'd been
able to see spirits

since you were very young.

Ichigo, I need you to
answer one more question.

Your mother, could she have
been k*lled by...a Hollow?

Do you think that it's possible?

If your spiritual capabilities
were that high as a child,

then there may have been
a Hollow who sensed you.

And when it came after you, it
could have k*lled your mother--

Stop it! Just shut up!

Why does everything always
have to be about Hollows?

There was no freaking Hollow
there that day, all right?

You'll never understand
the pain and suffering

I have to live with
every single day.


So sorry to wreck your theory,
but all the usual suspects,

like Hollows, serial K*llers,
thugs, they're not to blame.

I am.

Wait, Ichigo!

So what is it, Orihime?

You said you had
something important

you wanted to tell
me about Ichigo.

What's it all about?

Wait till you hear this.

I think I have finally figured
out the mystery of Ichigo.

The mystery?

I think Ichigo is actually
some kind of superhero,

and he's here on
a mission to protect Earth.

Ah, he's a superhero.

The first time
I saw your superhero,

we were both only four.

I was at the dojo were
I started my training,

and I saw him come in
for the first time.

He was holding
his mom's hand.

She was so beautiful.

But what I noticed most was
his incredible orange hair,

and his big, goofy grin.

I knew right away he
wouldn't last too long.

He was just too
skinny and weak.



In fact,
in our first match,

I made him cry with
a single punch.

I just reached out and
poked him with a soft one,

and that was all she wrote.

One quick shot, and he
was down for the count.

You know, he cried
every time he lost.

But then the most amazing
thing would always happen.

When his mom would
come to pick him up,

even if he was still sobbing,
as soon as he saw her,

that big smile would break
out across his face again.

He was such a baby.

I mean, what kind
of a kid smiles

when he's just lost a fight?

I didn't get it.

Here was this total wimp,
just a complete mama's boy,

and yet he seemed to be
so happy all the time,

like life was just one
big ride, no worries at all.

He was a happy kid
because of his mom.

But then when we
were nine...she died.


He didn't come to school
that day, of course.

I was kind of worried,

because no one seemed to know
where he was or if he was okay.

It seemed so unfair.

No nine-year-old kid can handle
that kind of grief alone.

So I went looking for him where
I thought he might have gone.

I finally found
him by the river,

right where
his mother had died,

just wandering around
in circles.

He'd crouch down
when he got tired,

then he'd get up
and keep walking.

For days I watched him.

He did that from
morning till night,

like he was waiting
for her to come back.

I hated seeing him that way.

The happy Ichigo
was gone.

How sad.

Ichigo k*lled his mother?


You have to admit
that it is possible.

A Hollow might have
k*lled her.

I can't believe I said that.
How insensitive.

Hey, Rukia, yoo-hoo!

What are you doing, Kon?

I told you not to come
out until I said so.

Give me a break.

I can hardly even breathe
inside here, Rukia.

I need oxygen, stat.

When are we going
back home, anyway?

I told you before, it's my duty
to always stay close to Ichigo

so I can help him if
a Hollow shows up.

Hollows? You're like
a broken record, Rukia.

That's all you
ever talk about.

Hollow this, Hollow that.

I think you need
to get out more,

maybe make
some new friends!

Hey, how about--



What is that?


That was a nice little nap.


Hello there, comrade.

It's you.


Sorry. I hate to
be caught napping,

but these missions
get so dull sometimes

that I just can't
seem to stay awake.

A Soul Reaper?

Not good.
Not good at all.

Mission? What kind of
mission are you on?

Don't you know, Rukia?

Goodbye, Tatsuki.

Bye, Ichigo.

See you at the dojo tomorrow.


Oh, that careless driver.

Come here.
Are you all right?

Let me switch places with you
and walk next to the street

so that doesn't
happen again.

Nah, you don't have to do that.

I'm the one with the
raincoat on, so I don't mind.

Let met protect you from
stuff like that, okay?

What a brave boy.

That's very sweet.

But before you worry
about protecting me,

I think you should work
on protecting yourself

from that Tatsuki.

Come on. I won a point
from her the last time.

There you go.

You're all cleaned up now.

Let's go.

And I'll walk on the
street side this time.

Hey, Mom, can I-can I
hold your hand, please?

Why, of course you can.

I loved my mother so much,

and I always felt safe as
long as she was with me.


What's that girl doing?

Back then, I didn't know
I was seeing ghosts.

I couldn't tell the difference

between the living,
and the dead.

Ah, I'll be right back!

where are you going?

No, Ichigo, stop!


When I was little,

my dad told me that my name
meant "he who protects".

Up until then, I had
just wanted to protect

my mother and my sisters.

But that day, I knew
I was meant to protect

that little girl too.

That's all I was trying to do.

But instead, my mom died
trying to protect me

from going into the river.

I never saw what caused it.
I never saw it coming.

But I knew when I looked
at her, my mom was dead.


That little girl was gone.


I remember thinking,

how was I going to explain what
had happened to Karin and Yuzu?

We all loved my mom.

She was always the center
of our universe,

the heart of our family.

And now that heart
had been cut out, by me.

Hi, Mom.

I know it's been a while
since we visited you.

Sorry about that. But we're all
doing pretty well.

How have you been?

W-well, not that
great, I guess,

seeing as how
you're dead and all.


Hey, you can't keep
bursting into tears

every time we come
here, you know.

We're 11 years old.

We're big kids now,
for crying out loud.

I know, but this place
just makes me sad.

Oh, geez.

Are you sure you're
really my sister?

I'll cheer you two up!


It's time for the annual
Kurosaki family headstone

leaping and incense
eating competition,

so let's get started--

You win for most
annoying dad of the year.

I won already?

But I was just
getting started!

Can we trade in our dad?

We really need to
get a new model.

Here we go. Losers gotta
wash my feet!

Dad, that's disgusting.
Come back and fight like a man!

No more games.
Who are you?

Just answer the question now.

Rukia Kuchiki.

That's a name that everybody
at Soul Reaper Academy knows.

Let's face it, you're famous.

Adopted into the
noble Kuchiki family,

you were known to the
rest of the student body

as the princess of
of Rukon District.

And I, of course,
am Eikichiro Saido.

You remember me now,
don't you?

I was older than you, but
you know my reputation.

Maybe this'll
ring a bell.

They call me that
really funny guy, right?

I've never heard of you.

Oh well. No matter.

I suppose we should
get down to business.

Hey, settle down.

All you gotta do is
answer a few questions.

Miss Kuchiki, you can't
hope to hide it forever.

Oh, wait.

The stealth force.

Ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding, ding.

Woo-hoo! That is
the correct answer.

Johnny, tell her what she's won.
Would you just knock it off?

Ichigo, help! Emergency! Rukia's
in trouble!

Ichigo, where are you?

This can't be good.


I am really not in the
mood for you right now, Kon!

Rukia's in trouble.



They're getting pretty irritated
with you back there.

They want to know why
you're still here.

I'm still here because
the Hollows keep coming.

Orders come in too.

It's simple as that.

That doesn't explain why you're
dressed like a high school girl.

What's the difference?

I'll wear
whatever I want to!

Oh, don't be

It looks like you're finally
growing up into a woman.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh, stop, you're k*lling me.

[GIGGLING] Why not admit it?

You're involved
with that kid

whose mother was
k*lled by a Hollow.

The guy with
the spiky hair?

What are you
talking about?

Do you feel sorry
for him,

or are you looking for
fun in the human world?

None of your business,

Shut your mouth, or
I'll shut it for you!

Nothing to be embarrassed
about, my little flower.

Everybody needs love. And
I guess the best you could do

was a human boy to
get all smoochy with.

No, huh? Too bad.

That's the only excuse

I think the Soul Society would
have bought.

If I don't get an
answer from you

that satisfies
our superiors,

I'll have to
take you back,

even if it means
dragging you by the hair.

Are you threatening me?
Could be.

Well, Saido,

I have no intention of returning
until I'm done.

Eh, I tried.

you leave me no choice.



Are you all right?

Who are you?
And what do you want here?

Well, it's spiky head.

Am I really visible
to you, lover boy?

Kon, who is this clown?
I don't know. Beats me.

You brought me here
in a panic

because you said it was an
emergency, you furball!

Never mind
about me right now.

Tell me about yourself, son.
Just what do you...do?

Don't say it.
I'm a substitute Soul Reaper.

A Soul Reaper?
Is that right?

I'm still waiting
for the punchline,

'cause that has to be a joke.

Oh, Rukia,
that's a big mistake.

What you've done
is considered a serious crime.

What crime?
What's he saying?

Maybe it's better.

It'll be more fun to k*ll
a Soul Reaper impostor

than just another
dumb Gigai.

So let's do it!

Do what?


Cough it up now!


Give it to me.

Now you die!



Not bad.

You're human, and yet you
were able to transform.

I'm interested in knowing
how you got that ability.

I don't give
explanations to anyone

who att*cks me or my friends.

Wait, Ichigo, just
stay out of it!

It's my battle, not yours.

What can you do?
You don't have your sword.

Move it, Kon!



Something's here.
Karin, what's wrong?

Wh-what is it?

There you are.

Karin, you're scaring me.
Where is dad?

He told me he went to talk
to the cemetery director.

Just when we need him,
he's missing in action.

I'm going to have you keep
me company for a while.

The bigger the bait,
the bigger the catch.

What do you see?


Yuzu, run away!


Man, he's strong.




You amateur.

You're using your strength to
try to cover for your weakness.

But in fact, you have no
tactics and no skill at all.

You shut your mouth.



What's that?

It's a Hollow.


Where is it?
It's close. And it's big.

Come look at this.

The spirit energy reading
is higher than usual.

Yeah, it's way
out of your league.


We gonna finish
this now?

Ichigo, there's no
time for that anymore.

Your family may be in danger.


Let's go.

Hey, wait.


Oh no.
What is it, Karin?

What's happening?

Karin, what can
I do to help you?


Karin! Help me!

Let her go!

So what did that
guy mean back there

about this being
a serious crime?

Forget that.

You've got your
own problems now.

My scans show the Hollow
is near your family.

I know you want to ask me...

about my mother's death, don't

Would you
answer me if I did?

That's your business.

All I know is for you,
it's a deep, jagged wound.

And because of that, I don't
know what words to say.

I don't know how to ask you
about it without dredging up

your pain all over

without tearing
your heart completely apart.

I'll wait for now.
But when you want to talk,

when you feel like you're
ready to tell me about it...

I'll be there to listen.

This is a big mess.

What do I do now?


Yuzu, no.


You're too noisy.

And anyway, you're too
small, even for an appetizer.



♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪



I've decided...to protect.
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