01x05 - Beat the Invisible Enemy!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x05 - Beat the Invisible Enemy!

Post by bunniefuu »




You smell wonderful.




Ruler, the mask
of blood and flesh,

all things of the
universe that fly,

that which is all in name
of truth and temperance,

dig your claws into the
wall of sinless dreams!

Bakkoto 33, hail fire crack!

I did it.
I got my powers back.


Oh no. My spell.

It didn't even
hurt him.

Heh, heh. I see.
So that's what you are.

I know that spell.
It's a Soul Reaper spell.

But yours was so weak, it
had no bite to it. Too bad.


It's just as I thought.

My kidou hasn't
recovered its force.

My spell has no effect.


How many years has it been
since I last saw Karin cry?

Until our mom died, Karin was
a crybaby, just like Yuzu.

After mom died, Yuzu,
who was the clever

and responsible one, tried
to fill in for our mom...

and began to take over
all of the housekeeping.

Karin, who wasn't good
at much of anything,

stopped crying altogether so
as not to worry the rest of us.

Even when
she got in trouble,

or the time she broke her leg,
she never cried.

So if she's crying, she
must truly be in pain.

I saw the memories of the
spirit possessing that bird.

It happened right
in front of him.

You've got to
help that poor boy,

please do it!

Just leave this to me, Karin.



You're weak.
Your spell has no bite.

If you're really
a Soul Reaper,

why don't you lose the meat suit
and fight me for real?


Either way, you die.


I hit something.

All right.

He actually landed
a punch on the Hollow.

But how?
Can he see spirits?

I'm guessing no.

Heh, heh, heh.
It was just a lucky punch.

He scared me for a second.

I thought he could see me.


All right.
I got him again.

I can't believe
what I'm seeing.

He's knocked that
Hollow down twice now.

But I know there's no way he
can see it, or even hear it.

By sheer force of will, this
human is calmly facing down

an enemy whose power
he cannot even imagine.

It's as if he has no
sense of fear at all.

Damn you!


Let's see you try and punch me
now, you clueless human toad!

You'll never even
see me coming!

Hey, don't just
stand there.

Get moving!

He's in the air
right above you!

Hey there, new girl.

Are you telling me that
you can see ghosts?

There's no time to
explain that now.

Just get away before he strikes.

Where exactly?

When he charges,

you just tell me
where he is.

Even if I did tell you,
what would you do about it?

When you've got flies,
you use a fly swatter.

Heh heh.

So many ways I can attack him.

Shall I swoop in
low like a falcon,

or divebomb straight down onto
his head and tear his--huh?


What the hell?

Just help me get a bead on him.

He's dead ahead. Do it.
Bring it down on him now!


You're through now, Hollow.

Another Soul Reaper's
on his way here

to finish you off
for good.


What's so funny?

Lazy Soul Reapers.

It's no wonder you're always
getting beaten and humiliated

every time you battle us.


Looks like the shoe's
on the other foot now.

You Soul Reapers
take us too lightly.

That's the reason you keep
ending up like this, face down,

and helpless.

But which of you meat
socks to eat first?

I think I'll leave the
tasty Soul Reaper for last.


What's going on?

You're the craziest
human I've ever seen!

You can't even see
me, and yet you

think you can defeat me
with sheer muscle power?

I'm gonna enjoy eating you.

Damn, he almost
connected again.

This one has pretty
good instincts.

Over here, Chad!
Kick the air right above me!

Another lucky hit.

He's not there.
He's up in the air again.


And anyway,
I think I have a plan.

Hey, new girl.

If you ask me, there are
some problems with this plan.

Don't worry.

Combining your brute strength
with my intelligence

is our best chance here.

You must be smart.

'Cause this seems
really stupid to me.

Let me do the thinking
for the both of us.

I'll tell you where
he is, and you aim me.

There, at 4 o'clock.

CHAD: You mean like this?
RUKIA: More left.

Just a little farther.

No, too far, back to the
right and down a little.


Get ready to launch me.
On my mark. Steady.

You can't reach me all the way
up here with a telephone pole,

so whatever you're
planning is--

RUKIA: Fire!


You're through now.

You're right, soul reaper.

I was a fool to think
I could defeat you.

I surrender. Kidding.

CHAD: I got you.



Whoa. Close one.

He's a tricky one.

Thanks for catching me.

Damn, what are these
things sticking to me?


Ha, ha, ha, exactly.

Try if you like,
they won't come off.

And you'll find they
have a nasty little habit...

of exploding.

Oh no, new girl!

I'm just getting started.

How the hell
did he do that?

You haven't figured
that out yet?

They're remote
leech bombs.

aren't they?

They latch on, and when I
produce a certain frequency

with my tongue, they respond
by detonating themselves.




Oh, you want some
more, eh, hot shot?

Well first, I have someone
here you might want to see.

RUKIA: The cockatiel.

So that's where
the Hollow was before,

the cockatiel as a hostage.

I'm so sorry, mister.

I was trying to call for you.

CHAD: That's okay.
HOLLOW: Ha, ha, ha.

And with three leech
bombs on the bird cage,

you'll both do what I say.

Because if they
explode, there won't

be enough of your
little friend left

to spread on a cr*cker.
Now let's play a new game.

Musclehead stays put, while I
play tag with the Soul Reaper.

Do as he says.

Don't think for a second
he won't blow up the bird.

At least the chase will
take him away from here,

so you'll be safe.

But what about you, new girl?

Don't be concerned.
I can take care of myself.

I made a promise.

I'll be just fine.

Good luck.


I'm going to enjoy
every second of this.





This might sting a little.




My, my.
Don't you look pretty?

All covered
in your own blood.

I think red becomes
you, Soul Reaper.

Let's see some more of it!

Faster, faster, faster!

Run, little reaper, run.

How long before you get
tired and get blown up?


Of course, you could turn
around and actually fight me.

Huh? Done already?

How boring.

I didn't think you
would give up so easily.

Come on, run some more.

It's not every day I get
to chase Soul Reapers.

I was having fun.

RUKIA: I haven't given up.

There's just no need for
me to run from you anymore.

What are you blabbering about?

You challenged me to
fight you, didn't you?

Or was that just
an idiotic bluff?

Either way, you're
about to meet your doom.


You challenged
me to attack you.

So then
attack you I will.

Hold on.

Perfect timing, Ichigo.

You act like you
planned it this way.

I thought you promised
me you weren't

going to screw
this thing all up.

Well now, if I didn't
know any better,

I'd say you actually care
about what happens to me.

Heh. I guess I do.
HOLLOW: How touching.

Do you plan to keep
standing on my head all day?

Who are you anyway?

Ichigo Kurosaki, age 15,
substitute Soul Reaper.

And if you really want
to play some serious tag,

I think it's me
you ought to chase.

Substitute Soul Reaper, eh?

I screwed up.

When the two of you
split up back there,

I should have gone after you.



Where'd you go?


You're too slow.

But I can tell your soul
is going to be tasty.

Say hello to my little friends.

Now I got it.

You used these leech
bombs to tie up Chad,

then att*cked
a defenseless girl.

What a coward.
Time to pay.

The only price I'm going
to pay is indigestion,

after I finish eating
two more Soul Reapers.



Ichigo, what's wrong?

There you are.

Don't worry about him.

Just get out here
with that cockatiel.

Take it somewhere safe.

What's going on?
What's with Ichigo?

Don't worry about him.

Ichigo is fine.

He's fighting to protect us all.


Pretty good move
for a substitute.

But aren't you
forgetting something?

The leeches spilling from their
guts are still live amm*nit*on.


Take that, you rookie reaper.

Tell me.

Before I slice
and dice you.

You k*lled the mother of that
boy inside the cockatiel,

didn't you?

You might as well admit
it, because either way,

you're going down.

Is that true?

I'm afraid
it's all my fault.

I just wanted to bring
my mother back to life.


I didn't mean for those
people to get hurt.

If I'd known about that,
I never would have done it.

All I wanted was just
to see my mother again.

I'm sorry.

ROKIA: Wait.

So you really
accepted such a lie,

that if you did what
he said...

then he could bring your
mother back to life?

How could you believe that?

Because he wanted
to believe it.



I k*lled the brat's mother
back when I was still alive.

You might have heard about me.

I was all over the TV,
the radio, everywhere.

I was a famous serial k*ller.

They never would have caught
me either. I was too smart.

I'd still be out there hunting
today, but as it turned out,

the kid's mother
was my last score.

She was a sweet one.
I stabbed her eight times.

And she ran, bleeding. And
when she couldn't run anymore,

she still tried to
protect the kid.

I really got off on it.

But that's when
everything went sour.

I chased her onto the
balcony and finished her off.

Then that stupid kid
grabbed my shoelaces.

I lost my balance and
went over the railing,

20 stories down.

Who'd have thought I'd get
knocked off by a snotnosed kid?

Suddenly I was dead. I was
pissed. And I wanted payback.

The punk kid was still alive,

so I sucked out his soul,

and stuck it in the
stupid cockatiel.

Then I made him a deal.

I told him if he could run
from me in that bird body

for three months, I'd bring his
precious mommy back to life.

How could you do that?

I couldn't do that, you moron.

Bring a dead person
back to life?

Nothing, nobody could
have brought her back

after what I did to her.

I just said it to get
the brat to play along.

And it worked like a charm too.

He runs from me, and I get
the thrill of the chase.

Not only that, there's
the added pleasure

of slaughtering everyone
who tries to help him.

And every time, he squeals
and begs me, don't hurt them.

And he wants to quit
our little game.

That's when I
use my clincher.

Mommy's waiting for you
to save her. What a laugh.

But it always works, and
he's off running again.

"Mama, mama!"


But enough about me.

Now it's time to k*ll you.


Your defense is
weak, Soul Reaper!



Here, take your b*mb back.

What's wrong?

Aren't you going
to detonate it now?

Go ahead.

Just do that thing you
do with your tongue.


Well, if you aren't
going to use it,

then I might as well
take it from you.


Oh, my tongue!

You son of a--






Don't worry. They're the
gates of the Underworld.

But they're opening
only for him.

The Zanpakuto can
only wash away sins

his soul has committed
as a Hollow.

Those who commit terrible
crimes while alive

go to the Underworld.


So that's...
the Underworld.

What's wrong?

I'm afraid there's
nothing I can do.

His chain of fate
has been severed.

There's no sign of it.

Without it, there's no way I
can return him to his body.

Oh, no.

Don't be sad.

The Soul Society is a wonderful
place that's very peaceful.

You'll be happy there.

You'll never be hungry,
and you'll never grow old.

In fact, it's a much better
place to live than this world.

So now you're suddenly an
expert on life in this world.


Anyway, you're
missing the point here.

When you pass over,
you'll finally

be reunited with your mother.

Maybe we can't bring
her back to life,

but she is on the other
side waiting for you.

And this time, it's really true.

Mister Sado?

Thank you for everything
you did for me.

You carried me everywhere in
your arms and kept me safe.

And you were even brave enough
to face a terrible monster,

and protect me from it.
Hey, don't even mention it.

I guess it's time
for me to go now.

I don't know what else
to say except thank you.

All of you.


Some day, when I die
and pass over too,

would it be okay with you if
I carried you around again?


Well then.

If you're ready,
let's begin the konso.

Oh, Ichigo. Thank you.


♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


Okay, everyone.
Sorry for interrupting.

I'm Kisuke Urahara,
owner of Urahara Store.

And I'm going to do my
best to actually give you

the preview
for the next show.

You see, the Urahara
Store got its start,

when I cleverly began to--
ICHIGO: Just get to the point!

Oh never mind, we're
out of time again.
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