01x47 - The Only w*apon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x47 - The Only w*apon

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Vetto of the Third Eye, a part
of the organization known as

the Eye of the Midnight Sun that
seeks to destroy the Clover Kingdom,

infiltrated the Underwater Temple.

His power was so great that Asta and the
others fell to him, one after another.


Let her go!

But Noelle diligently faced off with Vetto

in order to protect her friends!

I'm Noelle Silva of the Black Bulls!

How dare you hurt my friends and comrades?!

Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar!

I did it!

It looked as though Noelle's attack
had finally defeated Vetto,

but the battle wasn't over yet!

Impressive... You managed
to draw me out, human.

What's with that eye?

Mythical Beast Magic...

N-No way!


Bah-ha! I'm going to go get help.

You two tend to as many people as you can.


What's this horrifying mana I'm sensing
from the bottom of the sea?

Is it the beast from earlier?

No, this is even worse. It's no beast.

It's a monster that's way
more powerful than a beast!

What is this ominous mana?
I've never felt anything like it before...

Does Lord Vetto's power concern you?

You must be buzzing with confidence,
to look away from me.


That's one of the people
the captain mentioned.

One of the Third Eye, the strongest group
in the Eye of the Midnight Sun...

He's the one who infiltrated the temple?

Sucks for you, though.

You'll be exterminated here.

I'm going to suck all the magic out of you.

That's not going to happen.

I'm going to defeat you and find my comrades!

The way he looks...

It's almost like one of the fairy tales
Granny used to tell me.

Long ago, there were evil fiends
that lived in this world.

They wanted to make this world
and all of its magic their own.

The strongest among them used forbidden magic

to turn himself into a
demon of incredible power

and tried to exterminate humanity.

The one who stood against him
later became the first Wizard King.

This man is just like one of
the fiends from that story.


Mythical Beast Magic...

Sea Dragon's...

That last spell drained all my magic!



Not yet...

Not yet, damn it!

We haven't given up yet!

Not yet? Yes, not yet!

Now is when I show you true despair!

The Only w*apon

Wh-What are you planning to do?
You can't leave this room.

I can't leave them alone!

Useless, useless, it's useless!

I told you.

No one's ever escaped my Spatial Magic:
Different Dimension Sphere.

You bastard! Hurry up and let me
out of here, or you'll be sorry!

Got it?

You hear me?

Answer me, you bastard!

Ooh, well, aren't you scary?

What the hell are you laughing at?

I'm gonna beat the shit out of you later!

You bastard! It's too late to apologize now!


I'm going to k*ll you!

Man, this guy is violent.

Mosquito Magic: Mosquito Hum!

Can't you tell? You're trying
to suck blood from a stone!

This sound's going to make me go crazy!

What's the matter? It's like
you've suffered a painful bite.

Mosquito Magic: Mana-Sucker!

Let's see how long you
can keep buzzing around.

We're going to destroy you Magic Knights

so that we, the Eye of the Midnight
Sun, can fulfill our great desire!

Not able to run anymore?

M-My arm won't move?

Is it just your arm that won't move?

Wh-What's going on?

Thanks for moving closer to me.

If you were too far away,

my threads would've been
blown away by the sound waves.

I told you, didn't I? That I was going to
defeat you and go to my comrades.

Wh-Why, you...

Thread Magic: Dancing Doll!

M-My body's bugging out on its own!

Y-You pest!

Suck up as much magic as you want!

But you'll have to settle for your own.

M-My magic's... being sucked away...

Goodness. I'm going to replenish
all the mana that was wasted on you.

Now, then...

Wait for me.

I'm surprised you can still stand,
anti-magic brat.

But it's futile.

What can you do when you're so beat up?

My overflowing mana

whispers to me that I should show you
vermin what true despair looks like.

Asta... You're badly hurt. How did you get up?

Kahono... used the last of
her strength to heal me.


With a faint song...

Little by little.


Let's pulverize this guy and heal
both Kahono's throat and Kiato's leg.


I mean, even he managed to regrow an arm.

I'm sure there's someone out there
who can use magic to heal them!

Oh, yeah, Noelle...

That insane spell you did earlier...
It helped me get back onto my feet.

You're just as awesome as I thought you were!

Leave the rest to me!


Nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope, nope!

What the hell are you talking about, Asta?!

Nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope, nope!

What the hell are you talking about, Asta?!

Leave the rest to you?
Look how beat up you are!

What can you do in that state?

Especially against a monster like that?!

Not to mention...

Allow me to introduce them.

They are the strongest three
in the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

The strongest?

Yes... In combat, they surpass me.

The Third Eye!

They're more powerful than you?

Third Eye, eh?

He has to be bluffing when he says
they're stronger than him.

He wasn't bluffing!

He does have much stronger magic than Licht,

the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun!

There's no way we could beat this guy,
even if we ganged up on him!

Everyone else is already down for the count...

And he made this giant
hole with no problem!

Okay... I'm going to escape through that hole.

I can't! There's no way I can save them!

I need to at least escape,
or we'll all be wiped out!

Brat, how pathetic you are.

What can you do in that condition?

Shut up! Don't get cocky just
because you got another eye!

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope! That guy's totally right!

Asta, this is impossible!
That guy's magic is insane!

There's no way you can win!

You should hurry up and run!
No, seriously, run away!

You mentioned earlier that one of my
weak points is that I won't give up.

It's not a weakness!

Not giving up is my only w*apon!

And I'm never going to give
up until I fulfill my wish!

No matter what!

Not giving up is a w*apon?

I will show you just how
useless that w*apon is.

I'll show you exactly what despair means!

Before I defeat you lot, I should
probably take out the trash first.

You bastard!

Mythical Beast Magic...


Oh, dear... Big and hairy over there

must be the insane guy named Vetto
the captain was talking about.

You're way more ugly than I thought you'd be.

Definitely not my type.



Maybe I should've just passed out drunk.

But you really are insane, little boy.


You didn't give up, and that's why I'm here.

Go on and pull me along with you!


I was wondering why the other
Black Bulls liked you so much,

and I think I finally get it.

Right, Captain?

That's right, kid.
Just like what Vanessa said.

Because you didn't give up, Noelle,


Magna, and Luck

were all able to go beyond their limits.

And... me, too.

A heart that refuses to
give up is your only w*apon?


Did you really think that these cobwebs

could keep a beast like me tied down?

What fun would it be if you
actually stayed tied down?

Shut your mouth.

Do you truly think you can defeat me just
because another insect joined your cause?

Mythical Beast Magic...

I won't make it in time!

So there was still another mouse hiding?

Ugh, honestly...

You guys are so into this.


Oh, my.

My juniors are working hard.

That means I have to
act like a proper senior.

Crap! What the heck am I doing?!

I'm gonna die!

I'm impressed you actually showed up.
Good job, Finral the wuss.

O-Of course I showed up!
I'm no wuss, Vanessa!

Don't give up! Don't give up!
Don't give up! Don't give up! Don't give up!

You vermin...

No, you're ants. Less than vermin.
No matter how many of you gather,

you won't even be able to scratch me.

Noelle, you have enough magic
to protect everyone, right?


We're counting on you.

Still... his magic is unbelievable. Honestly...


But you can't see it, right?

Of course, I can't see it,

but I definitely feel his ki.

If he manages to hit us head-on with any
of his att*cks, it'll instantly be over.

It's life or death right off the bat!

It hurts, damn it! I want to cry!

If we get out of this alive,
I'll give you a hug.

A hug?!

You can cry all you want right into my bosom.

For real?!

Finral's ki just blew the hell up!

Controlling guys is child's play.

And for you, ordinary magic att*cks
won't work on him at all.

You and your anti-magic will
just have to take care of this.

Make sure you don't let go of
that sword, no matter what.

Got it!

Go give it all you've got.
Put your life on the line.

Yeah, Asta!

I swear that we won't let you die!

Asta... Everyone...

Mythical Beast Magic...

Let's go!

My long-range att*cks never
even touch the anti-magic sword.

The spatial magic user just
sends them right back at me.

For a mere human,
he's quite fast and accurate.

Jeez, this is scary!

But I've gotta do this!

In that case...

I'll just have to pick
them off at close range!

You wish!

The power of the spatial magic and
your aura are gushing all over the place!


The thread changed his trajectory...

You scuttling little insects!

I'm going to defeat you...

with this w*apon!

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Service Magic

Service Magic.

What's service magic?

Just like it sounds, it's magic
that's a service to everyone.

Let's give it a shot!


All we've had lately is smelly
and hairy guys like Vetto

hogging up all the screen time.

Okay, here we go.

So this is service magic!
I wonder how Mimosa's doing.

Woohoo! That was a total success!

Look at those perfect bodies!

I... I... The Black Bulls—

Wh-What is this?! Stupidsta, you dumbass!

Why me?!

We're going to work
together and defeat Vetto!

Finral and I will assist you, Asta.

You should be able... no,
I know you can do it!

Black Clover, Page 48: "Despair vs. Hope."

Page 48
Despair vs. Hope

Not giving up is our magic!
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