01x45 - The Guy Who Doesn't Know When to Quit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x45 - The Guy Who Doesn't Know When to Quit

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Vetto, one of the leaders of
the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

suddenly att*cked the Underwater Temple.

Water Creation Magic: Sea God's Hammer!

Beast Magic: Rhinoceros Armor.

It didn't even faze him.

That's not a bad spell, for a mouse.

Let me give you a reward.

Beast Magic: Bear Claw!

You insects aren't even
allowed to hold on to hope.

Dark Magic: Lightless Slash!

This is...

Hey, you dumbasses, listen up.

Someone really dangerous
just crashed the game.

Here's the problem... Due to reasons,
I can't go over there.

Meaning you guys gotta
do something about him.

Listen up.

All of you, surpass your limits,
right here, right now.

Thus, the fate of the Underwater
Temple was left in the hands

of Asta and the other Black Bulls.


We'll hit him with all the magic we've got!

Combo Magic: Flame Lightning
expl*sive Cannon!

Wh-What is this magical discharge?

Even a combo spell that powerful
couldn't scratch him.

Magna, Luck... You were true men.

You better stand strong, too,


The Guy Who Doesn't Know When to Quit

In the end, you're nothing more than insects.

I gave you the chance to fight back,
and this was all you could do.

Now, take this! The despair called death!

An anti-magic sword...

Good of you to come, boy.

That guy's from the
Eye of the Midnight Sun.

This is the perfect opportunity.

I'll make you feel the pain
Licht felt many times over!

Just like those insects at my feet.

They're not insects.

They're my teammates!

And as their junior, I'll take on
the duty of bringing you down!

I see. So this is what a slash from
the anti-magic sword feels like.

If you were to get a clean hit on me,
I probably wouldn't stand a chance.

It definitely had more of an effect than
certain-k*ll spells from most mages.

Then act like you're hurt, you bastard!

Just what are you guys planning to do
by gathering those magic stones?

We know you're up to something!

I have no reason to tell you,

a piece of no-magic trash unloved by mana.


Well? Come at me.

You can join the rest of the insects.

He even got Dad?

This guy's total magic power is
on a completely different level.

The magic that flows from him
grants constant protection.

I'll m*ssacre everyone here, then take
my time searching for the magic stone.

I didn't forget about the ones outside.

Hopefully the scum out on the frontier can
keep me at least mildly entertained.

People I love... My family, and those who
are just like family to me, live here.

I'll never let that happen!

Let's go, Kiato!

You got it, Asta!

He only grazed us, yet he's still so powerful!

He's reading our ki!

And he's so fast that there's almost
no point in reading his ki.

Kiato, I guess you weren't going
all-out when you were fighting me.

Apparently, neither were you.
You have another sword!

How boring.

Slow movements and weak att*cks.

I suppose I can't expect more from
no-magic trash and hick scum.

You sure know how to hurt a guy's
feelings, you hairy gorilla.

We'll show you what happens when
trash and scum get serious!

That's it, Kiato! You can do it!

That bastard's still not fazed one bit.

I can feel it all the way over here...

Magic that's terrifyingly powerful.

Listen up.

All of you, surpass your limits,
right here, right now.

The captain actually
sounded serious for once.

I guess this isn't the
time for me to be drunk.

Crap! This is definitely not good.

If I end up face-to-face with that guy,
I'm definitely going to die!

On the other hand, if I just hide somewhere,
Yami's going to k*ll me later.

What the hell am I supposed to do?!

I'd like a bucket of that pudding, please...

A bucket...

Tch. I was about to wrap things
up and go see Marie, but now...

Stop getting in the way
of my flirting, damn it!

Sucks to be you.

Now that you've run into me,

the most powerful chain magic user
in the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

you'll never get to see your Marie again.

The hell did you just say?! Don't think
you can get away with saying that!

Mirror Magic: Reflect R—

It's no use! My chains immediately
detect attack magic and strike!

Chain Magic: Scorpio Chain!

Come on, now! If you're
too slow, it'll sting ya!

You stupid small fry! You can
dial back that confidence!

Mirror Magic: Real Double!

Ah, yes... My chain won't be able
to keep up if there are two targets...

If I only had one, that is!

And then...

Reflect Refrain!



And I hope you die without
leaving a trace behind!

You had me sweating for a second.

This bastard...

Chain Magic: Heavy Chain!

To pay you back, I'll squish you with these!


Damn it!

There's no point in running, you coward.

That bastard looks and sounds like
a weakling, so I thought I'd be fine,

but he's stupidly strong!

Now, where are you hiding?

As much as it pisses me off,

that bastard's magic is pretty
solid for both attack and defense.

The only chance I really have
is if he underestimates me.


He already saw my Real Double.

How am I going to...

Hey, come on. Come out.

I guess this is all I should've
expected from the Black Bulls.

What a worthless group of pathetic losers.

Shut your mouth!

You stupid face!

There you are!

You thought you could
use the same trick twice?

I-I'm scared! Save me!

How pathetic, you moron...


You're the moron.

Wha— Another one?!

Mirror Magic: Large Reflect Ray!

I-Impossible... I already
defeated your double...

Too bad for you. That's not my double.

He fell for it! He fell
for it! He fell for it!

That's right! I, Grey,
used transformation magic

in the middle of the battle
to turn into Gauche!

That guy was pretty tough,

but I never thought I'd run into
you transformed into a crab.

You better thank me!

Stop doing weird stuff in
my form! I'll k*ll you!

Ow, ow, ow... Please stop...

I used up a lot of my magic,
but there are more enemies.

We're gonna find them and k*ll them.

You got it!

Yeah, my bad... I twisted my ankle
during that fight back there.

You can't be serious!

Hurry up and transform into
someone that's not me.

I know. Transform into a crab.
Then you'll have plenty of legs.

Nope! I need magic to transform.

I shouldn't be wasting it, right?

Hey, stop for a sec.

I'm pretty sure it was somewhere
around here that I saw...

There she is!

Ah, yes... the only way to eat cake
properly is with your hands...


Why the hell is she sleeping?

Dunno. She was like that when I found her.

Well, anyway, even that glutton can
help us fight. Let's wake her up.

I can't move!


These vines are draining our magic.

No! It's sucking away my strength!

Vine Trap Magic: Bind Vine.

Two of the same face? One of you
must be using transformation magic.

You bastard!

A g-g-g-g-ghost!

Regardless, I was able
to catch two this time.

I'll make you as useless as
this one with my vine magic.

No! Stop!

Please stop!

But you guys sure are easy.

I just randomly set my trap
magic in various spots

and waited until you morons fell into it.

Now all I have to do is wait for your magic
to drain, and then I get to torment you.

Talk about easy.

This isn't good. He got my grimoire, too.

I can't activate my mirror!

Domehead must've been a decoy.

Once you set your fork down,
the meal is over...

Hey! Damn it, Domehead, wake up!

That jerk, just snoozing away over there...

No! Please stop!

I don't want to die yet!

Even if I wanted to fight back, Grey
can only use transformation magic.

They're all useless!

I'm just going to have to do something
before all my magic gets drained...

on my own!

We're supposed to be a team!

I protect you! You protect me!

Then we'll be able to fight forever!

That's right.

I was this close to ending up
right back where I started!

Hey! Hey!

My magic! My magic!

It's getting sucked away!

Gauche! Hey! Do something!

Shut up!

Think. How should we fight?

We've got a bastard who can only
transform and can't fight,

and a domeheaded glutton who's fast asleep.

Well, aren't you a
yummy-looking cut of meat...

Hey, Grey!

Can't you...

Stop struggling. My vines have already
sucked away most of your magic.

It's impossible to defeat me.

I've been wondering this
ever since you showed up,

but aren't you a bit old
to be acting like this?

How rude! I'm only twenty!

There's no time to waste! Let's do this!

Okay, Gauche!


What the heck is that?

Hey, Domehead!

Somebody's trying to steal your food!

Huh? But I'm a vegetarian...


Step away from that meat.

H-How is her magic so immense?

There's... a beast?

I-I'll drain your magic, too!

I've set a trap over there, too!

Cotton Creation Magic:

Sleeping Sheep's...

One Hit!

One Hit

Two Hit!

Two Hit

Mega Hit

Mega Hit!

W-We're saved!

Meat! Meat! Meat!

This isn't meat!

Gauche! This isn't meat!

I hate to admit it, but her
attack power is insane.

Grey. You can do better, too, can't you?


I've seen other guys use transformation
magic where they transform themselves,

but I've never seen anyone who can
transform something else like you.

I think you could probably
use that a bit more.


I used up more magic than I thought!

My transformation's coming undone!

Meat, meat, meat...

Huh? Grey's transformation's coming undone?

Come to think of it,
I've never seen Grey's true form!

What does he look like?

Isn't he that big guy?

Grey (True Form)

What?! Grey's a girl?!

I-I'm so embarrassed!

Please don't look!

I can't move an inch. All I can
do is stare at Marie's picture.

My angel will help me regain my strength.

H-He really isn't looking at Grey.

Oh, so that's what you look like.

I-It's so humiliating to have
people see me in my true form!

If I'm not transformed, I feel like
I'll die from the humiliation! Save me!

Well, aren't you a cute young lady?

Oh? How old are you, hon? La?

I'm 24...

La! You're five years older than me?!

And I can't even deal with the fact that
you're the same age as me, Domehead.

What?! You're also nineteen?!

I have barely any magic left.

How are things going over there,
you hot-headed shrimp?


Did you get your hopes up?

These childish att*cks won't work on me!

Not yet...

No-magic trash! Prancing around
with weapons too good for you...

You don't have a shred of hope.

Let me tell you why!


You're weak against throwing and
other long-distance att*cks.

Especially with objects that have no magic!


You're weak against those
whose physical abilities

are magically reinforced
to be greater than yours.

So what?!


You don't know when to quit!

Boy... You actually think that
as long as you don't give up,

it'll work out somehow, don't you?

That arrogance causes you to keep recklessly
attacking opponents you can't defeat

and makes it easy to mortally wound you.

The idea of trash like you holding
the Demon-Slayer Sword and the

Demon-Dweller Sword makes me sick!

You're talking nonsense again.

You never had any hope of winning.

Now... scream! Despair!

Ib I gwabe up...

Fu curd I brotec?


Looks like your animal hearing wasn't
sharp enough to pick that up.

He said, "If I gave up, who could I protect?"

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Magical Detective Charmy

Magical Detective Charmy!

Hello, I'm Magical Detective Charmy.

A terrible crime has been committed.
Someone has eaten my cake.

To uphold my honor, I will
capture this vile criminal!

You're the culprit.

The criminal was bold
enough to go into my room!

My bedroom!

You're the damn culprit.

But the criminal made a grave mistake.

Look at this handprint!

That's your handprint, isn't it?

The culprit is...

You, right?

It's me!


The ocean's such a lovely restaurant!

I need to hurry up and finish this mission
so I can eat those fishies and clams!

Black Clover, Page 46: "Awakening."

Page 46

Eating all of the ocean's bounty is my magic!
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