01x42 - The Underwater Temple

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x42 - The Underwater Temple

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

To retrieve the magic stone that
the Eye of the Midnight Sun is after,

Asta and the others headed
for the Underwater Temple.

But a strong flow of mana
caused powerful currents,

making it impossible for anyone to go in.

The only time the mana would weaken was
in a week, on the night of the full moon.

Yami ordered Noelle to master a
water spell that would allow them

to move through the water by then.

Asta and a mysterious girl
named Kahono encouraged Noelle

when she was unable
to control her powers.

The rest of the Black Bulls also joined in.

And then...

They all acknowledged me
and gave me a mission.

I want to help them!

Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle!

I... I did it!

All right!

The Sea Dragon's Cradle...

Kahono! I did it—

Huh? Kahono?

You've got some great friends!

They're the ones who should be
cheering for you in the end!

Good for you!

Well, I'll be waiting for you, Noelle!

Inside the temple! Okay?

The Underwater Temple

Tonight's finally the night of the full moon.

The mana deep within
these waters will weaken,

so it's the only day we'll be able
to reach the Underwater Temple.

You guys better be ready.

Just you wait, Underwater Temple!

Just you wait, magic stone!

Just you wait, unidentified seafood!

I wonder if they'll have something
rare that I haven't tried yet.

I wonder who I'll be able
to fight. I can't wait!

Let's hurry up and go!

The sooner we go, the sooner we can
go home, and the sooner I can see Marie.

And I can get back to flirting!

Looks like you're all set.

We're counting on you, Noelle.


Are you nervous?

H-Huh? I-I-I'm not nervous at all!

Everything went great yesterday.

Aw, you're so stiff.

Wanna drink this so you can relax?

Why would you offer her
a drink, you lush?!

Our lives are at stake here!

Well, if she's feeling pressured,

it might not work out,
no matter how good she is.

Noelle, just take it easy.

But if you mess it up, I'll k*ll you.

The pressure's so intense!

Honestly, what's with you people?

I feel stupid for even being
nervous in the first place.

I mean, none of these guys

believe for a second that my magic will fail.

Okay, here we go.

Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle!

I did it! It worked!

This is amazing, Noelle, but...


Get off me, you big tub of lard!

I think I want to k*ll you.

Turn into someone smaller!

How's this, my inferiors?

Now your ego's inflated!

Well done, Noelle. I'm counting on you
to get us to the Underwater Temple.

O-Of course. Here we go.

H-He praised me!

This is awesome!

We're actually moving through the ocean!

So many yummy-looking fish!

Look, Marie! This is what it
looks like inside the ocean.

Hey, get closer to the fish!
Marie wants to see!

I don't have time for that!

Marie! Marie!

Let me see your precious face!

The mana in the water's getting stronger.

Come back! Marie!

What's that?

What the hell is that?!

Looks like the entrance
to the strong magic region.

I-Is the mana here really weaker?

The strong magic region's insane!

Lady Noe, you'd better be able to handle this!

You're probably super scared,
Magna, since you use fire.

Wh-Wh-Who are you calling scared, you jerk?!

You've got this, Noelle!


You can do this, Noelle!


Go, go, to the strong magic region!

La! La! La!

Hey, shut up! I can't concentrate!

We're just barely avoiding the currents...

It's as though the mana
is cooperating with us.

We can do this.

Crap. I feel sick.

I'm gonna throw up.

If you throw up in here,
I'll k*ll you, pervy woman!

The intensity is decreasing.


This is awesome!

It's so pretty!

There are so many creatures
I've never seen before!

That fish is super shiny!

Isn't that glow... magic? So badass.

Looks like some of the creatures evolved
a bit further because of the mana.

I wonder if it's yummy.

I wonder if its taste
evolved a bit further, too.

We're gonna go catch it real quick!

You idiots!

Do you two want to drown?!

And Grey, you don't need to
mimic her glutton side, too!


Those whirlpools... They're magic barriers!

And they're extremely powerful.

We won't be able to get through like this.

All right, you're up, kid.

Go slice through it with
your anti-magic sword.

Captain Yami...


You see... coming to the ocean for my first
time made me realize something crazy.

I can't swim!

Man, doesn't that suck?

Who said you need to swim?


P-P-Please wait! At least give
me time to get myself ready!

Your time is my time...
and my time is my time.


Ready, and go!

I can't breathe! I'm gonna drown!

Huh? There's air.

Good work.

Woohoo! We're saved!

See? You were scared.
You even peed your pants.

I did not, you bastard!
They're just wet from the water!

The mana's too strong!
I can't connect with Marie!

Gauche! Gauche!

You're on top of me!

Marie's more important!

But what a surprise.

Who knew there was a space
like this on the ocean floor?


Oh, my.

So this is the Underwater Temple!


Make us some cotton.


Munchy, munchy, munchy...

Have a bite.


How boring. No one's attacking us.

True. There don't even seem
to be any trap spells.

That's a bit disappointing.

Aw, how boring.

Don't you dare let your
guard down, you bastards!

This is the strong magic region!
Be ready for anything!



This is awesome!

Are these houses?

Does that mean there are underwater people?

Are they strong? Are they violent?

Aren't you guys excited to fight them?!

That'd be just you, kid.

Hey! There are people over there!

Seriously? Underwater people?

They won't suddenly attack, will they?!

Shh! They'll hear us.

Hey, are they...

Yeah, I think they definitely heard us.

How rare!

Guys! We have visitors for once!

Wait, that robe... Are you a Magic Knight?

So cool!

Tell us about the outside world.

What kinds of missions have you done?

Okay, okay!

Leave everything to the great Charmy!

It's been about ten years
since we had visitors.

Wait! I was picturing a dangerous dungeon!

Thankfully, most of the time,
what you expect isn't what you get.

I guess we should find
someone who looks like

they know something about the magic stone.


Well, hurry up and bring out the
boss of this temple. Capisce?

Captain Yami! You sound
like some gangster!

Got it! That'd probably be
the high priest! Capisce?

You can find the high priest
right up those stairs. Capisce?

I can take you there. Capisce?

It caught on!

Hey, you guys are cute. Why don't we
have an underwater barbecue together?

Right, Gauche?

Marie is a billion times cuter.

H-Hey, Grey!

Why don't you turn into me?
We can have that witty twin banter again.

No one's as pretty as you
in the outside world.

You turned into Gordon and you're
flirting?! Seriously? Why Gordon?!

Crab pot, crab egg foo young,
crab dumplings...

Things seem to be going really smoothly.

Isn't that a good thing?

Though you're probably not satisfied
if you're not almost dying all the time.

Uh, it's not like I actually
enjoy almost dying all the time!

This must be it.

Tell the high priest hi for us!

Let's chat some more when you come back.

Sure, thanks!

If you do...

...actually return, that is.

There's someone there.

Is that the high priest guy?!


There's something really crazy here!

Hurry up and do something, Asta!

Wait! It might actually be the
kind-hearted protector of the temple,

despite how it looks!

I won't do anything unless it att*cks—


What's that big creepy thing?

They didn't even hesitate!

Well, well! Looks like we've
got some interesting guests!

Welcome to the Underwater Temple!

I'm the high priest here!

What's with the hyper geezer?

Hey. That was some welcome, you old fart.

I just love surprising people!

Those young 'uns over there had
some delightful reactions.

You need a better hobby.

I wonder if he's yummy.

Uh, Charmy, I wouldn't...

It just fell apart?!

It made itself easier to eat?!

That's my magic.


I couldn't eat it.

I don't know what kind
of magic that was, but...

He made something that big with magic?

Who is this old guy?

You guys are after the
magic stone, aren't you?

If you want it, why don't
we play a little game?

Play a game with you?

And there it is. It's probably
something really dangerous.

He's calling it a game, but it's probably
something that could potentially k*ll us!

I call this game...

The boob-squeezing game!

Nobody's going to be playing that.

Hey! Don't beat on the high priest!

I think he's really important!

And I'm royalty!

Oh, I'm just kidding!

I think you need to know there are people
in this world that you shouldn't joke with.

Stop! Let's all respect our elders!

Hey, old man. We don't have
time to play with you.

How do you know about
the magic stone, anyway?

I have pretty good eyes, you see.

What'll it be? You want the magic stone
for your kingdom, don't you?

What do you wanna do?
Send him flying and steal it?

Yeah, that sounds fast. I'm in.

That old guy seems like he has lots of magic,
so it might be fun to fight him!

Hey! I'm hearing a lot of
dangerous talk over there!

Magic Knights aren't allowed to do that!

There's no way that old man is normal.

I need to make sure I don't get
pulled into anything troublesome.

I'm getting sleepy.

Pardon me, but where's the food?

And you people don't intend to work at all!

Haven't you made up your minds yet?

If you win the game,
in addition to the magic stone,

I'll gather the temple's
most beautiful girls

and hold an exquisite banquet
with the very best food and drink.

Let's do this!


Is that more important than the mission?!

I'll do anything from games to working out!

Okay, dial it back a bit.

All right, old man. We'll do it.

This gaming expert will take you on.

You go, Mister Yami! You're the
biggest player of them all!

So what are we playing?

Dice? Roulette?

A white-hot...

Temple battle royale!


Temple mages, come on out!

Game Magic: Temple Shuffle!

What're those?

New passages?

You called, High Priest?

Finally! Mages from the outside who
made it to the Underwater Temple!

I'm so excited!

Still... They don't look that tough.

The fish are talking!

Huh? What was that, punk?
Look at your lame-ass masks!

The magic's just rolling off these guys!

Are they the warriors from
the Underwater Temple?

Well, then. Why don't we get started?

Wait, already?

And start what?

All right, then.

Let the games... begin!

I'm not ready yet!

What the heck, man?

Where am I? Where is everyone?

Test, test, test. Can you all hear me?

You've been scattered to different
areas inside the temple.

So we're still inside the temple. Awesome!

Starting now,

you'll face off against the
temple mages, nine-on-nine.

Where's the food?

Come to think of it, I don't
know any attack spells yet!

Wait. Nine?

There should be ten of us...
We're missing one.

The rules are simple.

If you knock out your opponent, you win.

If your opponent gives up, you win.

I think I sobered up a little.

Victory goes to the first team
to wipe out the other team,

or whichever team has the
most members left in the end.

I wonder who I should turn into next.

You can fight however you'd like!

You can fight one-on-one or even run away.

You can find your friends
and fight together, as well!

This sounds way too violent.

Fine! I'm gonna run like
a bunny. Go for it, guys!

However, my nuisance spells
are out there, so be careful!

Nuisance spells?

Just you wait, stupid geezer.

Yay! This is awesome!

A blood-soaked battle! I'm super pumped!

That's so easy to understand!

All right! Bring it on!


That's funny...

I can't seem to sense any magic from you.

Can you actually fight?

Good grief. Guess I picked a loser.

Wanna find out if I'm
actually a loser or not?

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

There Are Ten of Us

There Are Ten of Us.

You called, High Priest?

Sorry to call the nine of
you here without warning.

Sadly, I have some bad news.


Something felt off, so I counted again,
and there's one extra.

One extra?

What do you mean?

Your numbers.


That's impossible!

Unbelievable! That means there's
elephantly an impostor among us!

What's the elematter?

Wh-What's the matter?

You're not a sea creature, are you?

Oh, come on! You're elenuts!

What's your favorite food?


And your best feature?

My long nose!

Which makes you...

Elephantly an elephant!

So you are the impostor...

Elephantly an elephant...


What's all that racket?

Welcome to the Underwater Temple!

What's with that look? You want
the magic stone, don't you?

Go on and fight, then! Go!

Black Clover, Page 43:
"Temple Battle Royale."

Page 43
Temple Battle Royale

Despite how I look, I'm actually the
high priest! I'm super important!
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