01x38 - The Magic Knight Captains Conference

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x38 - The Magic Knight Captains Conference

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

It's so pretty.

Where am I?

It can't be... Is this heaven?!

I refuse to die, damn it!

I'm so sorry!


What are you talking about?

There's not a chance you'd actually die.

Yuno! Noelle and Mimosa...

And Mr. Glasses!

I was worried about you.

Thank goodness! I don't know what
I'd do if you hadn't woken up!

How long are you going to
hold on to each other?!

I'm injured here!


The Magic Knights Captain Conference

What?! I was asleep for a whole day?!

Yes. You were even snoring.

Must've been a nice nap.

That just means he was able to use
all of his strength to fight.

We wanted to fight with you,
but by the time we got there,

the Eye of the Midnight Sun had escaped.

You guys contacted us too late.

That's why we were caring for you after
you were brought to the church, Asta.

Thanks for the recovery magic, Mimosa.

Oh, it's nothing at all, really.

The one who worked the hardest to
make sure you were okay is Klaus.


More importantly,
thanks to you and the others,

it appears that all of the
kidnapped children are safe.

Also, regarding the perpetrator Neige,

they're interrogating him
back at headquarters.

I'm assuming he knows nothing
about the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

They're taking into consideration

his deep regret and the fact
that he meant no harm.

I think he's going to be
doing volunteer work

here at this church to pay for his crimes.

I see. That's perfect for him!

Anyway, it sounds like you
did a great job again—

If I were there, I wouldn't have let
the Eye of the Midnight Sun escape.

I'll get them for sure next time!

Yuno! I'm never going to lose to you!

I'm still going to keep getting
stronger and stronger!

And I'll continue to get
even stronger than you.

Then I'm going to keep trying
more, more, and even more!

And then one day...

...I'll become the Wizard King!

Oh, you two get along so well!


Not a chance.

We should probably take our leave.


Oh, yes!

Sister Theresa also just
woke up not too long ago.


Gauche should be with her right now.

Hey, I came to see you, old hag
who doesn't know when to die.

Is that how you talk to an injured person?

Get the hell out, you sister complex punk.

What? Should I just finish you off,
since you don't know when to die?

Go ahead and try. Then you'll
go right back to the slammer,

you sister complex punk
with a criminal record.

Don't fight with her, Brother!

Well, if that's what you want, Marie.

And... I guess I'm at least grateful that
you took care of Marie, you stupid old hag.

Hmph. I guess you've grown,
if you can actually thank people.


I'm glad you're alive.

I see.

Now, my beloved angel Marie,
praise your big brother for not arguing!

Pardon me!

It's Asta!


I was worried about you!

I won't die!

I'm going to k*ll you after all.

He's still got a long way to go.

How are you feeling, Granny?

Who do you think I am?

More importantly,
when I tell your Sister Lily

about all of your heroic deeds
this time, I'm sure she'll be pleased.


Sister Lily! Soon I'll become the
Wizard King and come for you!

Asta, we have to head back soon.

Wait, there's one place
we have to visit first.

It's so good!

This is so frickin' good!

R-Really? I was cooking so you'd have
plenty to eat when you woke up,

but I guess I made a little too much.

What is this? This is really good.

So good!

I'll k*ll him. I'll k*ll him.

Oh, come on, Brother!

I'm not done eating yet!

I'll k*ll him... I'll k*ll him... I'll k*ll him...

I wonder if guys prefer girls
who can cook, after all.

Asta! Thanks for lending me your robe!

Sure. Looks like you kept it clean,
just like you promised.


Your robe may be fine, but look
how beaten up you got!

It looks like you're hopeless without me.

I'm pretty sure I get beat up
even when you're around, Noelle.

Someone he can fight alongside, huh?

Oh, shut up, Stupidsta!

I know I can't use recovery
magic like Mimosa!



Sorry, but I'm getting the first kiss.

Thank you for saving Luca and Marco, Asta!

Huh? Huh?

Y-Yeah! You're welcome!

H-H-Hey... Wh-Wh-What?!

Shrimpsta! Did you burn off your lunch?!

Yes, sir!

All right! We're gonna have a traditional
Black Bulls eating contest

to commemorate your full recovery!

This time, we're having tato pies!


I'm starving!

Have we done something like this before?


More importantly, you should fight me!

I wish I could've fought the Third Eye!

Marie, we've already been apart half a day...

I want to give Asta a surprise party, too.

Yeah, I'm going to pass.

If I ate this much, I'd just get
a stomachache and end up in bed.

I'm also going to pass. What are you
trying to make a royal like me do?

Shut yer traps!

All of you are participating,
whether you like it or not.

All right, Mr. Yami! Please do
us the honor of being the judge!

All right, if you're all
done complaining now...

Ready... go!

So good!

It's instantly dehydrating me...

Hey, I haven't even eaten,
but I'm already full!

Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!

Finral, you bastard.

Stop using your spatial magic to
dump all this into Luck's stomach.

You caught me.

Aw, but I can't eat these if I don't
have some pretty lady feeding me.

You're out.

Flame Magic: expl*sive Reheating!

I thought they'd taste better if I baked
them a little more, but I overcooked them.

You're out.

I've still got plenty of room for seconds!


Gordon?! What are you doing there?!

You can keep eating. Here, say, "Ah."

You're being creepy, so you're out.

I'd rather devour Marie than
do something this stupid.

You're both out since you
haven't eaten a damn thing!

Hydration... Hydration...

They were both done a long time ago.

The only ones left are...

Asta and Charmy are head-to-head!

All right! I'll show you I can
win this without using magic!


As for the results,

Charmy won without using magic.

Charmy Pappitson

You've still got a lot to learn, kid.

My identity!

No one's surprised.

That crest...

That's a letter from the
royal capital, isn't it?

Is there an incident?
Do we need to take action?!

Shut up and rest.

Or so I'd like to say... but it looks
like the Wizard King wants to see you.

The Wizard King?!

The other captains and I have a conference
tomorrow, so he says to bring you along.

I wonder what he wants!

Like I know.

You'll find out when you get there.

Wizard King,

I have sent a message to all of

the Magic Knights Captains
regarding tomorrow's conference.

Thanks, Marx.

I don't want to believe it,

but it's clear that there's
a traitor among us

who's connected to the
Eye of the Midnight Sun.

And I'll find out who it is tomorrow.


Are you sure this is going to work?

It'll all depend on Asta.

We've been waiting for you,

Captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro, and


Um... Who are you again?

I guess this is the first time we've
really spoken to one another.


Mushroom Head.

Yes, Mushroom Head.

Hey! Please don't be so rude!

Wizard King's Advisor
Marx Francois

My name is Marx. I'm the Wizard King's advisor.

The Wizard King's?!
You're awesome, Mushroom Head!

Well, it's definitely a lot of work.

Also, my name's Marx, not Mushroom Head.

So, where's the conference
being held, Mushroom Head?

It's M-a-r-x!

It'll take a bit more time to finish
preparing for the conference,

so please wait with the other captains.

Would you come with me, Asta?

I heard you fought splendidly
the other day, Asta.

I'm sure you'll receive at least another
ten stars from the Wizard King.

Seriously?! All right!

Wait... Where are we?

We're headed to an underground prison that
very few in the royal capital know of.

We keep important prisoners down here.

Important prisoners?

You know that we've captured members of the

Eye of the Midnight Sun who were involved
in the attack against the capital, right?

Then the ones in the underground prison...

Yes. They have a spell on them
that protects their memories,

so we haven't been able to get any info
about the Eye of the Midnight Sun yet.

But the Wizard King thought
that your anti-magic sword

could possibly undo the protection.

When they att*cked the capital,
they were always one step ahead of us.

That would've been impossible unless
they had help from the inside.

We're pretty certain there's
a traitor among us,

and it's someone rather high up.

On the level of a Magic Knights Captain.

N-No way!

We'd rather not believe that, either.
That's why we want to clear things up.

We're here.



Hey, Asta. Great work again.

Th-The Wizard King! It's great to see you!

Sorry to bring you here
when you're probably tired,

but you're the only one who
can use the anti-magic sword.

By the way, I heard you fought with the
higher-ups of the Eye of the Midnight Sun!

What kinds of magic did they use?

Wh-What kinds?

Say what?! Copy magic?

They can copy other people's magic?

That's amazing!

Beast magic?! I've never
heard of that before!

What?! Spirit magic?!

Fire? So, the Salamander?!

I would've loved to see all of that!


Wizard King!

Oh, sorry about that.

All right, Asta. Could you give it a try?

Do you think you can do it?

I believe so! As you wish, Wizard King!

What's the deal with that brat?

This isn't good.

That's the brat who uses anti-magic.

He's planning on breaking the protection
spell that's on our memories.

Don't... Don't touch me, you stupid brat!


Now, Marx.

Yes, sir.

Memory Exchange Magic: Mémoire Absolue!

Wh-What is this?

I've made a connection
directly into their heads,

and this spell allows me to get answers
from their true memories.

Now they won't be able
to hide anything anymore.

That's so cool...

I know, right?! It's such an awesome spell!

Isn't it cool?!


Silence! I need quiet, please!

Yes, sir...

I will ask you both a number of questions.

Answer me honestly.



Captain of the Purple Orcas
Gueldre Poizot

I heard about your work at Nean.

To think that four Magic Knights Captains
would actually let the t*rrorists escape.

Captain of the Green Praying Mantises
Jack the Ripper

They're nothing like the weaklings
you guys were dealing with

from the Diamond Kingdom
and the Spade Kingdom!

Says the captain of a squad
with fewer stars than mine.

You sure you're not doing anything
underhanded to get those stars?

Captain of the Black Bulls
Yami Sukehiro

Man, the gleam on a new
katana is something else.

Sucks that I'll be making payments
on it for ten years, though.

Anyway, calm down, Original
Scrawny Line-Face Guy.

What Garbledre is saying is the truth.

It's Gueldre.

You're the last person I want
to hear that from, No-Stars Yami.

Captain of the Coral Peacocks
Dorothy Unsworth

Whatever. I've got plenty of black stars.

Those are negative stars!
Why are you proud of that?

Captain of the Silver Eagles
Nozel Silva

Silence, you foreigner and former peasant.

You're annoying.

What was that, Mister Royalty?
Do you want to join in?

Captain of the Blue Rose Knights
Charlotte Roselei

How stupid. We're getting nowhere
because of you noisy men.

Why am I next to Yami?!

Calm down, Charlotte. Stay calm... Calm...

Captain of the Aqua Deer
Rill Boismortier

I guess they haven't decided on a temporary
captain for the Crimson Lion Kings yet.

If Fuegoleon was here, he'd pull
things together really well, but...

Did the air just get really heavy?!

I'm the youngest, so I
need to lighten the mood!


This is my Fuegoleon impression!

What do you think you're doing?

Don't let the fact that you're the
youngest captain ever go to your head.


You're a funny guy!

Sorry to keep you all waiting.

Captain of the Golden Dawn
William Vangeance

I apologize for being late.

What were you doing, Vangeance?

Oh, there was some business
I couldn't get out of.

I expect you're busy.

You are the charismatic captain of the squad
with the most stars this term, after all.

I'd love to know your secret.

How did you claw your way up to become
the strongest squad so very fast?

I hear those who join your squad will
develop powers beyond all expectations.

Do you have magic that
can see people's futures?

I have no power that impressive.

My knights work hard, that's all.

Really, I'd like to ask you, a wealthy merchant,
the trick to making so much money.

That's a company secret.

I've been thinking this for a while,
but the way you laugh is creepy.

Why would you bring that up now?

Also, you resemble a boneless ham.


Where were you during the
distinguished service ceremony?

It's customary for a captain
to accompany members

of his squad when they attend the ceremony.

Business you couldn't get out of again?

I was out gambling. I lost all my money.


No one asked you.

The air got heavy again!

This time, I'll do it right!

And you, if you're attempting to do an
impression of me, you'd better be prepared.

You're right!

It's not easy to do that braid over your face!

Man, you're hilarious.

Come on, don't pick on Goldy.

I mean, you don't use light magic, do you?


And there it goes again!

Look, everyone!

This is my Yami impression!

Keep your mouth shut, Fluffy!


You must've been really
spoiled growing up, rich kid.

Well, don't expect the same
treatment from me, loser.

He was laughing before, but suddenly snapped?!

And you! Quit sleeping!

Oh, can you talk in snores?

I have no idea what you're saying, though!

Not to mention, Julius was the one who
called us all here, so where is he?!

That old guy better not have forgotten
us and wandered off somewhere!

That's very possible.

I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Everything is ready,

so if you'd hold the
conference in another room—


You come here!

Huh?! He's snapped?!

Hey, kid. Working hard?

Y-Yes, sir. Great work, sir.

Does he need to take a dump or something?

What did you need, Wizard King?

Those two are from the
Eye of the Midnight Sun...

Did you learn something from them?

Yes. Several things, thanks to Marx and Asta.

I suppose this is the biggest one.

I've learned that there
is a traitor among you

who is working with the
Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Memory Exchange Magic!!

Memory Exchange Magic.

Mémoire Absolue!

I will ask you a series of questions.
Answer me honestly.


If you were asked to choose
between being the Wizard King

and your obsession with magic...

Obsession with magic.

I knew it!

I-In that case...

What do you think about me?

You can be a bit naggy, but you're
a hard worker. I'm always grateful.

I see...

Because of that, I can concentrate
more on my obsession with magic,

rather than being the Wizard King.


There's a traitor in this dungeon?

The Magic Knights are

supposed to be people everyone
in the Clover Kingdom can look up to!

I'm gonna teach you a lesson!

Black Clover, Page 39: "Three-Leaf Salute."

Page 39
Three-Leaf Salute

I won't forgive the traitor!
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