01x37 - The One with No Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x37 - The One with No Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Looks like his own ultimate
spell did a number on him, too.

Asta and the others were
able to defeat the leader

of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Licht.

But it was then that the strongest
three in the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

the Third Eye, showed up.

Well, this definitely doesn't look good.

How dare you insects do
that to my comrades?

I hate those who have hurt Licht.

Raia the Disloyal, Vetto the Despair,
and Fana the Hateful.

I have nothing to worry about,
now that you're here.

Faced with the trio's far superior strength,
the situation looked dire.

I think it's about time we end this.

Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath.

But then, the captain of the Green
Praying Mantises, Jack the Ripper;

the captain of the Blue Rose
Knights, Charlotte Roselei;

and the captain of the Silver
Eagles, Nozel Silva, arrived.

Looks like you're having fun, Yami.

The One With No Magic

I'm so glad you're safe.

And then Baro turned into mud.

So in the end, you two were being used
by the Eye of the Midnight Sun, too?

But it's true that my brother and I
kidnapped the children and stole their magic.

So I plan to atone for both
my sins and my brother's.

I'll turn myself in to the Magic Knights.

Then Asta...

He told me...

Yeah. And when you're done
with that, let's be buddies.

You can use really cool magic,
so you'd be really popular!

Just like that.

I'm very sorry.

There's no point in apologizing to me.

You're going to be his friend

as soon as you atone for your crimes, right?

Then you also need to pray
for Asta's safe return.


Asta, what are you doing?

Hurry up and come back.

Asta, please be safe.

I-It's not like I care what
happens to Stupidsta.

I don't care at all!

Why does this keep happening lately?!

Also, who am I making excuses to?!

I see. So she also...

I wonder if she's the one
Asta gave his heart to.

There's no way he'd give me the time
of day with someone like her around.

No, I shouldn't be thinking
about that right now.

I have to do everything I can for
when Asta and the others come back.


Reinforcements, eh?

Hey, no fair, Yami. You were hogging these
fun-looking enemies all to yourself.

Well? Are they worth slicing up?

Nope, not at all.

They're pretty much like paper.

I was just about to finish them
off when you butted in, you jerk.

Yeah, right. Look how beat up you are.

Beat up? Who are you talking about?

Actually, why don't I use this
opportunity to slice you up, too?

Vent all of my past grudges.

And there he goes. What an idiot.

I'm sorry. Please spare me.

You moron. Like I actually would.

I'll only do it when you're in tip-top shape.

Otherwise, there's no point.

How long are you just going to sit there?

You're so pathetic for a man.

You idiot. The ground just loves me
so much, it won't let my ass go.

You're the idiot.

There's no way the ground
would love an outlaw like you.

Talk about harsh. You're never going to find
a guy who'll marry you with that attitude.


I don't need to marry anyone!

The b*ttlefield is my partner!

The b*ttlefield's your partner? That's sad.

Why did I insult him again?

More importantly, how did I
fall for someone like that?

Even so, I just can't get him out of my head.

I can't just come out and
say that I l-like him now.

Besides, what would my
knights say about that?

Are you serious, Sis?!

He's a man! Seriously?!

What am I thinking?
Now's not the time for this.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun...

Its leader and top brass...

The top brass of the traitors who
att*cked our country are all in a row.

What a perfect opportunity.

I'll bury them with my own hands.

Wow, you're so cool.

Begone from my sight, foreigner.

Thanks for your consideration,
Mr. Ball o' Pride.

Hey, I wonder how he gets his hair like that.

Huh? Doesn't he just get one of his
servants to do it, since he's royalty?

I'm sure he's got his own hair stylist.

He actually has someone do
it for him? But it's so lame!

Wait, so he does that braid himself?

That's pretty gross, too.

Shall I bury you lot first?

Nah, don't waste your magic on a foreigner.

I shall not hold back.

I'm getting fired up!

I can still fight, too!

Stay out of this, pond scum.

When the captains are on the b*ttlefield,

mediocre combatants will only slow us down.

Especially a lowly peasant
with no magic like yourself.

Very well! True despair lies at
the end of an endless battle!

And the despair of the strongest
fighters is the ultimate spice!

What the hell is he talking about?

We're hunting some rats. Let's go.

You seem pretty excited, Vetto. What a pain.

Well, whatever.

I guess I'll do my best for Licht.

Right, so I call dibs on that pretty lady!

If I win, we're going drinking together!

If you win?

In that case, we'll never
raise glasses together.

Briar Creation Magic:
Corpse-Hunting Briar Trees!



Severing Magic: Death Scythe!

You get to fight me, big guy!

Oh? The Praying Mantis knight.

You dare fight me, insect?

Don't underestimate insects!

You're just a praying mantis!

I'll tear off your limbs and
wings while you're still alive!

Bear Claw!

The one I have business with is you.

Mercury Magic: Silver Spears!

You want to hurt Licht, too?

I hate you. Die.

Her flames melted your mercury!

Want me to switch with you, Sparkles?

Shut your mouth.

As if flames like those could hurt me.

Just who do you think I
spent years competing with?!


What is this?

They're practically a natural disaster!

I can't see through all this dust!

Wow, they're working hard.

Hey, that's cutting it a little close, Jack.

Not bad, Charlotte.

I'm surprised Nozel's braid stays in place.

You can see them?

I'm using ki. Try it,
even if you can't see them.

Hey, Finral.

Yes, sir?

You've recovered enough spatial magic
for one trip, haven't you?

We're going home? Yes, let's!

Let's let them handle this and—

True, Magic Knights captains are strong.

But they cannot defeat the Third Eye...

Because we are loved by mana.


This must be some kind of mistake.

For that mere human with no magical
powers, who isn't loved by mana,

to have that grimoire...

I must hurry and retrieve it.

I finally weakened him this much.
There's no way I'm letting him go!

I figured you'd try that!

He's countering? Not good!


Oh, dear. Looks like you
underestimated our boss too much.



You're after the leader's head, too, right?

Go on. Go!


What's he doing there?!

How did he get through the
smoke from this melee?

If you can read ki, it ain't impossible.

We didn't notice. None of us did.

We couldn't sense him.

Because he has... no magic!

Not giving up...

Thanks for believing I'd take a shot at you.

I believed in our no-magic idiot!

...is my magic!

How'd you like that? No magic in that attack!

Same with my attack.


You surpassed your limits, kid.




You've got some nerve, looking away!

That shrimp got us.

He totally stole the glory!

We cannot fall behind.

Let's finish off the rest of them!


There won't be any other
reinforcements, will there?

Badump, badump.

What? No way!

Let's finish him off while
the others are being held up!



What is that?


Because of that brat's anti-magic attack,

the sealing magic on Licht has been broken!


That power's being held back
for the day that's to come...


Why do you have that grimoire?

Why do you...

have the Demon-Slayer Sword
and the Demon-Dweller Sword?

What's he talking about?

Those swords belong to the master!

"The master"?

According to our intel,

"the master" should refer to the leader
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Does this mean it's not him?

All this about getting something back,
or something belonging to the master...

What the heck are you even talking about?

This crappy grimoire and these
crappy swords belong to me!

Stop making false accusations,
you crazy bastard!

No... Give them back.

That grimoire is...

Our master's grimoire and swords...



A human like you shouldn't have them.

Well, this isn't good.

Bring it on!

Death Scythe!

Why? I need to get them back.

It swallowed up my severing magic!

Such an incredible concentration of magic!

If he actually releases that...

He'll blow this whole area away!

Even we won't be able to stop that!

What is this magic?

We're finished. His power was
actually restricted before?

I knew I shouldn't have come!

Actually, I wish I'd never
even joined this squad!

Hey, quit your complaining.

This is actually our chance.

If we defeat him and this power,
we'll leave our limits in the dust!

All right!

No way! You guys are nuts!

Hey! Don't you dare give up, Finral!

I have seniority here!

I'm not completely recovered yet.

Can I reflect it with my remaining magic?

Sorry, pretty lady.

We'll have to finish this next time.

If this keeps up, you won't last, Licht!

Trinity Sealing Magic!

They're actually trying to seal that?

That magic...


You worked a little too hard there, Licht.

Get some rest.

He's okay.

Damn it.

Let's go, Vallie.

Our boss isn't feeling too good,
so we're gonna head home for today.

We lost this time. But the next time we
meet, I'll show you what true despair is!

Rodents will fall prey to the carnivores.

And that will be the end of you.

We, the Eye of the Midnight Sun,
are always watching you.

Such an unbelievable amount of magic...
and they were easily able to seal it.

They weren't giving their all.

Not only do they all possess
a great amount of mana,

but their control of natural
mana was on another level.

Looks like they're loved by mana.

They're definitely worth slicing up.

They got away.

But I will be the one to avenge you.

No matter what!

D-Did we win?

I'm not sure if we actually won or
if it's more like they ran away.

Pretty sure we can say
we won if they ran away.

They did say they lost.

A-All right!

We did it, Finral! Gauche!

Yeah! We did it!

You didn't do a thing.


All right! We did it! We did it!

So, Yami... Don't you have something to say?

Man, I'm starving.

Not that. How about thanking us, huh?

What would've happened if we hadn't shown up?

I wouldn't have let them escape like you
did, and I would've defeated them all.

And I told you, that's not possible.

What a pathetic man you are.

I can't believe that lot
gave you so much trouble.

Jeez. Harsh as usual.

Amazing... I can't believe he was
actually fighting those three alone.

I guess it's no wonder
that I f-fell for him.

If you don't learn to be a little nicer,
you're going to be single forever.

I told you, I don't care!

My partner is the b*ttlefield!

You should just worry about your partner!

If we're both still single when we're old,
wanna take care of each other?

Wha—You can't be serious!
I wouldn't be caught dead with you!

Why can't I ever just be honest?!


Yeah, I'm not surprised he hit his limit.

Oh, well. Go get him fixed up, Finral.


You need to be of some use.

I'm pretty sure I've been
useful this whole time!



The Black Bulls... Asta, eh?

Licht pushed himself a
little too far this time.

Well, he can rest now.


What the hell? You're shaming
the name of the Third Eye.

What did you say?

Er... So what do we do now?

Now that Licht's identity is known,

the Wizard King's bound to put
everything into this investigation.

Geork and Catherine are still
being held c*ptive, too.

If they get anything out
of them, this place...

and Licht's true identity will...

Well, Rades is right.

It's a bit early.

It wouldn't be good if they
found things out this early.

Hmm... What to do?

Oh, well. I'd rather not go,
but I don't think I have a choice.

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Sis Is Being Weird

Sis Is Being Weird.

Honestly, why have I fallen
for that overbearing,

crude man who doesn't even
look like he's twenty-eight?!

I want to embrace him... with my briars.


What was that about Captain Yami, Sis?

N-Nothing at all!

Don't call me "Captain"! Call me "Sis"!

Wait, that's backwards.

I thought I heard something about briars.

Briars? Yes, briars!

I was thinking about how I wanted
to bind that Yami tightly with my briars!

Oh, I see! You want to torment him, right?

Man, you must really hate Captain Yami, Sis!

Y-Yes! I absolutely despise that man!

Well, he is a man! Who'd want
to even see his face?

Yes... I don't want to see his face.

I want to beat him with my briar whip!

Why can't I be more honest?!

I hate you. How could you hurt Licht?

I will not forgive you, Magic Knights.

Black Clover, Page 38: "The Magic
Knights Captain Conference."

Page 38
The Magic Knights Captain Conference

Clover Kingdom... Your end is near.
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