01x16 - Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x16 - Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Yuno, we're family, right?


But we don't share the same blood.


But we're more connected than
people who share the same blood.

What brought this on?

I'm saying...

We don't have any blood relatives,

but all of the friends we've made...

And all the friends we're going to make...

Let's treat them just like they're family.


We're almost there. Once we
get through this tunnel...

How amazing!

That's all there is to dungeons?

I wonder how you get in.

It appears the Black Bulls aren't here yet.

Of course not. There's no way they'd beat us.



She's an expert at sensing mana,
but she didn't notice?

That wasn't a trap spell...
What is this magic?

Who are you?!

Who stands in my way?


Friends you can trust are
worth their weight in gold.

Sorry, but stay there a while and get weaker.



Keep winning, Luck!


It's been a while

since things actually got interesting.

More... More!

Let's fight some more!

I'd rather not pluck a bud
that's still so young...

I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love



Why can't you do something so simple?

How many times must I tell you?

Why are you smiling like that?

Why can't you cry or get angry?

Why were you born that way?!


You're kidding, right?

One of the common students defeated a noble...

That's never happened before in our
school's magic exchange competition.

It's not normal for a
commoner to beat a noble.

Crap, I was picking on him.
He might try to get me back.

He's always smiling... He's super creepy.

Don't get involved with him.
He'll beat you to a pulp.

You won against a noble using magic?

That's amazing, Luck!

I had no idea you had such powers!

Normally, no one can beat a noble.

You must be special!

Keep winning.

Win, win, and keep on
winning with your powers.

No one will help you in this world.

You must use your own powers.

If that will make you happy, Mother.


So dangerous.

You've become faster and sharper.


I'll keep winning!

With my powers!

Sorry, but I can't afford to lose, either.

Smoke Creation Magic: Binding Cross Prison.

Solid smoke? I can't move.

This uses up a lot of magic,
so I really didn't want to use it.

I'm out of gas.

You won't be able to zip around anymore, kid.

Now, then... I wonder how our kid is doing.


He's not very good at communicating...

Maybe it's the generation gap?

Plant Recovery Magic:

Dream-Healing Flower Cradle.

I'm so sorry... I'm supposed to be
the healer, and I went down first.

Don't think about unnecessary things.
Right now, concentrate on healing yourself.

That crest... Is he one of the invading
mages from the Diamond Kingdom?

You scoundrel!

You dare attack someone from behind?
Is that something a warrior should do?

I don't know what you're talking about.


You're all the same.
Just pebbles by the wayside.

Back me up, Yuno!


You Diamond scum! I'll show you the
true power of Clover's Golden Dawn!

All right! This path is a cinch to go down!

The mana is getting denser.

Is the treasure chamber really this way?

Whoa... What's wrong?

This magic is probably Luck's.
I think he's fighting.


I wonder if that means the
enemy really did invade.

The enemy? We have to go help him out!


Maybe it's better to just
leave the fighting to Luck.

If the enemy really got in, I'm sure
they're after the treasure chamber.

It might be better to head over there first.

We need to take care of this mission fast
so Diamond's people won't steal anything.

At this rate, the Golden Dawn
will get ahead of us, too.

Win... I have to keep
winning with my powers...

Looks like there's something tying you down.

What I want... is going away...

Huh? What was the thing I wanted?

He's using such powerful
att*cks without a grimoire.

Not only that, it doesn't appear
that he's losing any magic.

If this goes on...

Yuno! You head to the treasure
chamber while I'm fighting him!

He's strong. If you fight him
without support, even you won't...

Just hurry up and go!

Frankly, I'd rather not leave
this to a peasant like you!

But it's for our kingdom! Fulfill our duty!

That's right, you fool.


I'll set you free...

Yuno, we're family, right?

But we're more connected than
people who share the same blood.

Looks like we've got another lively one.

What brought this on?

Why did you come back?!

I'm saying...

And who might you be?


We don't have any blood relatives,

but all of the friends we've made...

You should be concentrating on the mission!

And all the friends we're going to make...

Let's treat them just like they're family.


...his friend!

We're friends!

Yuno! You head to the treasure
chamber while I'm fighting him!

That's right, you fool.


I'll set you free...

Why did you come back, you fool?!

You need to hurry up and
get to the treasure chamber,

for the sake of the Clover Kingdom!

Let's defeat him and go together.

All three of us!

Now you're gonna have to face us, old man!

Oh, dear... Having your friends show
up is definitely not in my favor.

Apparently, she just suddenly dropped dead.

She always seemed to be
under a lot of stress.

And now her kid's all alone... How awful.

Well, I'm not so sure.
Her kid's sort of weird.

Despite the fact that his mother just died...



He's my prey.


I'm going to win and keep offering
those victories to my mom.

I'll take care of him myself.

I don't need any friends. Just my powers...

Hey, what are you—

Otherwise, Mom won't accept me.

Have it your way.


Guess I shouldn't be holding back anymore.

I... I... I need to...

make Mom accept me...

or I'll be all alone!

Do whatever you want!
And I'll do what I want!

I'll do this alone...

I won't leave you alone!

Not yet!

Some part of me...

I don't care what you think about me!

Do whatever you want!

...was trying not to realize...

I've already acknowledged
you as my... as our friend!

...that I had friends I could rely on.

I'm sorry, Mom. I...

wasn't alone.

True, it seems like it'd be more
fun if we all fought together.


Well, this isn't good at all.

You're going to make an old man get serious.

Smoke Creation Magic:
Prison of the Fallen King.

You won't be able to get away anymore, kids.

No matter who we're facing,

we, the Black Bulls, will win!

I'm going to get serious now.

What are you...

Wind Creation Magic: Swift White Hawk
and Wind Blade Shower.

Simultaneous spell activation?!

And this power... H-He's...

It will be the Golden Dawn that
reaches the treasure chamber first!

Take that!

I cut and cut, but there's
no end! It keeps coming back!

I'm getting dizzy...

The smoke just keeps getting thicker.

At this rate, we're going to suffocate.

This isn't good. We have to
hurry up and defeat that mage.

I can pretty much tell
where he is with my magic,

but he'll probably dodge, even if I attack.

Thinking back on our battle so far,

he's able to travel at high
speed within the smoke.

And his ability to sense magic is high.

If we're to land a hit on him,
we'll have to surprise him.

But how do we do that without
him noticing our magic?

The downside of this magic is
that it drains my powers a lot.

My magic level is still fine, though.

Well, that and the fact that
I can't see the enemy.

But that's no problem.

Because I can sense your magic just fine.

Whoa, there!

Wow, a barrage. Are you getting desperate?

That's not going to hit me
or get rid of the smoke.

You're just wasting magic.

I think the difference in our
experience levels is starting to show.

After all, I've fought far
more mages than you have.


I chased him over.

And I suppressed my magic so
he wouldn't notice, and then...


He can't sense Asta, so Asta att*cked.

It went well.

I guess teamwork really is important.

H-How can this be?


My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!



Oh, my...

So you decided that you would treat all of
the friends you encountered like family.

That's so wonderful.


Family... So basically, it's like this...

Big Brother Klaus!

That tickles!

Little Brother, allow me
to bestow these upon you.

Yay, glasses!

Thanks, Big Brother!

Not a chance...

He's strong...

But if I'm going to become the Wizard King,
I can't be defeated here.

Black Clover, Page 17: "Destroyer."

Page 17

Not giving up is my magic.
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