01x06 - The Black Bulls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x06 - The Black Bulls

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

Asta and Yuno were able to get through
its grueling selection process.

Wind Magic: Towering Tornado.

Number 164.



All of the captains...

...raised their hands?!

Please allow me to join the Golden Dawn.

Number 165...

No offers.

Well, that's no surprise.

And since you have no magical powers,
no one wants you.

I'm still going to become
the Wizard King someday!

You're funny, kid.

Join my squad.

Both Asta and Yuno successfully joined

the Magic Knights and took their first
steps toward becoming the Wizard King.

I'm Asta from Hage Village!
I'll be joining the Black Bulls tod—

Oh, dear...

Welcome to the absolute worst
Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls.

The Black Bulls

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

So you're our new member this year?

What's your name?

It's Yuno.


I'm Klaus Lunettes.

You're neither a royal nor a noble,

but a peasant from the boonies,
and he let you join our squad.

What in the world is Captain
Vangeance thinking?

Don't get a big head just because
all the captains raised their hands

for you at the exam.

You won't be accepted as a member
of the Golden Dawn that easily.

I'll see to it that you accept me soon.

That's some mouth you have.

I'm not done yet!

Now I'm pissed! You'd better be prepared!

I'm not... but let's do this!



What's all the ruckus?

Ugh, I drank way too much. My head hurts.

You're as adorable as an angel
again today, my little sister Marie.

Keep it down, you morons!

I see they're at it again.

They're at it again.

Hey, that's dangerous!

They're scary...

B-But starting today, I'm also
a member of the Black Bulls.

I'm Asta from Hage Village!
It's a pleasure to meet all of you!

I'm gonna be the Wizard King!

That pudding you were
saving sure was delicious.

That's going to be your last supper!

That's enough, you two!

What if this ruckus you curs are causing
wakes up my little sister, you dumbasses?!

Oh, shut up, sister lover!

I remember up to when I started a
drinking contest with some old guy.


They're not listening at all!

This is for my pudding!

Would you guys shut up?
You're not helping my headache!

Shut up, you booze-swilling hussy!

What'd you call me?!

You virgin delinquent!

Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Who're you
calling a virgin delinquent?!

Uh-oh! If you look away,
I'm going to k*ll you.

Just try and k*ll me!

I told you guys to shut up!

In the name of my angelic sister,
Marie, I will k*ll you all!

All of you...

Stop breaking everything!

Yet he just destroyed the wall!


Thanks for all your hard work, Mister Yami!

Captain, this is really good.
I'll give you half. I'm giving you half!

Do you have a moment, Captain?

Welcome back, Captain! Come on.
Have a seat and drink with me.

Mister Yami, did anyone get too uppity
with you? If they did, I'll k*ll them!

Captain! Spar with me today!

Come on! With everything you've got!

C'mon, just ignore these
brats and drink with me.

Hey, hey, eat this.

Isn't it delicious? Isn't it?

I'm sorry. I've reached my limit,
so can I go see my sister now?

I see, I see. So you guys
love me that much, eh?

But you need to shut up.


I brought a new mem—

Where'd he go?

Over there.

Save me!

Why are you fooling around over there?

I-I'm not.

This little shrimp is our other new member.


What was your name again?


I'm Asta from Hage Village!

It's nice to meet all of you!

Hage? Seriously?

Talk about out in the sticks.

Hey, introduce him to the other members.

Oh, right. Well, you've already met him, but...

This is Gordon Agrippa.

Nice to meet you.

He's pretty gloomy, and you never know
what he's thinking, but he's a good guy.

And over here

is Vanessa Enoteca.

She'll get in your face when she's drunk,
but she's a good person.

I won't get in anyone's face.

Hage... Isn't that a small
village out in the boonies?



To come from out in the boonies
and join the Magic Knights...

You must've worked really hard, little boy.

How about I reward you with a special treat?

I wish I could accept that!

But I already have a goddess
named Sister Lily in my heart!

Let's continue with the introductions.


I'm next!

This is Luck Voltia.

He loves to fight and is obsessed
with battle, but he's a good guy.

Nice to meet ya!

Do you like to fight?


I love to fight!

Wanna fight? Wanna fight?

Huh? What?




This is my little sister Marie.
She's an angel.


Listen well. If you lay a finger
on Marie, I'll k*ll you.


This is Gauche Adlai.

He's a bit too obsessed with his
little sister, but he's a good guy.

This is Charmy Pappitson. She eats way
too much, but she's a good person.

Nice to meet you!

This is Grey. I don't really
get him, but he's a good guy.


And then we have Magna Swing.
He's a delinquent, but he's a good guy.

He's scary!

And I'm Finral Roulacase. I'm super popular.

And last but not least,
the captain of the Black Bulls,

Yami Sukehiro!

He's not calling him a good guy?!

Th-Thank you for having me!

There are other members,
but they're either on some mission,

taking a break, or slacking off.

Try to get along with them all.

Right! I'll super get along with them all!

Once again, it's nice to meet all of you!

My head hurts.

Your height and the volume of
your voice are all out of proportion.

Yes, sir!

Shut up.


Anyway, put him to work, but don't k*ll him.


Did you hear that?


Mister Yami said to put you to work.

I'll gladly put you to work.

A weak-looking shrimp like you from
a village like Hage out in the boonies...

I barely sense any mana from you.

And you're a new member of the Black Bulls?

I don't know what a hick like
you with no magical powers

did to get on Mister Yami's good side, but...

You want one of these Black Bulls robes?

A-A Magic Knight robe! S-So cool!

Isn't it?

You want one?

I do!

Please give me one!

Oh, yeah? You want it that badly, huh?

In that case...

You're going to have to convince me,
Mister Yami's #1 man

and a real man's man, Magna Swing!

Time for your initiation
into the Black Bulls.


His face is so scary.

Hey, hick from Hage!

If you want one of these robes,
get through this trial I'm about to give you.

Got it!

He's making up initiation rituals again.

I wanna do it, too!

You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!


Let's start this thing!

First, show me just how much
guts and stamina you have!

Five thousand sit-ups!

Got it!

Five thousand push-ups!


Not yet! I'm not done yet!


You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!

My angel...

That kid's not bad, though this is pointless.

Not that it matters since magic
is everything in this world,

but he has a crazy amount of energy.

How's that?!

I guess you have some guts.

Did I convince you?

Can I have my robe now?

Not yet!

You're a hick from the boonies!
It's not gonna be that easy!

There's one more.
The final trial in the initiation!

The final...

You can use magic or whatever else you want...

to either block or dodge my attack magic!

If you're able to do that,
you'll officially be one of us Black Bulls.

You'll get your precious robe!


G-Got it! I'll do my best!

Shut up!

Hold up your grimoire, you stupid shrimp!

Yes, sir!

Whoa! What's that?

It's huge.

You ready?


Here I go!

Bring it on, sir!

Not bad!

Yes, sir!

I might just make it.

But the true test...

starts now!

It's so hot.

Flame Magic:

Exploding... Fireball!



Oh. I'm dead.

Asta's brain knew instinctively.

With his well-trained muscles,
kinetic vision, and expl*sive power,

Asta had always been able to slice
through magic and defeat his enemies.

But Magna's magic was
too fast for Asta to see.

It's fast!

Even if he could slice through it,

the momentum of this attack would continue.

He would just be hit by
the split attack's halves.

I can't stop it!

Now that he had realized his limits,
his brain shut down.


His body hadn't given up!

His well-trained body's super reflexes

put up one last struggle...

And he was able to find a way out!

He hit it! He hit it!


It's been a while since we didn't
have to save a new recruit's hide.

He wasn't able to cut it,
but he was able to hit it.

That sword can cut through
magic as well as repel it.

How interesting.

I had no idea!

I knew it could cut through magic,
but I guess I can hit it, too.

This sword is awesome! But man,
I thought I was gonna die!

That was too close!

What's he thinking?! Was he
planning to k*ll a new recruit?!

Wait, is he dead?

You little bastard.

What?! He took that head-on, and he's fine?!

I was able to nullify it in time, so I'm fine,

but I was almost offed by my own magic.

You little bastard!

Scary! Scary! Scary! Scary!

You're not half bad!

Huh? What?!

Not only were you able to block my magic,
you actually sent it right back at me!

I like you, Shrimpsta!

I-It's Asta!

Sorry I made fun of you for being a
backwoods hick with little magical power.

I'm actually from out in the country myself.

I'm from Rayaka Village, just above Hage.

Whoa, seriously? Rayaka Village
is way out in the sticks!

Like you can talk!

Actually, it's not that I have little
magical power. I don't have any at all.


You don't have any magical power?

And yet you were able to
hit my attack back at me?


That's even more awesome! So that means

you're a real man.

Nice! You're really interesting!

Want to eat this?

Not bad, little boy.

Stay away from my sister.

All right. Let's start the second initiation!

Come again?

Let's try and k*ll each other!

You looked great out there, little boy.

Uh, thanks...


Try it. It's yummy. Okay?

Oh, thanks.

Here! I'm being generous. You can have half!

Actually, half of half.



Okay, okay. Isn't there something
more important you should be doing?



This is yours, Asta!

You don't want it?

I do! I do!

This is mine...

Go ahead, try it on.

And while we're at it...

Looks good on you.
Don't you think so, Mister Yami?

He looks pretty bland.

And now, you're officially a member of
the Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls!

You better work hard not to shame
Mister Yami or the Black Bulls!

Thanks! It's a pleasure
to work with all of you!

Shut up.


I'll be more careful next time!

The captain just told you to shut up!

That's the other new recruit?

What an insect.

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Real Life!
Magic Knights 24!

Real Life! Magic Knights 24!

It's chilly.

Right, Mister Yami!

It's hot!

Right, Mister Yami!

I can't see anything.

Right, Mister Yami!

Get out.

Right, Mister Yami!

I've finally been acknowledged
as a member of the Black Bulls!

Huh? There's another new recruit?

Black Clover, Page 7:
"The Other New Recruit."

Page 7
The Other New Recruit

Not giving up is my magic!
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