04x12 - Guts × And × Courage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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04x12 - Guts × And × Courage

Post by bunniefuu »

Here I come,


Bring it!



Are you okay?!

I'm just fine!

The hell you are...

I used Ko to harden my arms and head,

but my legs couldn't take the impact.


next time,

I'll catch it!

Guts x And x Courage

An intense dodgeball match has begun.

Gon was injured by Razor's throw,

but his eyes burn with fire.

Estimating the ball's likely drop point...

Play will resume with Team Gon's
inside players controlling the ball.

But as the ceiling is considered
an extension of the floor,

Gon is out.

I'm going to use Back.

But you're...

I'm doing it!

He won't listen to us...

Fine... However!

Don't use Back until we're
down to two inside players!

Got it?

Now let's start.

Gon, get patched up.

It isn't against the rules to keep
passing the ball like this, is it?

That is okay.

All right, I'm good now.


I'm the type that tends to hold grudges.

Time for payback, Razor!

Take this...

Black Goreinu!

So he can swap the black
one with other people?

You got me good...

That's what you get.

You're out of there!

He's out, but he's still able to return inside.

At least we can force him to use up his Back.

And the ball is in our outside territory.




You have an interesting ability.

You should use it wisely.

Hold on! What was that?!

There's no rule against passing
the ball to an opponent.

And you're allowed to hit
people in the face here.

So his attack was also legal.

Had the ball touched the floor, I'd be out.

Once the user's unconscious,
the Nen beast disappears.

As I suspected, his ability works with
his direct control, not automatically.

If he regains consciousness,

the black ape may begin inside the court.

I don't anticipate that happening, though.

If the interior players are reduced
to zero before Goreinu wakes up,

the match will be decided.

It's impossible...

Even if he comes to, he won't be in any condition

to remake his Nen beast right away.

Inside the court, it's three versus three.

But we're obviously outmatched.

Half our players are gone,

and we only have one
injured kid on the outside.

Our opponents have a solid outside team,
so they can attack from anywhere.

Razor is still inside,
without needing to use Back.

And the ball rebounded to our opponents.

We're at a clear disadvantage!

Well, then...

Who is

up next?


What do I do?

It's impossible! I can't catch that!

I have to dodge!

It made a sharp turn?


Bungee Gum!

That bastard...

He got us good.

He faked going for me,

when his real goal was taking out
Bisky and Hisoka in a straight line.

Actually, he could have

gambled that I'd dodge left.

Had I done that...

Bisky is out!

Move to the outside court.


Didn't she dodge?

My own fault.


This means your clothes count
as part of your body, right?


I was certain she'd dodged it...

We're down to two!

You can't let them get the ball!


Gon has used Back.

He may move back inside.

Can we really trust a kid with this?

He's no ordinary kid...

He's the only one who's even
tried to catch Razor's throw.

Are you all right?


Listen to me.

Do not overdo it!


What's one plus one?


This is hopeless.


Beat him, even if it kills you!


You okay?


I've discovered something.

If the ball travels outside the court,
it becomes much less powerful.

Without using Ko, I only injured a couple fingers.

Then if we avoid Razor's throws,

we will avoid any significant damage.

Exactly so.

That won't be a victory.


Don't be stupid...

If we can't win no matter what
we do, all this is pointless!

You'd better cool down, stupid.

Aren't you mad?


If you'd dodged left, you could've died.


I'm really pissed off...

I won't settle for some cheap win.

We have to utterly destroy him!

You must have a plan in mind...


I've got this.

Killua, stand over there.

Plant yourself firmly, and hold the ball.


I get it!

First comes rock!

His aura just spiked!

Rock, paper...


First comes rock!

His aura just spiked!

Rock, paper...


Number 13 is out.

Catching the ball while touching the area
outside is illegal and does not count.

Play will resume with Team Gon's
outside players controlling the ball.


He sent the biggest one flying.

Damn it...

That wasn't good enough!

He looks unhappy...

He's actually upset.

That kid's really got guts.

Not enough yet...

Not enough to defeat the real Razor!

I need more power!

Okay, let's do it again.

Give it to Razor good!


To beat Razor,

I'll need a lot more power.



His aura is immense.

You may have chosen the wrong sport.

He has all the time in the
world to build up his power.

You might want to dodge this one.

You must be joking.

Focus all the refined aura

into my fist.

First comes rock!

Take this, Razor!





No way he'll catch that!

He's receiving it?

He used his own body to reduce its power.

Nice move.

That required perfect timing.

But he was able to pull it off.

This man truly is strong.


You can do more than just
dodge or catch the ball.

But I doubt that tip will help you.

That ball was as strong as Razor's,

but it didn't even reach the ceiling.

He managed to burn off enough
momentum with that receive.

Now the ball's directly over him!

Bungee gum.

Too bad for you.

You have to catch the ball, after all.

As dictated by the cushion effect, Razor is out.

Step to the outside.


Razor has used Back!

He remains inside.

Both teams have used Back,
and it's three-on-two!

The tables have turned!


Our team is the one on the ropes.

Hisoka probably isn't in any shape to throw.

No, he probably can't even hold
the ball with his right hand.

Gon's att*cks used immense amounts of aura.

He should be starting to feel tired about now.

For him to be able to make another,
equally strong throw is unlikely.

So Killua is the only uninjured
player left on the inside?

No, you have it backwards.

He's probably sustained the most damage of all.

What do you mean?

You okay, Gon?

Yeah, but we need one more... I think.

I'll put everything into this one.

All right!

This time, end it.

One more throw...

I can take it.

Just hold out!

When Gon launched his ball,

Killua barely used any
protective Nen on his hands.

That's insane.

You saw the power of that launch...

Like a cannon opening fire!


Essentially, he used his bare hands
to form the cannon's barrel.

Had Killua used a significant amount
of Nen to protect his hands,

his aura would have become a
barrier against Gon's punch,

reducing the power to the ball.

In order to avoid weakening the ball,

Killua used hardly any aura on his hands.

Killua's hands must be in far worse shape

than Hisoka's right hand.

Damn... I'm a fool!

How could I not be over there?

I know the technique.

And I can do it faster than Killua.

In the instant before Gon touches the ball,

you can apply a lightning-fast coat of
aura to your hands for protection!


Time out!

Ref, I have a question.

What is it?

Can inside players choose
to move to the outside?

That doesn't violate any rules,

but you can't return inside.

Right... Come here!

Gon, if you come outside,
I can hold the ball for you.

Killua's hands must be ravaged by now.

I doubt he's in any condition
to hold the ball for you.

I know how to apply a lightning-fast coat of aura

in order to protect my hands.

I'll hold the ball, and you can
take Razor out from here.

It's our only way to win.

We can't do that.


Wh-Why not?

Where's the problem?

It would be a cop-out.


This isn't the time to worry about that!

Don't overdo it, pops.

You took a pretty big hit.

I'm doing fine.

I'm not hurting as much as you think.

Then show me your hands.

I'm all right.


He can't feel anything but pain.

I can do this!

I can take one more ball.

Gon, I can do this!

It's impossible!

Gon, help me convince him.

I already knew...

I knew Killua's hands were messed up.


I'm sorry, but I won't move outside.

I need Killua to hold the ball.

He's the only one who can do it!

If Bisky or Hisoka held it,
I probably couldn't use my full strength.

The only reason I can focus
wholly on hitting the ball

is because Killua's holding it for me.

So, got it now, pops?

Go get some rest.

I understand.

I'm counting on you!

Hisoka, give me the ball.

We will now resume the match.

Honestly, I'm not too good at throwing!

Now we're even.


She hit him at just the right angle
so the ball would rebound to us.

Number 2 is out!

That leaves only...

Razor alone!

Gon, we need to regain
the ball from Razor first.

Of course.

One sec.

I understand. That sounds interesting.

I'm not sure it'll work, though...

Oh, but I would so love to try it.

Let's give it a shot, Killua.


Then it's settled.

Man, you always come up
with the craziest ideas.

Counting on you, Killua.

We will resume the match now.

Gon and Killua share a strong bond of trust.

What sort of team play will emerge

when their friendship is backed
by the addition of Hisoka?

G.I. Tutorial

Coming up, it's the
Greed Island Tutorial!

Today, we introduce the card Contact.

Communicate with one target
player via your Book.

It uses your Binder to let you
contact any player you've met.

What are you doing?

Contacting aliens.

Wow, it worked!


Next time: Bargain x And x Deal.

Let's do this, Killua!

Are you ready, Hisoka?


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