03x05 - A × Shocking × Tragedy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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03x05 - A × Shocking × Tragedy

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, at 9 PM,

the mummy of Princess Corco
will be auctioned off.



and Baise,

you'll handle the bidding.

What about the rest of us?

Basho and Linssen

will cover the rear entrance.

Kurapika and Melody will
take the front entrance.

Squala and I will guard the lady.

And with that,

the mission begins.

A x Shocking x Tragedy

The Nostrade Family has
learned that someone

plans to attack the
underground auction run

by the Mafia community.

Kurapika and the other bodyguards

have begun their assignments.

Everyone's here...

These are mostly Mafia leaders.

We even have some head honchos here.

I'm surprised.


It's only an auction...

They could send an agent.

Their honor's on the line.

For each winning bid,

five percent goes back into the
Mafia community as a commission.

Does that act as a bribe?

Like, the more they bid,
the more they'll receive?


that's how the Mafia flexes
its financial muscles.

So this is a chance to improve
their standings.

But some gangs have gone bust

because they overbid.

It's about to start.


Welcome, everyone.

So, I'm skipping the formalities.


My Ambidextrous a*t*matic Weapons
Double Machine g*n

Get down!

Black Balloons!

Guard me.

Thankless Heroes
Eleven Black Children

Is he using Nen b*ll*ts?!

That means he's also an Emitter!

He'll break through my Nen barrier,

and pierce my body...

Each b*llet packs an incredible punch!


Inform the boss—

Baise, you go ahead...

That was way too fast...

I didn't get to do anything.

All yours, Shizuku.

Let's go, Blinky.

Suck up the bodies, blood,

body parts, and all their possessions.

Grab the chairs, too.

Shizuku's Nen ability is always
entertaining to watch.


Someone's still alive.

Wh-Who are you?

Doesn't matter.

You're all dead...

The community will

destroy you.

Your family!

t*rture you... Cut you up.

You'll taste hell!


What's that?

I'm having difficulty hearing clearly,

but there's a real commotion
inside the building.

Something must have happened.

Contact the leader!

Got it.

I'll contact Linssen and Basho.

You two head inside!



There's no one here.

Where did they go?
Search the place!

Hey, what happened to
the merchandise?

Underground... Head underground, now!

It appears that everyone in the
auction house has disappeared.


The whole place is in an uproar.

It's out of control.

What about the merchandise?

Melody is heading underground, to the safe.

I-It's empty...

The goods for today's auction
have been stolen!

Who did this?!


Where'd they go?

Split up and search, fool!

Send word to every g*ng...


Okay, understood.

We'll catch those thieves.

I'll head over.

Rendezvous with Linssen and Basho
behind the building, in Central Park.



Just in case, leave five dogs behind.


Listen up!

Don't take your eyes off the boss!

Don't let anyone in the
room until we return.


All roads are sealed.

The only remaining escape
route is by air!

If you see any suspicious
aircraft, contact me.

Make sure not to k*ll them.

The community has offered
a substantial reward to

the g*ng that captures the thieves.

You must take them alive!

There wasn't any merchandise?

No, the safe was empty.

According to the auctioneer,
the only one who knew the situation,

everything in the safe had been
moved a few hours earlier.

Exactly as though they
expected this to happen.

Don't you find the timing too perfect?

We have a...

Judas among us.

We have a Judas among us.

You're saying that one of us is a traitor?

There are no traitors.

Besides, Judas wasn't a traitor.

It's said that Judas sold Jesus out
for thirty pieces of silver.

But how much would a traitor ask

from the Mafia?

Consider the merits...

What would the traitor gain
by selling us to the Mafia?




Do you truly believe

that any of us cares for those things?

It's unlikely...

You see?

Besides, something else
here doesn't add up.


Assuming there were a spy,

the response was too tepid.

If they had foreknowledge

that Class-A bounties would
appear at the auction,

they would have increased security.

The auction goers were all
uninformed and unarmed.

That's true.

I believe that someone

provided information
that wasn't explicit.

However, a Mafia community leader

believed that information.

I don't get it...

Who told who what?


So what do we do?

Did you ask the auctioneer

where the merchandise was moved?

Yeah, but

he swore on his life that he didn't know.

Feitan tortured him, so he wasn't lying.

He had the worst luck of them all today.

Did you get the names of
anyone who might know?

You bet I did.

The auction is run by the
Mafia community heads,

who lead gangs in each of the
ten districts around the world.

They're called the Ten Dons.

This is the only time that all
ten gather in one place,

to discuss business and issue orders.

Their commands are carried
out by a special force,

the Shadow Beasts.

This squad consists of each
don's best combatants.

I see, then...

Since the Shadow Beasts weren't
guarding the auction house,

the Mafia didn't know we were coming.

That makes sense.

Then how did they move
the merchandise?

That's right...

I heard that a single Shadow Beasts
member turned up at the safe.

The twenty-five square-meter
safe was packed with

items ready to be auctioned off.

The Shadow Beast walked in, then
walked right back out, empty-handed.

But the safe was emptied.

It was a man in sunglasses,
calling himself Owl.

He must possess a Nen power
similar to Shizuku's.


Surely they noticed

after five hundred people disappeared...

That they're facing Nen users.

Can we let loose?


Put on a show for the pursuers.

That will draw them out.

I can't wait...

Up there!

It's them! They're in a hot air balloon!

The balloon is moving toward
the Gordeau Desert!

We're in pursuit!

Hot air balloon?

Not an airship?

Then what became of the
hundreds of guests?

It's possible that we aren't dealing

with an ordinary band of armed thugs.

Contact the Ten Dons.

Ask them to immediately
dispatch the Shadow Beasts!

Hurry, they're headed for
the Gordeau Desert.


Roger that.

Come down here!

We'll even let you decide whether
you'll be drowned or buried!

There's a whole crowd...

I don't have to suck them up, do I?

No, they don't matter.


Stay out of this.

I'll handle it...


Are you the ones who
kidnapped the guests?


Well, you do have guts.

Who's your leader?


His philosophy is

to be the strongest

of them all...

An ordinary g*n wouldn't
even scratch him.

Physically, he's the strongest.

It's like watching a gorilla stomping ants.


More of them.

They came all the way here,
merely to be k*lled.

Just watching isn't any fun.

Let's play cards.


I agree.


That wasn't enough to warm me
up for the Shadow Beasts.


A r*fle?

How annoying.

Trying to take me out from afar?

Yeah! Bull's-eye!

That's enough!

Don't get too cocky, monster.

This super-bazooka is strong
enough to take out a t*nk.

You'll be blown to smithereens!

How sad...

You're comparing me
to some little t*nk?


Did I get him?

That kinda hurt...

None of you will escape!

It appears the enemy can use Nen...

And he's ridiculously strong.

The advance force was obliterated.

g*ns are ineffective against him.


See for yourself.

His aura is unbelievable.

As is the number of corpses.

Who is that guy?

He's tearing through people
like scraps of paper.

We're supposed to capture him?

I won't be part of that!

I agree.

I don't see how we can win...


However, we cannot abandon
our mission and back off.



I suddenly hear an additional
heartbeat coming from somewhere...

I am Worm, a Shadow Beast.

Which group do you belong to?

We're bodyguards for
the Nostrade Family.

I see.

It seems that you can use Nen,

but don't bother.

These aren't ordinary thugs.

To them, taking lives is like breathing.

Y-You could say they're
professional K*llers.

And a pro knows his trade best of all.

Rabid Dog.

I'm Leech.

I-I'm Porcupine.

We Shadow Beasts will see to them.

These are the Shadow Beasts...

The Mafia community has
unleashed the Shadow Beasts

on the bandits who att*cked the auction.

Kurapika still has yet to
realize that they are

facing off against the Phantom Troupe.

Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit

Coming up, we have Gon

and Killua's


It's Gon

and Killua's


Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Today, we introduce Baise!

A Hunter hired as one
of Neon's bodyguards.

Her Nen ability is called Instant Lover.

She uses her charms to get close to men,

With Nen, she makes anyone she
kisses her sl*ve for 180 minutes.

pretend she's into them, and kiss them!

Be careful, you men.

Next time: Buildup x To A x Fierce Battle!

Excuse me, do bananas count as snacks?

Does chocolate count as a snack?

That's always been a snack!
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