03x02 - Nen × Users × Unite?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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03x02 - Nen × Users × Unite?

Post by bunniefuu »

There are six distinct categories of Nen users.


Enhancers are able to strengthen
various objects' effectiveness.


Transmuters can use their aura
to alter objects' qualities.


Somewhat akin to Transmuters,
Conjurers are able to manifest their aura.


Emitters can propel their
aura like projectiles.


Manipulators can use their auras to
control objects and creatures.


Specialists are those with rare abilities
that don't fit in the other five classes.

Begin by determining which
category your aura falls within.

That is the first step to
becoming a skilled Nen user.

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK

There's one month before the auction begins.

Before then, you must find one item
from the list we will provide,

and bring it here.

If you are successful, you will be hired,

and begin training as a
bodyguard and a collector.

The man talking was, most likely,
not the actual employer.

That only illustrates the distance
between the boss and me...

I shall reduce that distance to zero,

until the employer feels that he
can trust me with his secrets...

I will pass this test.

First I need to curry their favor,
and win their trust.

Nen x Users x Unite?

Hmm? The door won't open.

I forgot to mention one thing.

The barest minimum requirement
is that you be strong...

Strong enough to leave this mansion alive.

Dowsing Chain
The Guiding Ring Finger Chain

That's impressive.

He used a chain to catch the b*ll*ts?

Three with g*ns.

Six with swords.

Two more with swords above.

You guys did a good job
of concealing your presences,

but you're too weak.

I don't even need to use my Nen...

Now I understand.

So that's what's going on.

He's the one.

Stop them.

I'll give you three seconds.




I get it.

Wh-What's going on?

They really were made from Nen.

I could tell when I landed a punch,

that I was hitting aura shaped like a human...


I didn't realize it was his Nen.

How did you know?

You were always careful to stand
next to others for camouflage.

But when I observed from above,
everything was clear.

You were the only person not under attack.

I realized something was wrong

when assailants appeared on the second floor.

After I jumped on the chandelier,

they just stood there, swords swinging

in a futile attempt to reach me.

I assume they received the following order:

Attack the nearest enemy.

The assailants were given
simple instructions,

so their att*cks were also simple.

However, it would take a skilled Nen user

to control eleven human-sized
auras simultaneously.

A Nen user who would most
likely be a Manipulator.

Given the size of auras involved,

the Manipulator had to be
within a few meters.

Which meant that the Nen user

was inside this room.

You nailed it.

My name is Shachmono Tocino.

I'm actually a Hunter.

I work for the boss here,

so I will have seniority over you.

Now that everything's clear,
could you drop the knife?

Judging by those chains,
you must be a Manipulator...

Well, I hope you won't hold a grudge.

I was just following orders from the boss.

"Test them by trying to k*ll them."

But I never expected you to
pick up on me so fast.

Well, the four of you together

should be able to escape this mansion.

Good luck.


Is there another plant in the room?

I'll assume that was meant as a diversion.

But either way, it was a mistake.

I shall determine if there
are any other plants,

before we all start becoming paranoid.


You are a plant.

Th-That's ridiculous!

What makes you say that?

Your chain just started swinging.

That is dowsing.

Huh? What's that?

Dowsing was originally

a technique for locating water
or metals underground.

But it was also used in divination.

I've heard of the technique being
employed as a lie detector.

That still doesn't

provide concrete proof that I'm a plant.

He's probably right.

Your heart began to pound as
soon as he pointed at you.

If you were innocent,

your heart rate would have slowly increased,

due to the stress of being wrongly accused.

But your heartbeat immediately sped up,

before gradually slowing down.

The typical melody of a liar...

Coming from both of you.

I'm convinced.

Both of them accuse you.

That's two of the remaining five.

Wait! Hold on!

That doesn't make it true.

It's possible

that three out of five are
applicants and two are fakes.

I can confirm

that he is not a plant.

Excuse me?

I think you meant "she," not "he."

And it appears that you
are not a plant, either.

My point is that we can't trust you!

You two could be working together.

A-Anyway, this is a waste of time.

We won't get anywhere by standing around.

No other choice, then.
I will have to settle this
matter on my own.

"Everything that comes
into contact with my fist
will completely burn."


This is my special power...

Great Haikuist!

Great Haikuist
Wandering Haiku Poet

Damn it all to hell.
It didn't burn very well.
That was a failure.

That was a haiku,

the prized literary art of my homeland.

When I read a haiku, it happens.

There's your explanation.

Back to the subject at hand.

"Any person who
responds untruthfully to
my question will burn."

In other words, liars will burn in hell.

Here is my question.

Are you a plant?


What about you?

I am not.

And you?


Are you a plant?

Yeah, that's right.

Think carefully before you answer.

Are you a plant?

Give me your answer!

My answer is yes.


I'll reward you with some information.

My name is Squala.

I don't have an official license,

but I'm a Hunter with Manipulator skills.

I've used my Manipulator abilities

to instruct something to
follow a certain order.

You managed to unmask me,

but that doesn't mean you'll
be able to escape alive...

What was the something,
and what was the order?

This wouldn't be much of
a test if I just told you.


Even if you t*rture me, I won't talk.


This is my power, Instant Lover.

I am also a Manipulator.

Anyone I kiss becomes my sl*ve.


Take that, and that, and that.
And that... And that!


Please step on me more...

Now, answer my question!

What did you use your Nen on,
and what was your command?

Talk, quickly.

If you don't answer, I'll stop treading on you!

I'll talk! I'll talk!

I am just a l-lowly dog trainer...

That is...

A fearsome power.

I used my Nen on the dogs

that run around this mansion.

For example, the Maltese were told to nip

at a target's feet, to slow them.

That's when the St. Bernard is to use
its large body to smother the target.

At the same time, the Dobermans will rush in

and finish off the target...

If the target still escapes,
the bulldogs will—

That's enough...

Release the Nen you used on them!

A-At once!

So the dog tamer has been
reduced to a pet, huh?

Don't say that...

I only did it to make him talk.

If I wanted a man as a pet,
I'd be more picky.

That reminds me,

I never did catch your name.

I'm Basho.

As you've already seen, I'm a Conjurer.

I am Baise.


It appears you can hear heartbeats.

What category do you fall into?

Well, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough.

Playing coy, huh?

What about you?

I'd like to know your name.

Would you tell us?

I refuse.

We do not know if we'll
be working together.

Yeah, that's true.

We cleared the first test,
escaping the mansion,

but the real test has just begun.

We must locate one of the designated items,

or we can't get the job.

If we're all interested in this job,

we're bound to run into one other again.

What is your opinion of this group?

This particular group looks promising.

More promising than him, at least.

I will not require him for a while.

Put him away for now.

I trust you can handle that, Squala.


If I find one of the objects
and earn the contract,

I will have passage to the
Yorknew City auction.

Yes, I absolutely must attend!

The Phantom Troupe will be there...

The band of thieves

that slaughtered my fellow Kurta.

Our eyes burn a deep scarlet.

Those thieves were willing to
m*rder to obtain those eyes,

considered one of the world's
top seven beautiful things.

I will never forgive that act.

I shall track them down

and utterly annihilate them!

Hmm, so this is Greed Island.

Looks like the memory card that
Kil found is the real deal.

You can probably decipher the data
and recreate the game, right?

You bet I can.

I'll strip down the code,
and clear the entire game.

I'll put an end to the legend,

winning fifty billion Jenny in the process.

Oh, right.

This was a trade...

I have to tell Kil the URL for
the Hunter-only website.

If I break my end of the bargain,

he might start talking about breaking
my precious figures again.

There it is, Killua.

Yeah, we're almost to Yorknew.

We'll see Kurapika and Leorio there.

I can't wait!

You're jumping the g*n...

We still have two weeks before
we're supposed to meet.

Oh, you're right.

It's been six months since we
saw them, so I'm getting excited!

Six months ago, I'd never have dreamed

that we would come to Yorknew
for a reason like this.

Until we meet again.

Yeah, that'll be...

September 1st, in Yorknew City.

The auction begins on September 1st.

We'll have to gather as much information
on Greed Island as possible beforehand.

Yep, there might be information about Ging.

He left a memory card with his message.

There must be a connection.

Anyway, once I get the URL

for the Hunter website from my brother,
we can check it out.

This is it.

My brother sent the URL.


Let's get started.


Driven by their various goals,

Gon and Killua prepare for September 1st.

What will they discover when the
Yorknew City auction begins?

Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit

Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Coming up, we have Gon

and Killua's


It's Gon

and Killua's


Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Today, we introduce Melody!

She's a Music Hunter!

Has acute hearing.

She can read your state of mind by your heartbeat.

Able to determine a state of mind
by listening to the heartbeat.

She must have incredible senses.

Hey, Killua. Did you eat my chocolate?



Your face says you're lying.

Next time: Gathering x Of x Heroes!

Killua, I can tell fortunes.


Everyone who watched
Hunter x Hunter today is happy!
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