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01x63 - The Other Side of the Gateway

Posted: 07/24/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
Don't you desire freedom and rights, Hohenheim? Do you plan to let your life end as a sl*ve, without even obtaining your basic rights as a human? If so, you might as well be living in this stuffy flask.

Why?! All right! Finish him, Ed! Why am I, someone who has obtained God, being defeated by the bare hands of a mere human alchemist? He did it! All right! You showed him! Man the f*ck up! Why are you getting swept away?! M-My bad! Stone Philosopher's stone!! Give me your philosopher's stone! sh*t! Greed!! Idiot, you're going to get yourself dragged in! Let go! I refuse! In order for me to become the Emperor, I need you! That's just impossible! I was born from Father to begin with.

The force that's pulling me toward him is stronger than the one pulling me toward Lin Yao! Nothing can be done! Don't give up, Greed! Keep trying! sh*t! My body! God dammit!! Well, it's a few ranks lower than being the king of the world, but I guess I wouldn't mind becoming the Emperor of Xing.

We're gonna fight together, partner.

That's the spirit! What are you And this is goodbye.

There's no need for you to be absorbed by him along with me.

H-Hang on, Greed! You just said that we were going to fight together! This is foul play, dammit! I thought you never told lies! You can't let it end like this! You totally fell for it though, shitty brat! That was my first and final lie.

Lan Fan has a philosopher's stone with her.

Take it home with you, kid.

Wait Wait! Wait, Greed!! Come, Lan Fan! Peace.

Greed! Greed!! Curse you, Greed!! I was able to free myself from an annoying brat.

Why do you revolt against your father, Greed?! Just going through a late puberty, pops.

With this carbonization ability you gave me, I'll turn us into the most brittle form of carbon, charcoal! You little! Begone, fool! Greed!! Damn, I guess this is it Take a look in the damn mirror, brat.

Friends are connected by the soul! There's no way you'd forget! Want to join us? If you've got nowhere else to go, come with us.

Man, both Lin and the midget totally made a fool out of me.

That was plenty Yeah, that was enough for me I don't need anything else Peace out, soul brothers You guys My stones My philosopher's stones W-What? What is this?! Go back to where you were born, Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus! Why?! I wanted to learn everything about this world! I wanted to live freely in this vast world without being bound by anyone! I! Why?! Why won't you become mine?! God, what are you unhappy with?! Because you don't believe in yourself.

You were born from humans after stealing other's power, and yet, you were just clinging on to God the entire time.

You haven't grown up at all.

Did you think you'd be able to surpass humans if you let go of your seven desires? Don't make me laugh! I wanted to become a perfect being! I wanted to learn everything about this world! What's wrong with wanting that?! What's wrong with desiring it?! What's wrong with wishing for it?! Who Who the hell are you?! Who?! Who the hell do you think you are?! I'm the existence which you all refer to as "The World.

" And "Universe," and "God," and "Truth," and "All," and "One.

" And I am also yourself.

Truth is what gives one the most fitting form of despair to insure them not to become conceited.

He gives humans the most fitting form of despair to make sure humans don't become conceited.

That is Truth.

Thus, I'll also give you despair.

I don't want to go back! No! Stop! I don't want to be bound there forever! No! No! No!! Despair to the ones who become swelled with pride.

What else should I have done?! This is the end you desired.

What should I have done?! You probably foresaw the answer.

What? What happened? Did we win? Yes.

But Alphonse has yet to come back from the other side.

I'm I'm so sorry! It's not your fault.

It was Al's decision.

Ed, we have a toll.

Use it, it's a philosopher's stone.

Use this to get Al back.

I can't.

We promised we'd never use a philosopher's stone to get our bodies back.

There has to be another way.

There HAS to be.

Think! Think! Don't stop thinking! Edward.

Use my life to bring Alphonse back.

I've got just enough life left for one.

Idiot! There's no way I could do something like that! It's our own fault that we lost our bodies! I've said so many times that we won't use other's lives to get Al back! Besides, why the hell do YOU have to give your life up?! Because I'm your father.

It's not about needs or reasoning.

You two are precious to me.

I want the both of you to live happily.

I'm partially to blame for what happened to your bodies, since I left you to care for yourselves.

I'm sorry.

I've lived enough.

Let me do something father-like for just this last time.

Don't be ridiculous, you good-for-nothing dad! Don't ever say something like that again! I'll punch you! I'm sorry, Edward Think! Think! Aren't I supposed to be the youngest state alchemist of all time?! I can use alchemy without a transmutation circle because I saw Truth, right?! There has to be a way! There has to be! I'm sure a lot of people are waiting for the day when you two get your bodies back.

If there's a possibility, you should move forward.

That's right.

Don't give up.

There There has to be something.

Something! Sir Al Sir Al! Sir Al! May is crying so much for Al Zampano, Donkey Kong, and everyone from Briggs Major, Lin, Lan Fan Master, Dad May, step away for a sec.

That's! A human transmutation circle! I'll be right back.

The last transmutation that the Fullmetal Alchemist will ever do.

Ed! Ed! Edward Elric! So you came to get your brother back.

But how are you going to drag an entire human out? What will you sacrifice? Your entire body? There's something huge right here that I can sacrifice.

This is MY Gate of Truth.

Which means I can do whatever I want with it.

Am I wrong? So that was your plan.

But are you sure about that? If you lose your Gate of Truth, you'll never be able to use alchemy again.

Yeah You're right, all of alchemy is on the other side of this gate.

But thanks to it, I was manipulated.

I was shown the Truth, and believed that I could solve everything with alchemy.

But I was wrong.

I was just being arrogant.

You're going to become an ordinary human who can't use alchemy? I'm not going to "become" anything.

I've always been an ordinary human.

I'm a puny human who couldn't even save a girl who was turned into a chimera.

So you're sure you don't mind getting rid of that? Ed! Fullmetal! Edward! Ed! Edward Elric! Ed! Mr.

Edward! Ed! Ed! Even if I lose alchemy, I'll still have my friends.

Correct, alchemist! You've defeated me.

Take everything you want! The back door is over that way, Edward Elric.

You were so reckless.


Okay, let's go back.



Hey, he's awake! You okay, Alphonse? Mr.

Zampano and Mr.

Darius Everyone Dad! Yo, welcome back.


Glad to be back.

So warm Sir Al Sir Alphonse! May! I I! That's right, I'm sorry.

I made you do something you didn't want to do.

Thanks, May.

To those who are listening to Radio Capital: Today, the squadrons led by Major General Armstrong and Colonel Mustang captured Central Headquarters, assembly, and so on.

This was all in order to halt the actions of the upper echelon of the army; they were planning a massive alchemy experiment that would sacrifice a great number of our citizens.

Out of the masterminds who were planning on carrying out this evil experiment, Brigadier General Clemin and Brigadier General Edison were captured, and the soldiers who used to be under their command were disarmed.

Führer President King Bradley and his son, Selim, lost their lives in the midst of the confusion.

Colonel Mustang has voiced his intention to carry on the will of the Führer President and to keep our nation safe, and that he'll consult with all whom it may concern about future measures.

You're the one who gave me blood, right? Don't you desire freedom and rights, Hohenheim? Then what does happiness mean to you? Let's see I won't ask for anything too extravagant, but I guess I'd be happy if I could somehow leave this flask.

You're right, Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus.

You were born from my blood.

I Sir Hohenheim.

Both of your children have been safely hospitalized.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

No, I should be the one thanking you.

Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric.

If it weren't for those two boys, this country would have fallen.

Thank you very much.


I'm home, Trisha.

Edward called me "Dad.

" Though there was a "good-for-nothing" in front of it.

I always thought that it would be backbreaking to continue living longer than everyone else.

But by meeting you and our sons, I was able to truly appreciate the fact that I was alive, from the bottom of my heart.

It was a fulfilling life.

Yeah it was more than enough.

Thank you, Trisha.

But somehow, I still want to live.

I really am a good-for-nothing.

Hohenheim! What, you came home? Idiot I've never seen a dead person look so happy.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Finale, The End of a Journey.

Take a step forward into the world called "life.