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01x61 - He Who Would Swallow God

Posted: 07/24/22 08:34
by bunniefuu
The sun is male, and represents a man And the moon is female; representing a woman.

When the sun and the moon come together, they become one in other words, it represents a perfect being.

When they say "perfect being", are they talking about immortality? My guess is that it's something even more incredible.

Like? Like God.

That's right, come! I shall no longer be chained down by You! I shall drag You down to earth and make You a part of me! Is everyone okay? What just happened?! A job well done, my dear sacrifices.

So you actually did it! Yes, I've obtained God.

'God', you say?! Cut the bullshit- It's possible.

If you're in possession of a tremendous amount of energy, that is.

Energy? A philosopher's stone! You're joking! So you mean, everyone has already been turned into a philosopher's stone?! Just how many lives were lost? There are roughly 50 million people in this nation.

Son of a bitch! Shit! I've sealed off alchemy.

Farewell, my friends.

That's! Now that I've devoured God, it's not impossible for me to create a sun in the palm of my hand.

Should I let this loose right here and now? The turnabout had already begun from the moment you were in possession of Him.

For this day and for this day only, I had positioned my friends, my philosopher's stones, all across the nation over a long period of time and with many calculations.

The time has come.

He did something he shouldn't have done.

We no longer have a body to return to.

However, the people of Amestris do.


Let us return their souls to their respective bodies.

Hohenheim asked us to, after all.

So all you did was to implant your philosopher's stones.

But those are just points.

Without a circle, there is no alchemy.

That's a basic principle of alchemy.

But there IS a circle.

A huge, powerful circle that'll activate by itself even if something were to happen to me! The shadow of the moon that occurs from the solar eclipse! We'll be going on ahead, Hohenheim! You just continue to get in my way, don't you, Hohenheim?! That's precisely what I came here to do, Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus! Winry are you okay? What just happened? Did we lose consciousness? It happened to you two as well? Looks like it.

But that was How can I explain it it was as if It felt like I was drowning in a whirlpool of suffering.

Did it work? The souls of the people of Amestris were returned to their respective bodies.

He shouldn't be able to restrain this being he calls 'God' with only the souls of the people of Xerxes.

I can just create another philosopher's stone.

A hundred million, or even a billion! Humans, an energy form, are an unlimited source! May! It's as easy as pie for an Eastern Alchemist to read and utilize the flow of the earth's energy! The more power he has, the more power we have that we can use as well! Sir, look out! Dammit! I don't have enough time to offset the energy! Please hold out! The defense circle will be destroyed! It's impossible! Stand firm, Dad! You bastard, don't you dare give up! Uh-oh.

I'm a terrible father, but I want to make you two proud! If we don't hurry up, the philosopher's stone inside of Dad will run out! Hurry up, Scar! Ishbalan, I thought that alchemy, the reconstruction of matter, was a sin against Ishvala, the creator of all! Have you abandoned your god?! It seems as though 'God' is hardly significant to you all! Nay! After you learned the true meaning of despair during the Ishbalan w*r! You must have realized somewhere inside of your heart! God does not exist! I believed in neither destiny nor a god, but one would probably look at this situation and say that the heavens are not on my side.

The heavens brought forth a fitting visitor.

So you're here to avenge your grandfather That's fine as well.

Any last words? Nay.

A sad life you led.

King Bradley, was there no one you loved? Friends? Your wife? Wife, eh You have no words to pass on to her?! If she found out that you were a homunculus! Brat, quit blabbering on about trifling topics such as love and sadness.

Don't underestimate us.

She's the woman I chose.

A will is unnecessary between us.

That's usually how it is between a King and his companion.

Seems like you missed the chance to take revenge as you were caught up in foolish dialogue Although my life was lived atop a rail which was already prepared for me Thanks to you humans I feel like my life was somewhat worthwhile A sign of life? It's a philosopher's stone.

This? Are you all right?! Please take me to that spot The transmutation circle is broken! It doesn't matter! That's the center of it all! Got it.

Dear brother, to tell you the truth, I am not completely rid of hatred.

Yet, I'm currently trying to help the ones whom my hatred is directed at: the Amestrians.

You once related it to the flow of positives and negatives, but where will I, who carry both of those conflicting elements, be carried off to?! There it is! Serves you right.

That chair you've been sitting high and mighty on is now in pieces.

You've had your share of fun for your lifetime, bitch.

I'll beat the shit out of both you and Truth! Was that Eastern Alchemy? No, it's something my brother invented.

He used to research alchemy.

And from there, he began to research Eastern Alchemy from Xing.

Eastern Alchemy utilizes the flow of earth's energy.

Alchemy from Amestris utilizes tectonic energy.

But my brother realized that alchemists are unable to use all of that power.

There's something in the way between the alchemist and the tectonic energy.

That feeling I got when I first came to this country it felt as though there were people crawling about underground.


It's probably the philosopher's stones that were stretched across underground.

So Sir, the purpose of your transmutation circle was to return everyone's souls to their bodies? Yeah, it worked out.

And the purpose of the Turnabout Transmutation Circle Scar activated was to fix this nation's alchemy.

After extensive research, Scar's brother began to doubt this nation's alchemy, and additionally, learned of the existence of the Nationwide Transmutation Circle.

And with that at its base, and utilizing Eastern Alchemy for inscription, he created the Turnabout Transmutation Circle; one that would nullify the power of a philosopher's stone.

And with this, alchemists are able to use all the tectonic energy to their liking, something that used to be disrupted by philosopher's stones.

Keep it up! Make him use his philosopher's stone! He'll eventually run out of energy! And when'll that be?! I don't know! But all we can do is try! Eat this! This brings back memories.

I remember bathing in that once.

Why don't you take a soak too? Out of the way, Greed! Freeze! Now, slowly Lieutenant Hawkeye? Major! He must have gone up to create more philosopher's stones.

We're going after him.

Right! We'll get you somewhere safe too.

Sorry about this.

Why am I so useless when people need me the most? Brother! You go on ahead, Al! Seems like he wants a piece of me.

Let's go, Al.

Don't die now, Ed! Yes'm! Dear! Izumi! We don't have time for this.

Take care of the colonel.

Right! Colonel! There's someone that needs a real good spanking, so I'll be off! Are you injured, Colonel? They took my vision.

What about your wounds, Lieutenant? Seriously! Please worry about yourself! Your eyes! Can you still fight? Yes! Young master! It's Greed.

Geez, you followed us all the way down- Wrath! So he bit the dust You look so damn satisfied.

Pisses me off.

Greed! Throwing away his pride as a homunculus how pathetic.

Why are you guys so obedient towards a father like that? What a stupid question.

Isn't it obvious that we'd obey our own father? You're the stupid one here.

"Obvious" you say? You won't even try thinking with your own brain! I don't get it Why do you continue to obey him? He doesn't give a damn even if you're badly hurt like that.

So what?! Don't apply this "common knowledge" of your human race to us homunculi! This container won't last for very much longer.

But since you, like our father, have Hohenheim's blood in your veins, we're pretty much siblings.

Edward Elric, give me your body a container! What?! Unamused.

I'm thoroughly unamused, homunculus Pride.

Kimblee?! There's no way! How could you maintain your own self-awareness in this tempest of souls?! Tempest? You make me giggle.

Voices of resentment are like a lullaby to me.

Why are you interfering with me, Kimblee?! Well, I wouldn't have done anything had you kept on fighting while conserving your pride as a homunculus.

However, first, you blab on about your pride as a homunculus, then just as your life is in danger, you proceed to escape into the container of a human, a being you looked down on as inferior.

You lack elegance.

I'm going to be k*lled! You don't understand Edward Elric! Selim!! Impossible! He turned himself into a philosopher's stone to infiltrate me?! I've got you now, Selim! Stop Stop! Please, stop!! So this is your true self.

I'd better go and apologize to Madam Bradley after all this is over.

Just wait there, stupid brat.

Mommy Mommy Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 62, A Vehement Counterattack.

If one wishes to gain something, one must present something of equal value.