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01x51 - The Immortal Legion

Posted: 07/24/22 08:28
by bunniefuu
It hurts Help me I'm starving! Water! It hurts! "Not yet finished experimenting"? This in itself is the experiment! It was a success! The ultimate soldiers that never die, betray, and always fight according to our orders.

An immortal army has been created! Papa? That's right! I am your father! Now, listen closely to what I'm about to say.

Currently, there are several rebels targeting these headquarters! Papa! You all are to- Ouch That hurts.

That hurts! Pain! That hurts Ouch It hurts The pain What a huge gate.

I don't like the feeling it gives off.

Is this really the place? Yeah.

It looks exactly as Al described it.

Who the heck is that? Number 66.

Barry the Chopper.

He was Slicer's partner.

Open! Dammit! How the hell are we supposed to open this?! Step aside.

It opened- Order the soldiers from Central that are fighting with the Briggs forces and Mustang to retreat.

Oh? Are you going to sh**t? Looks like your men aren't very disciplined.

If you don't hurry up and have them retreat, the soldiers from Briggs will continue to fight with no mercy.

Wouldn't it bother you if you lost every single one of your soldiers? Shut the northern, southern, eastern, and western gates that allow entry into the Central Headquarters! Don't let a single enemy force from Briggs or Mustang's party enter! So you're rotten, but it looks like you've still retained a set of testicles.

Don't get too cocky, bitch! I'll have all of you monkeys from Briggs crushed- Huh? Oh, this one.

You're not supposed to interfere.

I was told to defeat you.

What a drag You've just created another spot for me at the top.

I thank you, Homunculus! You've saved me from having to stain this celebrated sword passed down in my family for generations! You- They won't die?! It hurts I'm starving! It hurts! The pain! Brother! Don't tell me! Did they attach souls to dolls?! Dammit! There's no end to them! What the hell are these things?! Hell if I know! Why aren't they dying?! This is bad.

If we were to let them outside! Did something happen? No idea.

I heard Colonel Mustang pulled a coup d'etat.

How frightening.

There, there.

Don't cry.

What do we do You- Oh no! They're getting out! My bad, I sealed off the exit.

Don't worry about it.

If you hadn't done it, I would have destroyed the exit myself.

Now we can prepare for the worst! Okay, so now that we don't have to worry about them getting out let's show them what we've got! It hurts! So much pain! How dare they make something like this! Guess we have to go through these guys first to give the old guy a beatdown.

This is gonna be rough! Mustang is currently escaping in an ice cream truck! Barricade the main roads! The truck may look normal, but it's filled with weapons and a*mo! Don't let your guard down! A-A bear! A bear with a mohawk! Signal lost.

A bear with a mohawk? Captain Buccaneer from the Northern Army.

Colonel, it seems like it'll be difficult to enter the city.


An ice cream truck, huh? I wonder if they're doing well.

But it's irritating that I can't fight alongside them.

I never knew how annoying it can be to wait.

I've been hearing this sound since yesterday.

Hey Alphonse, what is that sound? Selim's playing with my head.

He may be a monster on the inside, but I guess he's still a brat.

Make him stop, Alphonse! Make him stop those noises! It's morse code! Signals the army uses for communication! He's telling someone our current location- Hi.

Thanks for coming to pick me up, Kimblee.

Seriously please stop giving me extra work.

Come on, give me a break.

I won't let my guard down again.

W-What are these things?! You tricked me, Envy! D-Did not! Immortality is just beyond- Oww! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! You bitch!! Yes!! Guess who's back?! Thanks for bringing me here, little brat.

Why are there soldiers here? Are they here to make us leave? Oh no there's nowhere else to go.

W-What's this all about? Don't tell me they've found out where we're hiding Oh no, Alphonse! Hang on, Doctor! What if they found out you're Doctor Marcoh?! But I can't just sit back and watch Take a moment to calm down.

If you were to be taken hostage, it would only hurt Alphonse and the others.

It's dangerous to just move around without thinking.

Let's stay put.

Yeah? Yeah? Are you alone? I heard that Gluttony was here with you.

I made use of him.

You ate him? Your own comrade? Not a comrade.

We're part of the same being.

We were born from the same father.

Think of it as "coming back together", per se.

I see.


Heinkel! Wow, you're still alive? Can't underestimate a chimera's survival power, after all.


Heinkel! Dammit! Let go! I won't let you get away.

You- Don't know when to give up, do you.

Stop running away.

What? I knew it wouldn't work.

That's as far as you're going to get, Major General Armstrong! A sh**t-on-sight order has been issued for your treason! Ready! Fire! Idiot.

Placing your men in this situation is just foolish.

Here's to hoping that did some damage to you I've got you now.

Didn't get the wrong one this time.

Female general must die.

Sister!! Are you all right?! Who are you even talking to, Alex?! Glad to see you're safe.

And so, what is that thing? A Homunculus.

A b*llet isn't enough to even move him an inch.

Maybe a little budge with a cannon.

Oh, my! This is my specialty! Please let your brother, Alex, handle this! Come, monster! Such a drag Don't mind me Hurry up and escape No! Don't be stupid.

At this rate, neither of us will make it.

If you leave me behind, at least you may be able to survive.

I said, no! Focus on living for now! Idiot! Take a good look at reality.

We're put against Kimblee and Pride.

Just leave me behind! Don't give up! I'll save you for sure! Dammit! Move, stupid leg! We can't lose here! Mr.

Heinkel, hang onto me! Don't you dare give up! You siblings are so Why do you try to save others when you're all damaged as well? I made a promise.

I made a promise with Brother, that we won't let anyone die again.

You're right.

I recall even Kimblee saying that "if you survive, you win.

" Thanks to that, I remembered that I had something good with me.

Why do you have this? I picked it up at the mines to the north after being abandoned by Kimblee A philosopher's stone We really may be able to b*at them if we have this.

But still! Yeah, I know.

This is made of human lives, right? I've heard from your brother that you guys don't want to use this to return to your bodies.

In that case In that case, use them to save the world; not for yourselves.

I'm asking you because you're willing to acknowledge them as human lives, even after being reduced to such a state.

I can understand their feelings.

No matter what they may look like now, they still want to fight to protect what's precious to them.

Give them a chance to fight too.


Give them a good beatdown, Alphonse.


Let's fight them together.

This cloud of dust is annoying.

Should I blow it away with an expl*si*n? No, they're both still inside it.

Besides, he won't be able to escape without his legs- Oh, my.

Instead of escaping, you Marvelous.

Very entertaining, Alphonse Elric! If it's a fight between man and man, choose the path you believe is right.

Only a fool would stand indecisive after being frightened at the thought of being soiled by the mud.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 52, Combined Powers.

It is beyond the point of hesitation.