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01x45 - The Promised Day

Posted: 07/24/22 08:22
by bunniefuu
Dear! Stay back! Hey I think you owe me an explanation, Wrath! My past memories won't disappear They're making so much noise inside my head!! Why are you Why is King Bradley inside of my memories?! You!! What did you do to my belongings?! This is your greed, huh You're a fool who craves even his past, without knowing how to let anything go! Damn you! Master! Madam, Sir Selim, are you two all right as well?! Y-Yes We're terribly sorry.

The guards didn't even stand a chance against him No, worry not.

He was quite powerful.

Yes, sir Father, hurry up and retire.

Olivier You come home after such a long time, and that's the first thing you have to say? I'm asking you to spend the remainder of your life in peace after naming me the head of the family.

I plan to have Alex succeed the house.

A coward like him? Why not transfer all of the family property and go on a long vacation to a foreign country or something? Alex would be nothing but a hindrance to the Armstrong name.

Sister! So you were home.

Great timing, Alex.

Father? Duel with Olivier.

Pardon? The victor shall inherit the house.

How does that sound, Olivier? Perfect.

A plausible solution.

Olivier told me to retire and to leave the country.

What?! What an insult to our father! Very well! I shall show you what my muscles are capable of.

Quite brave of you, Alex! You'll soon see how inexperienced you truly are! Well then, shall we get going? Yes.

So, where should we go for vacation? How about Xing, Dear? I hear the food is wonderful there.

Very well, Xing it is.

Are you okay with that, Catherine? Yes, Father.

W-Wait You wish.

Are you planning on k*lling me? It took you this long to notice?! Good luck, Brother! What should we get for them as souvenirs? What about an elephant? They're big and strong.

Wow, I'd like one too! No!!! It would appear the outcome has been decided.

I'm going to inherit everything owned by the Armstrong family.

Sister I hear you've been quite familiar with the upper echelon lately.

Why?! Do you not know what they're- I plan to see things with my own eyes before making a decision.

So after you saw their true intentions, you had the family flee the country in order to keep them safe? The defeated should disappear.

This mansion belongs to me now.

Where are you headed, little girl? This is the easternmost town.

Even if you keep going, you'll only find a desert.

Umm I was planning on going back to my country.

Your country? Yes.

To Xing.

You're going to cross the desert? Yes.

A little girl like you is going to cross the desert by herself? Yes.

Hey guys! Let's get something together! Bring out some food and the like! Huh? But! Don't be so restrained! Why not stay here for the night and leave for your trip tomorrow? You can use our bath.

Are you hungry? Oh yeah, Steve, you've got an extra room at your place, right? Why don't you let her stay there? Sure, fine with me.

My eldest daughter's room is open right now.

Emmy, who left for the university in Central, right? She's too perfect to be your daughter.

Can't argue with that.

We also need to feed this little kitty something.

Oh, my! You must be really hungry! Are you sure it's not just looking at you as its next meal? Don't be stupid! That's not true, right, Kitty? See? It's saying that you look tasty! Nice people, aren't they? Are you just going to abandon them? Well, I guess that's fine.

But I don't think you'll gain anything from bringing back a half-dead homunculus like me.

However, if you go to Central, you'll be able to learn the true method to gain immortality.

You may be able to save these people as well.

Oh well.

I guess it doesn't mean much to you, since you're on your way back to your country.

Thank you so much for your kindness, everyone! Where are you going?! I still have something I need to take care of! I'm going back to Central! What a moron.

If you go back to Central, the cards will be in my favor.

As long as I obtain a philosopher's stone, I can return to my original form.

As long as I obtain one What is this place? It's a hideout we've used before.

So this is where your little brother is? Yeah.

One hundred percent positive.

Al will definitely be here! Hey! There's no one here! Ow! You're such an unreliable brother! So we came all the way down here for nothing? Lin.

No is it Greed? I'm starving Okay, it's Lin.

Much better! Thanks for the meal! You always eat so much, doofus! So much for our emergency provisions.

Who are those two? Your friends? Meet Donkey Kong and Li- My name's Darius! I'm Heinkel.

We used to be in the army, but we're working with this brat right now for various reasons.

Who the hell is he? Well how should I explain it I'm a homunculus.

Homun- Hey, hey! Why can't you keep your mouth shut?! Seriously?! It's a long story, but Hang on, what the hell are you doing here, anyway? Greed cut all ties with the other homunculi.

I took advantage of his restlessness at that point to get my body back from him.

I was looking for a place near Central where I could rest, and I found this shed What's wrong?! This isn't good! Greed's trying to take over! Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait just a second! Hold out! Don't lose! Keep your senses! Listen up, Ed! That 'Father' guy who lurks beneath Central is going to open the gate on "The Day".

I can only speculate since I'm an amateur at this sort of thing, but wouldn't you and Al be able to get your bodies back if you two leap into that gate? No, wait.

That may be true, but you need to pay a toll to open the gate What the hell is he opening the gate for? Since you said "The Day", does he already know when he's going to open it? That's Lin! Hey! Dammit Don't take over just yet! The message Did you deliver my message to Lan Fan? "Message"? Al delivered it to her.

Lan Fan is fine.

I don't know where she is now, though.

Wow, I'm glad to hear Lin! Sorry Can't hold out any longer.

Damn that prince! Blabbering on and on! Is that you, Greed? Yeah, it's me.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

You can't k*ll me with that.

Sorry to disturb you guys.

Hey! Are you just going to let us go?! What? Weren't you listening to what this guy was saying? I cut ties with the homunculi.

I lost it and att*cked Bradley.

I don't know what they'll do to me if I go back.

That's why I'm just going to run off like this and live an easy life.


Want to join us? If you've got nowhere else to go, then come with us.

Join you Join you, eh? That's funny.

Cut the sh*t! This entire world belongs to me! If you want to work under me , I just might consider it! Later.

Comrades, huh I've got so many souls inside of me And yet, I'm alone.

Then why don't you join up with Ed and them? If you don't like that, then give me back my body.

I'll become the Emperor of Xing and fill up the emptiness in your soul.

An emperor of a country, eh Big dream, huh? You brat! That's way too small.

If you're going to go that way Why don't you strive to become the King of the world? King of the world Hey, Lin! Wait up! What? You guys are so persistent! I told you, I'm Greed! I don't even care which one you are anymore! Just to make it easier, I'll call you Gredlin! Hey! Who are you calling Gredl- I'll work under you, Gredlin.

What? I told you, I'll work for you.

Which means these two chimeras working with me will be working for you as well.

What?! You brat! Who gave you permission, anyway?! Don't get so cocky, you runt! Midget! Flea! Besides, the moment I decided to become a dog of the m*llitary, I threw away all my pride.

At this point, I don't really care if I have to wag my tail.

And besides, it would be dumb to lose this opportunity to get information by having my pride take over.

The chance of a lifetime! How foolish.

You're going to let your strong feelings take over like that and lose important information? Interesting! Becoming one of my men also means becoming an outcast! You better not regret it! Don't take me lightly! I've done far worse than this! What the hell? Then it's decided.

Then you two are my men as well.

Yeah, sure, whatever.

I don't care who I follow as long as I get to eat.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of chimeras are you? I'm a gorilla.

Lion here.

That's pretty sweet.

I still have her earrings Looks like I won't be seeing Winry and Al for a while "The Day" huh.

Seriously, stop coming here all the time! I even said I'd let you know when Miss Izumi returns! If you keep visiting like this, we'll go out of business! Curtis butcher shop, how can I help you? Oh, we're always glad to have your business, sir! The one you ordered, right? We'll be back.

Come back as a customer for once, will ya?! I'm sorry, the soldiers were here again.


I have a message for you from Alphonse and a man named Hohenheim.

I see.

That sounds like a pretty big deal.


Got it.

The promised day, huh Hurry and contact headquarters! This is Point Papa! We're under att*ck! What?! Drachman forces?! I don't know! How many men?! Just one! One?! Who are they?! Hey! I'm asking who they are! Point Papa! Who is the enemy?! A housewife! Frontier troops randomly assaulted by a mysterious woman? This is just like what happened around twenty years ago.

They were all b*at down by one force? They're really going to get k*lled by the Major General when she returns.

Major Miles! Good work.

An Ishbalan with dark glasses, and a large man with a mohawk.

Just like I heard.

I was waiting for you two to come out.

Who the hell are you? Like I said, I'm a passing housewife.

I have a message for you from Al.

Can we speak in private? Yes, it's a message from Alphonse Elric.

All that was contained in the message is "The Promised Day".

Well, well, the promised day.

Very fitting.

Things are really starting to get interesting.

Hey, Rebecca! Your skills are as good as ever! And Your butt is as sexy as ever! What are you doing, Lieutenant General Grumman?! You shouldn't let your guard down on the b*ttlefield.

By the way, you're friends with Lieutenant Hawkeye, right? Hey, Riza! It's been so long, Rebecca! They rescheduled the joint training between the north and the east.

You know, because of that battle between Drachma and Briggs from the other day.

Now it's planned to take place in the east, right? I heard from the Führer President.

First, Colonel Mustang, now, the Führer President Introduce me to some hot guys in Central, why don't you? Here's one.

Hayate! Your master is heartless! She's stingy! You just watch! I'm going to marry some rich guy and retire already! Okay! Good luck! Oh.

Give my regards to Second Lieutenant Havoc.


See you later! "Give my regards to Second Lieutenant Havoc", huh? I'm thinking about transferring to a hospital in the east once my body settles down.

Is that so? It'll get lonely around here.

If I had known that, I would have brought you something better.

This is for you.

One cigarette a day, right? Thanks a bunch! I just ran out of them.

Well, I'll visit you again.

Thanks! Oh, right.

Rebecca was worried about you.

Okie dokie! If the Colonel visits, please give him my regards.

Sure thing! Did you hear that, Colonel? You didn't need to hide like that.

Well, we're both being watched.

It'll be bad if they get suspicious of us after meeting in private.

Delicious How about a smoke, Colonel? No, I'll pass.

Come on, just one for the road.

"In the following Spring, on the promised day, both the north and the east will make their move.

" In the Spring of next year, the people harden their resolve.

The boy heads for the enemy's lair with determination in his heart.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 46, The Creeping Shadow.

Even if they're far apart, their hearts are linked.

As long as they're both on the move.