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01x44 - Revving at Full Throttle

Posted: 07/23/22 18:47
by bunniefuu
It's been a while, Al.


So I heard from Pinako.

About what happened to your body and such.

There he is!

Hoh, do you think you could lend us a hand? Oh, sure.

Let's catch up on things later.


That radio you guys fixed for me back then has been working great.

There's no static coming from it anymore.

I'm sorry.

All of this happened because we messed with Cornello.

Hey, don't worry about it.

The city came to its senses because you two exposed his crime.

I guess there was a riot, but look at it now.

Aren't those beautiful sounds? They're rebuilding the city.

Leaving no resentment behind.

I'll go help out too.

Please look after Winry for me, Rose.

I guess we'll see what we can help out with.

Let's go, Yoki.

Huh? What about food? It'll taste better if you eat after you work!
Let's go!
Let go of me!
I want to eat!
Huh? That was your son? Oh, that must have been awfully rude of us.

It must have been a while since you've seen him.

Can you really just leave him hanging? Well, I left the house many years ago.

I don't think he trusts me as a father.

Not really sure what to talk about with him Dad!
Umm I'll help too!
Let me take that for you.


How's the bath, Winry? It's the best!
I don't even remember the last time I soaked in the tub I'll leave your change of clothes right here.

Thank you so much!
Rose's so sweet!
I find you really admirable, by the way.

You're so young, but you've already set yourself up in the automail business.

Did you make Ed's leg too? Yeah.

We're old friends, so it was the least I could do.

That's amazing!
So you're the one who gave Ed a leg so he could stand up.

Then in turn, he gave me the strength to stand up.

So in a way, you saved me as well.

I was told my late boyfriend could be revived.

Hearing that and believing in their miracles, I gave myself up to Leto.

That was just around the time when Ed and Al came here and exposed the priest's lies.

What I've been clinging on to just disappeared like that, so I was feeling pretty hopeless.

And that was when Ed scolded me.

He told me to get up and keep on going.

I'm so sorry!
He's always like that!
Why can't he be nicer about things? It was nice.

That was Ed's kindness.

You're aware of that too, aren't you? Thanks to him, we came to our senses.

Everyone in this city, including myself.

We're all trying to get back on our feet without relying on miracles.

It's all thanks to Ed and Al.

Ed I followed those soldiers, but I ended up in some crazy place.


Greed What is and is not ethical changes with time and also depends on whom you ask.

That is not the reason.

It is to prevent an individual from creating a powerful army of their own, Major General.

They're not actually human They're dolls, I take it? Precisely.

We will create soldiers by inserting souls into these humanoids.

They will be the ultimate soldiers that obey our every command.

In other words, an immortal army.

Do you mind if I ask something? What is it? Where would you obtain the souls to attach to them? From the people of the countries we've crushed, and have yet to crush.

The b*ttlefield will become a hunting ground where we can obtain thousands of souls.

Central is scary!
It's unbelievably cruel!
There's no way Mr.

Greed would be here!
An underground tunnel? Yeah.

I wanted to check whether there's one under this city.

If there is!
No, there has to be!
Then- Hold that thought.

Let's take this somewhere private.

So you came to Lior to prevent the activation of the Nationwide Transmutation Circle? Yeah.

Then I found you here!
What a surprise!
It makes me feel lucky.

We met a man who looks just like you underneath Central.

I seriously doubt that there's no link between you two.

I figured you knew who he was.

Are you sure this is a good idea, Alphonse? What if I was on their side? Didn't you consider the possibility that everything you just said could make it to the enemy's ears? I'm really happy that you trust me.


Of course!
So he's trusting a failure like me as a real father Now I guess it's my turn to trust my sons and to tell them everything I know.

It's a long story.

I want Edward to hear it as well.

The thing is, Brother has gone missing.

Can I help the next customer, please? I'd like to make a withdrawal from state alchemist Edward Elric's research account.

Would that be you? No, I'm here on his behalf.

I have a power of attorney and also his signature.

Thank you, sir.

This is the northern branch of Banks Bank.

A withdrawal has just been made from State Alchemist Mr.

Edward Elric's account.

The man claimed to be here on his behalf.


He was a very large man Here's your money.


This should do.

Jesus, what a rip-off.

What are you talking about? With the hush money included, this is just the right amount.

Well, we appreciate your not probing into our matters.

They caught up to us.


Oh my, a soldier.

Is someone injured? We're looking for someone.

Is he your only patient? Anyone staying in the back? Just one in the back- Are you the only one staying here? Yes can I help you? You're the one who went to the bank, aren't you? Don't move!
Are you from this clinic? Both hands in the air, slowly!
Have you seen anyone going in and out of this clinic recently? His characteristics are What's wrong?!
Both hands in the air!
Red coat, blonde hair in a braid and very short.

What was that?!
Get yourself together!
Who did this to you?!
Hey Harri- Cohen!
What happened?!
Say something!
Didn't bother to save any for us.

Don't push yourself.

You haven't fully recovered yet, have you? Don't treat me like a patient!
I'm at full throttle and ready to go!
Thanks for everything, Doc.

No need to thank me.

Just go already!
Try not to trouble us any further.

So they're looking for a blonde guy in a red coat who has his hair in a braid Maybe I'll stay like this for a while.

Put down your weapons!
There's more of them?!
Hands above your head!
Get away from those two!
They're dangerous!
You're the one that's going to freeze!
You want to see this kid's head get blown off?!
We're going to secure a vehicle.


They're after us, Donkey Kong!
Don't call me that!
They're catching up!
They're from the northern army!
I can't outrun them in the snow.

That was close.

How's it looking like in the back? Bad!
They're catching up!
Take that right!
Get on that street!
Don't ask questions!
I don't get you at all!
As soon as you get past the corner, make a u-turn!
Don't let them get away!
Huh? W-Where did they go? I think they made that turn!
That worked out well.

Hey transmute it back to something simple.

This looks badass!
Just do it!
Please, just do it!
What the hell?!
Do you have a problem with my design?!
Too many to list!
We have nowhere to go again.


I wasted so much time because I let my guard down against Kimblee.

I wonder if Al was able to meet up with Winry and them Hey, Fullmetal!
You listening? What do we do now? Well I'd just like some information right now, whatever that may be.

We need to meet up with Al and the others.

So where are they? Where do we go to meet up with them? Where would Al go Think Think!
You listening? Well so You were a sl*ve, and now you're a philosopher's stone? Yup, exactly.

Guess it's pretty unbelievable after all Well, I don't blame you.

You'd have to be crazy to believe a story like that out of the blue.

Well I guess I'm crazy then.

You accept things pretty quickly.

To tell you the truth, I'm pretty nervous.

But I guess it's easier to believe because my body is also like this.

Hey how does it feel to be immortal? "How does it feel"? I guess it's convenient in many ways.

But it's sad that I have to see my loved ones go before me.

Mom? Hey Dad, you're a philosopher's stone, which means your body isn't exactly normal, right? Then are Brother and I Are you asking whether you two are normal humans? Yeah.

Don't worry.

My soul is fused with the philosopher's stone, but the actual core that holds me together is myself, a human being.

But the one at Central He's only wearing a shell that resembles me.

A shell? Yeah.

So if you break the shell, you should be able to defeat him.

"Defeat"? Oh, right.

Aren't they trying to recreate the tragedy at Xerxes by using this country? If we don't stop them soon, there'll be a disaster.

Whoa not bad.

You've figured out this much.

And this one must be the reverse transmutation circle.

The quick way would be to destroy the underground tunnel.

That's why- Don't even think about it.

A powerful homunculus by the name of Pride lurks in the tunnel.

But if we don't hurry, their transmutation circle will be It may already be complete, or has been for a while.

Then all the more reason to!
"The Day" hasn't come yet.

"The Day"? Alphonse.

Don't be focused on what's at your feet.

Look above you.

If you do, you'll be able to see new things.

Above The sky? Sun God Leto? He's waiting for "The Day".

What the hell?!
What did I do?!
Lively people like you make me smile.

You have no idea how boring it is to guard this place.

It's a real pleasure having someone like you visit.

The Ultimate Shield!
Along with that tone and the way you laugh!
Damn you for mimicking Mr.

That's right, I'm Greed.

Surprised you knew that.

The greedy? Yup.

This entire world belongs to me.

I want money, women, status, fame "And everything else in this world!
" No way But it has to be Who are you? Mr.

Is it really you?!
What happened to you?!
I'm asking who you are!
It's me!
Bido from Dublith!
You forgot your friend?!
Ah, it all makes sense now.

Do you remember now?!

You're probably talking about the previous Greed.

Why I don't know you.


Greed We're friends Getting rid of intruders is my job.

Sorry man.

What's this? You've got to be kidding me You've gotten pretty low, Greed.

Why the hell did you k*ll your own friend?!
He wasn't my friend!
Then what about these memories?!
Are you trying to say that Bido guy was spitting out lies?!
They're memories of the previous Greed, not mine!
Then why are you wracked with pain?!
Get your sh*t together, man!
If you start to lose it, my soul will steal back my body!
The previous Greed's soul had its memories wiped and purified.

I've forgotten all of my past!
My ass you did!
Friends are connected by heart!
You can't just rinse off something that's stained on your soul!
Your very being is crying out!
You've cut down a family member that was connected to you by soul!
You're supposed to be greedy enough to want to keep everything !
You disgust me!
What about this book? I read it when I was about your age.

It's a tale about an adventurer who travels around the world.

What was that?!
Who is it? The battle has begun.

No one can hold back his anger anymore.

Which one of them will survive? And what is the truth that is gradually revealed after the duel? Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 45, The Promised Day.

Those who share the same ambition, gather.