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01x29 - Struggle of the Fool

Posted: 07/23/22 18:35
by bunniefuu
Hey, where the hell are you taking us? Get in.

This is Military Headquarters?!
What does this mean?!

You guys are filthy.

I wouldn't have dreamed the Homunculi's hideout was under Headquarters So it means that the army is also associated with them, not just the Führer President.

But I've got something good to tell you, too.

You really found my body?!

Although you told me, "You're not my soul, so I can't come with you.

" Great, so my body still exists!
This just means we're one step closer to our goal.

Hey, why do you still have that cat? Oh, her? Actually, inside of me, there's What?!
That midget?!
Stop being so loud!
Hurry and put your underwear on!
What are you guys doing?!
Hurry up!
Geez, why the hell did you have to bring her? There was no other choice.

She's injured.

I'm leaving the rest to Wrath.

Go in.

Wrath? Wrath Führer President King Bradley?!
What the hell happened? Quite a bit.

Sergeant Fuery was transferred to the South, Warrant Officer Falman to the North, and Second Lieutenant Breda to the West.

And Lieutenant Hawkeye is going to be an assistant to the Führer President.

What the hell That's no more than taking hostages.

Have a seat.

Right now, it's just us and the Führer President in this room.

And he only has one w*apon; a sword.

Yet, he's still confident he can beat all three of us? Führer President!
You came to visit me in the hospital once, right? I was completely fooled.

"Don't meddle in things.

Think of the entire army as your enemy.

" That's what I told you.

You are all important to us.

You don't need to know about the minor details, but behave until the time comes.

As long as you keep that promise, we won't harm you.

And when that time comes, what'll happen to the civilians who aren't "human sacrifices" like us? I just told you.

You don't need to know the minor details, Fullmetal Alchemist.

"Fullmetal Alchemist", eh? I chose to become a dog of the military in order to get my body back.

But the State Alchemist Institution itself was probably created to pick out these sacrifices.

If I'm going to be used by you guys again on top of that I quit my job as a State Alchemist!
Your proof of being a dog is covered in blood.

Whatever you guys are planning, I'll put an end to it.

I'll tell the other alchemists, and What was her name again? Oh, that's right.

Winry Rockbell.

Born in Resembool.

A childhood friend of yours and someone who is practically family.

A skilled automail mechanic.

She currently works at Rush Valley, and she's loved by her customers and friends.

She's a good, obedient girl.

Lay a finger on her and see what happens!
People around her, too!
So, what are you going to do? If you still want to quit, then I'll cut her down.


Excuse me We get the idea.

So, umm Like before, please let us continue to search for clues for getting our bodies back while being under surveillance.


Very well.

As long as you don't interfere with our plan.

What will you do, Colonel Mustang? You're not going to tell me that you plan to resign from the military too, are you? Let's see even if I became a dog of the military, I'd rather not become a loser.

Either way, because of my ambition, I won't be able to take off this uniform or get rid of this.

For now, at least.

Very well.

You all may leave.

May I ask you one thing, sir? What is it, Colonel? Are you the one who k*lled Hughes? No, it was not me.

Then who? You said "one thing", did you not? Please excuse me.


Wait a moment, Alphonse.

U-Umm Is there something No, you may leave now.

That was so close!
A sword just went right over my head Oh yeah, Colonel.


Lend me some change.

What's this all of a sudden? Don't worry about it!
Man, this is all you got? What are you, a thief?!
Oh well.

Sorry, Colonel!
We'll report everything later!
What in the world are they up to? Oh no, the Lieutenant!
Lieute- Is something the matter, Colonel? You don't look very well.

Can you blame me for feeling sick after seeing a musclehead when I was expecting to see a woman? Colonel!

Is everything okay? Oh, my apologies.

Lieutenant Hawkeye, just returning from the restroom, sir.

I accepted Major Armstrong's kindness and had him take my place for a short time.

Thank you, Major.

No problem at all.

You didn't run away? Who's the one who told me to never give up no matter what? Don't regret later that you didn't run away, Lieutenant.

Like I will after all this time Hello? Ed? What's with the sudden call? Did you break your automail again? No!
Hey, are you okay? Are you doing well? Anything new in your life? You're not being stalked by anyone, are you? Ed What is it?!
You're being creepy.

What did you say?!
I mean, it's rare enough for you to call, and it turns out you're worried about me? Geez, there's something wrong here.

I bet it's going to snow tonight or something.

Do you have any idea how much I- Hey, thanks.

I'm happy you called.



So you're really okay, right? Got it.


Good, she was fine It's your excitable nature that lets people take advantage of you.

I told you, I'm Greed.

What the hell do you want?!
Your buddy asked me to give you this.

Ling did? This is in Xing's language, huh What's it say? I don't know.

Can't read it.

He wants you to give it to the woman waiting for him.

Lan Fa- You're not planning on following us and k*lling her, are you? I'm not that low.

Besides, I don't like fighting girls.

I don't lie.


Be sure to give it to her.

Hey, Ling!
I'm Greed.

Who the hell was that? What reason did he have to start the civil w*r when it would ruin this country? Who is it? Is someone up there? You're injured.

Could you come down? I'd like to know what's going on outside.

It's fine; the guard won't be coming again for a while.

I'm also a doctor.

I'll tend your wounds.

An Ishbalan, huh? That scar on your forehead Don't tell me You're Scar?!
Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? Oh, God!
I'm I'm also an alchemist who assisted in the Ishbal Extermination!
She'll be fine.

Nothing life-threatening.

She'll get better as long as she gets some rest.

Thank goodness.

"Thank goodness" my ass!
Giving me more patients by the day!
Both my bed and sofa are occupied!
Where the hell am I supposed to sleep, huh?!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Besides, two patients in my house at once?!

Lan Fan!
You shouldn't be up!
Is Is the young master not with you? I-It's fine.

He's alive.

I have a message from him.

Lan Fan? He says He says he's obtained a philosopher's stone With this, our clan is That's right!
I must return to my country immediately and tell my people!
Where is he? Where is the young master? What? Why won't you speak? Don't tell me something happened to him!
Answer me, Alphonse!
Where is the young master?!
How is your body feeling, Greed? So you're Wrath.

I'm feeling fine.

Did you hear? This body belongs to a prince of Xing.

He wanted power that would help him become Emperor, and thus accepted me.

He's a really interesting guy.

Him and I once had a discussion on what it means to be a true king.

He said something like, "A King exists for his people.

Without his people, there is no King.

" What an idiot.

He gave in to greed and lost everything.

Shut up!
Don't underestimate us humans!
That's how it is.

He's vigilantly watching for a chance to take over.

He's even planning on taking control of a monster? How greedy can these humans get? The Führer President is a Homunculus?!
It's always been my honor to fight for the weak citizens of this country.

Many people feel the same, believe in the military, and sign up.

And yet, the military itself Why not resign? With your personality, being a soldier will only hurt you.

This is wrong!
Are you going against military command?!
Call for a replacement State Alchemist!
I ran from battle during Ishbal because I thought what the army was doing was wrong.

But instead, I should have fought against it instead of running away.

Since then, not a day has passed that I didn't feel ashamed for bending my principles and fleeing.

And this time, if the army itself is the b*ttlefield, how can I run away again? What are you going to do now, Colonel? I told the Führer President I wouldn't quit because I still have an ambition.

The fact the Führer President revealed he's a Homunculus means that even if he was to be defeated, there's still someone else in the shadows.

I'm being tested.

Don't you think that's an honor? You're being pretty calm about this.

I don't know if I'd say that.

It was the same when I fought that other Homunculus, Lust, but Although people accuse me of being a "w*apon" and a "monster", when fighting against real monsters I truly feel as though I'm nothing but an ordinary human.

I see.

So the young master took in the stone.


If only we had been able to stop him You don't need to apologize.

I am only mad at myself for not being able to fulfill my duty as a bodyguard.

So So the young master is still inside this Greed person, right? Alphonse, I want a replacement arm.

And quick.

But it'll take some time Please introduce me to an automail mechanic!

I will soon.

But you have to get better before I do that.

Let's get you something to eat from Dr.

Nox You can get up now? Let's see was your name May Chan? May?!
As expected of the Yao Clan's watchdog.

And you're the Chan Clan's successor.


Wait um I'm the 17th Princess of Xing, May Chan.

If you're here in this country, it means you're after immortality, as well.

I'll never let you and your clan have it!
You won't even be able to find it!
Hang on!
I don't really get it, but let's play nice!
Don't interfere with our country's affairs!
Don't underestimate me just because I'm injured.

Same to you!
What the hell are you two doing?!
Patients should be asleep in bed!
Don't interfere with our country's Hell if I care about your country's affairs, moron!
Patients are patients, no matter what country they're in!
You're planning on messing up my house even more? Hey You've heard about cases where unknown pathogens mysteriously appear in a doctor's house and k*ll everyone right?!
This place really is a mess.

Doesn't he have anyone to clean for him? Doctor, look.

Oh, so that's where it was.

Isn't this a picture of your family?!
It's my divorced wife and my son.

What? I'm free to do whatever I want with my stuff!
Have a cup of coffee after this is all cleaned up.

I'm so glad you came!
Seriously, look at this.

I was at a loss about what to do.

Huh? Now that I think about it, I can use alchemy again.

Very nice work!
This is all for the repairs.

But seriously, State Alchemists are something else.

On a totally different level from other alchemists.

The thing is, we asked nearby alchemists to help us this morning.

They were completely useless.

They came to the scene all full of themselves, and as soon as they were getting started, they told us it wasn't working.

In the morning That's around the time we were underground.



Can I really believe what Envy said? That those people are only made of energy, without a body or a soul Pull yourself together!
Think about the future, not the past!
But at that time, other alchemists aside from Al and I were unable to use alchemy.

But that midget and Scar could.

What does this mean? Alchemy that's different from ours If I could find out the secret behind it, there may be a way to get Al's body back and fight against that geezer without using a philosopher's stone I have to return this to the Lieutenant.

PLACEHOLDER They made me help them.

PLACEHOLDER I created philosopher's stones and took the lives of many Ishbalans.

PLACEHOLDER And now, I'm on the verge of being forced to work on an experiment that would cause more deaths.

So So please, I'm begging you!
k*ll me!
Right here, right now!
I'm going to get back at them with death!
Right now, in my eyes, you appear as God You haven't told me everything about Ishbal yet!
What the hell did you bastards do there?!
Tell me everything, Marcoh!
Before my right hand destroys you!

Never-ending v*olence.

The earth is drowned in blood.

The air is choked with the stench of burnt flesh.

Ishbal A detestable memory.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 30, Ishbal Extermination.

I will recite the truth.

Although I'm the only one left.