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01x45 - A Rotted Heart

Posted: 07/23/22 17:03
by bunniefuu
I am near my limit, it's true.
But the same thing goes for you, too.

Even if you can hide your
decaying body with clothing,

you cannot disguise the smell.


You're right.

This is the first time in hundreds
of years that we've seen each other.

We should have a nice
long talk with each other.

Besides, I haven't even
tried out this young body.

Sorry, but I have a wife.

Yes, and I have had husbands.

Many, many, many of them.

If I hadn't, then the secret of my slowly
aging body would have become known.

For me, Trisha was my first and my last.
The first woman I ever loved.

Oh, my. 400 years ago, when we first met,
and I didn't know any better,

you whispered words of love to me.
Or perhaps I'm remembering wrong.

Let's stop this.

On that day, 400 years ago,
we finally made it.

There were those who had
escaped the witch hunts,

and those who were just waiting
for death from the black plague.

Over and over, we used
their lives in our experiments,

and obtained a Philosopher's Stone.

But, the reaction from that
transmutation left you nearly dead,

so using the Philosopher's Stone, I bonded
your soul to the body of another person.

And so, we had obtained eternal life.

You mean, you've used
the Philosopher's Stone

to transfer your souls around
over and over again?

Yes, we have.

You don't mean... the whole
reason why you had us seek out

someone who could make a
Philosopher's Stone was?

I found that it became necessary,
once Hohenheim of Light left me.

Why? Why did you disappear from my sight?


there is no such thing as eternal life.

The Philosopher's Stone.

Those who obtain it are set free
from the Law of Equivalent Exchange.

There is no need to pay a price
in order to obtain something, either.

We sought it, and found it.

Aah! You can't put that much salt in,
and you've got too much cream!

Cooking is a science,
just like making Automail.

You have to make things exact,
and according to calculations.

And, with this newly-made oven of mine,
it will turn out perfectly!

With this knob, you can adjust it
to whatever temperature you want in a snap.

It has a timer function you can set
for the right number of minutes.

It has this heat-resistant glass,

so you can see what's
happening inside at any time.

It's absolutely perfect!

Cooking is an art.

It's like literature.

It takes imagination, and a sense
of adventure that cannot be pigeonholed.

Cooking is a science!

No it's not, it's an art!

You get it.

I'm a guest, so you go ahead.

No, no, we're like family now.

Hurry and answer that!


Hello? The Elric brothers are there, right?


Yes. Their voice was
strange for some reason,

but they said their name was Shaw-chan.


Anyhow, they said to tell you
they'd like to see you.

Whenever you came back here
would be fine, they said.

And another thing, they were crying.


Someone you know?

Mm-mm! Wow, that looks delicious!
Brother is going to be thrilled!

Ah, it's Brother!


What happened to your clothes? Brother?

Oh, just went on a little outing.

I made it look like we were
setting out to head north.

I deliberately left some eyewitnesses,
and on the way back, I fell down.

Then I should have gone with you.

And what if you really were
discovered by the Homunculi?

So, did anything happen?

We seem to have gotten a strange
phone call a little while ago.

It's nobody we know! It was probably
the police trying to find us, you know?

You don't say.

I'm hungry!

I'm the one who recommended
Edward Elric to be a State Alchemist!

What shame he has brought to me!

Are we certain that the boy was
connected with the uprising in Liore?

According to the report,
a year ago, in Liore,

he exposed a priest of Leto,
who had been misusing alchemy.

However, the truth of the matter is, the
priest continued to thrive following that,

and consequently, a situation arose
where we had to intervene militarily.

That intervention was
overzealously enforced,

and the civilians turned
against the military.

Are you criticizing my mission strategy?

Now, hold on, everyone.

Looking at Col. Mustang's service record,

it is clear that he is
an excellent soldier,

who has sworn his loyalty to the military.

However, I do not understand
why you would put a halt

to the search for the Elric brothers.

We thought the Elric brothers
would return to their home,

so we put out a dragnet in the east.

However, they appear
to have gone straight north.

North? To Drachma?

So that's it! They're in contact
with those savages, are they!?

Maj. Armstrong's squad has
begun a search in the north.

However, I have learned
of an even more serious matter,

which is why I have returned.

A serious matter?

If you like, I could have
everyone step outside.

No, this is about your secretary,
Capt. Juliet Douglas.

Well, this is sudden.

She is on leave right now.
What about her?

I have serious doubts
about her military service.

What's more, there is a possibility
that she was involved

in the circumstances surrounding
the m*rder of Brig. Gen. Hughes.

Oh, are you certain of that?

You have a crush on her, all right!

Come to think of it, we all heard.

You've gone and done
something bold again, huh?

Why would you deliberately
do something to provoke him?

It doesn't matter whether or not
the Fuhrer is a Homunculus.

Still, those who call themselves Homunculi

have spent a long time sacrificing human
lives to create a Philosopher's Stone.

If that's the case, then there is a
possibility that the civil w*r in Ishbal

was engineered in order to
bring about a Philosopher's Stone.

They would intentionally start a w*r?

Why is it that people seek
after the Philosopher's Stone?

Riches... glory... domination...

Eternal life...


When a person loses
those who are around them,

and they are caught up in despair,

they seek the Philosopher's
Stone as their only hope.

In the middle of the
irregular conditions of w*r,

the morals that say that one must not
sacrifice the lives of others vanish.

It is true that ever since
the current Fuhrer took power,

the country has been
at w*r somewhere or other.

And we've won every one of them.

I don't have any complaints
over going to w*r. We are soldiers.

But when it's about making people
stand at the brink of despair,

in order to get a Philosopher's
Stone created...

Ed! Al! How long are you going to sleep!?


It's all right.

A simple chemical reaction like this
is one of alchemy's fundamentals.


W-What is that?

It's me, Winry!


I encased Al snugly inside bronze.

There aren't any seams, so as long
as they don't break it in half,

there's no way they'll know it's him.

You're leaving again?

There's something that we have to do.

I know! You're going to
return Al to normal, right?

You can hide here and do
your research, can't you?

Are you going to take
revenge for Hughes-san?

No, we won't take revenge.

Otherwise, Scar's death
will have been meaningless.


Even so,

there's still something that we must do.

Something more important than revenge,
and what you've been searching for?

Yow-ow-ow-ow! W-What are you doing!?

I'm doing your braid for you.

T-That's okay, I'll do it later.

I'll do it for you!


It's not anything dangerous, right?

Brother, where could Dad have gone?

Just keep quiet.

Deterioration of the soul?

As our souls have been repeatedly
transferred into different bodies,

they have eroded.

Our souls no longer have
the power to sustain their bodies.

Dante, we are going to perish like this.

No, I just need the Philosopher's Stone.
I can always take a new body.

It will happen again immediately
after moving to that body,

and the same will be true of the next body.

Then I'll move into another new body!

What about the Philosopher's Stone?

You must have used the last bit
I left you to transfer into that body.

That is why those boys
have made the next stone for me.

The Ishbalan man has turned your son
into a Philosopher's Stone.

Dante-sama, then it really is true?

Don't you get it yet?

When I saw Edward and Alphonse,
I should have realized...

...what they had done.

No, I knew.

But, I didn't want to believe it.


You will always be dear to me.

Thank you, Hohenheim of Light.

To think that you could be beaten
by a Homunculus, of all things.

Ever since you left, I've been
doing some research of my own.

That gate, which is the
source of power for alchemy-

What lies on the other side of it?
Isn't there any way to open the gate?

The gate is inside of us.

And so, someone whose bond between
body, mind and soul is still weak,

say, as is the case for this baby,

is able to call forth
the gate even stronger.

Shall we perform an experiment, to see
what the other side of the gate is like?


I'm sure that Ed and Al are all right.
They are... your children.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

It's okay, Wrath. You don't ever have
to go back to the other side of that gate.

Bring the Philosopher's Stone here,
Wrath, Sloth, and Lust.

So that you...

...can be reborn once again?

Once I have the Philosopher's Stone,
and after my soul has been bonded,

I really will turn you all into humans.


it all depends on my mood.

Here is your baby.

You have to eat more,

or you won't be able to fit
into my dress sizes, you know.

Search carefully!

There's a possibility that they have
changed their hair and eye color.

A large man and a runt.

The runt is as small as a bean sprout,
so don't overlook him.

He's not the one, huh? The one we're
searching for is as small as a baby ant.


We found an odd bronze sculpture.

How big is it?

It looks larger than the suit
of armor in the dispatch.

Hmm, just to be safe,
we'll smash it with a hammer!

Break it.

Here goes!

You! You're that man from before!

You're the bean sprout we heard about!

Al, let's go!

Wait, Brother!

After them!

Al, go on ahead!

Brother, I can very well...

Just get going!

Thanks Brother, but...

Al, don't use any alchemy.

Why not? I remembered the gate.
And besides, I am a Philosopher's Stone.

I can probably do it,
just like you do, Brother.

You don't have to!

We don't know what will happen
if you use alchemy.

We'll take our time to research it,
and I'll return you to your original body.

We'll take everything from there.

Brother, where are you going?

It's like that bastard said, right?
There's someone controlling the Homunculi.

There's something I'm going
to need in order to find them.

I'm going, too.

You can stay. I'll be right back.


You can look after things
here by yourself, right?

The two of us have been
ordered to take command

of the expeditionary
forces in the north, huh?

Then, it's settled.

Yeah. They have to know we've
been in contact with Ed and Al,

because of the matter with the secretary,

and yet, they're sending us off to the
front, without the least bit of censure.

If they were going to shut us up,
they could just attack us here in Central.

There is the matter of Hughes, and all.

If they were to use the same tactic
again, it would arouse suspicion.

On the b*ttlefield, they can
k*ll us whenever they please.

Afterwards, even if they do turn up
any documents, they can just sit on them.

Still, even now, I can't
believe that he could be...

No matter how many times I read over
the materials that Sciezska gave me,

I couldn't unravel it. This was
the final part of the puzzle.

You've given yourself away, haven't you,
you miserable Homunculus?

I didn't think you would have stayed here.

You never know what's going on
right under your nose.

Besides, I wanted to look through
some of the things that Dante had.

Did you find anything?

I'll tell you later.

More importantly, what are you here for?

I think it will just
get you mad at me again.

Never mind that, tell me.

There's something that I
absolutely have to get my hands on.

Sensei, is there any part of your
dead baby's body still remaining?

You're going to fight them?


Excuse me...

It's me.

It's so... so good of you
to come, Alphonse-kun.

Please, teach me how to use
the Philosopher's Stone.

Fullmetal Alchemist

Episode 46: "Human Transmutation"

Why do you want to become human,
something so worthless?