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01x44 - Hohenheim of Light

Posted: 07/23/22 17:03
by bunniefuu
What's wrong?

I'm wondering if everyone else is safe.

There are a lot of people in the east
who have skin color the same as yours,

so I think they were able to slip in.

However, you are seen as the
instigator of the rebellion in Liore.

That looks like the temple
of the Lord Leto, back in Liore.

It is from an even older religion.

It's no longer being
practiced now, though.

Yes. They only recognized one god,

and considered all
other gods to be heathen.

It's said they had a lot of believers.

Many people d*ed because of it.
A great many...

That's awful.
Religions exist to save people.

People cannot become gods, after all.

There, there, it's all right.

Why did you let those two get away?

It was your duty to eliminate
the brothers, wasn't it, Sloth?

You too, Wrath.

I'll get him next time.

You defied that certain someone's word.

Sloth, don't you want to become human?

Yes, I do.

After all, I was born to become human.

I don't have any other goal.

They're here.

The Philosopher's Stone.

Those who obtain it are set free
from the Law of Equivalent Exchange.

There is no need to pay a price
in order to obtain something, either.

We sought it, and found it.

Why did you run off on your own
without coming to me for protection!?

Elric brothers, what happened?

King Bradley is...

...a Homunculus.

By Homunculus, you mean those...
man-made people, right?


They are covertly
manipulating this country

in order to get a Philosopher's Stone.

That's not possible.

The Fuhrer did not know what was
taking place at the 5th Laboratory.

He also lamented the
corruption within the m*llitary.

But I saw it! The Fuhrer
had the mark of the Uroboros!

There was the one Homunculus
who can change his shape.

The Fuhrer's secretary
is also a Homunculus.

And yet she's an alien...

Supposing that the Fuhrer
and Secretary Douglas are Homunculi,

what is their objective?

Why have they infiltrated the m*llitary?

I will send them back to Liore.

I'll come up with an appropriate reason

for them not to return
to Central for a little while.

You do that. As for us...

You're going to Resembool, right?

Gentlemen, rejoice!

Our duties are at an end!

Major, what were you just talking about?

Were you listening to the melody
being played by this body of mine?

No, not that...

Listen closely! Hear that? Hear that?

Um, how is Lt. Havoc?

He's okay. He and Fuery
were sent on back ahead of us.

I see...

I'm sorry about all that.

Ed, your silver watch...

That's right. You can't be
a State Alchemist anymore,

if what you said earlier is true.

No, it's not that. I mean,
it was taken from me by Archer.

Huh? Didn't Al-kun give it back to you?

I-I'm sorry! Brother,
I don't have it anymore!

You lost it!?

N-No! Kimbly threw it at Scar-san,

and all the red stones
inside it came spilling out,

then they were absorbed
into Scar-san's arm.

Why were there red stones
inside my silver watch?

That miserable Archer.

He used that trick again,
calling them transmutation amplifiers.


Previously, in Ishbal, Brig. Gen. Grand
supplied us with red stones.

Hold on, Colonel.

Then, you knew that the m*llitary
was making Philosopher's Stones?

And yet you didn't say anything to me!?

When Marcoh deserted, I thought
it had been discontinued.

Besides, it's not as though I knew
that people were used as ingredients.

I can't trust you!


You couldn't forget
about those red stones,

so you tried to send us
out to find them!

Stop it, Brother!

Enough already!



Al can't go in the water!



Brother! I can swim!
I can swim, Brother!

You idiot!

I thought your bloodseal would wash off if
you were submerged in water, wouldn't it?


Looks like I don't
have to worry about that.

I wonder if that's because I really
have become a Philosopher's Stone.

Okay, I get it! Come on!

What did you just...

It's nothing...


...did you just say about
the Philosopher's Stone?

Nothing at all, nothing at all!

Okay, let's get going!

Brother! Wait!

Looks like the m*llitary
hasn't arrived yet.

Huh? Sgt. Brosh?

He's in pursuit?

N-No, that's not it. Not him.


What in the world is wrong?

Lt. Ross is... Lt. Ross is...

Your hair is as deep black as the
feathers of the great eagles I saw,

so long ago.

I never thought I would see
anything so beautiful again.

Your flattery is far too kind...

The Lieutenant,
single-minded to her work,

has gone absolutely
sentimental over him!

Of all the things it could have been...

Good for her.

But who is that she's with? Brother?


What are you flirting with her for!?


You don't come home for umpteen years,
and this is how I find you!?

You rotten old man!


Yeah... Just like in the picture...


It's Dad! It's Dad!

Um, you probably don't know
who I am, in this form,

but I'm...

Alphonse! You've gotten bigger, huh?

You know who I am?


You still hate milk, don't you?

Who are you saying hasn't grown
one bit since he was a baby!?

That's not what he said

That's not what he said

Are you sure, Edward-san?

I'm sure, I'm sure.

Don't get me wrong.

I was just listening to
the stories of his travels.

Still, you did look
like you were enjoying it.

Well, he is such a gentleman.

With a whiff of his cologne
subtly carrying on the breeze,

he's not the type of man
we get in the m*llitary.

Cologne doesn't suit me, anyhow...

Why are you acting so coy?

Cologne, huh? I hated
that about him, too.

He left home soon after Al was born.

Mom always said he was
off studying alchemy,

but he never once even sent us a letter.

And yet, the scent of that cologne
he wore always permeated the house.

Earlier, when I saw Lyra in Liore, she was
wearing perfume that had the same scent.

You saw Lyra-san!? Then she must have
safely got away from Dante-san's place!

Just a moment, if you please.

This Lyra-san what kind of
relationship do you two have?

Winry-san, what are you-?

Oh, sorry.

I'm sorry.

The Fuhrer is married,

and he also has children.

Above all else, I've seen pictures
of him when he was younger.

Homunculi do not take on the form
of humans when they are first born.

When they are given red stones
as a source of nourishment,

they get their own unique powers,
as well as their form.

They use people's lives as food?

They can probably alter their
appearance little by little,

to make it look like they are aging.

His children could be adopted. However,

whatever the case, he is a Homunculus.

What do you mean?

You said they were making red
stones in the 5th Laboratory, right?

Homunculi cannot use Alchemy.

Yet, how is it that they can
teach others how to make them?

You mean there is someone
who raises them, and controls them?


...even though they are Homunculi,

the country is managing
to get on all right,

and the m*llitary is functioning.

We need not concern ourselves with them.

Why is it that the
Homunculi can't use alchemy?

Because they come from
the other side of the gate.

But let's not talk about that.

Tell me all about Trisha,

as well as everything you guys
have been struggling through.


I can tell just by looking
at your body. You guys-

There isn't anything to talk about.

Our alchemy failed, and we lost our arms,
legs, and bodies. That's all.

Edward, alchemy is not something-

Shut up! Don't you come home now
and try to put on a fatherly face!

Mom waited for you that whole time!

Al, get in here!


Brother, I'm sleeping with Dad.


Let's go, Dad.

I wonder if I can get my body
back with the Philosopher's Stone.

You could attach your soul to someone
else's body with the Philosopher's Stone.

Someone else's body?
That's not what I meant, I...

Your own body was lost
in an equivalent exchange.

You must have given up
your body as the cost...

...of obtaining something else.

Something else?

If you return all of that,
it will come back.

So then, if we can
defeat that Homunculus...

Nothing, nothing!

You're amazing, Dad! You know what?
There's something I want to ask you.



If I'd known this, I would have
b*at him up even more yesterday.

Stop joking around and hurry
and come look for him with me!

I bet he's just gone off
on some other journey again.

Fine, then I'll go by myself.

Hold it!

You can't leave here for a little while.

We just got word from
Warrant Officer Falman,

who was waiting at the train station.

The search party has arrived.

We're going to go over there
and send them back.

You sure you want to
be harboring wanted men?

It's not as though I believe
every aspect of your story.

I plan on ascertaining the truth
about the Fuhrer in my own way.

And if you find out that it is true?

Now then...

Well now, how about you go down
into the underground cellar for me?

No, that's okay!

You, too.

Where could Dad have gone?

You be quiet. More importantly,

how does the Colonel intend to
find out who the Fuhrer really is?

His secretary could only have been
around for about four years, huh?


If you mean Juliet Douglas,

she's supposed to have been in
the m*llitary for at least 14 years.

There's no way that could be.

I'm sure of it.

After all, she was the cause
of the Ishbalan civil w*r.

Yeah, you mean when that soldier
accidentally sh*t a civilian?

That was a lie.

The cause of the outbreak
of the w*r in Ishbal...

...was manufactured by
a secret m*llitary squad.

They couldn't have...

So that's it! Ishbal was also
used for a Philosopher's Stone.

If they could drive
the Ishbalans to w*r...

Then maybe there was someone

who would make a Philosopher's Stone
using the Grand Art.

Would they go that far?

The Homunculi were behind it all.

So that's it. And Hughes-san
must have realized that much,

and was k*lled for it.

Jerk us around, will you!?

Colonel, you bastard!

Hold on, Ed!

What's the matter!?

It's Lt. Col. Hughes!

That was right after
we left Central, wasn't it!?

The bastard! And yet he kept it from us!

Did you know about this!?

I'm sorry. I just found out
about it myself not long ago.

In any case, please go back inside!

You've got to be joking!

If Lt. Col. Hughes was k*lled,
then it was our fault!

And yet, he didn't even...

That's enough!

It's not as though he didn't
tell you just to be mean, you know.

I heard about this man Hughes.

I understand he was good to you.

But Mustang-san doesn't want you
to be thinking about revenge.

Maybe he was trying to say that you
had something more important to do.

Even so...

I've had it all wrong this whole time.

I thought the Colonel didn't care
what had happened to Brig. Gen. Hughes.

But maybe...

Become important...
the most important in the land...

That was his promise to him, after all.

In order to do that, he sought
for ways to get promoted,

rather than dwell on
personal feelings, like revenge.

The Colonel is an adult, huh?

How can that be!?

Someone dear to him was k*lled,
and he knows who the culprit is.

Yet there's something even more
important to him than avenging his death.

Is that the way that adults act!?

You became a dog of the m*llitary in
order to achieve your goal, didn't you?

That bastard. I really do hate him.

Someone's coming!

Don't be ridiculous. This place is-

Who is it?

How good of you to come.
Unfortunately, the master is out.

Is that the body of the girl named Lyra?

Well perceived, Hoheneim of Light.

Sure enough, you were
unable to forget me.

I heard her name from my sons. But even if
I haven't, I would have known right away.

From the scent of your perfume.

Have you come here to help me out,
or something?

No, quite the opposite, Dante.


I'll eat you!

I'm scared!

This one doesn't use a
transmutation circle, either.

There's nothing to
be afraid of, Gluttony.

He has lived far too long in that body.
He must be near its limit.

I am near my limit, it's true.
But the same thing goes for you, too.

Even if you can hide your
decaying body with clothing,

you cannot disguise the smell.


Dante, do not mislead my sons any further.
If you will promise me that,

I will tell you the reason
why your body has started to decay.

It looks like they successfully
turned the m*llitary away.

I guess so.

Huh? Where's Ed?

He said there was something
he had to do alone.

Forgive me...

Forgive me, Mom...

Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 45:
"That Which Degrades the Heart"

Al, I'm going to fight. You don't
have to do anything more, now.