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01x36 - The Sinner Within

Posted: 07/23/22 16:54
by bunniefuu
Those are Ishbalans, right? I wonder what they're doing here.

The military is with them.

I'm sure they're under escort.

This sure is taking a long time.

I heard they're having some kind of trouble getting water.

What's going on here? That should delay their departure a little.

Yeah, that's a relief.

Now we don't have to go all the way to the southern camp.

So then, what did you guys do? You think we did something? Your pals just suddenly showed up and grabbed us.

That's awful.

Ishbalans have their own residential areas.

If you leave them and band together, you make a good target for the military.

By the way, Scar said that the Ishbalans had once created a Philosopher's Stone.

We're looking for someone who knows the details about that.

You guys were good friends with Scar-san, right? We were not good friends with that guy! We don't have anything to tell the military.

We do not know anything, but there is an old man who lives on the outskirts of Kishua that might know something about it.

Chief! These two should be able to show you where.

You want us to go there!? How's that? At least get the children out of here, is that what you're saying? Brother, if we're going to take their information, then there needs to be a price, right? Equivalent exchange.

It is not part of our teachings, but I don't see how it can be helped.

Chief We'll throw in a shower, at no extra charge.

Get them outside! They're going to get cooked! Let's go! Sorry Hey! What are you doing!? Ed! Al! Get in! Winry, did you steal that? You can't do that! No! They said I could have it if I could fix it.

Who do they think I am? You guys! We're out of here! Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.

Kishua is a bit westward, right? No problem, no problem! This sure will help, huh Brother? Winry, how long are you planning to tag along with us? What's this now, out of the puny? That's "out of the blue"! What I mean is, go home already.

If I'm not around, who is going to fix your automail? It's hard on me, too.

I wanted to return that child Homunculus' arm and leg to Brother, even if it meant yanking them off of him.

But I couldn't do that in front of you, Winry.

You couldn't do that in the first place.

Yeah, Al, you couldn't do that.

But I could, if it was to achieve our goal.

Brother A long time ago, there was this guy that said it was simple for someone to k*ll another person.

And indeed, even though it was unavoidable, I allowed an alchemist named Majhal to die, long ago.

That was an accident.

You were trying to save him, Brother.

And in the 5th Laboratory, I nearly k*lled all of those prisoners.

Compared to Al's body, their lives didn't seem like all that much.

That's what I thought.

But you couldn't.

And then there's Scar If he stands in my way again, then, like Greed, I'm going to k*ll him? Are you going to k*ll that guy? But that's the man who That traitor should be k*lled.

In any event, our dangerous battle goes on.

We can't have anyone slowing us down.

Winry! We'll see if I slow you down! It's as though there was a w*r here.

You've never even seen a w*r.

I have.

We have.

This is just like that day The day our mom died The military people surrounded the city, but we didn't even do anything And yet, why did they? Mom! Mom! Rick! Mom! Rick! Stop! Stop it.

What's the matter? We don't want to go to that defiled place.

Okay then, Winry Pardon us.

Brother! Is that? It's just like the one on Scar-san's right arm.

As well as the one under the 5th Laboratory You two, come on out! Lieutenant! Don't start sh**ting out of nowhere like that! I figured you would be able to dodge it.

If you knew it was us in the first place, then don't sh**t! That was for Sgt.

Fuery's bruise.

It's all right.

We'll wait for Ed and Al here, okay? Where's the colonel? He went back to Central, with Warrant Officer Falman.

So after putting on this sort of display, he ran right back home, huh? You can't abide the way the colonel acted against the Ishbalans, so you att*cked the escort train? No, but right now, it's not as though the Ishbalans are starting any wars, so you don't have to go around using force to control them.

Don't misunderstand.

There weren't any fatalities among the Ishbalans this time.

There was one former soldier who died.

A man named Yoki, who you two knew.

Yoki? That old guy is dead? There were sh*ts fired from the Ishbalan side, and Yoki was hit.

Tensions flared as a result.

The colonel stepped forward, and with a display of his power, he dashed the Ishbalan's will to fight.

If he hadn't done that, there would have been more casualties on both sides.

Not a bad piece of work, for a soldier.

Are you discriminating against him because he's a soldier? You're a military employee too, you know.

We've decided to move most of the people to the camp in the south.

But we have to determine who it was that fired first, and punish them.

In order to do that, we're still having several of them remain here.

There's an old man among them, right? The one who lived in that shack.

This is pretty tightly secured here, huh? Is he a material witness? No, the old man is not a suspect.

We're just protecting him.

Protecting him? Those are the Ishbalans who are under arrest, right? They att*cked him.

Called him a heretic and an outcast.

Apparently, he's not regarded as being Ishbalan.

That's ridiculous! I mean, the Ishbalans have always suffered discrimination! And yet, even among themselves Outcasts? What kind of people are they? They're defiled.

They're people who have disobeyed the teachings of Ishbala.

He had a tattoo on his face.

That is the mark of an outcast.

When you say they disobey the teachings, what exactly? It's what Mom told us.


Believe in the god Ishbala.

Otherwise, you'll become an outcast.

But I didn't know that he was an outcast, too "He"? The one that you call Scar.

He's an outcast! He's a traitor! What kind of person was your mother? You know, she was very nice.

Even though her eyes weren't too good, she worked for everyone, in the hospital.

The hospital? The Philosopher's Stone, huh? This is the third time I've been asked about it.

The third time? That scarred young man, and long ago, his older brother asked me the same question.

Scar, and Scar's brother? Then, Scar's brother created a Philosopher's Stone before? No.

He did not make one.

The young man was too humane.

But, why do you know about the Philosopher's Stone? You're an Ishbalan, right? I am an outcast.

I learned the Grand Art.

The Grand Art? Once, we Ishbalans had a secret art that had been passed down, which we called the Grand Art, and with it, we lived in the lap of luxury.

But then, at some point, the art was sealed away, and became something forbidden to touch upon.

Those who set their hand to it were made outcasts, and were unable to return to their homeland.

The Grand Art allowed one to alter the form of all things at will.

This act was said to be in defiance of God's teachings.

Then the Grand Art is alchemy? Ridiculous! That's not possible! There's no way that Ishbalans, who lived in the desert and had no mechanical civilization, could have alchemy Is that what you're thinking? It's nothing to be ashamed of.

When someone's skin and eye color are different, not thinking that they could be the same as you are goes both ways.

Would you mind telling us as well, about how to produce a Philosopher's Stone? I doubt that the theory that you have arrived at and our own ancient art are all that different.

All that remains is the number of humans sacrificed.

Human sacrifice? A city, or a nation When they fall, there is resentment, and blood, of tens or hundreds of thousands of people, as they die, mortified When they are taken into the body of a superior practitioner, a Philosopher's Stone is produced.

That's just an overblown version of the way that we know how to make one.

It's not the one we were hoping to learn.

So, what about Scar-san? He said he was going to make a Philosopher's Stone.

Why did you teach my brother about this!? My brother only wanted to bring the woman he loved back to life.

But in order for that to happen, the Ishbalan people would have to be destroyed, and their lives offered in sacrifice.

When my brother realized this, he blamed himself.

He said it was as though he were the one who had summoned the disasters that had beset Ishbal! Here he is! In here! You can't! Not with that many of them! Is this scene to repeat itself over and over? Will the people of Ishbal ever obtain eternal peace? If I can obtain a power beyond theirs the Philosopher's Stone You would become an outcast? I am already an outcast.

There are tens of thousands of lives dwelling within this arm.

Outcast A defiled person? Rick! "Those who receive pain can still sleep.

Those who give pain cannot sleep.

" In that case, as of today, I shall not sleep.

Go ahead, go anyplace else but here, you outcast! You're sure they were named Rockbell? That's right.

There was a lady doctor, who was scary when she got mad, but used to give us candy a lot.

They would treat anyone, even Ishbalans.

Mom said it was awful that they got k*lled.

You say they were k*lled by a State Alchemist? They say he was an alchemist that used flame.

He got a commendation for it.

Mom cried over it, huh? Miss! The wounds didn't have any burns around them? No.

What's more, if they had been b*llet wounds, the entry wounds should be larger than the exit wounds, but they aren't.

Brother, these are There's a lieutenant colonel in Central named Archer, right? He's going after these guys that are called Homunculi.

Homunculi? One of them is a monster that can quickly extend her fingers, like thin spears, and then quickly retract them back to normal.

The thickness is about right.



Archer or Maj.

Armstrong would believe this.

It wasn't an Ishbalan.

I can't very well ignore the word of an esteemed State Alchemist, huh? Hey, come on! Yow-ow-ow! Winry? Rick, Leo, I managed to get them to overlook anything you might have done.

What's more, the people that are being held here will not be punished.

They are going to be sent to the camp, though.

If you guys want, you can go live in Resembool.

No, we'll go to the camp.

I see.

Where are you two going? We're going to go after Scar.

If we don't, something terrible is going to happen.

Will you k*ll him? Why would I? Because he is an outcast! He is defiled! That's why! We want to stop him.

After all, like him, we are alchemists.

No, we are human.

We won't k*ll anyone, and we don't want to let him k*ll anyone.

You're lying! You hate Ishbalans! Does this scare you? It doesn't scare me! Well I'm a little bit afraid of your red eyes.

The first time I met Scar, he was the first Ishbalan I had ever seen, so I was more afraid of him.

Still, there are times when our feelings are wrong.

What your mother and father told you isn't necessary completely true.

That's why we all have to find our own answers for ourselves.

A little at a time.

Winry, listen That being the case I'm going to Central.

Hawkeye-san, could I get you to take me with you? It's been so long, and I'd like to see Hughes-san and Elicia-chan.

Sure Winry, has something happened? Well then, first up is Ishbal.

I sure hope Scar-san hasn't made his Philosopher's Stone.


It sounds so strange, us hoping for such a thing What does this switch do? Lieutenant Riza is fine.

Riza-san, have you ever shot anyone? Yes, I have.

Many times.

Did you know any doctors by the name of Rockbell? Yes.

I'm not sure what you know, but there are times when a soldier has to take another person's life.

Even when they're following orders that are irrational.

Maybe that's why I don't like soldiers very much.

But you are in the military.

That's because there is someone I need to protect.

That is the one thing that nobody has forced me to do.

It's something I decided myself.

I pull this trigger of my own will, for the sake of the one I need to protect.

Until the day when that person achieves his goal, I will not hesitate to pull this trigger.

What if that person was not worth protecting? That is something else for me to decide.

This boy is Wrath.

He is the seventh.

Wrath? Nice to meet you, Wrath.

I want you to go after the Fullmetal brothers once again.

Didn't you tell us that there was little hope of making them create a Philosopher's Stone? The two of them are heading for Ishbal.

I see.

If those boys learn the facts about what happened there, they will never think again about making a Philosopher's Stone.

That will make it harder for us to move from here on, as well.

Then, can I eat them? Maybe.

Depending on the circumstances, it might be quicker to dispose of them.

I'm sorry I didn't know anything about this.

"I'm going to push him all the way to the top.

" That's what he always used to say.

He was sure he was going to make Mustang-san the Fuhrer.

This can't be I suppose he did help out to that end.

This can't be This can't be Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 37: "The Flame Alchemist, the Fighting Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13"