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01x33 - Al, Captured

Posted: 07/23/22 16:48
by bunniefuu
That was close! Forgive the intrusion.

Inside me!? My, it's cozier than I expected.

This feels gross! I don't have any senses, but this still feels gross! Get out! We can't have that.

Even by doing this, you can't completely control my movements! Oh, I don't intend to match strengths with you.

As long as I can dampen your motions a little bit we can finish this up.

Are you hurt? I bumped my forehead.

Alphonse Elric, you're coming with us to see our boss.

Having you come after us would be problematic.

Maybe I'll just crush one of your legs.

Let's go! W-wait! without something.

anything, required.

alchemy's Exchange.

that world.

So, where are the boys? Alphonse was taken away by someone, and Edward chased after them.

While you were here, and you just let them go? This had been dropped in the garden.

Devil's Nest? Apparently, it is a bar outside of town.

You're worried about Alphonse, huh? This wasn't your doing, was it? If it was, I wouldn't have had them kidnap him here, would I? Beyond the forest out in the rest of the world, the fighting continues.

The coals of the quarrel are stoked by malice; sparks keep flying out, and it spreads ever farther.

Why don't people try to end the strife? Not everyone keeps themselves in the middle of the forest, thinking of nothing but alchemy, like you do.

As long as they continue to seek the Philosopher's Stone, disaster is going to befall those two sooner or later.

Why don't you stop them? Those two will come upon their answer on their own.

Whatever answer that answer turns out to be, at least it will be an answer different from your ideals.

You still can't bring yourself to believe? You and I are different, after all.

Both in our way of life, and in our alchemy.

You're going, then? Yes.

Farewell, Izumi.

I doubt we will ever see each other again.

Sorry about this.

I have to be on lookout.

I know it must be icky having me inside, but try to put up with it.

It's okay, I've gotten used to it.

Just don't touch my bloodseal, okay? I won't be able to stay in this world if you do.

Say, mister, how come you became Chimeras? We all used to be soldiers a long time ago.

We were severely injured on the b*ttlefield out east.

While we were half-dead, we were taken to the military's lab facilities to become experimental subjects.

The 5th Laboratory That's right.

And the one who got us out of that laboratory was Greed.

Greed That man gave us a place where we could live.

That I did.

See, this is a hangout for folks who, for whatever little reason, can no longer go on living out in the open.

Tucker Tucker, are you? D-Don't misunderstand.

I'm not here because I want to be.

The doctor here is the only one who can cure us Chimeras, you see.

Whoa, this is awesome! Tucker, it's just like you said.

He really is hollow.

I-I'm not the one who had you kidnapped, you understand.

Nice to meet you, boy.

The name's Greed.

Let's be friends.

An Uroboros tattoo You know about this? That speeds things up.

Then, you're friends with those other people, like Envy and Lust? Nope.

They're more like my enemies than my friends.

Then why are you doing this? Al was it? How does it feel to be just a spirit body, one that cannot die? Transmuting an individual soul, and bonding it to some other object In other words, never getting hungry, growing tired, or growing any older.

That's what folks call eternal life, isn't it? Eternal life You kidnapped me because that is what you want? I have powerful appetites, you see.

I want money! I want women! Status! Fame! I want all that this world has! And that goes for eternal life, too.

Do you understand me? You have the potential for that.

You will cooperate with me.

If you refuse, I'm still going to get the secret of your soul, even if I have to dismantle you.

What nonsense.

You really are a bad person, mister.

It's up to you whether or not you act tough, but there's no one who's going to rescue you from this situation.

My brother was together with me back there.

Right now, I'm sure he's coming.

That's not possible.

I beat him senseless.

You really are a bad person! You let your guard down! I'll take care of these chains with alchemy You'll do what? Hey, relax Oh, sorry, Martel.

I forgot you were in there.

I like a guy who can set his mind to something.

But that's not going to do you any good at all.

If you want to defeat me you're going to have to do something like this.

How could you do that!? You guys are friends, aren't you!? That makes me dead once.

Hey, can't you be a little neater when you do that? Terribly sorry.

Even with this body, I'm not exactly immortal.

Brother! Brother! Pardon me for intruding.

S-Sensei! Sweetheart, who are you? A housewife! Hold up, Edward Elric! You're looking for your brother, right? Have you been following me!? You just watched on quietly while Al was kidnapped!? We are pursuing them as well.

We couldn't allow your brother's safety to take top priority.

Don't give me that! We are about to raid the Chimeras' stronghold.

He should be there, too.

Tell me where this place is! A bar, called "Devil's Nest".

Hey, hey, hey, hey You shouldn't start a fight with us without any warning.

Are you the one in charge? You're looking after one of mine, aren't you? You're going to let me take him home.

I can't do that.

I see Really everything you do is so sudden.

You didn't break your fingers, did you? Sensei! That's a pretty unusual body you've got there.

I suppose.

It won't be all that easy for you to inflict even a single injury on me.

Oh, yeah? In that case, I'm going to start taking this seriously, too.

Sensei! Is Brother around!? That's what I'd like to know! You two can't even run a decent errand for me! Afterwards, you're going to get a proper scolding! I-I'm sorry! No transmutation circle? You're not going to dodge me? I'm not given to fighting against women.

I just want to learn the secret behind his transmutation.

And then what? Gain eternal life, and then everything else.

This isn't going anywhere.

You got him! Like I said, it won't be all that easy for you to inflict even a single injury on me.

Dear I've had enough ofoking on.

I'm not not about to lose one of my children again.


My, my, are you still planning to go at it some more? There you are! - Izumi! You've overdone it there, sweetheart.

Okay, you're going to cease your futile resistance.

I don't want to have to do this, but if you resist, you know what happens.

You get your filthy hands off of her! Hurry! 5th and 7th Squads, cover the rear entrance! the area around the bar.

The rest of you, take the front! Now we've got the older brother, huh? We've got our whole cast together.

Tucker? Edward You too? Unforgivable! Not only have you kidnapped Al, but you've gone and hurt Sensei, too! Hey now, if you would just tell me how to bond a spirit, I'll just Shut up! You're going to return both Al and Sensei to me! Be careful, Brother! That man is a Homunculus! - Look, I've got a hostage right here.

Sheesh, would all of you just listen to me!? Sensei! Ed! Right! Like I said, I am the Mightiest Shield.

Sensei! Izumi! Now, hold on! This is a one-on-one fight.

Take care of Sensei.


If you're going to try to defeat me, then come at me like you're trying to k*ll me.


I'm going to send you flying, no matter what! Ready to storm in through the back door.

The alley has been sealed off.

Ready to charge in! That won't work! For crying out loud, I had no idea you guys were this hard to get through to! What? You even committed a taboo in order to obtain what you wanted.

As someone so loyal to their desires, I didn't think it would be so hard for you to understand me.

Don't you lump me in together with you! We're the same.

Whether we're Homunculus or human, it doesn't matter.

We live only to be faithful to our desires, don't we? Not me! I know that you are looking for the Philosopher's Stone.

I don't care about the Philosopher's Stone.

I just want to return Al my brother to his original form! He'd be better off staying the way he is.

What do you know!? Don't you presume to decide that for us! I have no intention of negotiating.

If you Homunculi are born of the errors made by us alchemists, then us, alchemists, will just have to correct those errors.

Is that a fact? This kind of turns me into an ugly man, so I was hoping not to have to show it to you, but out of consideration for your resolve I'm going to take you on seriously.

What is that? This is my serious mode.

Come on! That didn't hurt.

Are you serious!? The composition and structural material of my body is as normal.

The Mightiest Shield, huh? You've never k*lled a man before, have you? What do you mean? I'm saying you don't have the heart to do it.

You won't be able to defeat me like this.

And that goes for the other Homunculi besides me.

Let me give you enough heart.

Who the hell are you!? Hey there.

Greed! Bad news! The military! Greed! Of all the luck Now the big show is going to be ruined.

Is this really the time to be acting so casual? Don't panic.

There's no one in the military that can do anything to us Kimbly Why, you! You betrayed me! Greed! Come on, let's go! Wait! Catch you later, boy.

You're not getting away! What is this? Please do not resist.

Resist? What are you talking? Lt.


Archer is calling for you.

Please come with us.

They're about to take my brother away! I can't just sit back and That is an order.

Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 34: "The Theory of Avarice" You're going to pay for this! Greed, I will defeat you!