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01x30 - as*ault on South Headquarters

Posted: 07/23/22 16:44
by bunniefuu
How about it? Found anything good? No, no such luck That won't do.

You've got to fend for yourself here.

Thank you very much.

However, are you sure about this? We are Looking at your skin and eyes, I can tell.

You're people from Ishbal, right? This is a gathering place for those who, for whatever reason, cannot live in the lands of their birth.

We've got petty criminals and corrupt soldiers who have been found out and ousted here as well.

Laughable, isn't it? Here, have a drink.

An Ishbalan with a scar on his face! I've heard about this guy before! Wait! Hey, wait up! Wait up, I say! I'm sorry for popping off at you like that! He merged himself with the wall!? Hey, you! Damn it! Geez, I'm in a hurry, here Well? They say that despite being a State Alchemist, you have an interest in the Philosopher's Stone.

Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.

I'd like to see someone named Izumi.

Chicken breasts, 160 cens.

The Elric Brothers wouldn't have come visiting here, would they? Do you know them? Please do something about them.

No way! I don't know what that person has in mind! Besides, right now, Ed and Al are probably in trouble.

Sliced beef chuck, 200 cens.

We are here on m*llitary business.

There is no need to hide anything.

Mixed ground beef and pork, 98 cens.

Allow me Wait, Major! Ed Huh? It looks like a friendship has been born out of their muscles, huh? What the? So, where are the two of them, miss? What are you talking about? There are stories around.

Like how you used your brother as an experimental subject, and transmuted only his spirit Or how you're being pursued by Homunculi I'm offering to take you someplace safe! Both you, and your freak of a brother! What did you say his brother was? He really is hollow! just like Tucker said! Tucker!? Why, you! Don't get so upset over what people say! You're not getting away! Awesome! Awesome! However I'm awesome, too.

What was that thing? A Chimera? Don't tell me he escaped from the 5th Laboratory.

Oh, Major! It's been a while.


This is Lt.



He's in charge of the Court-Martial Office.

What are you doing out here in the countryside? Court-Martial Office? Just like Lt.


Hughes, right? Is the Lt.

Colonel doing all right? I'd like to ask you about that Chimera, as well as several other things.

Sorry, but now is not the time.

- Let's go.

This is starting to get interesting, is it not? A perfect Chimera, huh? I want him.

Huh? "Huh" doesn't cover it! How come mine are different from yours, Ed and Al? This isn't my real arm and leg.

Then, what happened to your real ones, Ed? Where are they? Say, do you remember where you got this scar? I don't know.

Maybe it isjust a coincidence after all.

How could that be? But Brother, your arm and leg were carried away in an equivalent exchange, right? Why would they be here? It's Yeah, it's weird, that's for sure.

Supposing that my arm and leg were brought back from behind that doorway, then maybe your body, too, could be.

Take a close look at the sole of his right foot.

We're getting closer to the mystery of the 5th Laboratory.

Let's seize him.

Are we not taking the brothers? We've got ourselves an even bigger catch.

Do it.

Say, have I done anything wrong? Brother! What do you think you're doing, Major!? Brother, no! Major, that boy doesn't have any memory! We've already filed a report! He's an important witness to the destructive activities that took place in Central.

We'll question him at the Southern Command Center.

What are you talking about? You've seen this crest before too, haven't you? That boy is in league with the Homunculi? He's connected to the people who destroyed the 5th Laboratory.

Major! Edward Elric, we're going to have to retake your testimonies, as well.

Wait for us at your master's house.

Wasn't continuing this investigation prohibited by the Fuhrer? A long time ago I was bitten by a fox.

Right here.

That boy has the same scar on his shoulder.

What's more, that leg of his does not appear to be his own.

Are you saying that boy's arm and leg are yours? How could that be? I don't know.

That's why I want to verify it.

Give it up.

We can't! This is the reason why Brother and I have been struggling all this time! And if you look into it actually, I don't know how you would look into it but if you did find out that that is your brother's arm and leg, what would you do? Pluck them off, and claim them for your own? Don't be ridiculous! In that case, you're better off not finding out.

Yoki Yoki I know I've heard that name before somewhere.

He said himself that he was once in charge of a mine in the east.

Ah, I remember now.

Yes, it's true! It is the truth! Y-Yes, that's right! That is wonderful.

If it's true, then I will inform the Fuhrer.

He would probably allow you to return to the m*llitary Yahoo! So then, the place they took him to was, get this, the Southern Command Center! That's great.

Nice work.

Way to find him.

Forget about the brothers for a while, and keep an eye on him.

Got that? It sounds like the Elric Brothers are just like you said.

Y-Yes I'm sure the two of them will be of use to you.

I hear that Envy and Pride and them are after them, so it sounded like it would be fun to make off with them, but thanks to them, it looks like we'll be able to come by something even better.

To think that there would be a Homunculus, like myself, that could use alchemy I'll have to get him on my side, or things will be more troublesome down the road.

Please let me go after him.

Dumbass, this isn't a place that you can just bust your way into.

You guys are former soldiers, so you should understand.

I was once posted to the Southern Command Center.

Don't go butting in where you are not needed, State Alchemist.

No, maybe we can have him at least show the other two the way.

However, if you try to betray us Please, do whatever you like.

I just want to see some fireworks again.

What did you do with that boy!? We haven't done anything.

Sensei, why are you so particular about that boy, anyhow? The m*llitary might be able to find out who he is.

Besides, that boy is Al! not human.

You may not believe it, but we've met several Homunculi - artificially created humans.

They all had powers that normal humans could not possess.

Like a mouth that could eat any kind of metal, fingers that could penetrate anything, or the ability to transform their body at will.

That boy did use alchemy, but he's still some kind of monster.

Do you know why a Homunculus is born? Izumi Did you think that I hadn't realized what that boy really was? - Sensei! She's been like this for that long? Mm-hmm.

But she's so strong, it always slips our minds.

What kind of illness is it? It's possible that the hospitals in Central might be able to cure Unfortunately, it would probably be too difficult for them.

Why is that? I hate to say it, but rather than treating her in a rural hospital like this It's an incurable illness, isn't it? Her organs from here to about here are gone.

Gone? It's like they were completely cut out from her.

And the remaining organs are intricately linked to each other, maintaining their functions.

I don't even know how it is she's holding on to her life.

Brother, that means It almost sounds like they were carried away, huh? Then, Sensei did the same thing that we did Doctor! Thanks, dear, but I'm all right.

I'm going alone.

I wasn't able to do anything for you before, either.

Which is why Please I don't want you to see what I'm about to do.

Sigu! Is Izumi inside there? Why won't you tell me anything? Neither will Izumi, or Ed, or Al Why!? I didn't know anything.

She told me she was sorry.

I was the one who chose to keep her from giving birth, in order to save her life.

And yet, she told me she was sorry that she wasn't able to give birth over and over again.

Your baby? Is that so? But I didn't know her sorrow or how hard she was taking it.

I never thought she would go and do something like that on her own.

Something like what? The same thing that Ed and Al did.

Human transmutation? She tried to bring the baby back to life? She did everything by herself.

I don't know what she saw there.

But, when she came back, the insides of her belly were completely gone, and she said she would never be able to have children again.

And when she said that, she told me she was sorry again.

It's up to you, mad bomber.

I might be a little short on sulfur here What was that expl*si*n? Major, seize that woman! Major! Well, well It's certainly festive here, huh? Sensei Please put that boy down and get out of here.

Sensei I am still a dog of the m*llitary! Why would the Fuhrer be here? That lizard bastard! Pardon me, but we have a slight interest in that boy, too Between Sensei the major not to mention these guys.


A four-way standoff, is it? No, it's a five-way standoff.

That man just now was he not of the people of Ishbal? Do not approach him.

Huh? Did you not notice the tattoo on his face? He is a transgressor.

He has disobeyed God's teachings, and has been eternally cast out of Ishbal.

A group of Ishbalan people, in the south, in Kishua? It is believed that Scar is mixed in with them.

You understand, don't you? Yes, sir! We're moving out! Scar is in hiding in the western slums of the city of Kishua.

If he surrenders quietly, that will be fine.

If he resists, we will take him down, along with the slum's inabitants.

Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 31: "Sin" Give them back.

Those belong to Brother.

Getting those back is the reason why we've been traveling!