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01x16 - That Which Is Lost

Posted: 07/23/22 16:07
by bunniefuu
Good luck with that, Soldier.

I can smell the Ishbalan stray dog. But...

...he's gone now.

Say, Brother, what's going to happen to Marcoh?

The Fuhrer said he was going to look after
him. What can we do about it?

Central Library?

Marcoh had to hide all of his materials
right under the m*llitary's nose.

And this...

What do you suppose that means?

I don't know.

In any case, let's keep this a secret
from the colonel and the others.


I'm not sure whether or not...
we can trust them anymore.

Man cannot obtain anything without
first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything,
something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's
Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that
to be the true way of the world.

You're leaving so suddenly?

Mm-hmm. Now that Scar is in East City, everyone seems to have become worried about Central all of a sudden.

Sorry to have inconvenienced
you, but we're going back.

Before you do, what is your punishment?


I knew where the Crystal Alchemist
was, and yet I left him alone.

You've done well.

I wanted to place him in protective custody. However, the
officer directly underneath me, Grand, was against it.

But he put the research to use on the b*ttlefield,
which must have tormented Marcoh.

At this late date, I would like
to make it up to him.

However, concerning his research...

That will be all.
I will continue to rely on you.

Have a safe journey.

The Philosopher's Stone...

...does not exist.

As you can see, I'm fine.

You'd probably shape up if you
did get punished once.

He never seems to let his guard down.

Creation follows destruction!

I shall fix you up nice and pretty!

T-that's all right...

The method of bonding a soul to armor... only known by one person - Fullmetal.

Yeah, and for that to happen, I first need
to do something about my arm.

You're right. After all, if Edward
is unable to use his alchemy...

He's just a sharp-tongued brat.

Anyhow, I'm going to my mechanic.
Colonel, you know who, right?

Yeah. I saw our good-for-nothing
alchemist there once, bawling in pain.

"It hurts! It hurts so bad!
I'm going to pee my pants!"


What are you going to do once you're fixed up?

I'm going to Central. There's something I
want to look up in the library there.

That's going to be a long trip.

Which means, since I'm part of the Fuhrer's
party, I won't be able to accompany you...

I can't very well leave here.

And I have to keep an eye on him.

I don't think I'd be able to protect those
two from such a dangerous guy.

That goes for me, too!

That settles it, then.

I shall escort these two during their journey!

We don't need that!

What are you going to do if Scar att*cks
you again in your condition?

You can't carry Al like that either, can you?

Children should listen to adults.

You're calling us children!?
Al, say something!

Brother! This is the first time anyone has ever
treated me like a child since I got this body!

Very well, Edward Elric...

Shall we begin packing?

This is the first time anyone has ever treated
me like luggage since I got this body...

For crying out loud...

Hey, newspaper? I've got tea, too!

Shoo, shoo!

Hey, I've got a message from Roy.

From the Colonel?

"Don't go dying under my command. It's a pain
having to deal with everything. That is all."

Tell him "Roger. There's no way I'm going to
die ahead of you, you grubby colonel."

And while you're at it, take this escort with you, too.

Hey, now...

I don't know what Marcoh told you,
but let me inform you of one thing...

Three years ago, we discovered the body of a young
girl who had been transmuted into a Chimera.


The way she was torn apart... turns out to be identical to Scar's method of alchemy.

Thanks, man.

Now I can take him on.

I'll see you in Central. I will apply for
permission to browse at the first branch.

Sorry for using my left hand.

Central... Central's first...
First something-or-other!

Central Library, First Branch.

That's enough, right?


Sorry about that.

What is the Fuhrer...
What is the Fuhrer's answer...?

You told that boy where your materials
are hidden, didn't you?

What are you talking about?

That's okay. The boy will come even
closer to the Philosopher's Stone.

However, I will be a little upset if you wrote
down anything extra in those materials.

The boy is smart. Once he reads it,
he won't do as you want him to-

Which is why, before he does, I thought
I'd look into it myself, you see?

That won't be possible.

You're going to die, right here!

That was cruel. I've already d*ed once, you know.

So that's it! Just like the stories say, you guys are...


Tell me...

...where did you tell the boy you hid your materials?

Whew, I've had it, Al.

That guy just keeps going on and on.
All he does is brag about his family background.

Let me take a break here-


Al? Al? Al? Al? Al?


Al got mistaken for someone else's luggage,
and was dropped off at the last station!

Hm? That won't do. We'll go back
for him at the next station.

I can't wait that long!

Now, now...

Stay out of my way!

Calm down, Edward Elric.

What else could I do?

If I, a suit of armor, said "not here",
they'd just be stunned by me.

I wonder if Brother has noticed...

I'm the one who wants to cry, here!

He wouldn't have gone off somewhere by himself!

You're sure... was this armor?

Mm-hmm. You're good at drawing, huh?

It's a technique for drawing likenesses that has been
passed down in my family for generations.

How can you be taking this so easily!?

Wait, it's too dangerous!
What's the hurry?

You guys just don't get it about us!


I heard from Doctor Marcoh about
what happened in Ishbal!

Say, do you know anything about some
armor that was at the train station?

Like who might have taken it?

It was large, and dark...

Just a second, please!


Hey! Hold it!

Hold on! Hold on, I tell you!

Damn! If I had my arm and leg,
this wouldn't be so hard...

This is trouble... We're getting further and
further away from the train station.


Am I hearing things?

I'm right here. This armor.

That didn't hurt at all! With this...


It's doing it again!

Please don't be startled! I-I'm...

Um, I'm...

...the latest model of armor.

We're popular now in Central. Talking armor.

Where's your switch!? Be quiet!

Um, you can't turn me off.

Just keep quiet, then.

Um, where are we going?

To a fight.

A fight?

Boss Poe said that if I wanted to be like him,
then I should go rub a guy or two out.

So I told him that I would go lay into the Damousha
family, who are always invading our territory.

If I bring back one of their heads like this, then
no one will treat me like a kid any more.

I'll be accepted as the boss's right-hand-man!

I'll do it! I'll get them!

By any chance, are you going to go k*ll someone?

You're some pretty good armor.

I won't even have to worry if they pull a g*n on me.

That's why you're wearing me?

So it won't hurt?

That's right. As long as I'm not hurt, I can go all-out.

Still, it's going to hurt.

What? Are you a defective product?

I'm sure it will hurt. In your heart.

Don't be silly.

Or would you rather you didn't
feel pain in your heart?

Relax your arm.

W-what is this!?

I am... Nyoroi no Noroi ("Curse of the Squirms")...
I mean... Noroi no Yoroi ("Cursed Armor").

Once you become one with me, your mind and body
will never feel pain again, forever and ever...

I'm sorry about this.

Having been made to live alone
together with an old man,

she was thinking of what was best
for the future, in her own way.

So she was just hoping to make things
easier for her grandpa, huh?

You did pretty well to have noticed this.

I can't give you this, but if you want, I could
introduce you to the engineer who made it.

She's got a sharp tongue, but decent skills.

I appreciate the offer, but I don't need an artificial leg.

Once you get used to it, it's pretty handy.

Perhaps so. However...

However, I'd like to leave my leg the way it is.

A sword wound I received on the
b*ttlefield became infected.

By the time they carried me to the rear,
all they could do was cut it off.

b*ttlefield... You were a soldier?

Which w*r? The one up north? Or...

You don't mean Ishbal...!?

On the b*ttlefield, everyone
becomes some other creature.

You can carry out even the most
cruel acts without any feeling.

In order to protect myself, my mind
must have shut out all emotions.

But once the w*r is over, you can't keep doing that.

I must not forget what I saw there... what I did there.

When I look at this injury, it allows me
to remember it all immediately.

And that's why... that's why you
don't want any automail!?

- That's not the only reason.

- That isn't very-

I lost my leg.

However, I have gained something
that is even more important.

Peace of mind, and a life with
my grandchildren. You see...

It's once a person loses something that
they first gain something, is it not?

You think so? There are those who have
gone to w*r that came back fine.

That's what soldiers do.

Those people have lost something.
Even if it isn't something visible to the eye...

If you have lost something yourself, then you,
too, should have gained something.

In alchemy, that's what's known as
equivalent exchange, right?

How can that be!?

I've lost my right arm and left leg... and
my brother lost his whole body.

We're living desperately just to get them back!

Taking everything back-

that is what our dream is!

There isn't a thing we've gained in return!

Everything has been taken from us!

A dream to take everything back...
But then, once that comes true, what will you do?

A dream that is granted can't be
called a real dream at all.

Even so...

Even so, we're going to take it back.

Thanks for the tea.


Grandpa, Brother is home!

Oh, that's right! Al!




Al, you reek of sheep.

Well excuse me! Fine, when we get to Old
Lady Pinako's house, I'll get washed up.

Say, Al...

Four years ago, when the colonel came to Resembool,

he said it was because he happened to
look at the letter we sent out, right?

That's what he said.

He was searching for Dad.

But, by any chance, do you think the reason that
the colonel went to Granny's house was...


I was worried about you.

Sorry about that.

What's wrong?


I'm sorry about earlier...

Oh, no! If we miss this one, we'll have
to wait until tomorrow at noon!

- We're going to run!

- H-hey! What are you doing!?

This is the method of short-distance sprinting that has been
passed down through my family for generations!

- I'm going to break!

- Put me down!!

Bokura wa itsudemo sakenderu

We always find ourselves crying out.

Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 17: "House of the Waiting Family"

On the day we left, we b*rned down our house.

We had nowhere to return home to.
Or that's what we thought...