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01x11 - The Other Brothers Elric: Part 1

Posted: 07/23/22 15:57
by bunniefuu
I wonder if the Philosopher's Stone
would be in a desolate town like this.

It almost seems like a lie that up until just recently,
this town was prosperous from gold.

Which is why they would be that much more
likely to research the Philosopher's Stone.

What do you mean?

Since they stopped being able
to get gold out of the mines,

they'd want to transmute it with the
Philosopher's Stone that much more.

This used to be a
gold producing area, and all,

so if they created just a little, no
one would find them out, right?

It's terrible the way grown-ups think.


Hey, everyone, give me a hand here!

It's no use! It won't budge!


It's all right.

We're going to help you out of there no matter what!

What's the matter?

My daughter is pinned!

Just be patient for a bit, okay?

Man cannot obtain anything without
first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything,
something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's
Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that
to be the true way of the world.

Wow, to think that an
alchemist would come along!

You really came through for us!

Thanks to his armored father, too!

No, no, we're brothers, actually.
This is my younger brother.

Younger brother? Even though he's
bigger than you, Big Brother?

Anyhow, we're glad that you weren't hurt, Elisa.


Is Elisa all right!?

Uncle Belsio!


Look, you...

How dare you come into my house!

After making Elisa help you out like that!

Listen to me, Elisa.
No matter what anyone tells you,

you can't help Belsio out in his work any more!


It wasn't Uncle Belsio's fault!
I asked him to let me help out!

I-I'm sorry, Elisa! Here, drink this.

I'm sorry.

Uncle Belsio told me...

...that your lemon pies were the best, Papa.

And that it was a shame that there
were so few farms left in town.

Hey now, once the Philosopher's Stone is
finished, the town will become prosperous!

Then, we'll be able to buy our fruit!

Philosopher's Stone!?

Right, right!

You two came to assist Mugwar in his research, right?

To create a Philosopher's Stone?

Alchemist, please create the Philosopher's
Stone as soon as you can!

We want to get back our town of gold,
Xenotime, no matter what!

We're depending on you,
Master Alchemist!

It looks like there's a lot to this.

B-but in any case, I guess we'll
go see this Mugwar person.

By the way, if you would please tell us your names...?

Our names?
I'm Edward. Edward Elric.

H-his brother, Alphonse.
Alphonse Elric.

The Elric Brothers?

The State Alchemist ones?


What did you do that for!?

You hush! The real Elric Brothers
are already up there!

Come back when you've decided to be
honest about your real names!

Who is it that's been using my name, here?

Brother, are you really planning to sneak in?

Course I am!

I'm going to catch that impostor, and have him tell
me about the Philosopher's Stone while I'm at it.

Brother? Was that...?

A transmutative reaction.

Look at this. This is all material
on the Philosopher's Stone.

So, this is where they're making the
Philosopher's Stone, all right.

No doubt about it.

This place is off limits to unauthorized persons.

By any chance, are you guys...?

There you are, you imposters!

Which would mean that you're
the real Edward, huh?

No! No! I'm Edward! Me!

You're the older brother?

Got any problem with that!?

Don't get so excited. The security
guys will realize you're here.

What do you know, the younger
brother wears armor, huh?

You sure don't look like you're fourteen.

You know about us?

What, you want to go at it?

If you guys will go home quietly,
I don't plan on fighting.

Just let us stay here for a little while longer.

Is that any attitude to be asking
somebody for something with?


Stop looking down on me!

That would bother you, huh?
Being only that tall, when you're fifteen?

Automail, huh? The real one has
his troubles too, it seems.

By saying that, you sound as if you haven't just been living in idleness yourself!

I'd like to have a look at the
skill of a State Alchemist.

You're gonna be sorry you did!

Not bad. No transmutation circle, huh?

Huh, the imposter doesn't use a
transmutation circle either!?

Why, you! Have you got a Philosopher's Stone!?

What was that noise just now!? This way!

Damn! I ache all over.

That imposter sure was strong, huh?

It was just the Stone's power, after all.

So, I wonder if they've completed
a Philosopher's Stone yet.

We're going to make sure we find out.

I wonder what those brothers' names are.
The two of them must have real names, after all.

I wonder if the older brother is older than you, Brother.

Don't go judging us just on our size!

Brother, let's give this up, already. If those two
tell what's really going on, what will we do?

Don't worry. Nobody is going
to believe what they say.

Let's hurry and complete the
Philosopher's Stone, and leave town.

I hope it goes that smoothly.

I won't let Mugwar get the credit for the
research that Dad spent his whole life on.


Don't worry.

If it comes to that, I'll make sure that no
matter what, at least you get away.

Brother, you don't understand.

That won't... make me happy...

Are you sure you should be just
standing there like that?

You're here, are you?

It seems some outsiders have appeared.

Y-yes, but not to worry.
The Elric Brothers have been chased away.

I'm not so sure.

Those boys could prove to be extraordinarily crafty.

But then, having come to this point...'s only a matter of time before the
military comes to learn of the research.

I think that maybe it's about
time you pulled out, Mugwar.

Please don't say that!

Give me just a little more time, please! I promise
you, I will complete the Philosopher's Stone!

Hurry. Use any means that you have to.

It's starting to swell up pretty good.

It feels so good that you're so cold.

I'm happy to be of use to you, Brother, even in this body.

You were at the store this evening.

If you have no place to stay,
then come to my place.

Thanks for helping us out.

I couldn't let you children sleep outside.

You're not going to ask us our names?

You're the Elric Brothers, right?

Then, you believe us?

No. I just think that everyone
has their own reasons.

And I'm not the one who bears the
responsibility for them. That's up to you.

You don't appear to have any interest
in the Philosopher's Stone, huh?

The folks in this town are still unable to forget
the wealth that gold has brought them.

And Mugwar has them
wrapped around his finger.

Good morning, Uncle Belsio!

If you keep coming to my place, you're going
to get yelled at again by your pop.

No problem, no problem! Papa is all wrapped up
in talk about the gold mine. He won't notice.

Good morning.

Big Brothers, you're here...!

Wow, that looks like it hurts!
That's what you get for telling lies, huh?

I'm telling you, we're not the ones who are lying.
And yet I'm the one who gets clocked!

You don't mean, you're the ones who snuck into Mugwar's mansion yesterday, Big Brothers?

Of course it was us! We can't let those
imposters get away with this, you know!

And besides, using a Philosopher's
Stone to make gold is no small matter.


I'm going to go see what's happening in town.


- Yes?

- Hey, big guy!

Would you go to the drugstore for me?

I'd like for you to get Elisa's medicine, and your
brother needs a compress too, right?

Say, it's that armor. He's that impostor!

Oh, dear! I wish he would hurry up and leave.

I'll bet it was those boys that broke in
to rob Mugwar's mansion last night.

Hey, you!
What have you come here for!?

I-I need to get some medicine...

We don't have any medicine that treats liars!

Go on! Go on!

I give up. I can't buy any medicine like this.



I'll go buy your medicine for you.

An equivalent exchange... to apologize for us lying.


Thank you very much.

Both of us have it hard when our
older brothers act rash, huh?

Aren't you angry?

You must have your reasons, right?

I'm sorry.

For us to participate in Mugwar's research,

we needed to use names such as yours.

To be a child, and still be a State Alchemist - the Elric Brothers are the only ones around.

You need the Philosopher's Stone that badly?

It's something that my dad spent
his whole life researching.

Then, your father was an alchemist, too?


But then, one day, he was suddenly gone. That's why my
brother is forcing himself to carry on after my dad.

That's the complete opposite of our family.

My brother hates our dad, who was also an alchemist.

Our dad was completely absorbed in alchemy,
and so our mom suffered because of it.

We've also seen a bunch of other people who
have met with sadness because of alchemy.

Listen, if your brother is doing something wrong,
then you're the only one who can stop him.

You can't make others do it. If you do, I
think your brother will be deeply hurt.

I've been a little concerned about this, but aren't
there a lot of people coughing around town?


Is this cough medicine, then?



Sorry, I have to go now.

Hey, what's your name?



What's the matter?

The impostor is here! The older one!

Have you seen him?


That bastard! What a hypocrite!

He's been fixing the townspeople's hoes,
and transmuting wheels for them!

That's better than having him
do bad things, though.

I don't like the way he operates!
He's ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange!

Al, we're going to sneak in there again tonight!

Even though it's the very next day!?

Because it's the very next day!


There's something I want to talk about.

Today, we're going with the
mole-man campaign!


All right, we should just about
be under the building now.

Are you sure?

Well, we're going to come out somewhere.

We're there!

What is this?

Could it be... that this is the water that
forms the base of the red stone.

Red stone?

I read some documents about
it at the library in Central.

It's a stone, made of a compound of roughly the same material as the Philosopher's Stone,

which you get by refining red water.

Then, you can make a Philosopher's
Stone from this water?

Apparently, it won't be the exact same thing, but yeah.

As I remember, some alchemist named
Nash-or-similar was researching it.

But in the end, it didn't work out.


For some reason, I suddenly feel...

Brother! Brother!

Over here!

Who's there!?

It's me! Quickly!

Hurry up!


Brother, are you all right?

Huh? What is this place?

What are you doing here!?

I-I'm sorry...

W-what? What are you crying about?


If you know something, tell us.

You really don't like what's
going on here, do you?

That red water...

It's water that's very dangerous to humans.

But it's vital for creating a red stone.

You mean, the people in town are
also coughing because of that?

I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Geez, this is ridiculous.

I'll just smash all of this up.

I can't let you do that.

We've finally raised up a red stone this far.

My dad sacrificed himself for this.

If his experiments go unfulfilled,
he'll never be redeemed, right?

What's so great about that half-baked rock?

That sword is just a fake too, right?

I'm going to mess you up, together with your rock!

Mine is the genuine article!


It's the red water.

If you're showered with it, you're done for.
You won't just lose consciousness!


Brother! This is crazy!

You're brother is right! Get out of here!

No way!

I'm not going to lose to someone who's
chasing after his own pop!


Fletcher, hang in there!

Brother, Dad was researching the red water
to bring happiness to people, right?

And yet, what we're doing is making the
people in town suffer, aren't we?

Brother, you should have known this!

It doesn't matter who gets credit, does it?


Dad would not be happy about this!

Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 12: "Earth of Gravel, Part 2"

Now that you've taken on the name of Edward Elric,
are you prepared for the consequences!?