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01x19 - A Man's Battle

Posted: 07/23/22 15:16
by bunniefuu
Like a cruel angel

Become a legend, young boy

When a blue wind
Knocks on the door to your heart

You just gaze back at me
And smile oh so gently

So eager for something
You touch so softly

Those innocent eyes
Know nothing of the fate that awaits

But one day, you will realize
That upon your back

You have wings
You can fly to the faraway future

The cruel angel's thesis

One day, you'll take off through a window

If your overflowing pathos

Leads you to betray your memories

Then embrace the heavens and shine bright

Become legend, young boy

Linkage circuits with Unit 01
have been severed.

Plug eject signal?

It's been locked out by the pilot.
It's not being received.

Look, Shinji, if we hadn't done
what we did, you'd have been k*lled!

That doesn't make it okay.

That's the cold, hard truth.

Don't say things like that,
you'll only make me angrier.

Unit 01 has 185 seconds left.

That's more than enough
to demolish half of HQ.

Given his state of mind right now,
he might do it.

Shinji, listen to us!

If the Commander didn't make that call,
we all might have been k*lled!

I said, that doesn't make it okay!

Father... That monster
tried to k*ll Tohji!

Using me to do it!

Father! You're there, aren't you?

Say something! Answer me!

Raise the LCL pressure density
to maximum levels.

I don't have time to deal
with childish tantrums.

I still have the direct control circuits--

D*** it...

The right breast has been dissolved.

Bodily fluid cleanup
will begin as planned in 30.

Part no. 6 will be incinerated.

-Shouldn't you be resting?
-I can still do my job.

I can't stay in bed,
not during a full-blown crisis.

What happened with Shinji?

They used a laser torch
to cut through the emergency hatch.

They dragged him out.

What a mess. This might be...

...the end of the line for him.

He's not going to bounce back,
not from this. Not a chance.

How is Shinji?

He's not physically hurt.
He'll wake up soon enough.

I bet he's dreaming right now.


What, you've never dreamed before?


How come Shinji's lying
in the bed next to mine?

Where am I? My sister's hospital?

Huh? That's Shinji and Ayanami.

Shinji, why would you do such a thing?

I couldn't forgive him. He betrayed me.

My own father betrayed me.

I was finally starting to enjoy
talking to him, and he does this!

He doesn't give a d*** about how I feel!

Did you try to understand him?
What he might be feeling?

I did try.

-Why don't you try?
-I tried, I really did!

There you go again,
running away from things that hurt.

What's wrong with that?

What's wrong with running away
from hurt and pain?!

Geez, what are those two fighting about?

We're making a special exception.
Just five minutes.

I understand. Thank you, ma'am.

Oh, hey, Class Rep.

Are you okay, Suzuhara?

Yeah. I'm alive, I guess.

Huh? I thought Shinji was over there.
Did I dream that?

They said he was discharged yesterday.

You've been asleep for three days.

Oh, wow... Three whole days?

What brings you here?

Uh, I'm here on official business
as the elected class representative!

It's part of my duties, that's all!

Sure. I understand.

No, you don't.

I'm sorry.

I never ate any of your lunches.

That's okay, don't worry about it.

I'm sorry. They said I couldn't
bring in a lunch for you.

Class Rep?


Could you do me a favor?


Could you tell my sister
that I wasn't hurt?


Come out, Shinji Ikari.

The Supreme Commander will see you now.

Disobeying orders. Misappropriation
of an Eva. Childish threats.

These are all criminal acts.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Yes. I never want to pilot an Eva again.

-I don't want to be here anymore, either.
-Then get out.

Yes, sir. I'll go back
to my teacher's place.

You're running away again?

I'm disappointed in you.
We probably won't see each other again.

Yes, sir. That’s my intention as well.

It's me. Delete the entry
for the Third Children.

Set Rei as Unit 01's
default designated pilot.

Set the Dummy Plug as the backup.


Is it true that you're leaving town?

It's true, isn't it?

But why? Why are you running away now?

I looked up to you.

I was so jealous of you.
Because you're not like the rest of us.

D*** it, even Tohji
got to be an Eva pilot, but I--

This call is monitored.

For security reasons,
this call has been terminated.

Thank you for your understanding.

Asuka is too disgusted to see me off, huh?

Yeah. She didn't even ask me
to give you her regards.

That's just Asuka being Asuka.
I'm relieved to hear that.

You're going to have a tough time in life
if you keep on trying to please everyone.

That's how you live your life.
I can't live that way.

I think you realize this,

but there will be a lot of restrictions
on your actions from now on.

Yes, ma'am.


Just tell me one thing.

Why Tohji? Why was he the Fourth Children?

Your classmates are all
fourth-round selection candidates.

I just found out, myself.
It was all arranged. Everything.

Everyone is... Everyone in my class?

As for what happened to Suzuhara,
no apology can ever undo that.

But to be honest, Shinji,

I had placed all my dreams,
hopes, and goals on you.

I know how heavy a burden that is for you.

But all of us at Nerv had no choice
but to entrust our future to you.

Just remember that, okay?

-That's a self-serving excuse.
-I know, it is.

I won't change your HQ access passcode,
and I'll leave your room as-is.

Don't bother.
Please get rid of everything.

I'll never pilot an Eva again.

He was speaking assertively this time.
He's never done that before.

A special state of emergency has been
declared in and around the Toukai region.

All residents, please proceed to your
designated shelter immediately.

-I repeat...
-It's an Angel...

All personnel,
condition one battle stations!

Surface-to-air battle, stand by!

-Target status?
-Currently advancing.

Komagatake defense line has been breached.

Armor belts 1-18 destroyed!

Eighteen layers of special armor,
gone in an instant!

It's too late for an Eva intercept
on the surface!

Station Unit 02 inside the Geo-front!
Task it to HQ facility point defense!

Have Asuka open fire
the instant it makes it inside!

Unit 00's status?

Stationed at the A.T. Field
neutralization point!

Its left arm hasn't regenerated yet.
So it can't fight...

Send Rei out in Unit 01.

-Prepare a Dummy Plug as a backup.
-Yes, sir.

Start entry sequence.

Ionizing LCL.

Initiate A10 nerve connection.

This won't work... Not anymore.

Pulse flow reversing!

Unit 01 is rejecting neural connection!

What? That's not possible!


Yes. This is a rejection of me.

Abort activation.
Have Rei launch in Unit 00.

Reactivate Unit 01 using the Dummy Plug.

But Unit 00 is still--

-It's fine. I'll go.

Even if I die, there are replacements.

I promised myself
I would never pilot it again.

You there! What are you doing?!
Get to a shelter!

Situation critical!

One more blast, and all
armor layers will be breached!

We're counting on you, Asuka.

Okay, here it comes...

Who cares if Shinji isn't here!
I can handle it myself, no problem!

Come on!

D***! What's next?

Its A.T. Field is supposed
to be neutralized!

Why won't you die, d*** it?!

I'm not gonna get beaten! Not again!

No way!

You *** d*** swine!


Cut all neural connections! Now!

An evacuation drill? Are you stupid?

We're pilots! We don't evacuate!

Direct hit to ward no. 8!

Abandon shelter no. 6!
All survivors, proceed to shelter no.3!

Unit 02 severely damaged!
It's out of action!

-How's Asuka?
-Unharmed! She's alive!

D*** it...

Angel has resumed advance!

Unit 01's status?

-Dummy Plug has been installed.
-Probe insertion complete.

-Initiate contact.

-What's wrong?
-Pulses lost! It's refusing the dummy!

It's not working!
Eva-01 will not activate!

First Rei... Now the Dummy System...

It's not accepting them?

Fuyutsuki. Take care of things
here for a minute.

Get the injured to block no. 6!

Get all the uninjured
to shelter no. 3 right now!

-This way!

-Move it!

Hey, kid! What are you doing?!
Do you want to get k*lled?!


Is that you, Shinji?

Mr. Kaji?

What are you doing out here?

That's my line.
What are you doing, Shinji?

I... I'm not going to pilot
my Eva anymore.

I made up my mind.

I see.

They found out about my side job.

Now I don't have a station
to man during combat.

I've been stuck watering
my plants ever since.

At a time like this?

Because it's a time like this.

Between Katsuragi's breasts would be nice,

but when I die,
this is where I really want to be.


That's right.

If an Angel comes into contact with Adam,
who's sleeping under us,

it's said that all humanity
will be destroyed.

It will be the Third Impact.

Only something with the power
of an Angel can prevent that.

Only an Evangelion.

Ayanami? She doesn't even have a r*fle!

-She's going to blow herself up?!

A.T. Field to maximum.

Is Unit 00...


What has she done?

Shinji? All I can do
is water my plants here.

But you... There's something
that only you can do.

Something that only you
are capable of doing.

Nobody will force you.

Think it over and decide for yourself.

Figure out what you need to do right now.

So you don't have any regrets later,
you know?

Direct hit to foundation section no.3!

The final armor bulkhead has melted away!

D*** it! The main shaft
is completely exposed!

Any luck with Unit 01?

Dummy Plug rejected!

Negative! No response!

Keep going. Start again from 108.

Let me pilot it!

Let me... Let me pilot...
Let me pilot Unit 01!


Why are you here?

I... I'm the pilot of Evangelion Unit 01!

I'm Shinji Ikari!

Target has entered main shaft!

Now descending!

Where's it headed?!

It's heading straight for
the Central Dogma!

It's headed this way!
All personnel, evacuate! Hurry!

All personnel, evacuate!
I repeat, all personnel, evacuate!



-Ms. Misato!
-Launch platform no. 5! Hurry!

I'm out of power!

Unit 01 has reached active time limit!
Backups are also down!




Come on, move! If you don't move,
this will all be for nothing!

Is that the...


Come on, move!

If you don't move now... If I can't
do this now, everybody's gonna die!

I don't want that, not anymore!

So I'm begging you! Move!

Th-The Eva has reactivated.


Impossible! I don't believe it!

Unit 01's synch rate is over 400%!

Does this mean... she's awake?

It's eating the Angel...

Is it trying to incorporate
its S2 Drive into itself?

Is that what Eva-01 is doing?

The restraints!


Yes. Those aren't armor plating.

They're restraints we put on the Evas
to contain their intrinsic power.

It's using brute force
to break free of our control.

We humans can no longer keep
that Eva under our control.

The awakening and liberation of Unit 01...

Seele won't take this lying down.

Is this also part of your scenario,
Commander Ikari?

It's begun, hasn't it?

Yes. It all starts now.