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01x15 - Envoy from the East

Posted: 07/22/22 17:36
by bunniefuu
You've got quite the nerve to pick a quarrel with me, Giolio Comanche, the Silver Alchemist.

However You're pretty good to get out of that with only a scratch.

Only a scratch? Who the hell is that? Master, you're back! I'm asking who the hell is that?! Nice to meet you! I'm May Chang! When I was unconscious on the roadside, I was saved by Sir Yoki, your master.

My master? You're feeling better now, right? Then get out of here.

What do you want? Allow me to seal your wound.

What?! It healed?! It's called Eastern Alchemy, from the nation of Xing.

Xing? Yeah! According to her, she crossed the great desert of the east all by herself.

How stupid can you get? I didn't cross it by myself! I had a companion with me! Companion? Oh, you mean that little thing? Yes! Her name is Shao May! This is Eastern Alchemy, is it not? A technique comprised of understanding and utilizing the veins of the dragon, power that runs through the earth This tattoo is used to draw power from our Eastern Alchemy.

My older brother studied both Eastern Alchemy and Western Alchemy.

This tattoo is the outcome of his research.

Oh my! Your brother must be a really talented individual! I have no idea what you two are talking about, but since your wounds are all healed up, we can go back to Central now, right? If that's the case, I'll get ready right away! Hey! We told you to get out of here! We're not going on a trip, you know! I'm serious, too! That immortal crap you were talking about earlier? There's no way something like that could exist.

But it does! That's the reason why I- Shut up! Brats like you should be on the playgr- Immortality couldn't be achieved through Eastern Alchemy.

But maybe with its Western counterpart That's why I must meet that man I keep hearing stories about! Blonde hair, golden eyes, wearing a red coat so elegantly A genius alchemist that saves people in a splendid manner Sir Edward Elric! What should we do, Master? I couldn't care less.

What's wrong, Black Hayate? You don't want to be walking alone at this hour It's quite dangerous because you could be att*cked by me, Barry the Chopper! What the hell was that for?! Dammit! In that case what do you think of this?! W-Why aren't you shocked at all? I know someone who's sort of like you.

Like me? Alphonse what's-his-name? You know Alphonse? So you're a friend of his, eh? But I must say, lady you're really strong! The Philosopher's Stone.

I wouldn't have guessed Research Laboratory 5 was involved in its refining.

There's a possibility the upper echelon of the m*llitary also has something to do with it.

And ones by the name of Lust and Envy Are they the ones who turned you into that? No, this was done by the scientists.

They pulled my soul out of my body.

We might be able to find out who instructed the experiments if we interrogate the scientists That can't be done.

None of them are left.

They were also used as ingredients for the stone.

That way none of the information gets leaked.

Two birds with one stone.

I wonder if this means they don't need to create any more stones? Last question for you.

Are you the one who m*rder*d the m*llitary officer about a month ago in a phone booth at Central? I don't even know what you're talking about! Was he cut up? No I'll take your word for it.

Yo, Miss Winry! How are you doing on this fine day? Ed! Al! What brings you here all of a sudden? Geez Even Paninya has picked up a job and is working seriously Paninya? Yup.

She stopped pickpocketing, and now she fixes roofs and does all sorts of high-altitude constructions.

Wow And what about you two? Any progress at all? Well, we're taking the long way, but We're slowly making our way I guess.

Well, that's good to hear.

There! Temporary repairs complete.

Thanks, Winry! I don't have enough parts right now to fix it up completely, so bear with that for now.

All right I'll go buy them right away, so could you go k*ll some time? But what's there to do? There are only automail shops here Al.

Brother What, did you find a cat or something? Yeah.

I'm alive! You guys saved my life! Thanks! Oh, and thanks for the food! Never said I'd pay for it.

Don't mind such a small thing! Don't say small! To be cared for in a foreign land I'm so thankful.

"Foreign land"? Are you not from this country? Yep! I came from Xing! Xing That great nation to the east? That's right! Crossing that desert felt like walking through hell But why did you take that route? I wanted to see the Xerxes ruins.

Xerxes? I heard there's nothing there.

Just a bit of research.

I came to this country for Eastern Alchemy-related research, too.

Eastern Alchemy? Oh right, you just call it alchemy in this country, don't you? The alchemy in our country is a skill that is used predominantly for medical purposes.

Different customs, I guess.

It's mostly used for w*r in our country.

Skirmishes are still ongoing on the border with Aerugo to the south and Creta to the west.

And there's still the great nation of Drachma up north, too.

There is a non-aggression pact, but the only reason they don't bother to att*ck us is because Mt.

Briggs is in the way.

Our relations aren't looking too good.

Such a scary country to be in This country's been so m*llitary-focused ever since King Bradley became the Führer President.

But I'm really curious.

About this Eastern Alchemy that's used for healing.

Me, too.

Oh, could you guys be alchemists? Yeah.

I'm Edward Elric, a State Alchemist.

I'm his younger brother, Alphonse Elric.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Ling Yao! The pleasure is mine.

Hey Ling, could you explain your Eastern Alchemy to us in detail? Can't! I'm not an alchemist.

What the hell did you come to research if you're not an alchemist?! Just a little something.

You guys might know something about it The Philosopher's Stone.

I really want it Do you know anything about it? Nope.

Can't say I do.

Seems like you do.

Care to tell me? What do you plan to use it for? To find the way to gain immortality.

Care to tell me? Immortality? How stupid.

I'm totally serious.

Besides This doesn't seem like the right attitude to have when asking for a favor! Brother! You're going to retaliate, too?! H-Hey! What are they, acrobats? Martial arts from Xing, maybe? This might be tough But still Yeah They're nothing when compared to our Master! What's that? And there they go.

Old man, can I get some dessert? Sure! sh*t! Dammit All of a sudden demanding information on philosopher's stones and immortality and then picking a fight with us What the hell are you guys up to?! You, and that thin-eyed bastard! I hit him? Oww This guy went nuts right after I called Ling a thin-eyed bastard I get it Oh! Long time no see, Paninya! What the heck are you doing? Well, I guess I can kind of see the situation Oh, Paninya, can I ask you for a favor? How strange I can't seem to sense a flow of energy from that armored man What's going on You thought you'd stand a chance if you added allies?! You fool! What's wrong? What's wrong? I can read your moves now! If his subordinate is like this, then I guess that thin-eyed bastard isn't that big of a deal himself! Just as I thought This guy gets all worked up when his master is insulted.

And when that happens Your att*cks become simple and easy to read! Well then, I guess it's about time you revealed your face! A woman?! To have an internally mounted cannon I can't take this country lightly.

Well, I guess that wasn't bad for my first try.

Alchemy You did this without a transmutation circle?! Well, then I wonder if Brother is doing okay? I went a little overboard What should I do Master Ling is going to scold me Come on, missy.

What the hell are you using in a town? If it hadn't been me, you would have k*lled someone! Bastard You broke your arm?! I chased rabbits all the time when I was a kid.

Traps are my specialty.

Brother! Yo, Al.

Good work, everyone! You coming out like that! Man, you guys are really strong.

How about it? Become my underlings and let's rule a country? Quit daydreaming! How about you go back- There they are! You guys sure destroyed a lot of our city.

I hope you plan to pay for it.

Don't forget to pay for all that food, too.

H-Hang on a sec! All the repair and the meal costs should be for these guys I no really understand this country language! Bye-bye! Get back here!!! Huh? They got away! That one, too?! What should we do I'd like to fix it all, but I'm kind of It's all right, Brother I'll do it.

Huh? You can do it without a transmutation circle now? Yeah.

I think it's because my memories of the truth returned to me.

Which means Just leave the rest to me.

What's wrong, Brother? We're back! Hey, we meet again! What are you sitting there drinking tea for?! That's horrible! I thought we were friends Who are you calling a friend? Do you know what we went through because of your two subordinates?! I'll scold them later, so forgive us, yeah? The girl is Ran Fan, and the old man is Fu.

They're from a clan that's served my family for generations.

Don't be too angry at them.

You leech off of me for food and you have two companions with you? You seem like a rich guy.

Well, I'm a prince, after all.

Huh? Prince? You? A prince?! Isn't this the part where you're supposed to be astonished? Sorry, it was just too unexpected A guy who passes out from hunger and then leeches off of people for food a prince?! I won't allow you to speak ill of Master Ling You were here all along? Well, I guess "prince" doesn't really mean much.

Since there are so many of us princes.

Xing is a nation made up of more than fifty different clans, and the emperor reigns at the top of that.

And a daughter of the chief of each clan marries the emperor and bears a child.

The current emperor has twenty-four sons and nineteen daughters.

And I'm twelfth in line for succession.

Forty-three kids? Aren't there ever disputes over who becomes heir? We're right in the middle of that.

The Emperor is in very poor health right now Each clan is getting worked up to curry favor with him, since this is the best time to do so Which is why I'm also Going to offer up immortality to gain his favor Correct! So please, won't you tell me? Information about the Philosopher's Stone.

Nope! Philosopher's stones aren't tools to be used for promotion! If you won't tell me, I'll follow you forever! Don't!!! I'm back! There seemed to be a huge commotion on the main street, so I got kinda held up- Why is it torn off?! Seriously! Every! Single! Time!!! Young master! You don't need to bow down to those lowlifes If one bow from me would do the job, that'd be really cheap.

The fate of 500,000 people in the Yao clan is in my hands.

My image is the least of my concerns.

So, where are you planning on going next to break your automail? Why do you assume I'm going to break it? We're thinking of going to Central to look something up.

Huh? You're going to Central?! I want to go, too! What for? To give my regards to Mr.

Hughes! But don't you have work to do, Winry? Not a problem at all, Winry.

You need to take a breather every now and then.

Really?! Thank you so much, Mr.

Garfield! Well then, I guess We're all headed for Central! Yep! It'll be quite a trip! I'm so excited! You're not coming!!! She came along anyway, didn't she? Oh yeah, I still don't know your name, Master.

Won't you tell me already? Ishbalans consider their names gifts from God and speak of them with honor.

My my You must have a grand name Therefore, I got rid of my name.

Go! Keep moving! Y-Yes sir! If I'm on a path of no return I'll get rid of everything I've ever received from God.

A sad truth greets Ed, Al, and Winry, who returned to Central with the hopes of a warm reunion.

And the darkness chooses another, new sacrifice.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 16, A Comrade in Arms' Footsteps.

Is it light or darkness within the heart of the man who began to move forward?