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02x39 - Smurf Me No Flowers

Posted: 07/22/22 16:00
by bunniefuu
long long ago deep in the forest there

was a hidden village where tiny

creatures lived they call themselves

smurfs they were good

then there was gargamel the evil wizard

he was bad oh i hate smurfs

i'll get you i'll get all of you if it's

the last thing i ever do


oh i'll get you i'll find your village

someday you will be so well the forest

is still there and if you listen you may

hear gargamel's rage

and if you are good you may just catch a


of the smurfs






a creature in your garden all right come

on up with your smurfs up

what are you doing in there lately i

can't sleep a wink and not look like a

peaceful spot to try

you can't sleep a wink you have all


it's a fake worse than smurf


needs a pinch more sweet fryer


and i don't care if you never sleep

again out out

oh gosh all this hard work's making me

thirsty i'll just smurf myself k*ll



nerfs but no matter where i go i just

can't seem to doze off

lazy smirk you really should see papa

smurf about this you're right brainy i'm

sure not getting any sleep this way

it's terrible papa smurf i don't know

what to do all night tossing and turning

isn't there some potion you can give me

sorry lazy but there's nothing i can do

the best medicine for a good night's

sleep is plenty of plain old exercise

exercise yes sit-ups push-ups jogging

toe touches jump rope knee bends chin

ups swimming hiking oh no

not exercise

oh papa smurf papa smurf look at my poor

sick plant it's so so wrinkled

it's not catching is it no vanity just

go home and relax i'll see what i can do

for it

so what did papa smurf give you he

potioned a powder up he said there was

nothing he could do nothing oh there has

to be a mistake now you wait right here

i am a personal friend of papa smurfs

you know i'll see what i can do what a

pity if only he had come to me sooner

perhaps i could have helped but now

i'm afraid it's too late

looks like this is the end

i'd say two more days at the most ah

or lazy only two more days before he

before he

i better go tell the others

smurfs oh smurfs i have tragic news

papa's burst is lazy has only two more

days left before what

before he smurfs i can't believe it

neither can i or lazy and papa smurf

says there's nothing he can do to help

then we have to make lazy's last two

days a happy today

i know we'll give him a

going away party

yeah i'll take a big cake and i'll pick

some pretty flowers

little plant i'm going to make you well

if it takes every trick i know oops too



papa smurf we want to invite you to

please brady

i'm very busy right now

um yes papa smurf oh dear papa smurf's

really taking it hard i i guess we'll

just have the party without me


oh great party oh lazy yeah it's murphy

so why

i mean you don't know why you

it's because we all like you so much oh


gosh a portrait thanks painter you

always wear on my favorite subject



and now an old to lazy smirk

he may have his faults you know like



but he's leaving now as we all know has

the whole village weeping

but i'm not going anywhere especially

with such good friends around




sounds like my smurfs are having a party

wish i could join them but first things


too bad this is lazy's last party what i

said too bad this is lazy's last party

last party what does he mean last party

well he means that clumsy you talk too

much and too loud just because papa

smurf said there was no cure for lazy

and he was going to smurf off in a few

days is no reason to blab and



leave it to clumsy to spill the beans

so that's it

i'm not long for this smurf

i should have known something was wrong

being able to sleep

or lazy

but i'm not gonna take this lying down

am i a smurf or a mouse lazy where are

you going to make the most of my final

hours to do all the things i was always

too tired to do oh like what lazy i'm

gonna climb the highest mountain ride

the wildest rapids came the fiercest

beast that sounds dangerous it is lazy


don't do it relax

what if i got blues




what a smirking ride that was and what

smurfy friends you are to keep me

company in these final moments

why don't we keep you company back at

the village lazy oh not yet there's so

much more to do



i'm gonna climb to the top of the

highest mountain

slow down lazy

this could be dangerous


i appreciate your concern my friend but

danger has no meaning to me anymore last

one down's a rotten bird



i do appreciate you trying to cheer me

up because of you smurfs i'll never

forget this day lazy can't we go back to

the village now

not yet i have to find one last great

challenge something that no one

has ever done


that's it smurfs

i'm gonna tame that mighty beast


but it looks so big in me

the greater the challenge lazy stop

please you can't do this to us you mean

you deny a doomed smurf his final wish

well uh

we uh

it's just that uh

you need a cape to do this right yeah

okay right okay oh yeah you're right

smurfette i'll be right back with a cake

now what do we do oh if only lazy had

challenged that beast instead that's it

while lazy's gone we'll switch animals i

was just going to suggest that very

thing myself but first i had to weigh

the various aspects of the problem you

see every problem

hey wait for me

everybody outside





well well little plant you've made an

amazing recovery wait until vanity sees

you all vanity


here's your plan it's all

hey where is every smurf

that could only be hard

i'd better see what they're up to



what's going on here

oh papa smurf we're so glad you could

join our farewell

lady farewell

he's not long for the smurf remember no

i don't remember but but i specifically

heard you say he only had two days left

and so that's it

i was talking about vanity's plant here

not lazy oh you're all well again happy

happy day there's nothing wrong with

lazy that a little exercise won't cure

did you hear that lazy you're gonna be

fine papa smurf says so then what am i

battling this fierce beast for


it's no



next time my little smurfs

before you go off half smurf remember

there's a lot of life to live every day

right lazy


i told him all he needed was a little



well little friend it looks like you and

i eat alone tonight
