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02x35 - The Prince and the Peewit

Posted: 07/22/22 11:33
by bunniefuu
wanna be with no one defeats tonight and


don't wanna be with they're on their way

which seems to be in a hurry I'll say oh

he superb beautiful wonderful Perry he

will need a new hood some bells man

ropes purchase I'll need some clogs a

sleigh a satchel a whistle

a basket a cage and I'll need more money

sire for a gold crown

I'll show you a fantastic trick well

very good

now think of a number between one and

ten eight wrong loose Johan that has he

been good peewee rascal I demand my gold

back isn't the handsome sire I'm going

to name him Romulus Johan

where did peewee get a falcon a merchant

soda to him for a penny

the bird is weak feeble and listless but

don't tell peewee

he's so excited come on yo lon you can

watch me give Romulus his first lesson

but peewee you know nothing about

falconry that's what you think

more crops for that evil quarter corn

what can we do as long as he holds a

prince of Pontus ours a hostage

we must obey out of my way sir

you spot the corn doing him scepter

hurry the prince has escaped from the

castle he's free quickly we must find

our young prince before quarter corn -

long live our prince high I must

recapture the prince with his leadership

the peasants will overthrow me we better

split up sire I'll search the wheat


there he goes

lesson one get the Falcon to eat out of

your hand

watch Romulus you're the one

come get some nice fresh meat look at

the good yum-yum Romulus come here

immediately you rotten Beast patience

peewee patience make a move come a knee

right on the wrist look he'll hunt

hang on peewee

well I know Romulus is a vegetarian his

father must have been part rabbits ha ha

very funny

you'll see come on Romulus chase that

rabbit he's disappeared as a brush he's

coming back and he's caught a basket of

Smurf berries and greedy Smurf Johan

anyway this bird stole all our Smurf


oh great even if somebody greedier than

he Johan Papa Smurf we thought really

was gone for good

I think smurfness the Falcon belongs to

you Romulus isn't yo.hannes he's mine

Papa Smurf berries really teen I'm sorry

the fault can disturb your Smurf berry


oh don't smear for a second thought

Johan we're happy to see you and peewee

because you're our friends and one

greedy Hey we are glad to see you let me

show you Smurfs what I've taught this

marvelous bird Romulus keep in time play


well impressed

that's very good people but it's time to

return to the castle and I'm sure the

Smurfs must be off to wait first you

must see what a great sense of smell

Romulus has here we come back I'll hide

in the woods and when i whistle

Romulus will find me and nothing flat

I'm sorry Smurfs you can leave if you

want to Oh No we love playing


I'm far enough away now to whistle for


caught you at last corticon will be


get me a burlap sack what's taking

peewee so low

well I suppose we should be getting back

and the darker Smurfs the harder it

spurs to find anybody because at night

all cats are gray and uh maybe we should

start looking for him wait berries

peewee oh dear

Johann why is pay me running away I

don't know greedy be me come back that's

peewee no no time to find out pee-wee's

in trouble why if you give me another

sack and one without a hole in it this

time be we where are you

here is tap footprints the villains

can't be far

we'll follow their yard

maybe someone at this College knows of

peewee and his abductors better stay

here Smurfs hello hello hello anybody


good grief what happened here burned it

haven't you done enough food sir

I know Pandit I'm looking for my friend

a little strange-looking blonde fellow

yes that's peewee some soldiers have him

prisoner they came here with your friend

demanding food suddenly angry peasants

arrived and att*cked the soldiers the

peasants crabs were friend and escaped

with the soldiers hot on their heels his

sword handle has the Montresor seal on

it the soldiers spoke of Montresor and a

certain lord cotta corn then he is the

one to talk to

castle mantra saw it could be dangerous

my friends no Johan we're coming along

he is our friend

poo yes and Papa Smurf always says a

friend in need is a friend indeed

because a good friend of the Friends of


what you like him escape you let the

Prince of Montresor escape now the

peasants will report and we be in the

dungeon and so will we

I say let's join up with the peasants

and help them take the castle right that

way we'll remain Lords and become

advisors to young Prince Montresor

how would I be let's find the villagers

and quickly I don't care how you do it

but the prince must be in our hands


beside a young squire maybe Johan wants

to speak with you tell him to be gone

I'll be gone when my friend peewee is

found I know nothing of a peewee now

your men kidnapped peewee last night's

impossible my men were chasing the Bell

hmm a minor offender I saw the one you

speak up he and my friend peewee could

pass for twins

your men have tired or peewee by mistake

oh this changes everything

wait here so those stupid peasants think

is peewee is the prince

sire treason sire the lords have joined

the peasants but castle has fallen but

but they don't have the real pig or to

go get the traitor too late sire I don't

trust this quarter corn quick Boris we

still have a chance trying to hold

that's all while quarter corn escaped no

I listen I'm just throw him in the

dagger leave me be

I know friend of quarter cones Oh Rhys

Jonah was right Papa Smurf it is

dangerous here I'm just here to find my

companion let me go

oh what a mess I'm sorry I got you

Smurfs into this but you're the only

ones who might be able to get me out

smooth oh now I really am minimus

Rick's mantra Saul wants to see you who

is this Prince Montresor a ruler of this

castle and he'll probably throw you back

in the dungeon for life take him away

we must also try and see Prince

Montresor come Mike there's greedy we

better find him first I bet my Smurfs if

you find the kitchen you'll find greedy

because he's Smurfs food and aah

come closer scoundrel good Cree now now

don't be afraid I'm really not as

grateful as I look peewee what does this


on your knees peasant on my knees you

are going to release me aren't you

Prince on your knees and hurry much

better yeah you pay for this enough

leave me wrong with this

good-for-nothing go no it's old friend

eh how is it you're here I'll tell you

later later always later

I command you to tell me now not until

you explain why they're calling you

Prince of Montresor

well you see Johann excuse me

my people are calling for me it's been

going on like this has gone

brave people they're so happy to see me

that should hold them now where was I oh

yes let me tell you about you make it

impossible to get a word in edgewise now

as I was saying Yohan Sylar your advices

await you in the meeting room

oh it's not easy being a prince wait

here Yohan I'll be right back

I told you we'd find him in here Papa

Smurf because it's no wonder the poor

little prince is hungry yes imagine

being locked in the dungeon by his tutor

for five long years

Lord quarter corn thank goodness that

tyrant has fled I and it's lucky the

Prince fell into the hands of the

peasants and that course thorns henchmen

so that's what's been smurfing on around

here we must find Johann the fire we

have an enormous problem would you like

a pillow there no who now what is the

problem is the castle Treasury sighs

it's empty

but you'll soon be the richest man in

the kingdom just sign this document and

we shall do the rest

wonderful by the way how are you going

to fill the Treasury honestly of course

by doubling all old taxes and creating

new taxes and raising the peasant rinse

no you creams is that what you call

acting honestly but of course sire it's

done all the time did you see

quiet how do I know you aren't the

villains who won't be the Treasury in

the first place I want to check the

books oh how can you dare suggest

between silence I said go and bring me

the account books

what's taking Kiwi soul in Romulus

Smurfs no heart have you seen the

princess on Forshaw yes and he's no


he's period no that's what Romulus doing

but what about the real Prince and gorta

corn you know more than I do

please fill me in well just Smurf a long

story short quarter corn was the young

prince's tutor but then came the day

when fine I'm here well what about your

mustache my mustache yes I tied it into

a knot did I give you permission to undo

it he is playing a dangerous game by

pretending to be the prince Papa Smith

abso-smurfly Johan what are all these

taxes I hereby abolish them and

according to this 8520 two crowns should

be in my Treasury no buts

if that money isn't back in the morning

I'll have you all thrown in prison

understood oh you've really done it this

time peewee I certainly have I see you

found the Smurfs and Romulus this is no

game theory why have you let these

people believe you are the prince they

seem so pleased I didn't want to

disappoint them well if you want some

smurfy advice he we I'd swerve out of

here before everyone Smurfs you're not

the real Prince and gets very mad but if

I leave then those bandits will rule the

castle and they think only of taking

money anyway they can then I shall leave

tomorrow to find the real Prince of


he looks just like you peewee really Oh

Ansem he must be

oh my what a dreary day I need some

amusement I must see the king

Your Majesty I come to seek shelter in

your haha pee-wee just in time to cheer

me up

peewee I am in Guren Prince of Montresor

that's a good one

how about some juggling little prince

but sire I know nothing of juggling

you're quite a card stretchy songs but

sire how can I convince you that's what

I've been trying to tell you sire

you see actually now bring me some

dessert three doesn't touch a few pies

and four make that five layer cakes yes

sire as you command being a prince does

have its advantages as high as the


Gwendolyn has just arrived and request

permission to see you immediately

who it doesn't this girl know I'm in the

middle of dinner but damn so Quindlen

your fiancee sire

right my fiancee my fiancee the yardsale

Johann it doesn't be called no yes I

mean well actually vaguely your fiance

Prince my congratulations

I had no idea me either I won't be a

minute where is this charming girl in

Guren at last I finally found you come

we have so much to tell each other when

I think how that bread should go the

corn dare to imprison you Oh

but at last we are back together not for


johann Peary what are you doing in there

Johann she's not a woman she's a fury

you've got to help me

Angharad where are you have you seen my

little prince Angela no milady

oh where can he be I'm just beside

myself with worry

oh dear Oh peewee let me help you up

m'lady oh yeah thank you hang it on

audio peewee

are you all right being a prince has its


the prince may only be a boy but he sly

as a fox now we must return the money we

stole from the Treasury Shh someone's in

the hallway have you seen my little

anger um I'll take that as a no we can't

actually become honest it's not in our

nature I'm beginning to miss that tile

in corticon I'm delighted to hear it so

young prince is not easy to push around

well actually you fools hadn't turned

against me I could have told you that

the brat in the castle is not the real


watch the rope who is he and where the

real rid the imposters name is peewee

the real Prince has taken shelter at the

king's castle Oh No what will we do I

have a plan you must take care of peewee

while I handle the prince now listen and

write down what I tell you

very carefully

how about some breakfast before you

leave yes what about it Papa Smurf no

greedy we must help your hardened Smurfs

the real Prince of Montresor I will

bring the boy back as soon as possible

well have you found the 8520 two crowns

the game is up

sire peewee peewee when I'm younger and

Prince of Montresor save your breath we

knew everything

No sign this document eating Lord

quarter corn all rights to Montresor

castle and surrounding estates what for

it will be worthless when the real

Prince returns of course except he won't

be returned is going to take care of him

what does it mean we're too high to jump

and the doors about to give Romulus now

if I were in the real Prince issues

where would I go oh yes merket like a

good king's castle we must check there


ulis why have you left peewee because we

both left Montresor castle we must get

to the king and the real Prince before

court decorum does are you sure you

won't stay

Angra there's no need Your Majesty my

Lords have sent a message that all is

well at home the tyrant quarter Korn has

fled the country

farewell thank you sire for your

hospitality remarkable how much he

resembles peewee but much better behaved

I am teasing speed you dare brave fellow

I will take you to an end no I will take

you in court to corn

what would you I see you fell for that

boss message Boris delivered and now

peewee at your service Prince peewee

what's going on a lark stupid so that's

peewee what a brave funny little fellow

Yohann look there it's the imposter wait

there's two of them not again

he must like wearing those things you

won't escape this time

Oh No Romulus you like those apples the

one with the Falcon his peewee and guru

quarters after the real Prince hurry you

are finished in garage no you are caught

a corn

you're safe now sire but you are going

to need some new advisors those three

seem to have a brother Prince all right

you see how he runs to the window each

time they cheer I want to repay each of

you with a small gift for you Johann my

father's sword one of a kind sire

I am honored your gift is more valuable

than your Hans be we I should hope so

is it edible no you'll never guess it's

beyond your wildest dreams

really I give you damsel Wonderland's

hand in marriage my little prince back

at last

Jiri it was only a joke

where's your sense of humor