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02x28 - The Raven Wizard

Posted: 07/22/22 11:07
by bunniefuu

no one defeats an item


don't wanna be with they're on their way



laughter my little Smurfs we don't want

to keep the enchanter holiday plus

waiting uh what's he waiting for Papa

Smurf silly uh what's the party for work

well the summer solstice come see the

beginning of summer for berries cakes

whipped cream Santa a smurfy you spell

Smurfette oh that will keep Hamid was

cool this summer here Papa Smurf

let me show them to no one win from the

forest win from the Seas bring the cool

air no brainy bring me a breeze

it was meant to provide a cool breeze

for Omnibus it's too powerful for Smurfs

atmosphere Papa Smurf hello aunt Smurf

the spell it's on the other side of the

scroll oh sorry brainy you alright

don't worry !sis out winds from the east

winds from the West please give this

freeze a well-earned rest I did it oh I

know I do it like I've always said Papa

Smurf I Rainie you Smurfs this back to

our own well Papa Smurf always says it's

an ill wind that doesn't sir somebody

Sun good and it's a good thing this is

the beginning of summer break we want to

get there sometime this year just

wonderful will count Gregor what do you

think Oh your majesty to think that you

have put on this demonstration in my


well I am most flattered sire but surely

not worthy of such innocence nothing's

too good for Sabinas new tutor oh right

Sabina oh yes Dame Barbara right you are

you are most kind

the princess Johan there's something

strange about this new tutor

why because you hope teach you archery

or fencing or maybe how to tie knots

Johan you promised to teach me this

afternoon I'll teach you right now

princess this is a slipknot now watch me

rope that pole what a funny little

fellow you have there your majesty

Johan is running away with pili hang on

peewee horsing around

Bowie very funny Tamina a formal

princess does not laugh at nonsense now

she'll count Gregor to the library time

for study yes Dame Barbara the girl

needs your guidance calgary go that we

are fortunate to have found you foolish

woman after years of searching it is I

who am fortunate to have found the

princess yeah while subpoena practices

her lessons we'll practice our justing

on an empty stomach

yeah steady now they are steady one two

rings now you try it peewee right Johan

go up again peewee you're going in the

wrong direction

that's what you think

steady the cat one hands Oh peewee some

bread some cheese I could learn to love

cows teen peewee keep your legs up I'm

trying but I've got a whole meal on here


ooh excuse me princess I'm sorry to

barge in on your studies but I princess

leave her alone

you meddling fool what have you done to

the princess let me go anywhere if that

rusty peewee is disturbing Sabinas

lessons I spilled she's swearing off

don't Gregor is that peewee is bothering

no papa

I'm just leaving what's going can't

Greco fool beyond get a guardian de

Ravin wizard

whoever you are unhand the princess

you're no match for me yawn Davina home

she's under my spell


can make a mistake I've got you

we must somehow overtake that evil

wizard and save the princess come along

later later

oh how Gregor was really gregorian I

always thought the Raven wizard was a a

myth a story to frighten children so did

i sire

until today Oh Your Majesty we must do

something to save dear princess Savina

yes we must organize a search party at

once you call that careful

what have you there I tore it off by

gorian when I fell Wow I'm rich keep

this jewel maybe our only hope of

finding princess Savina well I guess you

can borrow it but how will this gem lead

us to the princess I'm hoping in China

hungry bus will know he has to

what happened ah princess away get lass

who are you creature what do you want

with me don't you remember me from your

childhood fairy tales

I am Gregorian the Raven wizard the man

who dared the forbidden and was cursed

with the head your voice you were count

Gregor only temporarily but now I

believe I have found a way to become

human again

permanently and you are the key Sabina I

have searched years for a princess as

beautiful as you I'll never help you

Gregorian you have no choice tonight

when the moon is full your beauty will

become one with the hearts diamonds and

we distort I shall know the heart

diamond it's God those meddling boys

must be where I lost it powers of

darkness let me see the diamonds s

belongs to me


faster peewee we must get this jewel to

all of us homnibus that old wizard could

ruin everything

those meddling boys must be stopped

favorite Beast I call you for stop these

two from travelling I'm coming P we



can't reach I know this isn't proper but



your foolish girl you have disrupted my

world it's the least I could do

no matter my friend here will keep you

company until I return


Raven watchdog or not I'm going to get

out of here luckily a proper princess

always has a hairpin Johanna taught me

how to pick locks and then in chats all

of us The Raven wizard flew away taking

princess Savina with him sure I see a

Gregorian haven't heard of him in years

can you help us in chant omnibus hmmm

perhaps I can but first I must prepare

defenses against the Raven wizard right

defenses for Gregorian has the power to

turn men into ice men and wise eyes here

Johann the diamonds yours I don't want

to be an icicle master homnibus do you

suppose we could trade this diamund for

the return of princess Sabina I'm afraid

not Johann to remove the curse Grigorian

needed a jewel and the princess and he

will definitely be here soon here soon

let's see the Raven wizard get through


unfortunately peewee I need some fresh

herbs for my violin

where is my tire man looking for this

Gregorian don't be a hero child we have

to do better than that

not so fast Gregorian here we get it

I've got it I hope you know what I'm

doing best nice try P week is he gone

yet yes but he has changed poor honda

bus into ice you're on

he he's starting to melt what do we do

oh I can hardly wait to see his face

when we surprise him yes so quietly my

little Smurfs Papa Smurf

Oh are we glad to see you let me explain

everything you see keep Fanning peewee

so you see Papa Smurf we must rescue

princess Savina but we dare not leave

hum the bus you can change him back to

normal right Papa Smurf alas no peewee

I can't Smurf an antidote without

knowing more about free Dorian's power

oh I can't fan much longer I do have a

way to Smurf Aviva school in the

meantime leave it to me Papa Smurf I

Smurf this before and I'm ready Murphy

and ain't him

I am Smurf the spell this time brainy

it's working Papa Smurf your spell is

keeping homnibus from melting and my arm

from wagging there's no time to Smurf we

must find the Raven the wizard really

you stay here with hundis

right Papa Smurf Smurf but care of him

and his cake do


Papa Smurf he even I thought this

Praetorian was only a legend something

of gregorian's I'm good

what about this pouch that'll do nicely

it's not here baby

oh sorry trapper South by southeast yes

that's definitely it disburses head

I did it good try princess but now that

I have my diamond back you may as well

surrender but for the view Harlan peewee

and enchanters omnibus I stopped there

Oh bus tonight when the moon is full I

will be free of my cars

please me that keep support never

we must continue on foot Peary the

ground is too soft for horse I say it's

Smurf it for frogs

be careful Smurfs Gregorian is sure to

be wary of unwelcomed guests maybe I

should stay with de yard and baquette

you really would have enjoyed this cake

mmm it's cold I'd enjoy it more if I

wasn't freezing hmm

hello fired and hurt maybe one more log

do it


hold every Smurf oh that's quick send

fearful stuff I wish to say Papa Smurf




you should Smurf the trick I'll distract

the Ravens why don't we do now Papa

Smurf don't worry everybody I've got a

plan not one of your better plans


there's one chance as you are if I can

just know I know how they ought to be is

my house doing smurfberries over a nice

smurfy fire a whole Papa Smurf gets back

before I run out of wood

but there of the Raven wizard you'd have

to be a raven to get up there uh maybe

we could be right maybe not clumsy too

bad we didn't bring feathers too bad we

didn't bring a catapult that's an idea

of human Smurfs gather all the vines you

can find for what I'll tell you later

later always later at last the moment I

have waited for jewel of darkness jewel

of light jewel of color jewel of night

take all the beauty within your sight

transfer me to my power transfer me to

my mines

no wonder you wanted to tell me later

this is a terrible idea

think of the princess fury you're the

only one who can save her true very true

Johann the role the hero suits me well

no wait Johann wait there must be he's

doing well we go Smurfs when the jewel

has drained her beauty its energies will

return me forever to my human for reach

why pop smart I have an idea peewee

you'll have to tell me later

good work Johan Johan I was the bait huh

pretty brave wasn't I Gregor Ian's

laboratory maybe we can find what we

need now on the bus we must Smurf it

come on peewee our job is to rescue the

princess your abacus jewel of light

jewel of power jewel of might I will get

rigged Orion out of the room very

you must rescue princess Savina right

I'll rescue but what if you take the

beauty within your sight if

power give me its might come true gorian


I found your nest Raven you'll be sorry

you did turn wizard you will not

describe your heart I hope your heart

doesn't end up like his sword don't

worry princess

I'll have you out in a second Hopi we

had better hurry I can't keep running

about all night no way out yah hah

there's always a way out Gregorian now

to finish my transformation end my

aiesec ooh we hurt you cry Thank You

smurfness we got here in time oh thank

you papa smurf

I hope Pee Wee's is lucky I'm at the end

of my rope Sabina the moon is waning the

spell must be completely the cross

I'm trying princess I'm trying

oh well yo you fool

you can't anymore you've destroyed




kiri what has happened

not much I just smashed the diamond into

a thousand pieces turn gregorian into a

raven and rescue the princess all in one

stroke just by bravely placing my face

in front of Sabinas Oh peewee the face

that launched a thousand ships johann

peewee smacks you've saved me oh how can

I ever thank you all

well don't think man thank me I did all

the dangerous stuff

uh-oh Kiwi maybe there's something to

this hero stuff after all gregorian has

flown the coop the heart diamond is

destroyed and the princess is safe but

what about the antidote for poor

enchanter homnibus please birth an

antidote and gregorian's laboratory yes

Papa Smurf to break the spell Oh

something's cooking oh no fire greedy


why did you gosh it's so cold

the fire's gone out I better Smurf an

antidote before greedy cooks breakfast

air heartless you're back to normal

except for my cat and no food in the

house excellent breakfast and now for

dessert drink let's see a dozen eggs

some cream some sugar some salt some

vanilla peewee

that's not vanilla it's from here PB let

me help you out who needs help

this is delicious you know I think I've

stumbled onto something I think I'll

call it ice of cream not maybe just ice


