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02x20 - The Impostor King

Posted: 07/22/22 10:39
by bunniefuu



fighting for justice in the name of the



adventure today


that's it handy

keep up the good work my smurfs this

must be a very smurfy present for kiwi's

birthday i can't wait for pee wee to

play this harp he's almost as good as i

am and he makes a smurfy birthday cake


i just love his birthday cake i love

anybody's birthday cake


hey i must have used too much yeast

help help you on coming peewee behold


an eight layered cake peewee showing off

always showing off


have you carried out my plan

i saw

the royal taylor has already left the

castle that forged letter was a

brilliant idea

the taylor thinks his brother is ill

good our little wild goose chase should

keep the taylor away for days i still

don't see how that's going to make us

rich because dear becca we'll soon have

the crown jewels

the king's crown jewels but how leave

that to me after all

i am the king

i can't wait for my birthday party down

by the pond down

they'll be you and me and sabina and the

smurfs and the cat we can't what can a

goat do at a birthday party i taught him

to put out the candle


nice trick kiwi well the candle's out

isn't it don't worry the cat i'll bake

another cake


what do you think of this goblet as a

present is that the best you can do for

my birthday how stingy

it's not for your birthday it's for

prince morris his wedding uh johan what

do you think well it's quite unusual

even interesting uh where did you find

it your majesty years ago i received it

as a present from prince morris's father

it looked just as cheap then so i see

but to punish prince morris because of

his father's stinginess might seem

rather mean sire johan's right sire it

is rather mean but do it anyway

can you suggest another suitable gift uh

something inexpensive perhaps worthless

well how about kiwi's loot


no no

oh it's probably too good for prince

morris anyway it is


it'll be the goblet then unless i find

something even more worthless before

tomorrow tomorrow

i'm leaving tomorrow but you'll miss my

birthday party i do wish i could be


this is the perfect shade for a banquet

coat the gravy stains will never show

just a little tuck right here and oh

oh excuse me sire

where is spencer my regular tailor uh

his brother your highness is extremely

ill his brother

young spencer has a brother

what's wrong i am so very tired and so

very very thick

that sleeping needle worked fast sora


now let's see

a perfect likeness

oh your majesty if the chance you have a

moment might we select the jewels

princess sabine will wear at the wedding

jewels oh oh yes the wedding jewels yes

lead on

good lady


do i detect a certain change in your

voice my voice

yeah i'm afraid i have a slight cold

you must preserve your head

after all you are our king

the key your highness the key oh yeah oh

yes the key

the key

yeah this one

thank you your majesty


your highness


for princess sabine and for you


oh your highness you are so generous oh

sir with all you have isn't that rusty

goblet a rather pitiful wedding present

for prince morris what for who oh yeah i

suppose you're right

perhaps this plaster statue of the king

of myself


oh i see of course don't you recall your

majesty i had it made for storing your

private papers so you did so you did yes

well no matter this is to be the present

and i must say a very tasteful one and

now madam i wish to be alone with my

thoughts of course i

of course and my jewels


for soon all of this will be mine

now i shall deposit this in the bushes

outside and becca will pick it up with

the wagon at daybreak don't worry sire

i've got it


what are you doing

johan what are you doing here the statue

is about to fall dean barbara yes yes i

was just admiring it in the moonlight

when it slipped and luckily uh johan

came to the rescue well until we leave

for the wedding it must be safeguarded

but of course of course take this statue

and guard it well with my life sire

feeling any better your highness

you have no idea how i feel

come johan the king needs his rest now i

shall have to travel to the wedding with

that old battle axe but for the crown

jewels i can endure even that

nicely done sabina most ladylike thank

you dane barbara now some real writing

piano here


how does she get around so quickly

barbara your majesty you know please be

certain princess sabina packs her

necklace for the wedding it's a period i

mean her appearance is all important of

course oh and sire may i suggest that

for the safety of us all we be escorted

by twice the usual number of nights

more nights oh no no no no all we need

are drivers true uncle so what about

johan and peewee oh sabina those boys

would be no match for robbers

yes sabina fine idea johan and peter

will do nicely peter

oh that's peewee

uncle seems so distracted

just the wedding i suppose

i must send word to my mens

and if anything goes amiss you will

attack it falcons rock sorrow thinks of


concentration and practice is all it

takes johann concentration and yohan

i'm going to miss your birthday party

with the smurfs miss my birthday oh i am

sorry peewee a duty and dame barbara

demands i attend the wedding well did

you bring my present ewi where are your

manners did you bring my present please

no but i brought you some wonderful news

you two are also coming to the wedding

as our escort no that doesn't now i'm

gonna miss my own party

my own personal birthday party

he hides his disappointment so well


you laugh now knaves but wait till johan

finds you and he will even now he and

pee wee are scouring the countryside i

know it

carefully peewee carefully i'm careful

i'm careful


my statue oh no

got it your majesty oh

kiwi how could you be so clumsy i'm just

keeping johann on his toes game barbara

what a lovely day what a lovely day the

sun is bright and we're on our way

for the lovely day

no rain in sight no clouds are great

we're on that way you'll be hurry

what a lovely day

why am i singing the spurs we'll be

waiting at the pond for my birthday

party and i'll be at the stupid wedding

peewee i'm sure the smurfs will

understand and save their presents for

you they better who i'll never play for

the king again


i am the king i demand to be rescued

at last someone's coming


oh dear a wolf go away


a wolf pack

if i don't get out of here

maybe rubbing these ropes against the



oh bob smurf i wish all the smurfs could

have come so do i smurfet but because

it's harvest time and there's so much

work to be done

the royal coach hurry

this rock slide will block the trail and

we'll attack

oh no you fool the whole hill is crumbly

what's the meaning of this who's

throwing rocks it's a landslide

i'm sure it's nothing to worry about

what a birthday ten turns of falling


time for a detour but there's no road

this road is certainly overgrown

blast they've turned off those young

drivers have more courage than sorrow

gave them credit for don't worry things

will go better at falcon's rock


made it peewee

peewee have you found the road yet

say aren't we near the pond

ah the harp is truly smurfy but the play


the royal coach peewee's traveling in

style on his birthday but why isn't it

stopping please johan can't we stop

can't we i want my birthday present

we're already late for the wedding

period the king will be upset

here we


yohan why are we stopping

pee-wee's just stretching his legs sire

i'll go get him i think i'll switch my

legs too wait your hand sabina a proper

princess does not stretch her legs you

mean there won't be a smurf day party

peewee sorry greedy we're driving the

king to a wedding gohan princess

subpoena hello smurfs oh princess sabina

you look smurfier than ever so do you

smith johann we cannot delay any longer

what good day your majesty very good day

to you little fellow oh little fellows

we're no little fellows we're smurf

don't you remember us of course

of course i do yes but at last we are

due shortly at falcons rock and i mean

the wedding yes the wedding calls you on



and so does dean barbara goodbye my

loyal stuff since slaves


i'm sorry papa smurf i hate to take a

present and run by the way is this heart

my birthday present yes peewee

happy birthday


i love it


what a lovely day

oh what a lovely day

come on pee-wee we must be going goodbye

smurfs thank you for the birthday

present i love it oh what a lovely day

oh what a lovely day


it's no use these ropes are too strong


what a fine day this has turned out to

be i've got my heart and my heart's got


oh i have such a hey this is turned out

my good lady if you listen to that

soothing music your headache will vanish

vanish i wish pee wee would vanish

the king must be getting to death he

certainly not himself

and today sound hungry hmm wolves never

hunt this early in the day something's

not quite smurfy we'd better take a look

the day is fine my heart is mine this'll

stop that coach for sure

get ready becker





someone's in trouble yeah it sounds like

the king uh let me keep gannon

whoever he is he needs our help


nobody move

easy now


oh pee wee right johann come on horsey

come on

no stay away stop this human is our


now go away and leave him

oh my sperms you have saved my life your

majesty it is you but how where's your


oh and johan and kiwi and sabine they

are in terrible danger we must find them

i'll explain as we go what caused the

accident johan it was no accident

princess nor is this


your jews or your lives let her go

scoundrel or face the consequences

please do not harm us our valuables are

in the back hey put me down

this looks valuable but call that it's

my birthday present

becca hey what are you

no johan don't these men are dangerous

i'll teach you a lesson

no i'll teach you

oh you're gonna pay for this

but maybe not right now

where are you you little runt

why you yeah


i guess we showed them johan but look

what that violet did to my birthday gift

and we're not through princess into the


i'm sure if we just give them what they

want they won't get away

sabina that was not very polite but in

dire improper

and don't you agree your highness yeah

no yeah yes yes entirely


what a devilish plan an impostor king to

steal the crown jewels

the king should rest you're right

smurf here for a while your majesty my

smurfs will go on ahead yes

we must stop those villains papa smurf

don't worry your majesty we will i hope


i've had enough

that's a first but thanks hmm close

excitement has made me hungry watching

you eat makes me lose my appetite ah

thanks anybody else first the rock slide

in the ambush and the strange behavior

of the king the king what's wrong with


what's wrong with the king he eats like

a bird he doesn't remember the smurfs

and he loves your music what does that

add up to well let's see

he's on a diet his memory's gone and

he's finally developed an ear for music


i think he's an imposter but what has he

done with my uncle i'll make him confess

no pewee that might put the real king in

even greater danger well what will we do

we'll keep a close eye on this impostor

and perhaps he'll lead us to my uncle

sabina there you are a proper princess

does not whisper now come along yes

steam barbara


pee wee are you watching the impostor's

tent oh kiwi you were supposed to

pretend to sleep you won't have to

pretend johann



yohan the imposter isn't in his bed

sleep well princess

any trouble

they're sleeping like babies the crown

jewels are ours let's go

here but they're asleep and there goes

the coach with the crown jewels

oh dear gohan peewee please wake up oh

please please please oh it's no use hey

you smurfia jokey until papa smurf gum

we'll catch the coach hi

oh dear those villains must have used

the sleeping pin on them some men dragon

leaf should smurf them up

you're awake

you can't fool me you imposter where's

the real king come on

no one can ever catch us now

thank goodness you're safe uncle

thanks murphy's the man dragon worked

but how are we going to catch those

villains wait a moment

good work pewee you had bayard and

diquette follow us oh i wish there was

another horse i'd go with you

it's a good thing dame barbara didn't

hear that

we've smurfed off the main road

how will the others find us

oh if we can only mark our trail maybe

we can with the crown jewel

which way peewee if we choose wrong the

crown jewels are lost

no they're not i just found one of them

the smurfs have left us a trail come on

pee wee yeah

and a diamond onion roll a sapphire and

a ruby peewee we'll pick them up later

later always later

smith we've run out of jewels there's

nothing left to smurf the trail with

we don't need to leave a trail greedy


it's you'll have a peewee

gohan it's harmony i'd know that playing

anywhere here

go because come on


the crown jewels are ours all ours

that's what you think knave johan and

his meddling pal pee-wee



not so fast you'll be sorry you came


and that's how toothpicks are made get

me out of here i'm getting out of here




he really got my goat

the cat


what are you doing here fool get them

now villains off you go


get me out of here

looks like these three got in a little

over their heads now can we pick up the

crown jewels yes pewee now is a very

good time

this fancy stuff is for the birds look

at the princess

oh papa smurf

smurfy she certainly does murphy pee wee

i'm present

i'm coming i'm coming no no not there


maybe oh no ye

and no better still no i think better

over there my dear bob oh yes that will

do nicely oh your majesty

oh no

don't worry dean barbara johan always

saves the day as a matter of fact

alas pee wee not always you clumsy

little come back here

when i catch

your hand help me

