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02x19 - The Magic Fountain

Posted: 07/22/22 10:37
by bunniefuu

ravage the land as never

from mountains




oh papa smurf do you have to go well

i do need some deep sea driftweed for

one of my elixirs and any smurf knows

the only place you find deep sea

driftweed is out at sea so papa smurf is

going sailing with johan and peewee to

get some deep sea drift really we know

here papa smurf but me it's heavy thank

you empty imagine ceiling surfing over

the boundy mane the wind smurfing the


oh that sounds exciting oh papa smurf

the wiggled sailing with you i hate

sailing well there's plenty of work to

do around here but uh if any smurf

really wants to go eap we'll go back oh

i want to come too papa smurf

wonderful d*ck for sailing hey papa

smith indeed it is johan but i don't

think peter is enjoying it


farewell world this time i'm finished

i'm not gonna make it mark my words oh

poor peewee maybe something to eat will

make you feel better oh wait oh

don't mention food at a time like this

oh boy i hope we find that driftweed

soon don't worry papa smurf we'll spot

it from up here all right please

watch where you're smurfing clumsy do

you smurf any driftweed clumsy

uh no no oh we don't smurf the thing uh

except that big storm cloud over there

storm cloud





hang on everybody

we'll ride the storm out i hope

maybe golden sailing wasn't such a

smurfy idea poor feeling this dumb must

be making him really


smurfette have you seen the food basket

i'm starving you you're no longer ill i

guess not i feel my best on stormy seas

it wets my appetite

oh there you are

hey come back here

much better

over here johann

where are the smurfs




well there's always a chance pewee

oh what's going to happen to us papa


oh mama

just hope for the best smurfette there's

always a chance the tide will smurf us

and then toward land

if we get out of this johan i'm gonna

have the biggest meal sausages ham

cheese bread apples and beewee please

stop you're getting me so hungry i'm

seeing things i see it too land we made

it we made it not yet the tide is

changing our course we'll have to swing

for it swim on an empty stomach



we're not dead

we're not dead

so if we're not dead where are we

someone must have found us on the shore

and no no i tell you i've given you

everything everything

someone's in trouble peewee come on

that's all

one bag of grain that's all you have i i

swear it graco you took the rest last

week release this man you fat bully who

said that i did why are you bullying

these simple folk mind your own business

meddler i'll teach you to ah sit down

johan and kiwi at your service why are

you stripping you're no feeble are you

well you'll be sorry you ever tangled

with me boy

it takes two to tangle


if graco and his man get their hands on

you they'll throw you into the dungeon

and throw away the key they can't do

that not without a fair trial yes they

are brutes believers fleeing hide but

there's a forest behind the hill wait

there and i'll come for you when it's

safe but

oh looper we're too late it's greco and

this man

hurry you can escape out the back door

without finishing breakfast hide hide in

the woods good luck quickly peewee

quicker's horses won't be able to get

through these tickets

they bring me stocks

don't let them escape at least not in

one piece

smurf is me dogs they're swerving this

way papa smurf



can it be true we thought we'd never see

you again oh we smurf the same about you

but we're all as good as smurf do you

know where we are johan

in trouble papa smith some nasties are

right behind us i'll smurf them right in

the nose their dogs are on our trail

papa smith save yourselves

i think i can throw them off the center

hun but you and kiwi will need a good

hiding place and fast

i don't see them they're not in the

water let the dogs go they'll find them

we've got them now

surrender you saw the rules you're



you call these mongrels hounds

i'm sorry crickle should we keep looking

thanks to you those intruders are gone

but i'll wager they'll never be back

hey thank you for the help my friends

but papa smurf where are johan and


right here puffer smurf your plan worked

what a smurfy idea for a hiding place

i just wish i could hold my breath that


kiwi you were supposed to breathe

through the reed oh

so that's what it was for

if i may say so we got this out of here

before those nasty humans and their dogs

smurf back good idea papa smurf let's go

all this hiding is making me hungry


we're humans we better hide oh there you


we heard them chasing you are you all

right no we're hungry well i think we

could manage something my wife is a good

cook and say no more let's go

so you're the ones who stood up to greco

that took real courage it must have worn

them out johan do you realize what we're

finally going to do eat isn't that


i thought it would never happen again



our hearts

you you are walking too fast

too fast but we're walking at a normal

pace not fast enough i'm hungry oh it's

not you my friends it's us we feebles

tire very quickly the result of a spell

cast upon our village long ago by an

evil sorceress ever since have we been

as feeble as babies we have no strengths

so that's why you can't stand up to that

bully graco


we'd offer you more my friends but graco

takes most everything hmm like kiwi

graco makes us give him all our

vegetables all our eggs he leaves us

just enough to survive oh our lot in

life is a sad one


if there is only some way to give you

feebles back your strength there may be

a way it's been said that water from the

magic fountain would restore us

magic fountain then why don't you go

there alas the journey is long and

retire so quickly we'd never make it and

there are terrible dangers i'll bet this

loaf of bread that johann offers to go

pee we and i will bring you some of the

magical water i knew it i knew it i won

the bed you would do this for us oh it

would be so wonderful to be strong again

come i'll lead you to old thor kell he

knows where the fountain is

you must follow the river until it

becomes a stream and then you must

follow the stream until it becomes a

trickle oh it's a long way i'm afraid

and it's difficult and dangerous that

too strong young lads like you should

make it we're strong all right and brave

too then you won't be afraid of the

gruesome grotto

grotto or the 20-foot giant 24 giant or

the four-headed

thank you

we'll leave it dawn

what do you mean we let's leave now

they're home

mama good luck

they'll need it especially after i tell

graco about this

better stock up my little smurfs it's a

long long journey to the magic house

someone's perfect hide when i tell graco

that johann and biwi intend to find the

magic fountain

you reward me well

i'm a smurf that feeble is a traitor

we'd better warn you how than peewee at



well eve's dropping again eves hello i i

i mean yes i i mean i i have i have

important news for braco well he's

sleeping so be gone remember

bring the feeble to me claude i will see

him now

don't forget to follow the river we

won't cal

good luck my friends


where are the smurfs they're supposed to

meet us here


kiwi there you are

come on let's get going we must get to

the magic fountain

you've done well eves literally like

yours should be rewarded thank you sire



i mean i'm very generous after sire

intercept those two before they bring

that magic water back yes fire


all i want is something to eat pass me

the bread johan what fred you ate it all

remember you know how i love a big




a giant


run for it smirk for your life


i'll never outrun him unless i hope

giants hate water


oh how brave up here you're in the giant

away from me


ouch oh oh excuse me


accidents do happen

i'm in a bit of a hurry so uh help let

me go



you're really asking for it let me go

ruffo oh


don't worry peewee


don't worry he says

that's it my sperms me no giant smurf me

some more acorns clumsy

right happy

bravo smurfs we'd better get out of here

yes i smurf that's the best thing to do



are you sure we're still following the

river i'm certain of it i can barely see

how do you know because i'm walking in

it johan biwi look

the gravel the gruesome grotto we cannot

back out now pewee graco's men are

probably on our trail oh it's dark in


it's also cold i can see why they call

this the gruesome grotto


that's smurfing them yohan

one thing's for sure we'll always

remember the feebles and their

compounded fountains if we ever get

there don't worry pee wee we'll get

there i hope papa smurf

oh it's brighter ah look at that an

underground world with trees and flowers

it can't be far no oh look a smurfing

magic mountain it's about time let's get

some what keep away from the fountain

oh you will pay the consequences


i am the keeper of the fountain

big pardon sire but we've come for some

of your magic water you see the feebles

need it to restore their strength no one

takes my water you little imp

little imp come on johan he doesn't look

so tough

i'm not so tough but he is


well done my bet peewee i have a plan to

get the water what about the snake you

distract the keeper leave the snake to

me but how i'll tell you later later

always later this time there may not be

a later

what about the snake johann that's where

i need your help my friends

now watch this one

which hand is the walnut in

this one wrong

no this one run again

ta-da pretty good huh no well how about

a joke

what do you feed a giant snake give up

anything he wants

mine likes mice

don't be afraid my little smurfs all we

have to do is to hurt the snake away

from the magic house

let's mess out of here

those brave little smurfs did it now to

fill this water bag and we can get out

of here you'll love this one what has

four heads and scales peewee come on

i've got it just a minute johan four

heads and scales give up

four bunchers

i love that one



what a grump

four butchers

oh that's a good one

we did it johan we really did it now we

have to find the smurfs and get this

magic water to the feebles oh no you

don't hand over that magic water quick

peewee run for it

let's get them


oh something bit my foot one of your

elves ow

no blue rats we've lost them johan but i

won't lose you



sorry johan just a little mix-up

if we can just beat them to the

waterfall i don't see why what does the

waterfall you'll see it doesn't tell you

later it's you'll see

i was right greco's men left their

horses below

stop stop jump leeway

jump are you kidding johan



go here my good feebles we've brought

you the magic water and it wasn't easy

aren't you happy to see us i am graco

we've been waiting for you get the water

fee we

dutch don't worry johan i'll deliver

this water


help johann i've got trouble of my own


the water


well i guess we smurfed that traitor

we're not done yet hefty let's get

smurfing oh poor johan and peewee if

only we were strong enough to help them

we'll never get the water now

lupo it's the water

i just hope it


my my strength has returned the water

has cured us all come on let's help

johan and peewee


are you all right peewee

you're strong again

leave our guests out


three four five i'd say the tide has

turned i'm getting out of here

not so fast graco no no mercy mercy


goodbye johan and peewee thanks for

saving our village aren't the feebles

nice folks they built us another boat

they even gave the traitor eves his

strength back but i bet he's sorry they

did now that he has to work for a living

what a smurfy adventure papa smurf yes

but we never smurfed what we came for

what man we come for oh

you did it oh my bad yes you found the

driftweed for my elixir oh i did

i did






